Master of Beasts

: breakthrough

The dazzling light, carrying violent spiritual power fluctuations, swept away in the field, and all the trees that were in contact with them burst to pieces on the spot, and were annihilated in the blazing spiritual power.


Suddenly, two figures shot backwards from the spreading position of the spiritual power fluctuations, and slammed on the ground fiercely, each drawing a long trace.

Those two figures were Chi Yan and Wang Yanpo.

Lying on the ground embarrassedly, the two spirit beasts both had their chests undulating slightly, and they struggled for a few times, but they didn't stand up. The violent collision just now has exhausted the spiritual power and the lamps in their bodies.

Looking at Wang Yanpo who was exhausted, Yang Duan's face was full of disbelief.

His Wang Yan soul, but the fourth-order high lord level, in the past, I don’t know how many spirit beasts of the same level were buried in its hands, but now, it is actually tied with a second-order high lord level spirit beast?


Panting heavily in his mouth, Chi Yan lay on the ground, his palms firmly propped on the ground, and after an instant, a deep yellow ripple suddenly rippled in all directions centered on it.

At this critical juncture, it actually broke through!

Looking at the bursting flames of Chi Yan, Xiao Yang breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. After nearly three months of the psychic tower, Chi Yan was only one step away from breaking through the third rank, passing by the **** eagle and Wang Yanpo. The fierce battle finally caused the spiritual power in the body to break through the shackles.

Although after the breakthrough, the spiritual power of the spirit beast can only recover a few points, but for the current Chi Yan, it is already enough.

Looking at Chi Yan, who was getting up again, with trembling eyes, Yang Duan raised his throat with a heart. It was obvious that Wang Yanpu had lost his fighting ability, and it was self-evident what he was going to give birth to next.


With the soles of his feet treading the blazing Sacred Sun Flame, Chi Yan appeared in front of Wang Yanpu a few flashes, and his sharp claws slammed down fiercely like a sharp knife.

"Stop it, you just need to hand over the Tianyanying inscription, and I don't need to hold you accountable for killing the two Yang Mo!" Yang Duan couldn't help but yelled out loud.

Although he was at a disadvantage, he still maintained a kind of arrogance in his words, as if his failure to pursue it was a great favor to Xiao Yang.

Hearing this, Xiao Yang's dark eyes, Gu Jing Wubo, and Yang Duan could kill even the people in his door without blinking. If he was allowed to leave, it would be a disaster in the future.

In a crisp cracking sound, Chi Yan's sharp claws shattered the gem on Wang Yanpu's chest, and immediately submerged in his body. Red blood stains flowed around along the location where the gem broke.

After twitching his whole body a few times, Wang Yanpao's vitality was lost, but the three flames lingering beside him all gathered beside Chi Yan, making the slightly dim dark yellow streamer extremely bright.


Stepping on Wang Yanpo's corpse, Chi Yan looked up to the sky and whispered. The breath of the flame at this moment seemed to have regained its former glory, making Chi Yan's breath faintly close to Tier 4.

If under this situation, you would fight Wang Yanpao again, you would definitely not be as embarrassed as before, and even be able to kill Wang Yanpao easily.

"You're done, we Huo Lie Sect, we won't let you go!" Yang Duan's gaze turned, and there was an undisguised ferocious look in Xiao Yang's eyes.

"Then you have to survive first." Xiao Yang smiled nonchalantly, while Chi Yan suddenly turned to Yang Duan, walking towards the latter with cold eyes.

"Yang Yi, Yang Yu!"

Seeing Chi Yan approaching, Yang Duan's expression suddenly became extremely flustered, and even Wang Yanpu died in Chi Yan's hands, let alone him.


The trees in the distance trembled for a while, and Yang Duan looked over in surprise, but what appeared was Yang Yi in embarrassment. His face was full of deep horror, and he shouted, "Go!"

With his mouth open, before he had time to say anything, Yang Duan was Yang Yi with a trembling cheek, grabbed it in his hand, and immediately shot into the air with lightning under the support of a flaming crane.

"Elder Yang Yi, what's wrong..."

Yang Duan sat on the blazing fire crane, looking at Yang Yi with a trembling face, a bad premonition rose in his heart, making his scalp a little numb.

"That girl is a monster..."

There was a little panic remaining on his face, Yang Yi swallowed hard, he and Yang Yu joined hands, even the eighth-order spirit master was not afraid of it, and the girl, in an instant, killed Yang Yu. And his spirit beast,

"How is this possible!" Yang Duan yelled in horror. He was defeated by Xiao Yang, and he had already lost a lot of confidence, and the girl called You Li could even kill the seventh-order spirit master. Could it be Feng Feng? Are the young people of Syracuse all freaks!

"I will never leave the city of fire again!" Yang Yi wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with lingering fears. Just now, it was the closest he was to When I go back, I must tell the host. , So that these two people can't survive, and can't die! "

Yang Duan said viciously, but his voice, just now, a light yellow flame suddenly drilled out of his body, and then Yang Yi's horrified gaze suddenly exuberantly enveloped Yang Duan.


A scream of screams resounded across the sky, and Yang Duan squirmed his body frantically, but after a while, the overbearing Sheng Yangyan burned his whole person to ashes.

In the mountains.

Looking up at the flames rising in the sky in the distance, Xiao Yang grinned slightly. The moment Yang Yi appeared, he unknowingly infiltrated Duan Yang's body, and the latter only took care of Taking precautions against Chi Yan, he forgot that it was Xiao Yang who really wanted to kill him.

Putting Chi Yan, who was in a state of fox confusion, lightly placed on his shoulders, Xiao Yang walked towards the depths of the forest with a look of confusion. He was very curious about what You Li did to help Yang Yi as a seventh-order spiritual master. Shocked like that.

The line of sight in front of him suddenly widened, and Xiao Yang's pupils shrank slightly, and the space within a radius of one hundred meters was so empty that he couldn't even find a leaf.

An azure blue water ball stood on the open space, among which was Yang Yu's distorted face and a seventh-order high lord-level burning prairie lion, but at this moment, all of them had no life.

"This guy, his mouth is a little dirty." You Li looked at Xiao Yang, helplessly spreading her hands.

The shock lasted for a long time before it gradually dissipated. Xiao Yang smiled helplessly. He thought that so many years of cultivation could narrow the gap between the two, but now it seems that it hasn't been narrowed, but it seems to be even bigger.

(End of this chapter)

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