Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 958: Fight the catastrophe!

Bai Lao shouted excitedly, it is nothing for a master craftsman like him to easily forge a treasure-level magic weapon, but the difficulty of refining a magic-level magic weapon will increase in a straight line.

Even if it is him, there are only a handful of works in his hands that can be regarded as truly divine.

It was unheard of for Jiang Hengneng to refine armor-and-gastric magic weapons for the first time, which made Bai Lao amazed and amazed.

"Be careful, the next step is very important, this is the Heavenly Tribulation of Divine Weapon!"

In order to fear that Jiang Heng, who was the first person to forge a stomach, would understand, Bai Lao deliberately explained: "The so-called divine soldiers and heavenly tribulations are just like every breakthrough of our warriors. Every breakthrough represents a struggle with the will of the universe. Resources rob Shouyuan. And Heavenly Tribulation is the threshold and test set by the will of the universe for me. If you cross it, you will be eligible for a share of the pie. If you can’t cross it, everything you have gained before it will have to be returned to the Dao.”

"Similarly, the Heavenly Tribulation of Divine Soldiers is just like we are going through the Tribulation, but this is the Calamity of Divine Soldiers and the Calamity of the forger. During this period, the Calamity is generally divided into three, and the forger will be hit first.

At this time, it is time to test whether the forger is strong or not. If the forger is strong, he can block all three catastrophes by himself, and it is a certainty that the **** soldier will enter the god-level level.

If the forger only survives the first catastrophe, then the next two thunder catastrophes will all be carried by the divine soldier himself, and the failure rate will rise in a straight line at this time. "

Speaking of this, Bai Lao emphatically reminded again: "Remember, what you forged is a fourth-level magic weapon. Naturally, the power of this catastrophe is at the fourth level. I advise you to do what you can even if you are a physical body, otherwise. ..."

The next words, Bai Lao did not say, but the meaning is obvious.

He looked at Jiang Heng with some regret, and even more regret in his heart. If he had known that this kid could really forge a god-level level, then he would have to interrupt the other party's behavior before that, even if it was only a treasure level afterwards, it would be better than a stomach It collapsed during the catastrophe, or Jiang Heng, the forger, was killed by the catastrophe.

"This kind of magic weapon is not just for fun. It is not aimed at warriors with flesh and blood at all, but magic soldiers whose hardness and rigidity far exceed those of flesh and blood!"

Bai Lao looked up, through the roof of the top floor, he could see the shocking momentum gathered outside.

"Little friend, don't be persistent when it's time to give up, you are not too old, you still have a chance." Bai Lao looked at Jiang Heng again and advised.

He was reminding Jiang Hengmo not to hold on for the sake of the divine soldier to cross the catastrophe, and to hold on at this time is courting death!

It is not so easy to become a magic weapon. For example, Bai Lao himself forged a magic weapon in ten chances, but there are only three who have truly achieved a magic weapon.

The reason why the failure rate is so high, then the most important reason is naturally that this divine weapon is a heavenly tribulation.

Such a catastrophe cannot be borne by outsiders, which is similar to the warrior crossing the catastrophe. The only parties required to bear the burden are the forger and the divine soldier.

"Senior White, I know it well!"

Jiang Heng's gaze was exceptionally firm, seeing that Bai Lao groaned slightly, he could only sigh.

"If you can't, don't be brave!"

After Bai Lao said the last sentence, he stopped talking, and everything was decided by Jiang Heng, the forger.

"As the saying goes, if you hear the Tao, you can die! This is my first divine treasure, and I don't want to give up!"

Jiang Heng gently stroked the cumbersome pattern on the surface of the armored stomach, which represented countless dense patterns, and the expression on his face became more determined.

With one hand clapping, the treasure armors immediately floated up one after another, like parts with memory began to be quickly assembled on Jiang Heng's body.

When the visor, which was like a mask of an evil ghost, was put on, Jiang Heng was like an evil ghost from the Nine Serenity Hell, with overwhelming unwillingness and unyielding, and disappeared in the same place as soon as he opened his body.

Watching Jiang Heng disappear in place, Mo Bai on the side opened his mouth so wide that he couldn't close it.

He couldn't process so much information in his mind for a while.

"How is it possible? Why is this a divine product? Why is it a divine product as soon as he makes a move?"

Mo Bai's mind was buzzing, and only then did he realize that there was a reason why the teacher treated them differently.

Because Mobai and others are not on the same level at all.

When someone makes a move, it is a divine product, but I can only hover between the good products.

