Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 968: hunting ground

"It's just that the space is so narrow, if a martial artist with a physical body uses his laws to move the heaven and the earth, wouldn't he be able to squeeze out other contestants in an instant?"

Just when such thoughts popped up in Jiang Heng's mind.

Suddenly everyone felt the ground tremble under their feet, and soon the tremor turned into a violent tremor, and the ground spread in all directions at an extremely fast speed.

In just a few breaths, the entire small island expanded into an incomparably vast land.

Towering trees with hundreds of meters in length emerged from the soil, and flowers and plants were growing rapidly.

Only ten breathless, the original small islands turned into an incomparably vast primeval jungle continent.

"Attention all contestants, if you find that your opponent is too strong to match, you can crush the jade slips in your hand at any time, and I will send you back. Don't be brave. I don't want casualties in this competition.

In addition, in addition to the last twenty-four contestants remaining in the game to advance to the first round, there is another way to successfully advance, that is, there are a total of five promotion orders on the island, which will appear randomly at regular intervals. The contestant who holds the promotion order will be automatically sent out after holding it for ten minutes, and will be automatically promoted to the next round at the same time. "

"Remember! The five promotion orders are also within the twenty-four places!"

Ji Haihou's voice sounded again, and his voice was clearly heard by everyone on the island.

"That is to say, the five promotion orders are another way for many low-level people to enter the next round?"

Someone figured out the key to it.

But there are also people who think differently.

"No! These so-called five promotion orders are not a shortcut for us low-level demigods at all, but a method to promote us to fight and compete for places as soon as possible! This is a trap!"

A low-level demigod with a relatively bright mind wanted to understand the sinister intentions of Ji Haihou and His Royal Highness Shizi.

Jiang Heng naturally thought of this and couldn't help laughing secretly.

"It's really a way to strengthen the competition. It seems that His Royal Highness never thought of picking one from the low position and the middle position in this competition from the very beginning. What they want is the strongest two. bit."

After all, these rules were not mentioned in the rules issued to everyone in advance, and they were completely decided temporarily.

"It seems that His Royal Highness is also worried that someone will deliberately block people around him!"

After a little pondering, Jiang Heng knew that this decision should be the idea of ​​His Royal Highness.

If we follow the original rules, I am afraid that some people who want to curry favor or have ulterior motives will push some people to His Royal Highness's side.

With such a temporary change to the competition system, there is no doubt that many seed players who have been deliberately selected by the legion leaders in private will have to compete more fiercely.

Although it is still not possible to completely eliminate the Cypriot situation, at least it guarantees some real strong men who are really powerful but have not been discovered by the legion chief.

Jiang Heng felt that the next competition might not necessarily rely entirely on combat strength, and there might be other ways to avoid the situation of being blocked as much as possible.

"However, it seems that this promotion allows me to grab it or not. For me, it is no problem at all to occupy one of the twenty-four places."

Jiang Heng was very confident about this, but after thinking about it for a while, he laughed, "But it's still quite interesting, maybe it's good to grab a promotion order and give it to someone else."

For a while, Jiang Heng felt a little playful.

Since His Royal Highness likes playing cards out of routine so much, he feels that he can also have fun in this competition system.

Just when everyone was wary of each other, everyone found that a jade slip gradually emerged in their hands, which was the life-saving talisman Ji Haihou gave to every contestant.

"Hmph! Since only twenty-four people are needed, then all these low-level people with low strength will be eliminated!"

At this moment, a middle-ranking demigod suddenly spoke.

"That's right! Everyone, let's drive these people out first!"

The words of the man in front were immediately echoed by many other middle demigods.

All of a sudden, these people made a bold move without the slightest hesitation. Those who can participate in this competition system are without exception the most powerful players in the realm of each legion.

Even Jiang Heng saw a demigod whose aura was vaguely at the sixth level.

Although this competition system has an age limit, the limit is not too great, so there is still a hundred-year-old Tier 5 demigod at the middle level.

