Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 950: challenge higher difficulty

Time passed in a flash, and just after the first month's course ended, Jiang Heng was blocked by a person just as he returned to his small courtyard.

Blocking him was a beautiful woman with a graceful figure and a frosty face in a straight military officer's costume.

Still an acquaintance, that... Alice Centurion!

Jiang Heng felt that he should remember correctly.

"Are you Alice Centurion? What's the matter?"

Jiang Heng frowned, could it be that he had changed the standard weapon requested by the other party, and someone came to him?

"Hello! Master Shen!"

However, this frosty-faced Alice Centurion saluted respectfully, and there were other expressions on her face, a trace of respect and a trace of fear.

It was the first time Jiang Heng saw this kind of expression on the face of this cold-faced beauty, which made Jiang Heng subconsciously ignore the change in the other party's address for him.

"Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Heng's expression became tense, something was wrong.

"Master, what you made for our legion last time..."

"I have customized it strictly according to your requirements. There may be some changes, but you didn't say that you can't make changes. Besides, the quality is top-notch, so I will not be responsible for the subsequent things!"

Jiang Heng quickly interrupted the other party's words, his tone was extremely cautious and firm.

Alice was stunned for a while, and she didn't know how to answer Jiang Heng's words for a while.

"Master, I actually came here this time to ask the master to customize some similar weapons for our legion. Don't worry, the materials are enough, and we will pay you a fee at the level of a median fourth-level craftsman." extra pay."

Alice looked at Jiang Heng nervously as she spoke, as if she was afraid that Jiang Heng would refuse.

"Sorry, I don't have time right now."

He refused very simply, joking that he had no interest in that kind of trick at all.

As he spoke, Jiang Heng bypassed the other party and went straight to his courtyard.

Seeing this, Alice stopped at the spot and watched Jiang Heng's back silently, biting her lips lightly with her white teeth. This kind of expression was almost impossible to appear on her face.

Before coming here, she had actually prepared herself for being rejected, but it was a bit unexpected for her to be rejected.

"Master! If you have any needs, you can tell me, and I will satisfy as much as I can. The main reason I came here is because the quality and efficacy of the previous batch of magic soldiers all echo the needs of our legion, so please master, you can help our legion again. Shot!"

Alice lowered her head and bowed very respectfully.

Jiang Heng paused slightly.

It's really because of the batch of weapons that I am very satisfied with.

Jiang Heng rubbed his chin, the other party's performance just now confirmed his guess.

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng still turned his head and looked at the other party, pondering for a while and said: "If I still want to forge Wan **, then I'm sorry that I don't have the time and experience to forge repetitive things, which will waste a lot of my precious time. "

Hearing this, Alice felt disappointed for a while, but soon regained her spirits, and said hastily: "You mean that as long as it's not ten thousand **, the rest can still be refined, right?!"

"Uh, sort of."

"Then take a look at this blueprint, and this blueprint. These are the other types of standard equipment of our Extreme Shadow Legion. See if you can forge them."

Speaking of which, Alice excitedly took out two blueprints and handed them over.

Jiang Heng just looked at it casually at first, but then he became interested.

One of these two drawings is a pointed conical dagger, somewhat similar to a military stab. If Wan** is a one-time weapon used by the Jiying Legion for sprinting.

Similar to the cavalry's spear, it only pays attention to one round of throwing.

Then this weapon named Wuying Cone is the real portable fixed weapon of the Jiying Legion. It is divided into two forms, one is used for short-distance high-speed mobile assassination, and the other is in the form of a long spear. The Wuying Cone will quickly change Long, like a cavalry lance, it can give the opponent extremely destructive power at high speed.

The other is a blueprint for a bow called the Bonebreaker Bow. It is a standing weapon often used in the wandering battle of the Jiying Legion, so that each legion soldier can maintain a strong lethality while wandering without touching the enemy.

These two weapons are new to Jiang Heng, especially the bow, which Jiang Heng thinks is very necessary to practice.

"Master, if you have any needs, just speak up, we will fully cooperate, whether it is materials or compensation!" Alice looked at Jiang Heng nervously for fear that he would disagree.

"I can make things for you, so what about the materials and remuneration..." Jiang Heng rubbed the blueprints in his hand for a while and really didn't know how to ask for these things.

"Materials, we can provide 150 copies of materials for every 100 copies. In addition, we will also give a reward of 1 million imperial coins for every 100 copies produced. Of course, if you don't want imperial coins, we have also collected a lot of loot on the front line. .