He was even more certain in his heart that this silence was a master craftsman whose skill was second only to his teacher's. The reason why his previous performance was mediocre or even a little clumsy was because he did it deliberately, and even did whatever he wanted, and didn't bother to show how gorgeous and superb. Skill.

Thinking back carefully, Mo Bai felt that this possibility was extremely high.

Because from the beginning to the end, he had never seen such high-level forging skills in Jiang Heng's previous operations.

Many hammering techniques are below the fifth level, and most of them are even basic hammering techniques.

It's just that he has practiced the basic hammering technique to the peak, and as for the inscription of the formation technique, he can't understand it.

But from his teacher's expression, he judged that the other party's formation engraving didn't seem to show too high a skill. The only technique that could be regarded as relatively advanced might be the so-called miniature formation engraving.

Facts have shown that when many foundations are perfected, a miracle can be forged. Even if it's just a fourth-order divine product, the performance and power it can show in the end is not inferior to the general fifth-order, and even barely comparable to the sixth-order Jiawei.

Sixth step!

Mo Bai murmured in his heart, this is a full set of armored stomach, armored stomach magic weapon is the most cumbersome and troublesome type.

Therefore, the armor and stomach magic weapon is often judged higher than other categories.

The rarity and cost are several times or even dozens of times that of ordinary magic weapons.

Without him, this thing consumes a lot of materials, and the requirements for the refiner are too high when forging, and it also tests the refiner's physical fitness too much.

At the beginning, Mobai forged the set of second-level excellent Jiawei, which cost a lot of money and invited several colleagues of the same level to jointly forge it.

It can be seen that it is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Fortunately, good products don't have to go through robbery.

Such as Jiang Heng, a divine item that needs to cross the catastrophe, its value is double that of ordinary armored stomach soldiers.

If Jiang Heng really succeeded in overcoming the tribulation, then as long as he wanted to sell this complete set of Jiawei, even the prince would want to spend a lot of money to buy it for collection.

At this time, Jiang Heng was already floating above the largest platform of the port station, below was the vacant parking apron, and above was a rolling and terrifying vision.

From time to time, phantoms of various divine weapons appeared, and these seemed to be the projections of divine weapons that had been recognized by the will of the universe over the years.

They seemed to be consciously looking down on Jiang Heng, or looking down on the big armor he was wearing.

"It's Master Shen!"

Seeing Jiang Heng's figure, Alice recognized him almost at a glance and couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaiming.

"It turns out that this is Master Shen, but what is this going to do? Could it be that this vision was caused by Master Shen? Is Master Shen planning to break through to a high-ranking tribulation?"

Many of Alice's soldiers started talking about it. They used the weapons forged by Jiang Heng, so naturally they heard Master Shen's name from Alice's mouth countless times.

"It shouldn't be breaking through the high-level position to cross the tribulation. Master Shen's aura performance is only at the second-level level, and it is still far away from the fourth level!"

Someone noticed Jiang Heng's aura and shook his head endlessly.

It's just that this made them wonder, obviously this vision was aimed at Master Shen.

"Could it be the Divine Armament Heavenly Tribulation?!"

After thinking for a while, Alice finally remembered one, and she only heard rumors that it might match.

Seeing the doubts on the faces of the soldiers under her command, Alice still explained the matter of the Divine Soldier Heavenly Tribulation.

"That is to say, Master Shen has refined a divine weapon? Could it be the armor stomach on him?"

Someone with sharp eyes immediately noticed that Jiang Heng's armor was extraordinary.

The external performance of the god-grade Jiawei is naturally different from that of ordinary treasures.

At this time, the patterns on the surface of the large armor on Jiang Heng's body began to flow, and countless streams of light seemed to flow in these patterns, like a very gorgeous work of art. Surface texture.

"Do you want to fight with me too?"

Jiang Heng murmured softly with a voice that only he could hear.

Jiawei seemed to be responding to him, and the internal array began to run with a bang, and countless energies were directed at Jiawei, like a whale frantically swallowing nearby energy, so as to maximize the activation of the internal array pattern of the great armor.

This is the only shortcoming of this set of armor, that is, there are too many array patterns engraved on it, so that Jiang Heng had to additionally engrave a miniature giant energy-gathering array inside the armor.

Otherwise, relying solely on Jiang Heng's own energy to drive it, the consumption will be huge.

But correspondingly, there are so many internal formations, and most of them are buff-type formations, Jiang Heng felt a torrent of power pouring into his limbs and bones along the internal formations of the stomach like a torrent.

At the same time, waves of nameless anger began to grow in his heart, as if he had gone berserk, and the power of the mind could also surge the power of the body, making Jiang Heng burst out with even more terrifying power.

