Master of Beasts

Chapter 367: Obstruct

The gold coin card that had been stuffed in was thrown on the ground, Pang Yi's face was blue and white, he was in Wind Snow City, somehow he also had a certain identity, wherever he went, others would sell him a bit of face, but the soldier in front of him, unexpectedly. Treating him makes him feel a sense of humiliation in his heart.

"Don't dare to open the empty boundary stone, can it be said that there is a ghost in his heart?" The soldier smiled sorrowfully, and immediately waved his palm. A dozen figures surrounded the ugly face of Pang Yi.

A drop of cold sweat slipped from his forehead, and the palm of Pang Yi's sleeves trembled slightly.

There are many items in his void stone that prove that he is a member of the Xueyue Empire. If it is really opened, I am afraid he will have to die here before entering the Nether Light Empire.

"Then they, why don't you open the Kongjie Stone?" You Li pointed to the few people who entered the gate, with pretty cheeks, cold and elegant.

The soldier's gaze turned slightly, and the soldier's gaze stayed on You Li, a touch of heat that could not be concealed, and suddenly came out of his eyes, which was also mixed with a bit of lust.

"They are all pill boys of Master Yaolian. The empire has orders. As long as you are an alchemist, you can enjoy certain privileges. Not to mention that you don't need to be searched, or you blatantly bring things in. We can't stop them." While talking, the soldier looked at You Li recklessly, and his smiled face was full of bad intentions.

"Little girl, you and him belong together."

Licking his lips, the soldier pretended to say casually: "I suspect that there is something shameful on you, so let me search it."

After speaking, the soldier's outstretched palm was about to fall on You Li.

Seeing this, the pedestrians passing by all sighed and shook their heads. This soldier clearly wanted to take advantage of You Li. The search for the boundary stone in the air was too much, so there was no direct body search.


Just at the soldier's fingertips, only half a foot away from Youli's delicate body, an old palm suddenly protruded from the back, and then tightly grasped his wrist in his hand.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and the soldier's eyes drooped slightly. Even if Xuan saw it, a spotted palm moved his eyes, and a weather-beaten face came into his eyes.

"I am not dead, let me go." The soldier's voice was harsh. He has been here for so long, flattering and flattering. He has seen a lot, but this is the first one who dares to do something to him.

"Little guy, if I don't let go." The old man said with a smile.

"I don't know what is good or bad!" The soldier's eyes were cold, and the raised palm slammed the old man's face fiercely.


As soon as the soldier's palm was about to slap the old man's face, a majestic voice suddenly rang from behind, and then, a middle-aged man wearing a silver armor stepped out.

"Captain, this person is hindering us. I suspect that there is a ghost in their hearts." When the soldier saw the middle-aged man who appeared, his eyelids trembled slightly, and he hurriedly lowered his body.

"is it."

The gaze of the captain of the soldier swept across Pang Yi and Youli, and finally stopped on the old man, and a gentle voice came out: "Senior, hindering our search, but it's a felony, can you give me an explanation."

The captain's experience is much richer than those of the young soldiers behind him. Vaguely, he felt that the old man seemed to be confident, so his attitude was also extremely respectful.

"Hehe, explain."

A weird smile appeared on the old man's old face, and immediately his palms spread out, and a deep yellow flame suddenly soared. The flames twisted and turned into a fire bird, dazzling around his palm.

"What do you think of this explanation?" The old man smiled.

"Pill fire is condensed, Grade 4 alchemist!" The soldier captain looked at the firebird beside the old man, his breathing suddenly stagnated.

Unlike other countries, the Netherlight Empire started relatively late, so it could only rely on plundering other countries' resources to seek rapid development, as it did in the invasion of Xueyue decades ago.

Under these conditions, the alchemists in their empire are naturally extremely rare. The highest alchemy is only a fourth-rank alchemist, and that alchemist still settled in from other places, so I saw the old man show Strength, the face of the soldier captain, was suddenly filled with shock.

"Hehe, your country doesn't seem to welcome me as an old immortal." The old man shook his head and smiled, before turning around and leaving.

"and so on."

Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, the soldier captain hurriedly grabbed the old man’s arm, and when he noticed his impoliteness, he immediately let go, and smiled bitterly: "Senior, if you have anything to say, we can say it well. I am here to pay you no."


The old man turned tremblingly, his old finger pointed at the soldier who was going to search Youli before: "This person is your subordinate. Just now, he wanted to touch my Dantong's body as he did his job. , You said, how can this be solved?"

Hearing the old man's words, the soldier captain couldn't help but shiver, offending a fourth-rank alchemist. If this is known from above, he has to be skinned.

"Captain, I didn't, she is really too suspicious." The soldier's face was panicked, but the words that came out were still trying to quibble.

He did have the desire to take advantage of Youli just now, and over the years, with the help of the name of the interrogation, he has touched the whole body of many women, and those women dare to be angry but dare not speak. Who knows that today, he finally kicked it. iron plate.

"Suspicious, haha." The old man pulled the corner of his mouth with a smile, grabbing You Li's jade hand, and was about to leave here.

Being grasped by the old man, You Li did not resist either, but there was a faint smile in the depths of her beautiful eyes.


He gritted his teeth abruptly and pulled out the dagger around his waist. The captain of the soldier slashed down in a straightforward manner. The soldier's two arms fell straight to the ground, and the screams rang out instantly.

Looking at the sudden scene, Pang Yi couldn't help but breathe a little bit quickly. This scene was completely beyond his imagination.

"Senior, Youguang Empire welcomes any alchemist. What happened just now is a misunderstanding. Now, you can go in." The soldier captain clasped his fist at the old man and said respectfully.

Patting the soldier captain's shoulder, the old man grabbed Youli's jade-like delicate hand and slowly walked into the gate. Pang Yi followed with a gloomy face.

Seeing a few people enter, the soldier captain let out a sigh of relief. The value of a fourth-rank alchemist is no less than that of a Lingpan powerhouse, and to a certain extent, even more.

In the dark alleyway, three figures walked silently.

"Have you caught enough?" You Li looked at the old man beside her, and a playful smile appeared on her pretty face.


After being exposed to the cautious thought in his heart, Xiao Yang coughed dryly, his rickety back slowly straightened up, and the old skin all over his body also twitched piece by piece at this moment.


All the skin, completely separated from the body, immediately turned into slender white silks in the air.

Xiao Yang opened his palms, and all the white silks were quickly sucked into his body by a white worm in his hand.

Looking at such a scene, Pang Yi's face was dull, and after a long time, he did not recover.

This person turned out to be Xiao Yang!

(End of this chapter)


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