Master of Beasts

Chapter 369: Dark Dragon Bud

"Xuanjulu ranked seventeenth, the king of the night."

The ethereal voice of Youli resounded in his ears, and Xiao Yang's eyes were a little different, and it took a long time before he let out a long sigh.

Wanye King, this dark attribute profound beast, has only appeared once on the entire continent, and there has been no trace since then.

It is said that the body of the King of Nights is extremely mysterious, and everyone who sees it only sees a cloud of black mist.

Where the black fog passes, the earth is barren, and even the sun's rays from the sky will be obscured by the boundless darkness.

"Why, are you interested in it?" You Li Dai raised her eyebrows slightly and said with a chuckle.

Looking around cautiously, Xiao Yang found that, except for the people attracted by Youli's appearance, no one else noticed this place. He lowered his voice and whispered: "My empty world stone In the middle, there is a Black Mingzhu."

Hearing this, Youli's eyes flickered, and her ruddy small mouth slightly opened, showing her astonishment in her heart.

She never imagined that there was one Black Pearl Bead that could not be found on the mainland. In Xiao Yang's hands, if this news spreads, it will definitely set off a **** storm. The Black Skull Sect will also One came to the door.

"That's it."

Zhenshou lightly nodded, and You Li's pretty face showed a slight smile: "It seems that soon, we will inevitably encounter the Black Skull Cult."

Looking at Youli's clear eyes, Xiao Yang cast his lips helplessly. If it weren't for Hei Mingzhu, he didn't want to face the overlord of this ghost crying city, but he knew the news, no matter what, he couldn't control Hei Ming Bead let go.

In the next few days, several people in Xiao Yang found an inn and stayed temporarily, but the astrolabe never responded, so several people could only wait like this.


A few days later, when Xiao Yang and You Li were staring at the astrolabe boredly, a low knock on the door suddenly rang.

Walking forward, Xiao Yang opened the door, and a thin and thin man with a stubborn eyebrow was standing in front of the door.

"This is?" You Li looked at this person with some confusion.

"The intelligence dealer in Guiwai City."

Xiao Yang smiled and said: "Just waiting like this is a waste of time. It's better to find something to do. I have a few urgently needed panacea. I have been unable to find it in the original place, so I want to touch it in this ghost town. Take a chance."

Beautiful eyes blinked gently, and You Li glanced at the man outside the door, and then she moved her gaze back, whether she has something to do, so she doesn't need to be bored in this inn.

"Little brother, I have inquired about the information you want, but..." The intelligence dealer smiled, the meaning of the smile is self-evident.

When he waved his hand to interrupt the intelligence dealer, Xiao Yang took out a two hundred thousand gold coin card from the empty boundary stone, and immediately slapped it in the latter's hand.

"Little brother is refreshing."

Tucked the gold coin card into his arms, the intelligence dealer said with a smile: "The two elixir you want are hard to find, but after running for six days, I finally found out about the Dark Dragon Bud in the Jiuxing Pavilion. , This elixir is now in their container."

Hearing this, Xiao Yang couldn't help being overjoyed. He had already gathered the materials for the Fourth Grade Zhixin Pill, and the rest were the Dark Dragon Bud and Bafang Ye.

Right now, the news of the Dark Dragon Bud has been received, so it is one step closer to refining the Fourth Grade Zhixin Pill.

"If this matter is known to others, I will definitely not spare you." Xiao Yang looked at the intelligence dealer, with a sharp tone in his flat voice.

Although he wasn't sure whether anyone in the Nether Light Empire knew the Heart Pill, but it was not a bad thing to be careful.

"Definitely, definitely." The intelligence traffickers nodded repeatedly, and the most important thing in their profession is to keep it secret. If you can't even control your mouth, then you will not be far away from losing your life.

"As for Bafang Ye, you should also pay more attention to it. Once you can find out about it, I will give you this number." Xiao Yang spread out his right hand and said in a deep voice.

Seeing Xiao Yang's offer, the intelligence dealer couldn't help but rolled his throat, and then nodded like a chicken pecking rice. He had vaguely guessed that Xiao Yang was probably a third-rank or even fourth-rank. Alchemy masters, like this kind of people, are very generous in their shots in order to get the medicinal materials and elixir they want.

"Let's go."

After the intelligence dealer left, Xiao Yang turned his head and smiled at You Li, maybe, after going out and turning around a few times, the astrolabe would be able to respond.

Walking out of the inn, Xiao Yang glanced at Pang Yi who was behind him, and shrugged helplessly. This guy, like a dog skin plaster, couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

"Nine Star Pavilion."

Looking up at the magnificent attic, Xiao Yang paused, and then walked in slowly, but his back was slightly rickety, and the skin on his face was also full of folds.

In such a place, it might be necessary to expose his identity as a fourth-rank alchemist, so in a dark corner, he took out the thousand silkworms while no one was paying attention.

In the Jiuxing Pavilion, it is deserted, and all sold in it are high-level elixir or medicinal materials, and ordinary spiritualists cannot afford it, so the flow of people is far inferior to other trading places.

Behind the counter, the man in charge of the transaction was chatting and laughing with a woman. His gaze was swept from the woman's concave and convex the heat contained in it , As long as you are a man, you can understand this meaning.

"Ye An."

Staring at the badge on the man's chest, Xiao Yang looked at the exaggerated laughter, the charming and flying woman, and secretly shook his head. If this management attitude were placed in Thousand Yaofang, he would have been swept out of the house.

Walking to the container where the elixir was placed, Xiao Yang's gaze slowly swept across it. After a while, he was finally surprised to find a spore-like elixir. The label below proves it even more. Identity.

Dark Dragon Bud, a fourth-grade elixir.

This kind of elixir can make the spiritual power of the dark-attribute spirit beast with adhesion effect, and at the same time, it is also one of the refining materials of the Zhixin Pill.

"Excuse me, what is the asking price for this dark dragon bud." Xiao Yang looked at the buddy named Ye An, and his old voice tremblingly sounded in the Jiuxing Pavilion.

However, Na Ye An didn't pay attention to Xiao Yang's question at all, just chatting with the woman, and the loud laughter that came out was very ear-piercing.

"Excuse me, what is the asking price for this Minglongya." Xiao Yang endured the unhappiness in his heart and asked again.

"Haha, I just came back from there, another day, we will go together again."

"You are not afraid that I will eat you?"

"How could it be that the little girl didn't believe that you would be this kind of person."

Looking at the two people who talked very happily and ignored him at all, Xiao Yang sighed helplessly. I really don’t know how this Jiuxing Pavilion recruited people. Even Ye An and the like can get mixed up. Come in.

With a slight grin at the corner of his mouth, Pang Yi sneered secretly in his heart. It seemed that Xiao Yang seemed to be in need of Dark Dragon Bud, so I would use some small tricks to get him out of the Jiuxing Pavilion.


Striding to the front of the counter, Pang Yi slapped him, staring directly at Ye An, and said sharply: "My master is asking about things, are you deaf!"

(End of this chapter)

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