In an instant, Jiang Heng's body surface began to appear a crimson color, like a soldering iron.

But wearing a large armor at this time, some of the skin that cannot be covered by a stomach is red like a branding iron, which makes Jiang Heng more like an evil ghost returning from **** at this moment.

It seemed that the high temperature emitted from the body surface was too hot, and a little smoke evaporated from Jiang Heng's body surface.


While Jiang Heng was enjoying the buff brought by the great armor, the vision above didn't seem to want Jiang Heng to continue to gain momentum.

Accompanied by the sound of swords, endless sword shadows stabbed at Jiang Heng like countless meteors falling.

The whoosh sound is endless.

This is the vision above, a sword-shaped divine weapon, phantom can't stand it anymore!

As soon as he made a move, it was like a monstrous sword shadow, like a gust of wind dying, and the terrifying number gave people a feeling that the world would be overthrown by it.

However, many people below are still in a daze, because they only hear the sound in their perception, and they don't see any means of attack emerging.

"Comparable to the fourth-order sword speed, this kid will have to rely on his treasure armor to carry out his first catastrophe!"

Seeing this scene, the only ones who could see the trajectory clearly were some strong soldiers above the centurion level.

Looking at this scene, Ji Yinghou felt a little sorry for this Master Shen.

"Won't Lord Hou make a move? Wouldn't it be a pity if such a talent dies?" Wan Fuchang Liulang asked suspiciously.

"There is no need to make a move. Now he can still use the strength of the treasure armor to carry it. If he makes a move this time, then the robbery will be considered a failure. Heavenly Tribulation will destroy that set of treasure armor even more recklessly. Let's take a look first."

Ji Yinghou shook his head, based on his prediction, Jiang Heng would not die in the first wave, but Jiawei must be damaged.

Seeing that Lord Hou said so, although Liu Lang hesitated, he had no choice but to wait and see what happened.

The same is true of many discerning Bai Laos.

"Hey, I hope you don't try to be brave, boy, let's see the power of the Heavenly Tribulation this time, maybe you will face the difficulties next..."


The words in his heart were only half spoken, and Bai Lao couldn't help but exclaimed.

Not only him, but many strong men in the army who can see through the frightening speed of sword shadows all showed inconceivable expressions.

I saw that Jiang Heng, who was wearing a big armor like a scarlet evil ghost, was like a fighting **** at the moment, and he could not avoid the countless stabbing sword lights. Instead, his fists were like a strong wind, extremely fast, but very precise Hit on Jianguang's flank.

Defeat all the stabbing sword shadows.

What surprised everyone was that Jiang Heng was not just moving his fists, but shoulders, elbows, hands, tail, hips, knees, back, etc...

In short, he used all the parts of his body that could be used as attacks to the fullest, and the speed and precision made many commanders of the fourth rank dumbfounded.

After comparing silently, they felt that if they competed with the person in front of them, they might not be able to last three breaths under such a high-frequency and efficient blow.

Jiang Heng is completely at full strength at this moment, but he is very precise in controlling the consumption of each move.

Jiang Hengyue hit more and more freely, and he couldn't help screaming when he hit the back. His fists and legs were like wind, and his joints were like fighting weapons. He started to charge towards the denser sword shadows above.

clang clang clang!

The sound of metal and iron clashing and the crackling sound of punches and legs joints can be Cool!


Jiang Heng felt refreshed from the bottom of his heart.

The multi-layer formation gain of the big armor, coupled with the fact that the strength of the physical body has already stepped into the fourth level, its own background is far superior to the same level, and the gain effect has reached the fifth level.

As soon as the bucket opening is opened, the eyes are like lightning, and all kinds of counter-attack actions can be quickly formed in the mind in the field of vision.

Except for these Jiang Heng did not display any martial arts secret magic powers, only relying on the strength of the physical body at this moment and the powerful fighting brought about by the full opening of the fight.

"Master Shen has such amazing fighting skills!" Wan Fu Zhang Liulang blurted out unconsciously with a shocked expression on his face.

"Compared to you, do you think you are stronger or weaker than him?"

Ji Yinghou also watched it with splendor, and he couldn't help joking when he heard the words.

"This... I feel that I am not as good as this Master Shen in terms of basic melee combat. But if it is an assassination, I can kill him before he makes a move!"

"Oh! I don't think you can kill him even by assassination. This Master Shen seems to have cultivated a physical body that is not easy. With a second-level realm, he can burst into combat power at the level of a fifth-level physical body. Do you think you have a way to break through such a physical body? Open him to defend?"

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