Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 979: promotion

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At the same time, the center of the secret realm has turned into a blood-colored lake, and the original flat primitive jungle has completely changed.

A dark hole has appeared in the sky, the space fragmentation has been unable to heal for a long time, and the sky is full of lightning and thunder.

A figure of a lake of flesh and blood holds a knife in both hands and supports it on the only remaining flat ground in the sea of ​​blood. His whole body still contained a majestic murderous aura.

A token lay quietly beside him, and he glanced at it casually.

This was the last promotion order that landed just now. Originally, seven or eight guys were attracted here. Seeing that the fighting in this area has subsided, they have been watching outside.

When they saw Qingwu half kneeling on the ground and didn't seem to make much noise, these people started to **** him.

But at this moment, those people have been eliminated, no!

It's not just as simple as elimination, those people were killed almost instantly, and they didn't even have a chance to be eliminated and sent out. They were completely killed by Qingwu, who was already possessed, like chopping melons and vegetables.

The saber energy that can cut the avenue is rarely resisted in the middle level.

Qing Wu from the Flesh Mold Lake glanced at the corpses of several rounds of the Flesh Mold Lake on the ground. He had gradually regained his sanity at this time.

Once this knife is used, the consequences are extremely serious. On the one hand, it is a huge burden on the body, and it does not distinguish between enemy and friend, but anyone who approaches it will become the soul of the knife.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Qingwu panted heavily like a bellows, and he spit out mouthfuls of foul air.

With his sanity restored, Qingwu gradually recalled his previous battles, and some things that he didn't think to understand before gradually became clear.

"Blocking the acupoints? It's really a despicable little trick!"

Sensing something wrong in his body, Qingwu snorted lightly.

Before that, he was busy getting rid of the control of Time Dao and dealing with Jiang Heng. Qingwu didn't pay too much attention to his own situation. At this time, after careful investigation with spiritual thoughts, he finally noticed something strange in his physical body.

Using the power of law in the body to slowly expel those strange forces that blocked the acupoints from the body, Qingwu's physical body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Qingwu, who was exhausted and seriously injured, quickly recovered. He stood up straight, feeling the majestic power in his body, and felt ashamed and indignant for a moment.

He was actually tricked by the other party with such a small trick.

But he didn't realize it at first.

This is more or less due to Qingwu's carelessness, but it is also because it is often difficult to do this method of sealing off the acupoints.

Generally speaking, in the universe, physical martial arts fighters do not need to consider that their acupoints will be blocked by their opponents.

If martial arts fighters of the same level of physical body fight, although they will hit the opponent's acupoints to hinder the operation of the opponent's acupoints for a short time, this is not a blockade of the acupoints, it can only be regarded as defeating the gathering and circulation of energy in the opponent's meridians and acupoints.

But Jiang Heng's action completely limited Qingwu's energy flow directly. As long as Qingwu didn't notice it, he would still be unable to exert his full strength.

The more he thought about Qingwu, the more ashamed and indignant he felt. He was a demigod at the top of the sixth level, and he didn't even notice that his own strength had dropped to the fifth level.

"However, that guy took a knife from me. Even if he doesn't die, it will take millions of years to recover. Such a long time, no matter how slow his genius is, he will gradually become a mediocre person!"

There was a smile on the corner of Qingwu's mouth, he was very confident in his knife.

"Dao injury! Even if a high-ranking powerhouse is slashed by this knife, if he does not repair the dao injury carefully, he will still be in danger of falling!"

Qingwu is very aware of the power of his sword. It should be said that in the entire universe, no one who has reached the demigod level does not understand the horror of Dao injury.

"However, with this kid's realm and physical strength, it is almost extremely difficult to understand the damage I left behind. Even if he does not die within a thousand years, he will gradually pass away and die within tens of thousands of years."

Qingwu muttered to himself, thinking of this, his ugly face improved a lot.

That's right, why should I feel bad for a dead person?

Even if this person is not dead now, he will be a dead person in the future.

Thinking of this, Qingwu took out a small porcelain bottle from the storage space, his face hurt but he swallowed it all at once.

These are three drops of extremely precious life liquid, but they don't care about wasting them.

Using the magic knife would consume too much vitality. If you don't take the life essence, I'm afraid that the lifespan will be greatly consumed this time.

