Master of Beasts

Chapter 1309: Yan Kun and Bing Leng

The fiery red light illuminates the spacious street brightly, and the pillar of fire swiftly shuttles past, blinking, with Xiao Yang as the center, constantly changing its trajectory.

After a while.


The fiery flames skyrocketed, and the pillar of fire flickered, facing Xiao Yang's back, and slammed into it heavily. The eyes of some people couldn't help but widen.

Is this young man going to fall?


The turquoise rattans were intertwined quickly behind Xiao Yang, and the pillar of fire slammed into it, with a bang, both exploded at the same time, and the flames and broken rattans scattered.

"Qingluo sword cut!"

In Xiao Yang's indifferent voice, Kong Ling Luo flew up, and the slender leaf sword between her fingers cut a long gap in the space and slashed towards Yan Kun.

"Boom! Boom!"

Looking at the flying sky Ling Luo, the fire ball on Yan Kun's right hand blasted out, and his figure violently shot back. When the sky Ling Luo rushed again, he threw another fire ball again.

"Empty Lingluo?"

"Wood attribute profound beast?"

Unsurprisingly, he exclaimed.

The appearance of the profound beast can cause a lot of trouble every time.

"No wonder you dare to challenge me."

The ethereal Luo, who was entwined with the origin of the throne, quickly bumped into Yan Kun. The two went up and down for a while. Zhuo Jin sneered and said, "But, what about the profound beast, you are still going to die."


The dazzling ice crystals joined together into thick solid ice and spread down towards Xiao Yang. At the top of the solid ice, a figure formed by the condensation of cold air looked down mercilessly. It looked quite similar to Yan Kun.

It's just that Yan Kun is a flame, and it is cold.

"Master Xiao, I'll help you!"

Finally seeing the opportunity to resolve the estrangement, Jiang Xu hurriedly let his lava bat step forward, but Xiao Yang's indifferent voice came out: "No need."


There was a loud bang.

The terrifying power ripples spread out layer by layer in front of Xiao Yang, the solid ice formed by ice crystals cracked and cracked, the face of the cold ice figure changed slightly, and the figure receded slightly.

"This is... Bing Leng?" Xiao Yang finally remembered the name of this spirit beast.

Yan Kun, Bing Leng.

These two spirit beasts, like the Water Moon Flower Fairy and the Fire Sun Flower Fairy, are companion spirit beasts, even if their attributes are different, they can still use some combined spirit skills.

This is also where Zhuo Jin dared to yell at Jiang Xu.

Jiujue City is not without strong people, but most of them are gathered in the Pill Hall. It is said that there is even one of the 9th-order Spirit Kings, but they have not been seen for many years.

Under this circumstance, Zhuo Jin, the fourth-order dual-attribute spirit king, indeed has the qualifications to dominate one party.

"Another one?" Zhuo Jin's expression condensed.

Ice attribute, although the rock attribute is slightly restrained, Xiao Yang's rockhorn rhinoceros has the origin of the throne. After so many years, he has finally condensed the origin of the throne for Yan Kun. As for the ice edge, there has been no time.

But no matter what, Bing Leng still has an absolute advantage.

The gap between the first order and the fourth order is too big.


The figure receded slightly, the icy blue eyes, without the slightest ripple, while exhaling a breath of coldness, with a wave of his right hand, an ice spear penetrated the space.

However, these ice spears have not yet come close to the Rockhorn Rhinoceros, and they are controlled by the two consecutive shots, which transform into the sky and shake the shadows.

Spiritual skills, Hundred Split Palms!

"Rockhorn Rhinoceros, retire!" Xiao Yang yelled.

There was no doubt about Xiao Yang's gesture. The rock horned dragon rhinoceros withdrew, and Yan Kun, whose body was full of flames, quickly whizzed past its position just now, and a scorched trace appeared on the road below.

It can be seen that Yan Kun's temperature just now.

