Master of Beasts

Chapter 1312: Disappointed


The white fire day fell in Jiang's house and set off a sea of ​​fire. The elders of Jiang's family rushed to hear the sound and waited. Only Xiao Yang, who looked cold and frosty, and Jiang Sheng who were cold and frosty, hovered in the sky.

The Chi Yan on Xiao Yang's shoulder gave a light hiccup, and a flame burst out from his throat.

"Master Jiang?"

"Jiang Sheng?"

The elders of the Jiang family were ignorant.

Xiao Yang threw it on the fire day just now?

What happened?

"Are you not dead?" Looking at Xiao Yang, Jiang Yin was surprised.

Zhuo Yu, that idiot, didn't act as he expected? When did that guy turn his temper and be unmoved by Jiang Sheng?

He didn't know that Zhuo Yu was no longer alive.

The same is true for his father Zhuo Jin.

"Don't confess yourself." Jiang Sheng drank coldly.

He pressed his mouth, Jiang Yin's face was gloomy. He was too shocked just now, so he accidentally exposed the thoughts in his heart.

"Xiao Yang, why did you ruin my room? Didn't you want to kill me? What did I do!" Jiang Yin didn't accept the stubbornness, but shouted loudly, looking like a victim.

"You are so shameless!" Jiang Sheng's face was slightly angry.

What did you do?

Jiang Yin borrowed a knife to kill, and almost caused her and Xiao Yang to fall into a Jedi. If Xiao Yang were not strong enough, she and Xiao Yang would have become corpses long ago.

"With the dying person, there is no need to talk nonsense."

Xiao Yang squeezed with two fingers, a wide snow knife stretched rapidly from it, with a fierce wind, violently cut down, and the cold snowflakes danced wildly.

"You are crazy!"

Although he knew it well, Jiang Yin still pretended to be innocent, and shouted angrily: "The people of the Jiang family can be trampled on by outsiders. They are still in the Jiang family. After I die, everything that happened here will be taken care of. , Tell the ancestors of the Jiang family, I am not reconciled!"


The snow knife revolved, and the flame armor shattered into hundreds of pieces. The Jiang family's elder hurriedly flashed in front of Jiang Yin, catching the snow knife that was slicing towards Jiang Yin's neck.

"Master Jiang, what's the matter?" The elder asked nervously. Jiang Yin behind him grinned slightly, showing a sneer of trickery.

He yelled out that kind of words, how could the elder Jiang, watch him be killed.

"Get out of the way." Xiao Yang opened the spiritual door in front of him, and the hurricane bee spirit surrounded by air currents stared at Jiang Yin coldly. The hurricane that formed suddenly was compressed into a wind knife, seeming to cut the space.

"Hurricane Bee Spirit?"

The elders of the Jiang family stared blankly, and Jiang Sheng behind Hu Feng Ling was even more shocked.

The second profound beast!

"Master Xiao, I have something to discuss." The elder of the Jiang family is in a dilemma: "If Jiang Yin did something wrong, I will ask him to apologize and make compensation."

"Apologize? Compensation? Just him?" Jiang Yin sneered, but he was extremely surprised. Why didn't Jiang Xu, the Patriarch of the Jiang family, come yet.

"You still don't admit it!"

Jiang Sheng said angrily: "You provoke Zhuo Yu to insult me, saying that I and Master have been licentious all day long. You also said that before I met Master, I was doing my best and shameless!"

Old Jiang's parents changed their colors.

How can you talk nonsense about this kind of thing.

If Jiang Yin had really said this, he wouldn't blame anyone for being killed.


Jiang Yin glanced at Jiang Sheng disdainfully: "Elder, they are crazy. Where is the Patriarch? I want to see Patriarch. I must ask if the safety of the tribe in Jiang’s family should be protected. They almost killed me. , I want to get justice."

"Those words, really you said?" The elder suppressed the anger in his heart.

Jiang Sheng's future is unlimited. It is the key to leading the Jiang family back to the top. Her reputation must not be stained.

What's more, the Jiang family still needs to use Xiao Yang's strength to survive the difficulties.

Offending Xiao Yang and Jiang Sheng at this time, in Jiang Yin's eyes, is there still this family?

"Elder, if you believe them, you still believe me." Jiang Yin shouted very bachelor, his expression seemed to be severely slandered.

"Apologize." The elder gritted his teeth.

"What did you say?" Jiang Yin was angry.

"Immediately, right away." The great elder wanted to slap Jiang Yin to death. The people in Ziyan Mansion are so easy to use. What happened to Zhuo Yu by Xiao Yang? Zhuo Jin will definitely not give up. It is very likely that he will not give up. The Jiang family turned his face completely.

A fourth-order dual-attribute spirit king is very threatening to the Jiang family.

Even this kind of people dare to use it, is Jiang Yin's brain flooded?

"I will wait for the Patriarch to come and decide."

Jiang Yin replied angrily, and immediately seemed to realize something. The corners of his mouth gradually expanded. He laughed loudly: "Did you meet Zhuo Yu? Zhuo Yu was killed, right? Haha! Zhuo Jin will definitely not let it go. Yours, with his character of protecting the calf, he will definitely kill you!"

Jiang Yin smirked wildly, and the elder's heart couldn't help but cool for a while: "Master Xiao, you really killed Zhuo Yu? Quickly notify the Patriarch and let him protect you personally!"

"no need."

Xiao Yang's words made Jiang Yin's laughter abruptly stopped: "Zuo Jin has been killed by me, Jiang Patriarch, is currently outside the city, looking for medicinal materials for me."

"You killed Zhuo Jin? You laughed to death! Just you? Just blow it."

A touch of unbelief flashed in Jiang Yin's eyes, he sneered and took out the sound transmission note, and he burst into flames: "Brother Gu, where is Zhuo Jin? Someone here said that he killed Zhuo Jin and almost didn't laugh me to death. ."

The other side of the sound transmission note was slightly silent.

After a while, a middle-aged man's voice finally sounded.

"What you said, if it is a young man with a Firefox on his shoulders, then that's correct. Just now, Zhuo Jin died of a violent death, and there was no body left."

The sarcasm on Jiang Yin's face solidified abruptly, and he raised his head blankly, a deep look of fear appeared on his face.

Zhuo Jin, really dead?

Killed by Xiao Yang?


Zhuo Jin is a fourth-order dual-attribute spirit king, he won't!

"Patriarch, Patriarch!"

He hurriedly took out a sound transmission note, Jiang Yin tremblingly burned, but that sound transmission note seemed to be broken, and there was no response.

"The Jiang family will not give up on me."

"I'm the pinnacle of a fifth-rank"

Constantly taking out the sound transmission notes, Jiang Yin seemed to collapse, and his lips kept shaking. The great elder in front of him sighed and slowly walked to the side.

"Elder!" Jiang Yin looked at the elder as if he had grasped the last straw.

"The bitter fruit you brewed yourself, eat it yourself." The great elder left here without looking back, and the other elders left coldly.

No one sympathized with Jiang Yin.

If Zhuo Jin killed Xiao Yang and Jiang Sheng, they would be the ones who collapsed now. Not only would the alchemy seat be lost, but the hope that was finally established would also be destroyed.

"Finally no one stopped."

Like a teleportation, Xiao Yang whizzed down, the sharp tip of the knife relentlessly sank into Jiang Yin's chest, and gently turned it to smash his heart: "So, you can die."

(End of this chapter)

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