Master of Beasts

Chapter 208: Lei Lai

A thick thunder pierced the slightly dark sky, and the black thundercloud seemed to fall down. Suddenly, a violent wind blew up, and the few withered branches in Lei Yuan trembled violently.


Standing in the air, Xiao Yang stared at the sight in the mirror in front of him. In the darkness of his eyes, his anger rose, his gaze slowly moved, as if he wanted to remember all the proud faces.

At this moment, everyone outside the ancient mirror could not see the scene in Lei Yuan, but he could spy on the outside world, as if he had completely turned around compared to before.

"It's troublesome."

Floating beside Xiao Yang, Master Mo sighed leisurely: "This ancient mirror can only be opened at a certain time. If you want to go out again, I am afraid it will be three years later."

"Three years?" Xiao Yang's face suddenly became extremely ugly, let alone three years, even three months, he would not be able to stay, not to mention this ruined place, deserted, and even the most basic cultivation environment can not be found. To one place.

"Is there any other way?" Xiao Yang looked at Master Mo unwillingly.

"Yes, yes."

After pondering for a while, Master Mo slowly nodded: "As long as you hit the inside of the mirror with a force that surpasses the fifth-order Nirvana-level spirit beast, you can temporarily create a spatial vortex and escape from here. Maybe, I can try."

"This method doesn't work."

Without even thinking about it, Xiao Yang simply rejected the proposal. Although he could go out, Master Mo would definitely be exposed to everyone’s sight. By then, both his and Master Mo’s situation would be met. It becomes extremely bad.

Although I don't know where the limit of Master Mo is, it should not be enough to harden the spirit emperor. Who knows if there will be some old monsters hidden in this snowstorm.


Just as Xiao Yang frowned in contemplation, a bright thunder suddenly spread out in all directions in the shape of a tree branch, as if it was full of the sky.


There was a sudden light in front of him, Xiao Yang quickly took out a string of pendants from the stone of the sky, and then tore off the extra part, only a deep star dragon ball, lying quietly in his palm: "Master Mo, you I said that this thing can store extremely large amounts of energy."

When Master Mo heard the words, he was startled, and then smiled and nodded: "Of course, let alone the thunder in this abyss, even thousands or tens of thousands of times more energy can still be absorbed. However, as a support Yes, your body may endure tremendous pain."


Gently licking the corner of his mouth, Xiao Yang raised his head to look at the black sky, a crazy smile, and his face appeared: "If you can't resist even a bit of pain, how can you get out of the Xueyue Empire in the future and see the outside world? "

Looking at the smile on Xiao Yang's face, Master Mo's eyes flashed a touch of relief, his figure flashed, and he retreated thousands of feet away. He had already vaguely guessed what Xiao Yang would do next.


With a flap of his wings behind him, Xiao Yang suddenly skimmed the sky, and the spiritual power in his body quickly poured into the star dragon ball. For a while, strange lines spread on the surface of the deep bead.


There was a deep and stern shout, the Star Dragon Ball in Xiao Yang's hand was lifted high, the black thundercloud shrank, and immediately after a wave of thunder light containing violent spiritual power, it fell down overwhelmingly, converging towards the stars. Dragon Ball.

From a distance, the radiant rays of thunder light seemed to form a huge tornado storm, and the bottom of the storm was Xiao Yang's tiny body.


The blood in his body surged, Xiao Yang spouted out a mouthful of blood, holding the palm of Star Dragon Ball, he was shocked to crack small blood streaks, but his eyes were still extremely firm.

At the same time, the thunder in the surrounding mountain wall also rushed in disgustingly, immersed in the star dragon ball, even the thunder beasts burst into pieces, turning into dazzling ones. The Thunder Soul Orb, suspended in all directions.

This scene lasted for nearly a quarter of an hour until the black thundercloud in the sky nearly dissipated, Xiao Yang finally couldn't bear it and fell down.


The wings slapped fiercely. When Xiao Yang was about to fall to the ground, he reluctantly grabbed the falling body, and immediately stepped on the soles of his feet, and he fell on the ground covered in blood, with dense wounds covering all parts of his body.


Looking at the gleam of thunder in the deep star dragon ball, at the corner of Xiao Yang's mouth, a smile of relief was difficult to pull out, he could feel that if the spiritual power in it was allowed to explode, there would even be some spirits. The strong must avoid the edge for the time being.

This is the thunder energy in the entire Lei Yuan!

"Receive!" Master Mo floated towards Xiao Yang, his sleeves flicked slightly, spiritual power swept through the room, fist-sized thunder soul beads, as if forming a dazzling thunder river, hovering around Xiao Yang, each All of them exude vigorous spiritual power.

The Thunder Soul Orb is a special kind of spirit creature that can be used to speed up the cultivation speed of the Thunder Spirit Beast, so it is undoubtedly an extremely rare treasure for the Bai family.

If it weren't for people with the strength of the spirit master and above, I am afraid that every year the Bai family would be able to obtain a large number of Thunder Soul Orbs. With this cultivation tool, even if the comprehensive strength surpassed the royal family one day, it would not be impossible.

"The Bai family is really good calculations. The Thunder Soul Orbs obtained during each trial are more than the training resources given." In Xiao Yang's heart, he whispered secretly. I am afraid that it is just to absorb genius. A guise, and obtaining Thunder Soul Orb is the real purpose of each trial.

"However, the absorption capacity of the Star Dragon Ball is too overbearing. In the future, Lei Yuan, perhaps even a trace of thunder, will not give birth again." Master Mo smiled and said.

"That feeling is good, I don't know if Bai Xiao will jump into thunder when he hears this news." Xiao Yang grinned at the corner of his mouth when he heard this. He suddenly narrowed his eyes, and his wings shook slightly behind his back, flashing like lightning. Into the air.

There, after the black thunderclouds dispersed, there was a light cluster of spiritual power gradually revealed.


Holding the light group in his hand, Xiao Yang fell to the ground, and then raised his brows slightly to look at the golden book pages that were undulating within the light group, and the next Mo master was so angry that his mouth twitched.

"It's so bullying. I stayed there well back then. I didn't hire anyone and didn't provoke anyone. As a result, I was broken up into several parts. If it weren't for them..." Master Mo cursed. There is a touch of usual calm appearance.

"You didn't feel it?" Xiao Yang's eyes were a little weird. The page in Heilin Town seemed to be Mr. Mo Shilu who had the feeling.

"I was sealed." Master Mo grabbed the pages of the book, his chest was slightly ups and downs: "This is where one of my spiritual skills is sealed. After refining, although I can't improve my strength, but even the Spirit Sovereign is here, it may not be possible. Catch up with us."

"Master Mo, when I arrive, I will help you get revenge." Xiao Yang's eyes were slightly sinking, and he said solemnly.

"Don't, that couple, one is stronger than the other, and..."

Master Mo's voice gradually fainted, and in the end he kept silent and swept back into the void stone with a swish.

With a helpless shrug, Xiao Yang stroked the thunderous Star Dragon Ball. He raised his head and looked at the huge mirror in mid-air. A cold smile gradually appeared on his face.

"The Bai family, if it were not for you, life in Snowstorm might be very boring. Since you started the war, when it will end, you can't help it."

(End of this chapter)

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