Master of Beasts

Chapter 516: Merciless beheading

The mysterious secluded stone dragged by the rock horned dragon rhinoceros, and the sharp piercing disc that came soaring, suddenly met, and a muffled sound that made everyone's mind trembled, suddenly spread, and on the ground, a series of cracks were fast. spread.

Seeing the impact that swept across, the rock horned rhinoceros stepped on the soles of its feet, and together with the broken stones, it quickly retreated backwards, avoiding the violent impact.


At the moment when the secluded stone and the gilt blade split at the same time, the halberd that turned into an ice scorpion shot out from the impact, and while roaring, it slammed into the crossed arms of the rock horned rhinoceros.

the other side.

The dark yellow shadow flew over, the Golden Wing Demon let out a weird smile, and the golden spiritual power on his claws filled, and immediately slammed to Chi Yan relentlessly.

The fierce claw wind blew up the fluff on his body, Chi Yan narrowed his eyes, and in front of the spread claws, three curved arcs spread, and one claw shot out.

This sharpness caused the air in front to be cut into three clear traces.

"Nirvana-level spiritual skills!"

Looking at the arc light in front of Chi Yan's claws, Lin Feng and Qin Yun's faces showed a touch of amazement. This shameless Firefox actually possessed Nirvana-level spiritual skills!

"Golden Wing Demon, step back!" Lin Feng shouted anxiously.

However, at the moment when Lin Feng's voice fell, Chi Yan's fox claws slammed firmly on the Golden Wing Devil's claws, causing the latter's pupils to shrink suddenly.


The cold light flickered in the eyes, and the red flame fox claws pressed slightly, and three dark yellow arcs suddenly penetrated the arm of the Golden Wing Demon, and then imprinted on its chest!

Accompanied by the painful roar, the Golden Wing Demon flew upside down and rolled to the ground in embarrassment. Three red blood stains flowed continuously from his chest.


At this moment, the halberd that turned into an ice scorpion also directly hit the body of Ceratosaurus. The latter's arms crossed, and the soles of the feet rubbed the ground and withdrew for more than ten feet. A clear blood hole appeared in both arms. .

Panting heavily in his mouth, the arms of the Rockhorn Rhinoceros drooped weakly, and the hot blood slid down his arms, dripping on the ground, staining a large area.

Looking at such a scene, both Qin Yun and Lin Feng looked ugly. Although the rock horned rhinoceros had temporarily lost its combat effectiveness, it ended up far better than the Golden Wing Demon.

With one claw slapped the Golden Wing Demon, Chi Yan shook his sharp claws and slowly stepped towards the Ice Demon General.


Suddenly, Chi Yan's figure flashed, as if it turned into a deep yellow streamer, and the flickering claws violently tore into the abdomen of the ice monster general.

"Stop it!"

Just when Chi Yan was about to shoot the Ice Demon General, a cold and stern shout with a little flustered, suddenly resounded from the rear, and the fierce-faced Qin Yun was holding an ice blade in his hand. Under Qin Xiao's white neck.

Feeling the cold temperature of the blade tip, Qin Xiao was a little unbelievable, Qin Yun actually shot her at her?

They are members of a family!

"I'll say it again, stop!" Qin Yun shouted in a stern voice.

"Yes, let your Firefox stop, otherwise, Qin Yun will kill her!" Lin Feng returned to his senses, and also yelled arrogantly.

With hostages in hand, Xiao Yang will definitely be jealous, and the Ice Demon General who still has a bit of combat power is enough to kill Red Flame and Rockhorn Rhinoceros!

At that time, Xiao Yang, Qin Xiao and others are not at his disposal?

"Kill it."

But the next moment, Xiao Yang's indifferent voice made the grinning smiles of Qin Yun and Lin Feng instantly freeze on their faces.


The burning claws abruptly broke through the ice demon general's defense, and then took a few bloodstains, and quickly passed through the ice demon's body, and the red flames stepped on the soles of their feet and landed firmly on the ground.

Lin Feng and Qin Yun were stunned looking at the blood marks on the abdomen of the Ice Demon General. After a long while, the angry Qin Yun finally broke out.

"Unexpectedly, you turned out to be such a cold-blooded person. Qin Xiao also helped you a lot, but you completely ignored her life and death!" Qin Yun roared with a distorted expression.

"Hehe, a person who took action against his own people in order to save his life, dare to say this, don't you think it is ridiculous?"

Xiao Yang shook his head and sneered: "Besides, I'm absolutely sure that you dare not kill her."

Hearing this, Qin Yun showed a vague panic in her eyes.

As Xiao Yang said, she values ​​her own life very seriously, even if the ice demon is about to die, she cannot give her the determination to kill Qin Xiao, because once she does it, she will be immediately beheaded!

"I don't want the frost vine."

Collecting the dying Golden Wing Demon into the spirit gate, Lin Feng backed away in a hurry. At this time, he was deeply regretful.

However, his regret was not to deal with Xiao Yang with Qin Xiao, but to regret that he had not been beheaded on the spot before Xiao Yang summoned the Rockhorn Rhinoceros!

"Hehe, come as you want, leave as you want, your idea is really good enough."

With a slight grin, Xiao Yang's wings slammed behind his back, and only a silver-white ray of light quickly cut through Lin Feng's body.

In Qin Yun's horrified gaze, Xiao Yang shook the blood on Broken Yansuo, and then turned his head back, revealing a gentle smile.

"Don't you just want the frost vine, I can give it to you."

Looking at Xiao Yang pretendingly, Qin Yun threw the Frost Vine out of her hand, and was immediately picked up by the latter.

"Now, you can let me go," Qin Yun said coldly.

"Give me a reason." Xiao Yang said with a smile.

"Just because I'm from the Lanhai Qin Qin Yun raised her arrogant chin, her voice full of unconcealable pride.

With the Qin family's ability, even the strong Lingpan would not dare to make a mistake in front of them, let alone the humble seventh-order spiritual master like Xiao Yang.

"The Qin family, I heard that your family has a strong spiritual emperor." Xiao Yang put away the broken rock shuttle and smiled.

"That's right." Qin Yun's expression was a little smug. With your ant-like strength, I'm afraid that you don't have the qualifications to connect with the spiritual emperor.

"Unfortunately, this is not your empire."

A stern look flashed across his eyes, Xiao Yang quickly flicked out, and the flame figure and the ice figure appeared behind him in turn, maximizing his speed.

This teleportation scene caused Qin Yun to lose her voice and scream immediately.

Holding the ice blade in Qin Yun's hand with his backhand, Xiao Yang's eyes were sharp, and the edge of the ice blade was firmly pressed into Qin Yun's neck.


Under Xiao Yang's tremendous strength, Qin Yun fell heavily to the ground, gurgling blood, spraying from her neck, until she died, her wide eyes looked extremely unwilling.

With a wave of his hand, the flame figure and the ice figure behind Xiao Yang dispersed at the same time.

"You don't blame me."

Turning around, there was a bitter smile on Xiao Yang's face. No matter how you say it, Qin Yun is a member of Qin Xiao and Qin Xun's clan. He is an outsider, and the clan who killed them can't justify.

Shaking his head slightly, Qin Xiao sighed slightly, and there was no feeling in the eyes of Qin Yun's corpse.

"Shoot together!"

Just when Xiao Yang was about to say something, a stern shout, suddenly heard from him, which seemed quite remote.

Hearing this voice, Xiao Yang was stunned for a moment, and his eyes fell slightly.

The master of this voice seems to be the dynasty!

(End of this chapter)

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