Master of Beasts

Chapter 328: Arctic Ice

   "The four-pin pill, Lanpo Pill, twelve pieces."

Xiao Yang's indifferent voice spread in the hall. The sound was not loud, but it made the atmosphere in the field instantly become extremely quiet. After a while, the dull gaze slowly converged on Xiao Yang. .

Sipin medicine?

At this moment, they all doubted whether there was something wrong with their ears.

"Hou Feng, the kid just said, the fourth-grade pill...Lanpodan, right." Cui Li opened his mouth slightly, and the voice came out with a slightly uncertain taste.

"It seems to be." Hou Feng's heart jumped, and an unpleasant feeling arose spontaneously.

"You got it wrong."

Cui Li shook his head and sneered, "As if to refute Hou Feng, but also to comfort himself, "A little kid who doesn't even grow his hair, in order to save face, he even has a little bit of shame..."

Cui Li's voice was getting weaker and weaker, because he was horrified to see that Xiao Yang, who turned around, was wearing the honorary elder badge that only Grade 4 alchemy masters were qualified to hold.

"Fourth Grade Alchemist!"

I don't know who it is, screaming uncontrollably, and the whole hall suddenly fell into dead silence again.

And Ye Lan, who was about to avoid Cui Li, also covered her red lips tightly with her delicate hands, and her white little face was shocked.

Not to mention the fourth-rank alchemist, even Cui Li, who is the first-rank alchemist, is extremely powerful in the eyes of these young people, so when they saw the badge on Xiao Yang’s chest, they were shocked, but Think about it.

"You... your badge is fake, right!"

After returning to his senses, Cui Li stared at Xiao Yang closely, and his shock was mixed with an incredible voice, which resounded sharply.

Ignoring Cui Li, Xiao Yang walked to the corner of the main hall, stretched out his hand and waved a light yellow barrier to protect him, and then he sat cross-legged amidst many dumbfounded gazes, and then, Take out the dark black Danding.

"He pretended to be, he must be!" Cui Li glanced at Ye Lan, whose eyes were twinkling, and a deep resentment burst into his heart, and the voice that came out was particularly acrid.


With a flick of his finger, a light yellow flame soared up in the pill cauldron, Xiao Yang methodically put the elixir into the pill cauldron, the artistic technique made Ye Lan's face rise. red.

This is the real alchemist, compared with him, Cui Li can only be regarded as half-hearted!

Since she had lived in the elder's house since she was a child, Ye Lan had a natural worship for all powerful alchemists, not to mention that she was still such a young fourth-tier alchemist.

"I didn't show up just now, he's pretty handsome." Ye Lan looked at Xiao Yang, with a blush on her face that could be broken by a bomb.

In contrast to Ye Lan, Cui Li's expression on the side was ugly.

"Hehe, whoever comes here these days, wears the badge of a fourth-rank alchemist, and can pretend to be a fourth-rank alchemist. It seems that the order of the elder's house needs to be strengthened."

Pretending to be calm and laughed, Cui Li said in a weird way, he didn't want to believe it, he didn't even dare to believe that Xiao Yang, who was younger than him, was actually a fourth-rank alchemist.

You know, the difference between the first-rank alchemy master and the fourth-rank alchemy master is thousands of times!


However, shortly afterwards, his face became stiff, because in the pill cauldron, a dark blue pill was suddenly ejected, and then Xiao Yang, whose eyes were closed, grabbed it into his hand.

"He really is a fourth-rank alchemist!"

Hou Feng’s horrified voice echoed in the hall, followed by a shocking uproar. Although they had more or less believed just now, they were still severely affected when they saw it with their own eyes. Shocked.

"This is not true, I am dreaming." Cui Li pinched his face vigorously, but the pain that came from made his face even more ugly.

He just vowed to instruct Xiao Yang, who knew his first-rank alchemy master's strength, in the latter's eyes, it was just a joke.

Cui Li's complexion was alternately blue and white, feeling the piercing eyes from his back. This time he was embarrassed, but he was really thrown into his grandma's house. What made him even more unacceptable was that he vaguely felt that in Ye Lan's clear water eyes. , A hint of sarcasm.

"How could he be a fourth-rank alchemist..."

It was Hou Feng who regretted more than Cui Li. He looked at Xiao Yang with trembling lips, and the regret in his heart was almost written on his face.

In order to please Cui Li, he actually offended Xiao Yang. You must know that the identity of this fourth-rank alchemist is no less than Cui Li's old son Cui Ting.

Time passed bit by bit.

Everyone in the hall was not willing to look away half a minute. In normal times, let alone a fourth-rank alchemist, even a first-rank alchemist did not have much opportunity to witness it personally. This time, it was not inferior. He fumbled for hundreds of days.


Taking the last blue soul pill in his hand, Xiao Yang spread out his palm, looked at the color of the pill, smiled with satisfaction, remembering that he was extremely reluctant to refine the fourth-grade pill last time, and this time, undoubtedly It has improved a lot.

"With twelve materials, did you actually refine twelve Blue Soul Pills?"

The person in charge of the elder pavilion was an old man who was proud of the old. His pupils narrowed and looked at the pill box that Xiao Yang handed over. Among them, twelve round pill medicines exuded a strong pill fragrance.

The people behind suddenly took another breath, and looked at Xiao Yang with even more respect.

You should know that any alchemist has a more or less failure rate in refining alchemy. For example, Cui Ting, his chance of success in refining a fourth-rank pill is only about 30%, but in a fourth-rank alchemy master Medium, it's already pretty good.

It is conceivable that Xiao Yang's successful move of all the twelve pills at one time had a great impact on them.

As for Cui Li, he gritted his teeth and stared at Xiao Yang's back. It was this guy who made him lose face in front of Ye Lan, while Hou Feng's face was extremely pale, for fear that Xiao Yang would ask him to settle accounts.

"Twelve blue soul pills, contribution value of 12,000 points, public teaching alchemy, contribution value of 300 points." Rong Lao calmed down and looked at Xiao Yang with a smile.

"Does this contribution value have any effect?" Xiao Yang asked curiously.

"Rare items can be exchanged. These things are rare in the outside world." Rong Lao had an old face, and his wrinkles were all relaxed with a smile. It is not difficult to see that he wants to have a good relationship with Xiao Yang. .

Nodded slightly, Xiao Yang took the list in Elder Rong's hand and scanned it casually. Immediately, the sweeping gaze was frozen on a line of small print, and it was difficult to remove it.

Extremely cold ice marrow, one hundred thousand contribution value, ice attribute spiritual creature.

(End of this chapter)


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