Chapter 798 The evolution of the North God, the birth of the characteristics of the gods!

Ye Bei was immersed in that magnificent light for a while and then recovered.

Then draw this drop of blood through the power of the blood of the gods.

Soon, Ye Bei felt a hot breath.

This breath is the power left over by this god.

It seems that the other party is a god of fire power.

However, Ye Bei’s natural gods do not reject the power of all kinds of gods.

As long as there is divine power, he can absorb “eight five seven”.

There is still a big gap between this falling star and him.

Falling Star can only absorb the power that is the same as her own, or absorb the divinity and give up the power.

In this way, there are more restrictions on the recovery of falling stars.

With this drop of divine blood power, Ye Bei absorbed the demon for half an hour.

Or absorb the full amount, regardless of whether it is only in Ye Bei’s blood.

However, the power was absorbed by Ye Bei.

“The blood of the natural gods can finally improve Xiao, but I didn’t expect that the North God is the most difficult to improve.”

“Those evolution points and other powers are of little use to it.

“Born gods can only evolve by divine power, which is a big trouble.”

Ye Bei finally waited for the evolution of the bloodline of the natural gods.

He has tried many times before, hunting monsters, demons, and using evolution points.

These have effects on other imperial spirits, but they do not have much effect on the natural gods.

For example, the Evil God of Chaos is also a divine spirit.

The traditional way of evolution can make him evolve.

Ye Bei closed his eyes and slowly felt the changes in his blood vessels.


Born “God, North God can evolve!”


Ye Bei finally waited for this moment, without hesitation, he chose to evolve.

“Ding, evolving

“The evolution is complete, please choose the awakening skill!”

“Awakening skills?”

This statement is something Ye Bei has never heard of, and used to buy skills.

However, Ye Bei took a look at it, and it was very similar to the skills he purchased before.

Maybe the name was different, but he didn’t care.

Every time Yuling’s bloodline evolves, there will be many skill options.

This time is no exception.

However, Ye Bei also found out what was special about this time.

[Characteristic – Divine Coercion): The price is 10,000 evolution points!

[Talent Skill Divine Protection]: The price is 5000 evolution points!

Talent [Skill Power Grant]: The price is 6000 evolution points!

[Earth Fire Eruption]: The price is 5000 evolution points!

[Bone Yin Wind] The price is 5000 evolution points!

This time five skills, to be precise, four skills 0…

Ye Bei checked the special skill characteristic.

This belongs to the essence of the gods late.

Although Ye Bei had the blood of a natural god in the past, it was still very difficult to use coercion.

It only takes a moment to use it each time, and it becomes instinct after this time.

The following two talent skills are also related to the gods.

It is also one of the characteristics of the gods.

One is divine guardianship, which can protect believers from harm.

If it does not exceed the power of the believers too much, they will all be defended.

The power grant is similar, it directly grants the power of 1.5 disciples to the believer.

However, Ye Bei took a look and found that this skill only grants power temporarily.

When the time limit is over, the power will automatically disappear.

There is still a lot of gap between Ye Bei’s ability to permanently bestow other creatures’ power.

“In this way, I already have the characteristics of a god.

“I can also develop believers, but the power of faith does more harm than good to me.”

“This matter should be discussed at the end.”

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