Master of Beasts

Chapter 1286: Xiao Xuan's true identity

The seventh-order Yang Thunder Soul and the fourth-order Yin Thunder Soul surrounded Xiao Yang and the spreading thunder light filled the entire space.


Thunder swept over, Lu Yunxuan couldn't help taking a step back, while Xiao Xuan still stood on the spot, the petals in her hand were swept away by the thunder, and her pink hand gently scratched.

"Nothing?" In Xiao Xuan's big jewel-like eyes, there was a misty expression, as if a child had been taken away from his beloved toy.

"How come!" Lu Yun's eyes narrowed.

Even she couldn't completely resist the impact of Yang Lei Soul and Yin Lei Soul, Xiao Xuan had nothing to do with it?

Xiao Xuan, what's the background?


Without noticing the vision here, several Bai family men shouted angrily, the thunder souls of the sun rose into the sky, the thunder light in their hands suddenly burst out, and the few thunder souls of the Yin thunder soul each shot out a black thunder ball. .

"Xiao Yang be careful!"

Lu Yunxuan's heart shuddered, and he shouted in a condensed voice: "Eclipse Fire Phoenix, Yan Phoenix strike!"


Levitating behind Lu Yunxuan, eclipsing the body of the Sun Fire Phoenix, the purple-red flames gushing out, condensing into a gorgeous Fire Phoenix, and rushing out quickly.

However, how could the offensive of the fourth-order throne-level spirit beasts be compared with the seventh-order Yang Thunder Soul.

I didn't even look at the Sun Eclipse Fire Phoenix, and Yang Lei Soul slapped his free palm. The strong wind raged, and after the Fire Phoenix burst to pieces, the Sun Eclipse Fire Phoenix flew backwards and wailed bitterly.


Along with this blow, the surrounding space was filled with cracks in the debut. Among them, tall buildings and countless silhouettes passed quickly.

That is the position of the teleportation circle, passing all the way.

Once the space in the magic circle becomes disordered, it will be thrown out of the teleportation circle and sent to an unknown place. In the worst case, it will be directly turbulent in the space and twisted into nothingness!

Black thunderballs bombarded.

At the moment when he was about to fall on Xiao Yang.


A pitch-black sickle blade lay abruptly in front of Xiao Yang, and the thunder ball continued to blast on it. Wang Wanye led Xiao Yang back and forth.

"The King of Nights?"

The headed Bai Family man's eyes narrowed slightly: "Fourth-tier? The origin of the two thrones?"

The fourth-order Wanye King can use the origin of the second throne without the help of the four-qi Tianyuan Pill, plus its profound beast identity, it is enough to compete with the seventh-order Yang Thunder Soul!


Wan Ye Wang indifferently waved his sickle blade, scattered thunderballs flying around, banging and bursting, and the number of spatial cracks appeared more and more, just like growing branches.

"Yun Xuan, find an opportunity to leave early." Xiao Yang said solemnly.

"I know." Lu Yunxuan responded.

In such a narrow space, several Bai family members would not give her time to summon Phoenix Spirit and continue to stay here, only as a burden to Xiao Yang.

"You kid, it's a good blessing to be accompanied by such beauties."

Glancing at Lu Yunxuan, the Bai family man grinned: "Bai Ke, Bai Yan, kill her."

The two dark and thunder souls entangled with Wanye King instantly killed Lu Yunxuan.

With only one Yang Thunder Soul, it can be equal to Wan Ye Wang, not to mention adding two Yin Thunder Souls. In a short time, Xiao Yang can't free his hands and can only signal Lu Yunxuan to leave soon.

"Xiao Xuan, hold me tight."

Embracing Xiao Xuan in it, Lu Yunxuan gritted his teeth and was about to swept down from the space on the side. The offensive of the two Yin Thunder Souls came in an instant.

Those are two black thunders.

However, the direction that Lei Ting is aiming at is not Lu Yunxuan, but the space next to her. As long as the space is disordered, causing space turbulence, Lu Yunxuan will die!

The two white family members with rich combat experience were extremely vicious and did not show any mercy.

Even if the target to be killed is a woman who is all over the country and the city.

"Wan Ye Wang, leave me alone, send Yun Xuan out first!" Xiao Yang shouted anxiously, and Wan Ye Wang's black sickle swung fiercely, but he could not break through the blockade of the Thunder Soul and the two Yin Thunder Souls.

"Xiao Yang, I will let you watch your own woman die."

The white man smiled slightly: "This way, it must be more interesting than killing you directly."


The black thunder blasted and exploded with a bang, and the size of the space crack expanded dozens of times. In the crack, there was endless darkness.

Lu Yunxuan's face paled.

The chaotic space does not know where to connect.

Once it enters the spatial turbulence, even those who are strong in spirit cannot survive!

"Wan Ye Wang, refining the Four Qi Tianyuan Pill!" Xiao Yang shouted sharply.


A pill hidden in the black mist fell into the entrance, and the aura of the king of the night skyrocketed, and at the same time, the aura of the Yang Thunder Soul and several Yin Thunder Souls also increased.

"Lei Yuan Dan?" Xiao Yang's expression was a little ugly.

Lei Yuan Pill, a sixth-grade pill, can enhance the combat power of thunder-attributed spirit beasts in a short period of time.

For the Thunder Attribute Spirit Beast, its effect is no less than the Four Qi Tianyuan Pill!

"Don't think that you have the pill. We know your details." The white man laughed, and two black thunders shot again.

If these two thunders burst and the space turbulently flows, it will take shape in an instant!

"Xiao Yang, Xiao Xuan handed it to you!" Beautiful eyes slammed slightly, and Lu Yunxuan took a palm shot, shaking Xiao Xuan several meters away, without daring to use too much force.

This posture is surprisingly going to die!

"Bad guy!"

With mist in his eyes, Xiao Xuan cried loudly. The moon-white light, centered on her, radiated in all directions, and the two shots of thunder quietly annihilated.

"What is that!" The white man shouted in surprise.

The moon-white petals bloomed from behind Xiao Xuan, like a bright white flower, gentle and delicate, gently turning.

"Sure enough." Xiao Yang's eyes flickered.

His guess is correct!


In Xiao Xuan's cry, crystal powder sprayed out from the confession flower, and the two Yin Thunder Souls wrapped in it, like melted ice, suddenly disappeared.

"Do not!"

Looking at the pollen that swept over, the two men from the Bai family were shocked, and on their faces, the color of fear rose.

They are not afraid of death. UU reading

But afraid of unnecessary death,

Xiao Yang hasn't killed yet, and the Bai family won't make a note for them. If today's action fails, their line will not get any benefit.

The pollen swept over, and the bodies of the two white men decomposed into small moon-white flowers in the screaming cry, slowly drifting away.

Upon seeing this, the remaining white men looked pale.

How can Xiao Xuan, a little girl like a porcelain doll, possess this ability!

Their two companions died without warning!

"Xiao Xuan..."

Looking at Xiao Xuan's back, Lu Yunxuan muttered to herself: "There is no spiritual door, I like to eat petals, and the color of the moon is white. I should have thought of it."

"Thirty-three Xuanju recorded, Na Luohua."

(End of this chapter)

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