Master of Beasts

Chapter 1314: Zhuo Shuitang

"The alchemy, held in the square of the alchemy hall, will exhibit all kinds of alchemy for visiting alchemists, and even rare alchemy will appear." Jiang Sheng explained.

"Is that so."

Xiao Yang muttered to himself: "It's also a bit interesting."

This kind of event is rare in the Northern Territory. Just as Di Kuan mocked, the number of alchemists in the Northern Territory is much less than that in the Southern Territory. Even if you want to hold it, there are no conditions.

For example, Star City.

Compared with the number of high-level alchemists, it was almost impossible to get a handle on it compared with Jiujue City.

"Master, let's go quickly. It's too late. Some strange medicines are very likely to be bought, so we won't be able to see them." Jiang Sheng eagerly pulled Xiao Yang forward.

Dandian Square.

Just approaching the periphery, a loud noise burst into my ears, and the dense silhouettes, like a stream of people, slowly and proudly, were quite annoying.

"There are a lot of people." Xiao Yang looked forward, a little surprised.

In this battle, the alchemists from the entire Jiujue City have gathered.

"That is."

Jiang Sheng's mouth curled up and smiled extremely cutely: "This grand event of the Danhui is the same as the Dandian. It is only held once every ten years. Not only Jiujiecheng, but some alchemists from other places will come from far away."

The two were talking, a strange voice of Yin and Yang suddenly sounded from behind, and Jiang Sheng's small face became extremely angry.

"I really admire you, and I am still in the mood to hang out here, knowing that a disaster is imminent."

Ning Xiu approached leisurely and said with a strange smile.

"What's up with you?" Jiang Sheng stared at Ning Xiu unceremoniously.

In the previous days, because of Jiang Yunyan's relationship, Ning Xiu did not find her trouble less. On a few occasions, when no one was not paying attention, he wanted to do something with it. Fortunately, the elders stopped it.

If not, the consequences are unpredictable.

"A second-rank alchemy master, dare to speak to me like this?" Ning Xiu's expression instantly became gloomy.

Since leaving Jiang's house that day, he has never inquired about news about Jiang's family again. If it weren't for Jiang Yin's death, it would be too sensational, and he wouldn't even care about it.

Therefore, he had no idea that Jiang Sheng was already a fifth-order alchemist.


Looking at Ning Xiu without fear, Jiang Sheng shook his small hand, and the pink peach blossoms ignited with a burst of fire, and the delicate peach petals splashed around.

"Fifth Grade Alchemist!" Ning Xiu's face stiffened.

He must be dazzled!

A few days ago, Jiang Sheng was still struggling with the second-rank alchemist, and couldn't even afford a better alchemy. How could he be promoted to the fifth-rank alchemist in just a few days!

"Peach Blossom Fire?"

"Fifth Grade Alchemist?"

"The Jiang family?"

Countless lights gathered on Jiang Sheng. Some people were shocked, some were shocked, and even others couldn't believe it.

As Miss Jiang Sheng, even though her status was not high in the past, many people still pay attention to her. When she sees that she is now a fifth-rank alchemist, some people's faces are full of sluggishness.

How could Jiang Sheng's breakthrough speed be so terrifying.

Even the regeneration of Medicine Emperor could not do this.

"I'm talking to you like this, is there a problem?" Jiang Sheng's voice was filled with coldness. Except Xiao Yang, she didn't want to make false claims to anyone except Xiao Yang.

The Jiang family and Jiang Huai's piety made her clearly realize that if she is not strong, she can only suffer.

Jiang Sheng, who used to be, will not come back again.

"What are you proud of, it's just that you have just stepped into the fifth-rank alchemist." Ning Xiu said sourly.

He went from the second-rank alchemy master to the fifth-rank alchemy master, but it took him a full ten years.

Now I have been staying at the fifth-rank alchemy master for more than a few years!

"In two years, I will surpass you." The peach blossom fire slowly dissipated, and Jiang Sheng's beautiful eyes were calm.

She is confident.

The confidence that Xiao Yang brought to her.

"You have no chance."

Filled with acid and jealousy in his heart, Ning Xiu sneered again and again: "You are so close to a strange man, Master Xunfeng will definitely not let him go, and you."

"What does this mean?" Jiang Sheng frowned.

"You don't know yet?"

Ning Xiuyin smiled and said: "Master Xunfeng is extremely dissatisfied with Jiang Yunyan. He insists on accepting you as a concubine, but is suppressed by your Patriarch. He will definitely be on the alchemy and attack you and Jiang's family, waiting. Right."

"Did you finish talking nonsense?"

With a light wave of the palm, the fierce wind shook Ning Xiu backwards in embarrassment. Xiao Yang said faintly, "When the nonsense is finished, you can roll."

Ning Xiu's face couldn't help feeling the lively gaze around him, but immediately afterwards, his eyes became cold.

What about the Sixth Rank Alchemy Master, have you seen Poison Pill? After today, my achievements are destined to be incomparable to you!

As long as my poison pill is recognized by the alchemy hall, my position in Jiujue City will rise in a straight line, and some sixth-rank alchemists will be crushed by me!

Until then, I will make you dead ugly!

Looking at Xiao Yang and Jiang Sheng, where they were in the crowd, the killing intent in Ning Xiu's heart rose steadily.

"Wait, you won't be able to jump for long!"

This incident was just a small episode in the Danhui, and not many people paid attention to it.

They will pay more attention to the Dan meeting.

In the square of the Dandian, there are countless wooden racks on display. In the grids of the wooden racks, there may be elixir, prescription, or pill. Each item is not a simple commodity.

"Broken Wang Dan? This is mine!"

In the crowd, a ninth-order spirit emperor opened his mouth and happily grabbed it into a grid, and placed a round pill in the grid.

Break Wang Dan.

A pill that can make the Ninth-level Spirit Emperor break through to the throne level.

This kind of pill, for people like him who have been trapped in the Ninth-Order Spirit Sovereign for a long time, can be said to have a fatal attraction!

"What does he want to do?"

"Ming grabbing?"

Some people yelled, but more people looked at each other coldly, with a sneer at the corners of their mouths.



A thick white smoke rose from the palm that the man grabbed, and his right arm immediately turned into nothingness, and the painful screams resounded through the sky.

"Idiot." A fifth-grade alchemy master glanced at him disdainfully.

If the items in the Dan meeting were so easily robbed, wouldn't there be no guards to guard them?

Not to mention the ninth-order spirit king, even the ninth-order spirit king, it is difficult to break through the prohibition of protection in a short time and take away the items in it.

With the lessons learned from the past, all those with ghosts trembled and quickly put away their previous thoughts.

"This medicinal material is Jiuyou Ice Flame Grass? I have only seen it in ancient elixir If there is no mark on it, I still can't recognize it."

"This is the Nine Reincarnated Bone Flower? Can the flesh and blood of the spirit beast grow instantly?"

"Brahma Bone Core? The one that appeared in Jiujue City last time sold 400,000 spiritual jade!"

Like a lively little rabbit, Jiang Sheng was in the square, looking at the medicinal materials and elixir on display in surprise.

After several days of explanation by Xiao Yang, she became more sensitive to rare medicinal materials.

Alchemists are good alchemists and better alchemists.

An alchemist who doesn't like alchemy materials is not a qualified alchemist.

"Sorry, let me."

Stretching out his right arm to block a young man who almost bumped into Jiang Sheng, Xiao Yang shook his head with a wry smile, his gaze glanced casually and suddenly solidified.

"Zhuo Shuitang?"

(End of this chapter)

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