Master of Beasts

Chapter 1303: 6 Winged Tsar King

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"This peach blossom fire, as a gift for you to break through the fifth grade alchemist, I will give it to you. Find time to practice it."

Putting the pink peach blossom fire in a special glass vial, Xiao Yang shook it lightly, handed it to Jiang Sheng, and said with a smile.

"Don't you?" Jiang Sheng was taken aback.

Peach Blossom Fire can increase the chance of becoming a pill by 10%. How precious is it that Xiao Yang actually gave it to her?

"No need." Xiao Yang smiled lightly.

He made alchemy, except for the pill cauldron, he never relied much on flames.

The same was true when Medicine Emperor was making alchemy.

This is a very confident performance.

Jiang Sheng was just about to take over the glass vial.


A fierce wind suddenly caught him. Xiao Yang narrowed his eyes and raised his arms. A fierce-looking sea ape was lying on the ground not far away, staring at him sternly.

A pool of turbid water stains spread along the bottom of it.

The sea ape, a beast with a water attribute, often lives in the turbid waters. Even the clean water will become turbid after being stayed by it for a period of time.

Therefore, this kind of spirit beast is extremely disgusting to the strong who grow on the seashore, but its combat effectiveness is extremely powerful, and it is even more harmful to the spirit beast of the Shangshui attribute.

"Friend, you'd better give this peach blossom fire to me."

In the slightly gloomy lane, a man stood on a high place, looking down at Xiao Yang indifferently, his expression, as if the two people below were ants that could be trampled to death by lifting their feet.

"With your third-order high throne-level sea ape?" Xiao Yang's palm gently tossed the glass vial.

"Sea monkey, kill him."

The man's indifferent voice came out, the sea ape stepped on the sole of his foot, the ground cracked, and his right claw slammed into Xiao Yang's chest. When the claw wind passed, three traces of turbidity appeared in the space.

"Master!" Jiang Sheng's small face was slightly pale.

"It's okay." Xiao Yang stood on the spot in shock, a pair of ice-blue butterfly wings, like shields, lay in front of him, with sharp claws hitting them, motionless.

"Yu Bingdie?"

The man's pupils couldn't help but shrank: "First-order Throne Level?"


The blow was fruitless, and the sea ape was immediately agitated. Two sharp claws, at a dazzling speed, madly grabbed it, and sparks splashed on Yu Bingdie's body.


As soon as the surrounding ice crystals collided, the ice butterfly spun at high speed and turned into a huge tornado. The tornado was mixed with countless broken ice crystals.

Spiritual skills, ice storm!

"Sea monkey, water stick!"

The sharp ice crystals drew blood marks on the body, and the sea ape stepped back in fear. After hearing the man's voice, he shook his right paw, and a turbid water stick slowly condensed out.


Holding a hard water stick, the sea ape rushed into the sky and slammed towards the Yubing Butterfly, only to hear a bang, the water stick collided with the tornado, and splashes of water droplets and crushed ice filled the entire lane.

"Do you want to help?"

"Hold on."

"He seems to be able to deal with it."

The elder Jiang who was hiding in the dark couldn't help being a little surprised. Although Zhen Kun who Xiao Yang killed that day was not weak, he was only a Tier 2 Spirit King.

Now it seems that Xiao Yang can even handle the Tier 3 Spirit King.

The alchemy is superb and amazing in strength.

Could it be that which super power or the child of a large family went out to practice?


Looking at the sea ape and the Yubing Butterfly who were playing indiscriminately, the man's complexion suddenly became ugly. The water-attribute spirit beast and the ice-attributed spirit beast have no clear restraint relationship, and they are extremely special in the spirit beast world.

When the water-attribute spirit beast is stronger than the ice-attribute, the generated water flow can disperse the ice crystals, on the contrary, the strong cold air can freeze the water flow.

In this situation, it was obviously his sea ape, much better than Yubingdie, how could it be the winner.

"After the second transformation, Yu Bingdie's body is indeed hard." Xiao Yang pondered in his heart.

If the sea ape's offensive fell on another ice-attribute spirit beast, it would probably be able to smash it with a stick, but when it hit Yu Bingdie, it seemed a little painless.

"Your Excellency, it was my impulse just now. Let's stop, how about it?" The man struggled for a moment and said unwillingly.

In his plan, Xiao Yang and Jiang Sheng were killed and Tao Hua Huo was immediately taken away.

This is not a bazaar area, it is not protected, and you kill it if you want to.

But in this way, the consumption of the sea monkey is much greater than that of the Yubingdie. If he continues to fight, he will fall into the wind sooner or later, even if he runs into the downtown area, he will not be able to seek protection.

A sixth-rank alchemy master wants to kill him, but if the master is famous, who can stop him.

"The battle is not over, why lower your posture in front of a ninth-order spiritual emperor?"

At this moment, a faint smile sounded from the entrance of the alley, and a group of figures in white clothes slowly approached this side, and the man looked at the headed young man with a sullen expression.

Xunfeng Mansion, Xie Hao.

"This bastard!" Jiang Sheng's little face was full of anger.

Xie Hao, this notorious fellow, must be fine.

"What do you want." The man said, naturally, he grabbed something. "

Xie Hao smiled: "You and I are both Tier 3 Spirit Kings. Together, they are afraid that the Yubing Butterfly will not be smashed? After the matter is over, his empty world stone will belong to you, and the peach blossom fire will belong to me, how?

"Really?" the man groaned.

"Xunfeng Mansion has always said nothing."


The man smirked, the sea monkey's offensive became more and more violent, and the shadow of the stick filled the sky while the water stick was waving, and it crazily smashed down at the Yubingdie.

"Xie Hao, Xunfeng Mansion and Jiang Family are all ally for the time being, how can you do this!" Jiang Sheng said in air.

"Xunfeng Mansion and Jiang's family are indeed allies, but they don't seem to have anything to do with him."

Xie Hao smiled and waved his hand: "Six-winged Tsar King, break his body into sand for me!"


The fine quicksand rolled up in front of Xie Hao and condensed into a sand snake with six wings. Six wide sand wings stretched out with a bang, and the lines on it were like regular sand patterns.

Six-winged Tsar King, third-order advanced throne, rock attributes.

This kind of spirit beast only grows in the desert and uses quicksand as its habitat. Anyone passing by will be broken down into sand by it and become a part of the desert.


The six sand wings flapped, and the six-winged sand snake emperor suddenly jumped into the air. Thousands of sand snakes rushed down with a harsh neighing sound.


The man gave a grin.

Yu Bingdie was firmly restrained by the sea ape. The Six-Winged Tsar King wanted to kill Xiao Yang, as simple as searching for something. Xiao Yang's Kongjie Stone belonged to him.

But soon, the grinning smile on his face suddenly disappeared.


A silver-white fist blasted out without warning, and the fierce wind suddenly raged, and the thousands of sand snakes that swooped down frantically exploded.

"Another spirit beast?"

"Rockhorn Rhinoceros?"

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