As for the other loss of Qingwu, it's nothing. The main reason for this battle is that the use of the magic knife is too expensive. In addition, the self-explosion of the magical treasures accumulated over the years is a bit painful.

Just thinking of this, Qingwu felt a little depressed again.

If I had noticed the abnormality in my body earlier, why was I forced to use these hole cards?

Time passed little by little, and when everyone's jade slips showed that there were only nineteen people left, everyone was sent out.

But the field of vision returned to normal, and the huge platform, the densely packed warships around it, and the onlookers on it were all that came into view.

Jiang Heng looked around for a week, his mind quickly settled down, and at the same time he kept a little distance away from Yuan Ming calmly.

Yuan Ming didn't notice Jiang Heng's strangeness, but at this moment he was a little dazed, because countless eyes around him were all focused on him.

A pair of eyes looked at him in surprise, curiosity or excitement, which made Yuan Ming even more confused.

At the same time, he also noticed Qingwu who was not far away with a calm face. When he saw himself, his face immediately became gloomy, and the corners of his eyes trembled uncontrollably.

"Sure enough, you're not dead! But it's useless for you to pretend now, low-ranking third-tier? Ridiculous disguise!" Qingwu looked at Yuan Ming with a sneer. twitch.

What the **** is going on with this guy? Do you think that by pretending to be like this, you can hide it from everyone?

Qingwu didn't attack Yuan Ming, but stared at Yuan Ming coldly with his arms folded.

At this time, Qingwu's injuries had already recovered with the opening of the acupuncture points and the consumption of life essence, but he felt a little uncomfortable. After all, he was fooled by a low-level guy, and he was almost eliminated by the opponent.

"Why are they staring at me?"

Yuan Ming was a little nervous. Originally, he thought that even if he had advanced, he would be an inconspicuous little character among all those who advanced.

But why is everyone staring at him as a small character?

This is not right! Something is wrong!

However, before he had time to think about his doubts, a soft force captured him, and Yuan Ming found himself in front of several Marquis.

"Yuan Ming! Next, I want to ask you something, and you must tell the truth!"

It was Ji Yinghou who spoke. He looked at Yuan Ming with serious and solemn eyes, and his tone could not tolerate rejection.

Yuan Ming didn't dare to say anything more at this time, he could only nod his head vigorously.

He is still confused now, what is going on? Why did he still attract Lord Hou's attention?

And what is this asking?

What did you do?

All kinds of doubts filled Yuan Ming's brain, and he was completely at a loss now.

At the same time, he also noticed that not only Ji Yinghou, but also the other masters were watching him, and he could even feel countless divine sense probes scanning his body.

Among the several Marquises, Marquis Jiwu especially looked at him with the most burning eyes, no! It should be said to be the most severe and terrifying, as if as long as he says a wrong word, the other party will directly crush him to death, just like crushing an ant to death.

"Master Hou, ask! This subordinate must know everything and talk endlessly!" Yuan Ming said tremblingly, with question marks and puzzles in capital letters in his heart.

"First question! Who is standing behind you!"

Who is standing behind?

Yuan Ming was stunned. He thought that Master Hou would ask him why he was able to advance to the third rank in a mere low position. It was just this question.


Seeing that Yuan Ming didn't speak for a while, Ji Yinghou snorted coldly, and a faint coercion came over.

"Subordinate...Subordinate...The person standing behind this subordinate is naturally you, Lord Hou!" Yuan Ming thought about it, and felt that there was nothing wrong with this answer.

Maybe Lord Hou wanted to show his loyalty.

However, as soon as his words fell, a more powerful coercion shook. The terrifying coercion made Yuan Ming's nostrils overflow with blood unconsciously.

"How dare you mess with me at this time! Are you treating everyone present as fools?"

Ji Yinghou's tone was extremely severe, and his face was extremely ugly.

But soon his breath subsided, and a warm smile appeared on his face, and he said with a smile: "Yuan Ming! I know you, you are an old man under my command! You know that following me, I will not treat my subordinates badly.

This candidate has checked your past achievements, not bad! It's worth everything you've done for the Legion and for the South.

Today you can boldly say, to be honest, no one will do anything to you if you have the ability! What's more, with your talent and aptitude, this candidate can't wait for it! "

Ji Yinghou persuaded and enlightened him very patiently. He thought that Yuan Ming might have concerns, and he wanted to dispel the other party's concerns.

