Master of Beasts

Chapter 1295: fear

After Jiang Xu's voice fell, there was no sound in the spacious courtyard. Jiang Sheng looked at Xiao Yang's back in a daze, and his mind buzzed.

Jiang Xu, in front of Xiao Yang, claimed to be a junior?

What kind of monster is this young man she picked up on the road?

The major elders of the Jiang family leaned down a piece, only Jiang Yin and Jiang Huai, standing in sorrow, did not wake up after being pulled by the elder next to them.

Xiao Yang, can Ning Xiu's pill fire worship?

Sixth Grade Alchemist?


"Sixth Rank Alchemist..."

Holding the pill of Four Qi Tianyuan Pill, Gu Feng was also dumbfounded. The yellowed paper, like a hot flame, burned his palm, making him want to throw it away.

Fate, made a huge joke with him.

Xiao Yang is stronger than him.

And he just tried desperately to persecute!


Looking at Gu Feng plainly, Xiao Yang waved his hand, the soul mark on the Danfang disappeared invisible: "Don't you let me untie it, I will do it."

"Senior, it was just my eyesight..."



"I let you see."

Gu Feng's pupils trembled.

The alchemy is so precious to the alchemy master. For many alchemists, the alchemy master is their life, so how can they be allowed to be seen by others.

If you watch it, either you die or I die.

Xiao Yang, want to kill him!

"Don't you always want to see it, look."

Jiang Sheng said angrily: "I just held the pinnacle of a fifth-rank alchemy master, and brought a group of fifth-rank alchemy masters to threaten him. Didn't he think he was a bully? Now I'll show you, why don't you dare?

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings." Gu Feng's back was instantly wet with cold sweat.

The same goes for Jiang Yin.

He looked at Xiao Yang who was standing calmly, his chest was a little stuffy, and he couldn't help but breathe. He still didn't believe that Xiao Yang's alchemy was stronger than him and Gu Feng and the others.

"call out!"

Without any nonsense, Xiao Yang flicked his fingers, and a white spark flew towards Gufeng.

"No, I can be your Dantong!"

Sparks fell on the body and immediately burned, and Gu Feng was bathed in white flames, like a fire man, with a screaming scream that made the scalp numb.

Only a moment.

Gu Feng's body turned into a pile of ashes!

"Your Mightiness……"

Jiang bluffed his mouth, trying to say something, and finally turned into a wry smile.

Xiao Yang's movements were too fast and unexpected, even if he had the heart to save Gu Feng, it would not help.

"Jiang Sheng, are you willing to be my disciple?" Xiao Yang looked at Jiang Sheng.

"Yes." Jiang Sheng replied after hesitating.

"Jiang Sheng, it's my disciple." Xiao Yang raised his head, a slow voice came out.

"I understand." Jiang Xu nodded heavily, Jiang Yunyan on the side, with all the blood on his face, and the unconcealable look of fear filled his heart.

Jiang family, we are going to abandon her!


Jiang Yin's heart trembled and gritted his teeth: "The news has been released. Everyone in Jiujue City knows that Jiang Sheng will soon become Master Xunfeng's concubine, how can he change it!"


Holding Jiang Yin's neck, Xiao Yang slowly lifted it up. The Jiang elders around him looked shocked and wanted to stop, but they had no courage.

"Do you want to die?" Xiao Yang said softly.



A palm slapped Jiang Yin's abdomen, Xiao Yang casually tossed it to the ground.

Holding the ground with one hand, Jiang Yin's face was ugly.

His spiritual power disappeared.

He was abolished!

"Xue Youmei, kill him." There was no emotion in Xiao Yang's voice.

"Forget it." Jiang Sheng tugged at Xiao Yang's sleeve and whispered in a low voice: "Second Uncle is also my predecessor anyway. It is already a punishment to abolish his spiritual power."

"Sometimes, kindness is not necessarily a good thing." Xiao Yang said slowly.

"He is my second uncle after all, and with so many Jiang parents always present, you will kill him, Jiang's face will be ugly." Jiang Sheng smiled bitterly.

"Okay." Taking a deep look at Jiang Sheng, Xiao Yang waved his sleeves and opened the Fifth Spirit Gate, retracting Xue Youmei.

He let Jiang Yin go now, but that doesn't mean he will let it go in the future.

If you dare to trouble him again, you can kill him.

"Patriarch Jiang, you promised me that Yunyan should be betrothed to me. You can't go back and forth." Ning Xiu was a little anxious.

"Don't mention it again."

Jiang Xu glanced at Xiao Yang and said with a serious face: "Master Xunfeng is a sixth-rank master. I don't know how many women in Jiujue City want to marry him. If you like Jiang Yunyan, you should consider Jiang Yunyan. She can marry him. Master Xunfeng is her blessing and the glory of the Jiang family."

His body shook, Jiang Yunyan's face was pale.

These words were similar to what she had said with Jiang Sheng before.

Now it sounds so terrifying and hateful.



Marrying Xunfeng is like falling into purgatory!

"Jiang Sheng, save me." Jiang Yunyan looked at Jiang Sheng as if for help. She knew that as long as Jiang Sheng was willing to save her, she could tell her family and change her clan.

"It's my sister's luck to marry Master Xunfeng, and I am happy for my sister." Jiang Sheng said indifferently.

She said to save Jiang Yin because she didn't want to make Jiang's face shameless. As for Jiang Yunyan, she couldn't wait to kill him. She still remembered Jiang Yunyan's cynicism and gloat.

"About the Jiang family, you decide for yourself, I'm an outsider, so I won't Yang turned and went back to the room.

"Sister, you can't do this." Jiang Yunyan's face was a little distorted in horror.

"That's it." Jiang Xu said coldly.

"Master Xunfeng is highly respected, and Na Jiang Yunyan is a concubine, which is reasonable and reasonable."

"Jiang family, proud of you."

"Yunyan, you have benefited from Master Xunfeng, don't forget me."

The elders spoke one after another, and Jiang Yunyan's eyes went dark.

This is the end of her life!

What made Jiang Yunyan even more desperate was that Ning Xiu did not argue for her, but quietly left Jiang's house, as if the marriage contract with her did not exist.

How can Ning Xiu be able to shake the position of Xunfeng in Jiujue City?


As the elders expressed their opinions, Jiang Huai shook his sleeves and said coldly: "Our Jiang family, when will we rely on outsiders? Our own strength is the key. Some people not only lack strength, but because of her, Drive away a fifth-rank peak alchemist, unlucky."

"Father, what do you mean by this?" Jiang Sheng bit his lip lightly.

Jiang Huai, are you blaming her?


"You understand it yourself." Jiang Huai didn't even look at Jiang Sheng, turned and left, his expressions and actions were full of disgust.

Looking at Jiang Huai's back, Jiang Sheng's two small hands clenched tightly.

Jiang Huai, the third-tier spirit king, the second-tier alchemist, her father.

Because of his own inferior alchemy, he has not been taken seriously in Jiang's family, and even his status is not as good as Jiang Yin, who is the ninth-order Spirit Emperor.

That's why Jiang Huai was so disgusted with her who was equally talented, thinking that it was Jiang Sheng that caused him to be in Jiang's house and couldn't hold his head up.


Jiang Sheng's face showed a stubborn color.

She will prove her own ability.

(End of this chapter)

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