It is not an exaggeration to be able to step into the sixth level in millions of years.

But this person didn't make a move, he just folded his arms and looked at the show, and there were a few people beside him who surrounded him faintly, as if they respected him.

"This group of people should all be from the same legion. Did they plan to form a group from the beginning?"

Jiang Heng was startled secretly, and at this moment he also found that the ten members of the Jiying Legion on his side unconsciously approached.

The ten people in each legion are five low-ranking and five middle-ranking.

But as the other mid-level powerhouses wanted to eliminate the low-ranking demigods first, the five mid-ranking demigods of the Extreme Shadow Legion looked at the five low-ranking demigods on their side at this time with strange and complicated expressions.

A battle broke out nearby, and several low-level demigods were eliminated almost instantly.

Seeing this, one of the low-level demigods on the side of Jiying said anxiously: "You are all centurions, I...we...we are a legion..."

Because most of the mid-level demigods are either centurions or centurions, this person is more respectful to these own mid-level demigods.

But his pleading is to let the bosses of the same legion protect these low-ranking demigods.

However, the few middle-ranking members of the Jiying Legion looked indifferent.

"You also know that there are only twenty-four places in the first round, and if you throw out the five promotion places, there are only nineteen. In the end, even five of us may be eliminated. If we protect you, we may be eliminated now." It will become a target of public criticism!"

A middle demigod of Jiying said with a cold face.

However, what he was talking about is also the current status quo. Now many other legions have decided to abandon their own low-ranking demigods. If they protect them instead, then their medians will soon be opposed by other medians. Weed them out early.

"But bring us, we can also help you. Even if our low positions will be eliminated in the end. But you protect us now, and we will be your help along the way to advance, right?"

A low-level demigod of Jiying analyzed it rationally.

He is also thinking about his legion, and he doesn't want to see his own side killing each other now.

But Jiang Heng felt that it was useless for them to say that. If it was a normal situation, it was definitely a wise choice.

However, now other legions have begun to kill relatives righteously. If Jiying behaves abnormally, it means that they don't fit in and will be rejected by the half-gods in other legions.

This is the so-called herd mentality.

Sure enough, Jiying's medians shook their heads and refused without hesitation.

"You go, we will not attack you. It is up to you whether you can escape."

A middle demigod shook his head and sighed.

Seeing this, the low-level demigods of Jiying all sighed, but they also knew very well that this was indeed the most helpless choice.

And as members of the Jiying Legion, they all know that fighting head-on is actually not what their legion is best at.

If faced with frontal sniping from other legions, the Jiying Legion is likely to be completely wiped out.

But the biggest advantage of the Extreme Shadow Legion is speed. If they escape now, even if they are just some low-level demigods, they can escape quickly and far away from this densely populated area.

In fact, there are indeed many low-level demigods from other legions who have begun to escape.

The mid-level demigods here are aggressive and eager to eliminate them immediately, and if they stay here, they want to be eliminated early.

With the passage of time, not to mention the low positions, even the middle positions have fled this area one after another seeing the bad situation.

No one is a fool. There are even stronger demigods of the fifth or even sixth ranks here. These people may be the ones who decide who will be promoted in the end.

If they were targeted by these fierce men from the very beginning, even those who had a chance to advance to the top 24 would be eliminated in advance.

Seeing his own low position fleeing in a group, Jiang Heng decided to go in a group at first.

The area of ​​this island is extremely vast now, Jiang Heng and the other five people are running away almost all the time.

On the way to escape, Jiang Heng also found that these members of the Extreme Shadow Legion were really good at escaping. Although everyone was only at the third level, in terms of escaping speed, Jiang Heng really couldn't catch up with them without using the ability to move space.

Therefore, Jiang Heng was dragged away by several teammates along the way.

With all their strength, their escape speed was no less than that of ordinary fourth-order demigods. After hiding for nearly an hour, the group of people landed in a relatively hidden valley.

"Everyone hold back your breath! And do you have dust breath powder on your body?"

