Master of Beasts

Chapter 314: New flame

  The afterglow of the setting sun gradually disappeared. Outside the wooden windows, there was no hint of sunlight. Xiao Yang wandered around in the spacious mansion for a while before he sat down at the bluestone table with confidence.

"It's worthy of the treatment that honorary elders can enjoy."

After eating the cakes on the table, Xiao Yang smiled faintly, his nerves tense for a few days, and finally gradually relieved.

In the mountains, he has never slept peacefully. Even at night, he is worried that there will be a sudden attack by spirit beasts or passing spiritual masters. But in the inn, the same is true, for fear of being asleep in a deep sleep. Feeling wiped his neck.


Sitting on the bluestone table, Chi Yan's sharp claws stabbed abruptly, picking up a piece of cake, and then feasting on it. The sound of his mouth made Xiao Yang amused.


Suddenly, a low voice sounded, Xiao Yang glanced out the window faintly, flipped his right hand, and for a moment, the delicate spiritual power runestone in his palm flashed a blue light: "Come in."

With the contraction of the magic circle, a figure with a cold sweat on his forehead walked in panic. Seeing that, it was Lin Qiong.

"Little brother Xiao Yang."

As soon as he opened the door, Lin Qiong's pair of eye pupils were solidified on the badge on Xiao Yang's chest. After a while, he raised his head incredulously, "Are you... a fourth-rank alchemist?"

Looking at Lin Qiong's shocked appearance, Xiao Yang was amused secretly in his heart. Not to mention the fourth-rank alchemist, he is the first-rank alchemist. For Lin Qiong, it is an unattainable existence, and it is no wonder that he is so gaffe.


Pointing to the bluestone stool next to him, Xiao Yang smiled lightly.

"Master Xiao..." After Lin Qiong sat down, he uttered a few words with difficulty. Until now, he has not recovered from the shock of the fourth-rank alchemist.

"Just call me Xiao Yang." Xiao Yang smiled, and then handed a cup of tea to Lin Qiong, who saw it and quickly lowered his body to take it. The cold sweat on his forehead became more dense.

"Don't be so nervous, that day, you still dare to punch my fist at me." There was a smile in Xiao Yang's voice, trying to relax Lin Qiong.

"I was clumsy at the time. Fortunately, the little brother didn't care about it. Otherwise, Snow City would not have me like Lin Qiong." Slightly relieved, the tension in Lin Qiong's heart finally faded a little.

"Nine-order spiritual master, it seems that my pill still has some effects." Xiao Yang looked at Lin Qiong with a little surprise. The latter's talent was obviously extremely high, otherwise it would be difficult to obtain such a pill. A rapid breakthrough.

"Little brother, what do you want to ask, just ask, Lin Qiong must know everything." Lin Qiong took a sip of tea, moisturizing his slightly dry throat, and whispered.

"Well, you know, I first came to Snow City and didn't understand many things, such as Han Tu Banquet and Lin Bing Ban, what are they." Xiao Yang asked suspiciously.

"Let’s talk about the Rin Bing List first."

Lin Qiong Ning said: "The Bing Bing List is a list listed by the imperial royal family. Only people under the age of 25 can enter the list. Moreover, the minimum strength requirement requires a strong spiritual master."

Hearing Lin Qiong’s explanation, Xiao Yang nodded slightly, and then felt a little emotional in his heart. The strong spiritual master, in a place like Guyang City, can count it with his fingers, but in Snow City, it is completely commonplace. .

"The current Rin Bing List has a total of 100 people, among which the lowest strength person has the strength of a Tier 2 spirit master, and the strongest person is a Tier 5 spirit master." Lin Qiong continued to explain.

"Oh, who is it?" Xiao Yang picked up the tea and took a sip, the fifth-order spirit master is indeed very strong.

"You Li." Lin Qiong vomited the name without even thinking about it.


Hearing this, all the tea in Xiao Yang's mouth was sprayed out and spilled on the bluestone table. Chi Yan glanced at Xiao Yang disgustingly, and then used his tail to drag all the cakes aside.

"What's the matter?" Lin Qiong's face was a little dazed when he saw Xiao Yang, who had always been plain as water, with such a big reaction.

"It's okay, it's okay." Xiao Yang coughed and waved his hand. At the same time, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. You Li's age was significantly younger than Zuo Qingshi, and even younger than him. However, she turned out to be a fifth. Powerful Spirit Lord!

"Hey, take a hit."

Master Mo's laughter sounded in Xiao Yang's heart, and the laughter was full of gloat.

"As for the Han Tu Banquet, it is a banquet that can only be attended by Tianjiao who is ranked on the Rin Bing List. This banquet seems to be a discussion, but in fact, it is for the distribution of a fourth-grade elixir called Han Tu Guo. This elixir, in the entire Xueyue Empire, only appears at the Han Tu Banquet. It is said that after refining, it can make the spirit beast of the middle lord level break through to the higher level."

Xiao Yang's eyelids suddenly jumped when he heard the voice. Although many pills can make the low-lord-level spirit beasts break through to medium, but the ones that make medium breakthroughs high are extremely rare. At least in Qianyaofang, they have not appeared. A pair of such prescriptions.

"Han Tu fruit grows on the Jiu Tu tree. Every three years, nine fruits will mature. Therefore, the competition will be extremely fierce every time. Only the third-order spirit master can compete."

Xiao Yang heard this, with a faint smile on his face. After the rock horned dragon rhinoceros broke through the lord rank, the rank has been stuck at the middle rank. If you want to break through naturally, you don't know how long and how long you will wait. , Can't let it go.

"By the way, these things are for you."

It seemed that he suddenly remembered something, Xiao Yang waved his palm, and dozens of light groups swept out of the void stone and floated in the room. These light groups were all rewards given by the Bai family.

"this is……"

After scanning the items in the light group, Lin Qiong's eyes suddenly shrank. The combined value of these items should be no less than two or three million gold coins.

Thinking of this Lin Qiong's throat is a little dry. For him, this is undoubtedly an unimaginable huge sum of money.

"These things are useless if I hold them. You can accept them." Xiao Yang smiled faintly. After he came back, he kept all the things that he could use. As for these, it seemed to him. It's chicken ribs.

Investing in a dual-source spiritualist, and a very useful phonological spiritualist, he didn't feel distressed at all.

Xiao Yang had a hunch that maybe one day, Lin Qiong's special ability of Chao Yin Bat could be of great use.


At this moment, Chi Yan, who was eating and drinking, suddenly raised his head, staring at a light ball with fiery eyes. In that light ball, there was a dark black lotus with a chilly breath. Out.

The ghost flower, the third-rank elixir, and the dark-attribute spirit beast can enhance their own power after being refined.

It's just that one side of this ghost flower is missing a petal, and the scorched trace seems to have been burned by something.

"There is a hint of sun flame on this ghost flower, and it is stronger than the sun flame your Firefox currently has. I guess that ghost flower should have been contaminated with flames related to your Firefox mutation. "

Master Mo's voice sounded in his heart, and Xiao Yang's dark eyes suddenly lit up little by little.

(End of this chapter)


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