After a while, Yuan Ming still didn't speak.

This made Ji Yinghou frowned slightly.

"Yuan Ming, why are you still unwilling to tell me? Don't worry, I said that you have this qualification, so why do you keep hiding it? Well, as long as you tell the truth, I am willing to accept you as an apprentice, and even teach you lifelong knowledge. !"

However, no matter what Ji Yinghou said, Yuan Ming still didn't say a single word.

It's not that he didn't want to say it, but that he was completely dumbfounded.

He's just ignoring his mother to open the door for ignorant, ignorant is broken!

"Master Hou... Is there any misunderstanding here? What you said... this subordinate... I really don't understand it!"

Seeing Ji Yinghou's increasingly ugly face, Yuan Ming thought about it again and again, but he still insisted.

"You mean you don't understand?"

Ji Yinghou raised his eyebrows, he was almost laughing out of anger now.

"Okay! Since you don't understand, then I will let you understand!"

Speaking of Jiyinghou, he waved his hand, and soon pictures appeared in the void next to him, which was impressively the scene of the previous battle between Qingwu and Jiang Heng.

Yuan Ming looked at it very seriously. When he saw that the guy who was almost pressing down on Qingwu had the same face as his own, Yuan Ming completely turned into a bewildered face.

Does this person look like himself?


Isn't this my own face?

But haven't you been running for your life?

And I was only in the third-order realm, when did I expand to be able to rival a strong man like Qingwu?

But after watching the scene, Yuan Ming looked up at Ji Yinghou again, and opened his mouth to explain, but found that no explanation seemed to make sense.

The person in this picture is indeed exactly the same as himself.

"Master Hou! This... this is not me! I have been following other people, and they can all testify for me!"

Seeing Jiyinghou staring at him with burning eyes, Yuan Ming quickly pointed to the members of the Jiying team and explained.

I thought this explanation would be helpful, but Ji Yinghou shook his head, "So what if I ask? There are thousands of means in this world, and the incarnation outside the body is even more common. Maybe you use a mere incarnation to deceive others It also makes sense."

"But this person is really not me, he must have used the means of changing his appearance to pretend to be me and want to harm me!" Yuan Ming explained in a hoarse voice, he was wronged, he had such an extra identity for no reason, But he is so much slower than other people know, who can he ask for reasoning?

"Of course there is a way to change appearance, but in my realm, I don't think anyone can hide from my divine sense detection, unless the other party is a high-ranking powerhouse who is good at disguise!"

At this moment, Qingwu spoke. He looked at Yuan Ming, and the sarcasm in the corner of his mouth could not be concealed.

This statement can be regarded as a set of words for Yuan But when Ji Yinghou wanted to say something again, His Royal Highness, who was at the side, spoke up, and he slowly got up and looked at Yuan Ming with a smile.

"Brother Yuan Ming, you are very capable, and my highness is very optimistic about you. This way, you don't need to explain, and you will follow my highness from now on. My highness wants you to be my offering!"

His Royal Highness Shizi's words are blatantly wooing.

At the same time, Jiang Heng, who saw this scene, couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

There are pros and cons to exposing one's identity and strength. The advantage is that it can get the most attention and reuse, and you can get in touch with more resources in the future.

But there are also many disadvantages, such as myself, who possesses the laws of time and space, and also masters two suspected supernatural powers.

The appearance of such a genius will definitely become a thorn in the side of the hostile forces of the Great Zhou Empire.

Especially the temples of the gods will not let themselves go.

Jiang Heng is very sure of this!

After all, the two laws of time and space are extremely rare top laws, which are non-renewable and extremely scarce strategic resources for the pantheons.

And they don't want such top laws to be left outside.

After all, most masters of the laws of time and space are serving the temples.

What's more, the true **** of space still belongs to the temple of gods, and there are other demigods of space dao in the outside world, which will most likely attract the attention of this big man.

Secondly, there are experts in the Dao of Time, but Jiang Heng knows that his Dao of Time was stolen through the Qi Dao.

In the eyes of those Time Dao practitioners, I am a proper thief and thief.

Considering all kinds of considerations, Jiang Heng thinks it is better to be timid, and let others get the limelight.

I just feel sorry for Brother Yuan Ming!

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