A low-level demigod said in a low voice. This person's name is Yuan Ming, the peak of the third rank, and he is the strongest among the four, so he stood up and said.

"Dust breath powder, who has nothing to bring this, I don't have it!" Immediately, someone scratched their head depressedly.

The so-called dust breath powder is actually a unique material that can be used to cover up the breath. It is generally used for refining weapons and covering and protecting the battle plate. But it also has a good use, that is, applying it on the epidermis can maximize the breath of demigod-level powerhouses.

But this kind of usage is also very impractical, firstly, this thing is still a bit expensive, and secondly, the method of applying it on the surface of the human body to cover up the breath can only be regarded as a one-time method, because this thing is easily exposed to the outside world. Ability, probably only lasts for three days.

But this effect is exactly what is required in the current situation.

"Is there none?" Yuan Ming frowned, because he didn't prepare such a thing either.

Because according to the original competition system, there is no need for these things at all. He is not a craftsman or formation master, and ordinary people would not prepare such things at all.

"Take it, one bottle per person, be careful not to be afraid of waste."

At this moment, Jiang Heng, who had been invisible in Yuan Ming's field of vision, spoke.

"You have?"

As soon as Yuan Ming finished speaking, Jiang Heng threw four small jade bottles from the storage space.

After receiving these small jade bottles, everyone opened it to see that it was really dust powder, and it was full of dust powder.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't hide their surprise, because dust breath powder is not cheap, and it is paid by gram, usually 10,000 imperial coins per gram.

Good guy, a bottle is estimated to be 100 grams, right?

It's just that they didn't know that these dust powders were completely supplied by the Jiying Legion to their own arsenal.

Jiang Heng belongs to the second in command of the arsenal, so he gets these things for free.

However, this kind of scarce item, Jiang Heng needs to use it in a limited amount.

Everyone was a little dazed, but they still applied dust breath powder on their bodies one after another.

The effect of the dust breath powder is still maximized. With the application of the dust breath powder, everyone's breath becomes extremely weak. Even standing at a distance of ten meters away cannot detect it.

"As expected of dust breath powder, it is expensive for a reason. It cannot be sensed from ten meters away.

According to those who are stronger than us, their perception is stronger than ours. It is estimated that as long as they are more than 100 meters away from them, they will also be unable to detect us! The only troublesome thing is the Skyhawk Legion who are good at scouting! "

Yuan Ming was a little happy at first, but soon frowned slightly.

Everyone frowned upon hearing this.

"Indeed, although the Skyhawk Legion is also one of the main battle legions, they are better at scouting. Most of the legions are perception demigods. Their abilities to perceive others are all kinds of strange, and they are good at reclusiveness." Someone immediately said according to their own According to some rumors I got.

"That's right! The Skyhawk Legion is quite similar to our Extreme Shadow Legion to a certain They usually serve as assistants to other legions on the battlefield, or serve as ambushes, and they also like to sneak attacks.

These are quite similar to our Extreme Shadow Legion. Of course, they are good at perception, so their style of play is relatively sloppy. He is good at playing more and playing less, and all he plays is intrigue. "

There are also people who speak with disdain, but still have a very high evaluation of the Skyhawk Legion.

"I think the participants of the Skyhawk Legion will choose to form alliances with other strong teams!" Yuan Ming expressed his thoughts.

This immediately reminded all the team members.

"Yes! The Skyhawk Legion are all insidious guys, and they are best at combining vertical and horizontal! They will definitely choose the strong team alliance!"

"That's right!" Yuan Ming nodded and sighed: "This is what worries me the most. If the Skyhawk Legion is allied with a strong team, then the strong team will have a pair of keen eyes.

We are not bad, some of the dust-free ones are probably within the perception range of the Skyhawk Legion within hundreds of thousands of meters. "

Jiang Heng's heart sank after hearing these.

It has to be said that Yuan Ming's analysis is quite accurate.

At this time, in the area where the crowd first came to this space, with the sixth-order demigod as the center, more than ten people have gathered at this time.

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