Although the forging process of the Ultra-Dimensional Kingdom of God is different from ours, the materials forged by some omnic warriors are extremely expensive, and the wreckage of these omnic warriors are all qualified materials that can be used to forge semi-artifacts. "

That's not bad!

Jiang Heng's eyes lit up, he was really short of refining materials, and someone really gave him a pillow when he fell asleep.

"Then I will forge one hundred pieces of each of these two blueprints. You prepare the materials. As for the reward, you can use some refining materials for me."

Since the benefits are already so rich, Jiang Heng naturally has no possibility of refusing.

Seeing this, Alice breathed a sigh of relief, and she also had some expectations in her heart. Before this master could forge ordinary ten thousand weapons into magical weapons with many characteristics, then the Shadowless Cone and Bone Crushing Bow on these two blueprints Woolen cloth?

These two pieces are both Tier 2 semi-artifacts.

To be honest, she still felt a little uneasy, but thinking that someone can engrave several layers of formations on utensils, it shows that the other party's ability is indeed not small.

Such capable people, it is best not to show doubts in front of them, otherwise they will easily offend the other party.

Alice acted very quickly, and delivered all the 300% materials and related rewards the next day.

Jiang Heng carefully counted these rewards, and smelting them can produce fifty first-order and a half artifacts, which is not a small fortune.

"The crafting business really makes money. Sure enough, reckless people are a bunch of losers. Only part-time side jobs can make a fortune."

Jiang Heng was very emotional, thinking about those guys who specialize in actual combat, they couldn't get any good things in their storage rings except for a few weapons for their own use.

And those who double-edged in other auxiliary professions are mostly very rich.

Of course, professional soldiers like the Jiying Legion and the Champions Legion are different. They are supported by the prince.

But Jiang Heng also knew that these legions still had some support staff, and those support staff would work to subsidize the legion when they were not busy with training.

After all, it is impossible for the prince to supply these legions without restriction.

For example, the refining materials prepared by the Jiying Legion were obtained through hard work and many spoils of war, so even though they have the prince's backing, they still need to subsidize the family by themselves.

Compared with these regular main battle armies, many of the auxiliary occupations in the southern border are hidden rich men.

"A tool refiner, a formation master, an alchemist and an inscription master, I'm afraid that each of them is very rich."

Jiang Heng thought silently, but when he thought about it carefully, it seemed that he was also a hidden rich man.

Now, with just one shot, he could get materials for fifty semi-sacred weapons for nothing. If this refining task is perfect, then I can still swallow the extra hundred extra ingredients.

Of course this is impossible, this time the difficulty is different from the past.

"I haven't tried a second-order semi-sacred weapon. It's not easy. Especially this bone-crushing bow. The forging principle of this magical weapon is far from that of ordinary weapons. It's easy to ponder!"

With this in mind, Jiang Heng simply used his spare time to start supplementing other types of refining techniques, especially the bow.

Until the rest period came, Jiang Heng stepped into the refining room again, with some confidence in his mind.

"It should be possible to try it. The theory is almost completely understood, and the practice is lacking."

As always, Jiang Heng began to work with twenty avatars according to the process with a clear division of labor, while the main body stood aside and conducted strict control to prevent any mistakes.

The result was beyond Jiang Heng's expectation.

"The first one is ready! But the quality of this can only be considered moderate, and there are still a lot of impurities that have not been removed. The flexibility and toughness of the broken bone bow refined in this way are not satisfactory, so we have to continue to try!"

Jiang Heng shook his head, and directly threw the newly formed Bone Crusher Bow into the furnace for the second smelting.

The streamlined operation made Jiang Heng's refining efficiency far beyond that of ordinary refining masters.

Jiang Heng could already refine ten pieces in the time it took for others to refine one piece. If it wasn't for the constant time-consuming smelting and burning materials, this speed would have to be accelerated.

When the second trial product was released again, Jiang Heng found that Chun was very pure, but because it was too pure, the Bone Broken Bow refined was too rigid and had almost no flexibility.

Jiang Heng had no choice but to continue to adjust the ratio of materials.

Just like this again and again, Jiang Heng finally completed the matching ratio of the bone-crushing bow and achieved a rigid combination.

Doing this step has already wasted ten batches of materials.

"Huh! Anyway, I can finally start the next step."

Jiang Heng began to think quietly, the next step was his favorite step, which was to choose a suitable inscription formation for inscription.

This kind of time is what excites Jiang Heng the most.

