Master of Beasts

Chapter 521: Kill Fang Ming

"In the end what happened……"

After a few steps back, Ren Feng's expression was ugly to the extreme. Just now, Ge An was talking and laughing with them, but in a blink of an eye, he died at their feet.

"Here, it was obviously a wall just now, right." Wu Jun, the strongest, stepped over Ge An's corpse with gloomy eyes, and probed lightly with his palm, but there was nothing but the air.

"Yes, I remember it clearly." Fang Ming responded quickly.

"In other words, Ge An was killed under our noses, but we didn't even notice it."

Looking around, Wu Jun said in a cold voice: "If I'm not mistaken, someone is making a ghost."

"Who?!" Ren Feng came back to his senses, the paleness on his face receded, replaced by a thick hideous.

As a person who licks blood all the year round, he naturally doesn't have much fear of the corpse. It's just that the scene just now was too weird, and it frightened him temporarily.

"Kill a Ge An, but you have to take the means to separate him from us. This person should not be too strong, at most it is the eighth-order spiritual master." Wu Jun sneered.

In the enclosed room, hearing Wu Jun's analysis, Xiao Yang squinted his eyes.

Sure enough, there is no simple character who can get to this point. It has to be said that Wu Jun's analysis is extremely accurate.

If you don’t separate them and take the methods of breaking them individually, even if Xiaoyang’s five spirit gates are opened at the same time, it won’t take much advantage. Moreover, commanding five spirit beasts at the same time still exists for him. The difficulty.

Standing in the passage, Wu Jun's eyes flashed coldly, and he said coldly, "Fang Ming, it's up to you."

Nodding slightly, Fang Ming made a seal with one hand, and a spirit beast radiating light came out from the spirit gate. The appearance of this spirit beast was like a huge beetle, glowing on the carapace. , As if it is colorful streamer.

Rainbow beetle, the eighth-order high lord spirit beast, light attribute.

"go with!"

With a wave of Fang Ming's palm, the rainbow beetle flew out, and colorful ripples waved from its body. The outlines of the surrounding passages were clearly presented in front of a few people.

"found it!"

Staring at a black shadow, Ren Feng smiled sensibly. A tree-like spirit beast whizzed out from his side. The branches stretched out, like the sharp beak of a bird, stabs violently to the location of the black shadow. .

The magic beak tree, like the rainbow beetle, is also an eighth-level high lord.


A screaming scream sounded, and the slender branches of the Demon Beak Tree turned back in the sneer eyes of Ren Feng and the others, but the next moment, their expressions became extremely gloomy.

The one killed by the Demon Beak Tree turned out to be only a seventh-order spirit master!


The fist hit the wall fiercely, and Ren Feng's eyes surged with killing intent. He was not a fool. He naturally knew that this man was just an unlucky ghost. He happened to hide in the corner and was detected by the Rainbow Beetle.

"Keep going."

Wu Jun glanced at the corpse thrown away by the Devil's Beak Tree, his face was also particularly harsh: "This person should use special means to hide somewhere. If he gives up to provoke us, it's okay. Once he dares to show up again, Lao Tzu will definitely break him into pieces!"

Wu Jun's threatening voice resounded in his ears, and Xiao Yang grinned slightly. The more Wu Jun was like this, the more it showed his lack of confidence.

Broken Rock Shuttle was embedded in the pothole, Xiao Yang walked out of the room, looking at the empty passage, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Today, even if he doesn't want the treasures in the underground palace, he will kill all these people!


Spiritual power under his feet surged, and Wu Jun and others rushed forward with cold expressions. The enemy's attack was too weird. Naturally, they couldn't risk his life for Ge An to avenge him.


Fang Ming, who was in the back, suddenly changed his complexion. He could feel that the space around him was changing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye!


Looking at Xiao Yang who appeared behind him, Fang Ming was startled for a moment, and then his eyes gradually became gloomy: "You are not cold, who are you!"

Standing in front of Fang Ming, Xiao Yang's complexion was calm, and with a light finger, the waving silk fell into the palm of his palm, turning into a soft thousand silkworm again.

"Your spirit beast has some abilities." Xiao Yang glanced at the rainbow beetle beside Fang Ming and said quietly.

This spirit beast should have some special abilities. It can remove the camouflage of the space. Seeing the scene behind, the hapless ghost that you didn't kill just now was found in this way.

"Haha, it turned out to be like this."

Fang Ming stared at Xiao Yang, with a playful smile on his face: "Pretending to be a fool, if it weren't for my rainbow beetle, it would really be possible for you to succeed. Ge An should have been frightened by the cool disguise before. Let you take the opportunity to succeed."

Hearing this, Xiao Yang nodded nonchalantly, and then a sharp cold light flashed across his eyes: "Kill the wind and cool with your own hands, it's you."


As soon as Xiao Yang said this, Fang Ming suddenly laughed. He curled his lips and said sarcastically: "So, you are really a cool friend. That's right, he was killed by me with a single knife. A woman who took her life for nothing, that guy is really the stupidest person I have ever seen, haha!"

"Stupid?" Xiao Yang lowered his head, was silent for a moment, and then rushed out violently. In his voice, there was an incomparable killing intent: "You don't know it, irritating me is also a very stupid thing! "

"Good job!"

With excitement gleaming in his eyes, Fang Ming shouted: "Holy light beetle, the light source explodes!"

The bright light cluster of spiritual power burst open, and the interior of the room was suddenly bright as day.



Wu Jun and Ren Feng, who were walking, suddenly turned their heads when they heard the changing sound of the wall behind them. Then they saw that Fang Ming, who had been behind him, suddenly disappeared.

"Sure enough, someone is making a ghost." There was a vicious look in his eyes, Wu Jun waved his palm, and the Devil's Beak Tree standing beside him stretched out at the same time with several branches that were as sharp as a bird's beak. The momentum, crazy bombardment towards the wall.

However, under this attack, the surface of the wall is always as bright as new, without a trace of cracks emerging.

Half a quarter of an hour later.


In the shocked eyes of Wu Jun and Ren Feng, a figure covered in blood was randomly thrown out of the room that was suddenly opened.

Fang Ming, who was convulsed all over, rolled on the ground for a few weeks before slowly stopping. The eyes that looked at Wu Jun and Ren Feng were full of pain and fear, gurgling blood along the ice blade that filled his body. It flows rapidly, looking extremely miserable.


An ice blue streamer flashed, and a sharp ice blade appeared on Fang Ming's neck. The cold air lingered in the room, depriving him of his last vitality and mercilessly depriving him of it.

"There are two more."

Standing in the path of recovery, Xiao Yang threw the icy blade of cold light, and said faintly, with a voice without the slightest emotion, so that Ren Feng, who had to raise his head, shuddered.

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