With one shot down, Yan Kun appeared beside Bing Ling, and the burning flame on his body quietly converged a little. It is not difficult to see that it was also a certain kind of spiritual skill.

"Today, you will definitely die."

Zhuo Jin shouted confidently.

"Yan Kun, Three Yan Strikes!"

"Bing edge, big ice crack!"

In the sky, Yan Kun swung his right palm fiercely, and a wave of flames swept out. After that, it swept twice again without any pause.

The waves of fire rushing down in front of it were fierce one after another.

The lethality of the third wave of fire waves is several times stronger than that of the first wave.

Spirit skills, three flame strikes!


The eyes were slightly squinted, and the leaf sword was cut diagonally between the **** of the empty Lingluo. The first wave of fire was like a curtain and was split into two immediately. The second wave of fire was also the same, but the third wave, But it was the Ye Jian that made its fingertips curl slightly, and his figure slid a thousand feet away.

At the same time, the other side's battle is also going on.

Under the control of Bing Leng, the calm sky suddenly cracked open, and a huge iceberg, carrying a mighty force, suppressed it.


With both palms raised high, they received the falling iceberg and the road under the foot of the rock horned rhinoceros, cracking and cracking, I saw the ice ridge shape flashing, appearing in front of it, spreading right hand, a spiral The ice spines at high speed.

"Not good!" Jiang Sheng's face paled.

Using the weight of the iceberg to restrict the movement of the opponent's spirit beasts, Bing Leng took advantage of this time to attack, which has always been Bing Leng's usual method. The rock horned dragon is dangerous.


On both palms, four dragon seals and rhinoceros marks appeared continuously, and the rock horned dragon rhinoceros glared at the ice edge, directly grabbing the iceberg and smashing it down heavily.


The whole street trembled a few times.

"A lot of strength."

Looking at the icy ridges that were embroiled in the self-fragmenting iceberg, Zhuo Jin screamed: "Yan Kun, kill the rock horned rhinoceros first, Fire Crescent!"

Leaning his upper body back slightly, between Yan Kun's palms a dazzling fire moon the size of a length of a meter condensed, slashing down at the Rockhorn Rhinoceros like lightning, the fire dazzling.


Breathing out a breath of cold, Bing Ling's palm pushed his hand, and the slender icicles spread out, like a pair of gorgeous ice wings, blasting towards the rock horned rhinoceros.

At this critical moment, Kong Lingluo's offensive arrived.

However, its purpose is not to support Rockhorn Rhinoceros, but to severely damage Yan Kun!


Countless long green vines, since they did not know when they were buried in a seed on the ground, grew crazily and bound Yan Kun who was caught off guard.


When Xiao Yang's low voice came out, the Biluo flowers on the long vine burst continuously, and Yan Kun's body was immediately exploded into sparks.


Thousands of sparks condensed, Zhuo Jin's face was ugly.

Although the spirit beast of Yan Kun is made of pure flames, it can be reorganized like the Six Winged Tsar King, but every time it is reorganized, the consumption is extremely large and its strength will also drop drastically.

He didn't expect that Xiao Yang would ignore the Rock Horned Rhinoceros and kill Yan Kun first.

By the way, Rockhorn Rhinoceros!

Zhuo Jin's eyes quickly turned, and the next scene left him stunned.

The soles of the feet were on the ground, and the ground beside the Rockhorn Rhinoceros was bombarded by the spirit power of the Fire Moon and Ice Wings into a huge crater, but it was unharmed except for gasping for breath!

"How come!" Zhuo Jin looked ignorant.

"Just now, is the Niyan Ram?" The old woman of the Hehuan Sect whispered: "The defense of the Niyan Ram is extremely famous among the rock-attribute spirit beasts. The offensive of Tier 4 spirit beasts."

"It's cool enough to attack, right."

Looking up at the gloomy Zhuo Jin, Xiao Yang whispered, "Next, it's my turn to fight back."

(End of this chapter)

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