"The Bone Crusher Bow needs to be extremely lethal and destructive in the hands of the Extreme Shadow Legion, and it is best to be like a mobile fort that can be held in one hand.

Therefore, the armor-piercing formation must be arranged. In addition, no front is also needed. However, some destructive formations such as blasting will not work, which will damage the structure of the magic weapon itself.

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Therefore, stability is still the main focus, so we still have to follow the previous thinking. "

After some pondering and consideration by Jiang Heng, he finally decided to tentatively engrave the ten-fold formation inside the Bone Crusher Bow.

Sunder Armor, No Front, Water Shape, Shadowless, Psychedelic, Stealth, Haste, Fragmentation, Poisonous, Blow.

After a lot of tinkering, the latest type of full-body bone-breaking bow engraved with formations was successfully released, and the first time the ten-fold formation was inscribed was a perfect success, which Jiang Heng did not expect.

"Maybe it's because I forged it myself, so I know the internal structure of this bone-breaking bow. It seems that the idea of ​​​​refining the bow and engraving it by myself is correct.

Proficiency in refining techniques can indeed increase the success rate of inscription. "

"But you still have to test the extent of this thing!"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Heng asked an avatar to go directly to the weapon testing ground next door with a bone-crushing bow.

There is a proving ground dedicated to refining craftsmen over there. It is a huge metal square building, and the surrounding walls are forged with relatively high-standard materials to ensure that the lethal weapon experiments inside will not affect it.

Aiming at a target in the distance that was specially used for experimenting with bow-type weapons, Jiang Heng casually took a long gun from his own inventory and put it on the big bow as a bow and arrow.

Draw the bowstring and shoot the arrow!

As the bowstring was fully drawn, the formation inscriptions on the surface of the armor-piercing bow quickly shone with erratic brilliance, and the surface of the long spear that acted as an arrow lost quickly shrouded layer after layer of different states.


The off-string arrow is shot, and the arrow misses and hits the bull's-eye.


With a muffled sound, a poisonous purple appeared on the surface of the target, followed by a layer of faint ripples, followed by various lights.

However, the light dissipated, and the target was only pierced into a gap of only ten inches in the center, and the spear was nailed to the target, but it was so powerful.

To be honest, it is very unsatisfactory.

The targets here are smelted with a small amount of Void Gold. Generally speaking, five inches of piercing is the normal distance that a Tier 1 and a half divine weapon can penetrate, and ten inches is equivalent to the distance of a Tier 2 weapon.

But it was just like this, which made Jiang Heng very disappointed.

"It shouldn't be. The destructive power of engraving the ten-fold formation seems a little too small."

Jiang Heng stepped forward to carefully examine the situation of the target, and came to a conclusion after a while.

"There are only a few formations that really benefit the bone-crushing bow, and the effect is extremely small. Inject highly poisonous water shape, shadowless, psychedelic, invisible, haste, fragmentation, heavy blow These add very little to it.”

"I can't stop thinking about forging the bone-crushing bow.

Wan** is a special cutting weapon driven by high-speed rotation, and the destructive power of rotation on it has been greatly increased. The Bone Crushing Bow pays more attention to breaking the defense, if it can't even penetrate the opponent's defense, then it is useless. "

After thinking about these things clearly, Jiang Heng began to reflect.

"First of all, armor-piercing and no-front should be effective, but what I have arranged is only one layer of armor-piercing and no-front, which has limited penetration. Maybe I can stack it multiple times and arrange it into a circular large Formation, so the destructive power will increase in a straight line!"

In this way, a higher level of formation knowledge is involved. Jiang Heng is not at all panicked about this. What he cares more about is how to perfectly engrave it inside the bone-breaking bow.

After all, there are many nodes needed to arrange a large formation, and the internal structure of the semi-artifact is so large, and most of the structure itself needs to maintain the stability of the semi-artifact itself, so this requires Jiang Heng to delete the nodes of the formation.

In the superimposed array, some nodes that can be reused can be used, which can reduce many unnecessary nodes.

For several months after that, Jiang Heng has been studying the deletion of formations and the adaptability of the bone-crushing bow.

It's like the mobile phone software in the previous life is compatible.

The mobile phone software of Android can only be used on Android, and if it is to be transplanted into the IOS system, necessary adjustments are required.

Similarly, the arrangement of large formations was originally arranged on some large-capacity formation disks, and many small formation disks were needed to cooperate.

But to be transplanted into the small and exquisite demi-artifact, this requires a large-scale adjustment and streamlining.

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