Master of Beasts

Chapter 410: Yao Jingshi

With the emergence of Chu Hua, the complexions of many people around Heishui Lake changed slightly. If a Tier 5 spiritual master wants to compete with them for the Netherspring Fruit, he is undoubtedly an extremely strong opponent, and, Behind him, there was a huge Black Skull Sect.

Fortunately, what Chu Hua focused on was not the Mingquan fruit in the lake, but the black crystal ball in Xiao Yang's hand.

As a result, all eyes were mixed with a little sympathy, and they were transferred to Xiao Yang. If he was acquainted and handed over the treasure in his hand obediently, he might be saved from death. Otherwise, he would become Chu Hua's dead soul. Up.

"What are you, get out!"

Looking at Chu Hua with a smile on his face, Xiao Yang was filled with cold voices, which suddenly came out, echoing continuously in the surrounding space.

Hearing this sound, many people's minds are buzzing, this kid, is he going to die?

"I'm looking for my own death." Chu Hua's face couldn't help but twitched, and there was a hideous look in his eyes, and his smiling face became extremely distorted because of anger.

Even some powerhouses on the Holy Light's List would be polite to him when they saw him, but Xiao Yang dared not give him face so much!

"Self-cut tongue, I can forgive your rudeness." Chu Hua's eyes were gloomy. A giant lion with blue crystal growing on its limbs stepped out slowly from behind him. The hair of the giant lion looked like a brilliant diamond. Even its back is covered with blue crystals.

Luminous crystal lion, a fifth-order high lord spirit beast, metallic.

"I'll say it again, get out!" Xiao Yang's voice was still tough and domineering, without showing any affection.


Chu Hua stared at Xiao Yang sullenly, shouting furiously, and uttered from his mouth: "Yao Jingshi, attack the lake below, I want to let this ignorant boy not even scum left!"


With a low roar, the blue crystal detached from its back, and soared into the air with a scream, and immediately traversed a gorgeous track, shooting violently at the lake below the ice butterfly.


The crystal was immersed in the lake water and quickly melted, but the impact generated was splashing waves of several meters, corroding the surrounding spirit beasts that competed for the Netherspring Fruit, and it was riddled with holes.

The sad screams echoed endlessly.

Seeing their spirit beasts planted into the black lake, the faces of many spirit masters were filled with strong anger, but when they thought of the Black Skeleton behind Chu Hua, they could only grit their teeth and swallow angrily. In the belly, but they obviously hated Chu Hua to the extreme.


The wings of the Royal Ice Butterfly vibrated violently, and the figure flashed backwards rapidly. The black water droplets that splashed down were only half an inch away from the tip of its wing.

"Haha, if you have the ability, you just keep running." Chu Hua laughed loudly.


On the back of the crystal lion, a few blue crystals suddenly stretched out, and then burst again. After a while, the black lake became a violent riot, and the black water column rose violently, and the body of the ice butterfly Shape, shuttle quickly in it.

"Are you only hiding?" Chu Hua's expression sneered. Although Xiao Yang was just an ant that just patted to death in his eyes, it was quite interesting to be able to play like this.

"Ice Butterfly, Bing Po Han Flower!" Xiao Yang's eyes were cold, avoiding the surging mist. In his heart, Chu Hua was already on the kill list.

"call out!"

With the vibration of the wings of the Royal Ice Butterfly, clusters of crystal-clear ice lotus flashed out around it, and immediately the ice lotus blossomed, with sharp spiral ice thorns with a long ice tail. The crystal pillars of the crystal lion crashed together.

And taking advantage of this opportunity, Yu Bingdie quickly left the sky above the black lake, and the sticky Stygian toads with long tongues spit out from where it passed, like a small forest.

"Oh? Come here?" Chu Hua smiled faintly, what if it came out, a Tier 3 Royal Ice Butterfly, how could it be his opponent of the Crystal Lion.


However, at the moment his smile was just revealed, Chi Yan's three tails of fire suddenly stretched out, turning over in the air, and the slender tail body firmly bound Yao Jingshi.


In the midair, Chi Yan's tail hammer, carrying the raised Yao Jing lion, slammed into the ground fiercely, cracks spreading out quickly.

With this heavy blow, the crystal behind the crystal lion cracked and shattered, and it squirmed its body frantically. If it weren't for the rigid body of the metallic spirit beast, I'm afraid he would have been smashed to pieces just now.


Feeling the crazy struggle of Yao Jingshi, Chi Yan's eyes were indifferent, and above the winding tail of the fire, a light hammer of spiritual power emerged, crashing down, and the broken crystals splashed everywhere.

Falling steadily on the ground, the three flame tails of Chi Yan suddenly flicked, and the dying Yao Jing Lion was thrown directly above the black lake.

"No!" Chu Hua's expression suddenly changed, and he realized that he was wrong from beginning to end, and wrong!

Xiao*** is not a Tier 3 spirit master!


The Yaojing Lion fell into the lake, and after struggling for a few times, it turned into a bone in Chu Hua’s horrified suspended above the lake, even the bones of the bones Quickly melt.

"It's fun to play around with me, isn't it!"

Xiao Yang's eyes were fierce, and the Hei Ming Crystal Nest he was holding in his arms blasted down mercilessly, and the hard body of the nest instantly blasted Chu Hua's body by dozens of feet.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Looking at Chu Hua who was retreating, Xiao Yang didn't show any mercy. He immediately jumped down, and the huge black dark crystal nest continuously hit Chu Hua's chest, and the crisp sound of bone fragmentation resounded shockingly.

Even as a powerful fifth-order spiritual master, Chu Hua still has no resistance in front of Xiao Yang. His body was constantly being smashed, his face was particularly distorted, and the look of embarrassed disheveled. Calm before the half hour.

"Stop it, I don't want your things!" Chu Hua yelled frantically, seeming to be begging for mercy, but he brought habitual commands.


However, what greeted him was an even more fierce bombardment. Chu Hua's body was directly shaken back hundreds of feet, and the place backing was the black lake.

"No!" Chu Hua looked back at the many Styx toads behind him, and immediately disappeared.


Just as his figure was about to fall into the lake, an extremely large black shadow slowly floated up from below, its tongue rolled, and Chu Hua's body was directly drawn closer to its mouth.


As its big and hideous mouth closed, the sound of bones being crushed into pieces, resounded in everyone's ears, and its body was gradually revealed.

Looking at the Stygian Toad that looked like a hill, there was a cold chill in the hearts of everyone present, and it rose sharply. Some people even trembled because of fear.

(End of this chapter)

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