Master of Beasts

Chapter 1300: Shiratamaka (3rd

"The matter is resolved?"

Looking at the gloomy Jiang Sheng, Xiao Yang squeezed the palm of his hand and put away the magic ring: "Don't you want to go to the market? I just happened to be bored, and go around with me?"

Xiao Yang understood Jiang Sheng's mood.

My own father was such a person, and it was hard to accept it on anyone.

However, Jiang Huai's scum is one of the few after all. Even He Song of Hejiapu couldn't do such a thing. Jiang Sheng's luck was really worse.

"There is no spirit jade." Jiang Sheng spread his hands, his expression extremely innocent.

"It's all a fifth-rank alchemist, and I'm actually worried about Lingyu." Xiao Yang was a little bit dumbfounded: "Besides, with my master, how could something like Lingyu lack you."

"Leave now?"

"of course."

After a brief preparation, Xiao Yang and Jiang Sheng walked out of Jiang's house.

"You guys, follow along."

In the hall, Jiang Xu solemnly said: "In any case, don't let the safety of Master Xiao and Jiang Sheng happen. Since the father fell behind, the status of the Jiang family in the city of Jiujue has indeed fallen sharply, but it is true. We may not be afraid of anyone."


Several elders arched their hands and followed Xiao Yang and Jiang Sheng from a distance to protect them in secret.

Although the deeds of the elders were extremely careful, Xiao Yang, as a seventh-rank alchemist, could not have noticed it, but was just too lazy to point it out.

After all, the Jiang family is also good for them.

"look at this……"

"That one……"


In the spacious market, the flow of people was raging, and Jiang Sheng turned around happily like a bird, but no matter what he was looking at, he didn't mean to buy it.

Xiao Yang, who followed behind, was a little helpless.

Is this all the girl’s family?

Just when Jiang Sheng stopped in front of a booth, the soul mark in Xiao Yang's mind flashed slightly, and a smile appeared on his face.

Lu Yunxuan finally got in touch with him.

However, in a short time, he couldn't come, so he waited in Jiujue City.

It seems that something happened, but it is not a trouble.

"Who are you talking to?" Jiang Sheng asked curiously.

"Lu Yunxuan."


Jiang Sheng smiled, dragging a long tone, and said, "Master, you brag again."

Xiao Yang gave Jiang Sheng a white look.

He knew that Jiang Sheng would not believe it.

The soul mark in his mind was silent again, and Xiao Yang's mood suddenly became much lighter. As long as Lu Yunxuan is okay, he will be able to find it soon.

The soul mark also has the effect of transmitting sound, and the effect is stronger than that of transmitting sound.

However, few people use it. Once the other party's intention to destroy the soul imprint is unpredictable, then I will be severely traumatized, ranging from mental disorder to sudden death on the spot.

"This little thing, is Sparkleback?"

Amidst the lively crowd, Jiang Sheng squatted down, with a pity on his face, looking at the stall, a petite beast.

The spirit beast is about the size of a palm, with fiery red and soft fur. It feels extremely comfortable to the touch. Around its civet-like body, sparks burst.

The spark was extremely gentle, without burning, just a pure visual effect.

The sparkling raccoon, a fire-attribute spirit beast, has weak combat power, but its appearance is extremely popular with the family lady. It is a rare and expensive kind of pet-type spirit beasts.

"Master." Jiang Sheng raised his head eagerly.

"How many spirit jade." Xiao Yang smiled at the stall owner.

Regardless of the location of the stalls, the placement is very random, just like a roadside stall, but the more this kind of place, the easier it is to produce good products. Some strong people with weird personalities like to occupy this kind of place.

"fifty thousand."

Hearing that someone wanted to buy an expensive raccoon dog, the attitude of the stall owner became extremely attentive: "I ask for a high price, but the color of the raccoon dog and the purity of blood are absolutely worth the price. Missing this opportunity, the whole Jiujue It’s hard to find a second one in the city."

fifty thousand?

Jiang Sheng was taken aback.

This price is actually not much for the fifth-rank alchemy master, but her concept is still stuck in the past.

At that time, she couldn't even afford the materials for alchemy, let alone spend a lot of spirit jade to buy a pet-type spirit beast.

"fifty thousand."

Xiao Yang put down an empty boundary stone.


He put the empty boundary stone into his bag as if he was robbing, and the stall owner smiled happily: "When you get the jade, you will not return it. This is the rule of Jiujiecheng."

Pitying eyes were cast on Xiao Yang and Jiang Sheng, who were the stall owners around the stall.


Like a kid, he hugged the sparkle raccoon in his arms, Jiang Sheng's eyebrows suddenly frowned, and raised his hands high, exposing the spark raccoon to the sun.

Sparkle raccoon, there seems to be something wrong.

This is the intuition of a fifth-rank alchemy master.

"You lied to us."

Angrily put on a pretty face, Jiang Sheng suddenly looked at the stall owner, shaking his hands, still couldn't bear to throw the sparkle raccoon on the ground: "It's abdomen, how is it poisonous."

Moreover, it is still extremely difficult to cure.

"No return." The stall owner said with a smile.

"You are deceiving!"

"No The stall owner still smiles.

"You violate professional ethics!"

"No return." The stall owner smiled even more happily.

He had never done this kind of thing less, so no matter what Jiang Sheng said, he was all smiles. He didn't know how many cheeky old oilers like him were among businessmen.

"Forget it." Xiao Yang said suddenly.

"How can I forget it!" Jiang Sheng was extremely angry.

She didn't feel angry because she bought an injured Sparkle raccoon, but simply because of being deceived and the stall owner's ridiculous attitude.

"How do you sell those white jade fruits?" Xiao Yang pointed to the stall and asked faintly.

The vendors around are incredible.

This is not a fool.

After a big loss, buy it?

"One thousand spirit jade." The stall owner rubbed his hands, and resumed his flattery.

"I want it all."

"no problem!"

Standing up excitedly, the stall owner quickly took out an idle empty boundary stone and put away the white jade fruit.

These white jade fruit, when he bought it, were eight hundred spirit jade, a total of 80 pieces, equivalent to a net profit of more than 10,000 spirit jade, this is a big deal.

"Master." Jiang Sheng looked at Xiao Yang puzzled.

"Eight thousand spirit jade."

"The rules of Jiujuecheng..."

"I know, no return is allowed."

Seeing Xiao Yang's weird expression, the stall owner's heart tightened inexplicably, but when he thought that this was just an ordinary Bai Yuguo, his smile returned to his face, and there was a hint of cunning in his smile.

These are indeed Bai Yuguo.

But in it, he mixed with ten old products, the kind of white jade fruit, the effect was extremely poor. When it was purchased, it was less than 100 pieces of spirit jade, so he killed Xiao Yang again.

Taking the Kongjie Stone, Xiao Yang suddenly smiled, took out a white jade fruit, and crushed it one by one.


(End of this chapter)

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