Chapter 808 Banish the crisis and find the eye of the storm!

Ye Bei also noticed the situation after Huang Tiandong passed the news.

The gates of space here are all covered up.

He didn’t notice it in advance, nor did he expect that there would be a trap here.

The door of space far exceeds the normal number, and it is still covered up.

These all prove that these were planned ahead of time.

However, Ye Bei couldn’t understand how the other party knew the route to the Hanging Island.

This route was mentioned by Ye Bei not long ago.

And this can also prove that the other party already knows the location of the floating island.

It seems to be the means of that god.

But now is not the time to think about it, but to prepare to survive this storm.

This space storm is aimed at the entire Tianmenguan.

A master like Ye Bei looks very small inside.

However, Ye Bei is also confident to survive this crisis.

The situation behind was not what Grape Yebei expected.

A series of space explosions caused space collapse, and then space storms appeared.

Ye Bei squinted at the space storm coming from a distance.

It was a spectacle beyond words.

The empty space suddenly shattered like a mirror.

After it is broken, it is not a black nothingness, but a variety of gorgeous colors.

Or the manifestation of various forces.


Ye Bei came back to his senses when he heard the reminder to explore the spirit fish in the void.

If he can’t succeed this time, he has to look at these spirit fish.

Their entire clan together can form a stable area.

That’s why they can move in space explosions.

In fact, Ye Bei could also make Luo Xing perform miracles and pull him back to Luo Xing God Guohui.

But it’s hard to explain to others later.

After the space is broken, if it is exiled, it will also leave this realm.

The chances of coming back are almost nil.

Even gods rarely walk across boundaries.

There is another reason why Ye Bei didn’t leave, that is, the Void Exploration Spirit Fish told him that there was a lot of Void power in it.

That is, the dissipated space force named by Ye Bei.

It’s just called differently.

If Ye Bei faced such a dangerous space storm alone.

The first thing he did was get away from here.

But now that he has the Void Exploration Spirit Fish, he can also go deep into this space storm.

Now they are ready.

Ye Bei caught the dorsal fin of a Void Exploring Spirit Fish 0…


With another muffled cry, the entire Void Exploration Lingyu Bay erupted with a space storm.

At this time, Ye Bei has been using the traditional method to record space storms.

The value of this space storm is extremely high, and it will be of great help to Ye Bei’s future growth.

None of them are now absorbing void power.

Instead, prepare to find the eye of the storm.

If you absorb the power here now, you will be blasted alive.

Only in the eye of the storm can the cluster absorb the power here.

That’s where space storms are at their calmest.

But finding it requires going through the entire storm and getting inside.

If other creatures enter it to find it, it needs a certain luck of 1.5.

The Eye of the Storm is not necessarily the center.

Fantong also conducted a spray analysis, and concluded that the position of the eye of the storm was to the left.

The specific location is complicated and cannot be analyzed for rhyme.

After all, this is not the same as an ordinary storm.

At this time, Ye Bei finally saw the number of Void Exploration Spirit Fish Groups.

There are enough to listen to only about!

This is a huge force.

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