Master Of All Terrain: Opening Follower Saeko Poshima

Chapter 562 Incarnation is a natural disaster that destroys the world! It's just not playing ca

And Zhou Yuan itself!

Under the impetus of anti-gravity magic, it rushed into the sky like a rocket!

When Zhou Yuan's figure crossed the hydrogen bomb accelerated by gravity magic, Zhou Yuan's eyes flashed a dangerous light, and he waved his hand downward!

in space!

Over the years, countless sharp guns Kungunil made by Zhou Yuan!

Like a rainstorm, it rushed down from outer space!

Even if it is thousands of kilometers away, you can still see the black pressure, burning the atmosphere, and rushing to the ground frantically!


The earth shakes!

A huge fireball with a diameter of tens of kilometers expands and explodes!

A mushroom cloud with a height of tens of kilometers is constantly rising!

Intense light!

Harsh sound!


But the shock wave that triggered the terrifying earthquake!

as if...


All the samsaras and natives who can observe this will look extremely ugly!

"It's here again! I'm not playing anymore!"

"Tired! This world should be destroyed quickly!"

The human beings in this world do not understand at all. The 340 world has existed for countless years, and the demons have invaded this world for countless years.


It's all the brave who beat the demons back.

The world itself, or the country itself of this world, has not been hurt too much, and human civilization can only develop to the current level.


Since more than ten years ago, the world has changed since geniuses with five talents appeared on a large scale!

Brave... crazy!

Even more demon king than the demon king, he keeps destroying the world!

If there is no homeland defense magic circle, human beings would be finished long ago!

And now...


Even if you have the Magic Array of Homeland Defense, this world will be destroyed sooner or later!

Like this, a big earthquake is triggered, a bear triggers a super tsunami attack, and there will be several more attacks. They don't know whether the world exists or not. This continent where countless kingdoms exist may be submerged by sea water, and it will sink completely!




I don't know if it has absorbed hundreds of thousands or millions of souls, and the demon king whose soul energy is so tyrannical that it explodes, its voice, at this moment, resounds in the souls of all human beings in the entire world (agcd):

"Humanity! You actually... destroyed all my family members! After I kill you, I will completely destroy the human race and destroy the world!"

All life within 1,000 kilometers from the blast site!


I saw it all. In the center of the explosion, a huge vortex appeared. It gathered those dozens of kilometers high. I don’t know if it was more than 100 kilometers or a thicker huge mushroom cloud stirred and turned into a sky-piercing cloud. Earth, a giant tornado that goes straight to outer space!

This is……

The sixth-order Demon King!

In a world where the rules are still Tier 3, the power to destroy the world can be exerted!

Tornadoes ripped apart the atmosphere!

tore the earth apart!

Leaving a terrifying gully!

A tornado with a radius of at least tens of kilometers, advancing and destroying all the way, not only uproots trees and buildings, but also forcibly scrapes the ground and sinks dozens of meters. As it advances, its power becomes more and more powerful. fear!


Destroyed a homeland defense magic circle that could not be broken by the hero no matter how he attacked!

This tornado attack!

Impressively more than the sixth order!

It has reached the seventh level!

Zhou Yuan stood in the outer space of the planet, staring at the tornado that destroyed the earth, and glanced at the panel.

[Great Void Engine: Number 100860 of the No. 99 Reincarnation Space. It took you hundreds of years to kill the eight major demons. To prepare for the resurrection of the demon king, let the demon king transform the demon king's family, you killed the number of the demon king's family X50000 !

You get the Demon King's Family Treasure Chest X50000!

You get points X10 billion! 】

This should be the highest score Zhou Yuan obtained when he killed the enemy alone before destroying the world!

High crazy!

[Great Void Engine: You have killed all the demon family members, completed the fixed attribute point task, and you get +10 basic attribute points!

Every time you kill the Demon King's family +500, your attribute points will be +1 additionally, and you will gain an additional 100 attribute points. 】

This attribute point is obtained, which is a bit low.

This should be because he had obtained more than 300 points before, which was beyond the norm, causing the Great Void Engine to adjust the rewards accordingly.

Zhou Yuan doesn't feel that it's a loss!

At the third level like this, you can get more than 100 attribute points at one time...

The attribute points obtained by the whole world...

As many as six or seven hundred points.

Even before he was reborn, he never encountered it!

Earn big!

[Great Void Engine: The Demon King needs the corpses of the snake demon Mina and the troll demons to evolve into the final complete body, and your attack incorporates the position of punishing the demons, as well as the corpses of Mina and the troll demons. , caused irreparable damage to a certain part of the demon king, the demon king lost the ability to continue to make a family, the demon king's hatred for you +100, and you will never die.

You have been locked by the devil. 】

Zhou Yuan dodged again, and the super giant tornado controlled by the Demon King rubbed his forehead.

He has half a drop of divine power!

Now he can use this divine power to simply and rudely obliterate the Demon King from this world.


In his plan, this half drop of divine power was used to deal with the world's backlash when he completed the main quest three years later and the world collapsed to 95%.


The plan is not impossible to change.

When the world collapse rate reaches 95%, he can directly detonate a land-level magic circle with a radius of several thousand kilometers, destroy this world, and completely destroy this world.

That is to say...

Now he can indeed use this half drop of divine power.

Even after using this half drop of divine power, he can destroy the Demon King and obtain a few magical artifacts on the Demon King's body, but in this way, he may not be able to obtain 100% of the divine heritage that makes the Demon King covet and the goddess hearts. .

Then Zhou Yuan laughed!

What is he worried about?

Does he need to worry?

The Demon King is out!

Then kill the Demon King!

This is his way of doing things!

Half a drop of divine power appeared!

Then dissipate!

Incomparably tyrannical power!

Countless cracks appeared in the outer space of this world.

When he rushed towards the demon king who was waving his wings and rushed into outer space, the whole world was shaking!

The earth cracks!

There is a tsunami in the sea!

Continental plates move!

His presence at this moment!

It is a natural disaster that will destroy the world! .

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