Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 985: Retreat and News

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"Exercising the Brahma Martial Saint Physique last time was too much of a burden on my physical body! If I want to take action next time, I need to make some adjustments. Otherwise, with my current strength, I can barely compete with ordinary fourth-order demigods."

Jiang Heng was a little helpless, his current physical body felt torn all the time, as if it was supposed to be broken, but was only temporarily stitched together.

This is due to the excessive use of many secret techniques such as Brahma Martial Body and Star Picking Hand during the duel with Qingwu in the previous competition. The burden on the physical body is too heavy. Now that the Tao is injured, the laws of the physical body are slowly passing away all the time. In this case, it is extremely difficult to recover by the physical body alone.

After closing the door, Jiang Heng put up a closed sign on the outside and began to recover and adjust himself.

Old Tom's hotel is for warriors, and the guest group is roughly at the level of domain masters and low-level demigods. Considering that warriors often retreat for a long time, when the guests hang up the retreat sign, Old Tom will be considerate in the room. The door is arranged with some isolation formations.

Time flies, and Jiang Heng’s retreat has been nearly 800 years without knowing it. During the past 800 years, Old Tom’s family has remained the same, but many changes have been added. For example, little Jocelyn has become a qualified The master of the galaxy is a strong man who has perfectly inherited her father's talent.

Today, after a day of daily practice, Little Jocelyn began to perform daily maintenance and cleaning on the hostel.

Old Tom's didn't hire helpers because it was a family business so they did everything themselves.

Old Tom is in charge of the family. On the one hand, he is responsible for the safety of the hotel, and on the other hand, he is responsible for connecting with the guests. After all, many of them are good friends he met when he was a sailor.

Old Jocelyn is the logistics supervisor of the family, responsible for the meals of the whole family and occasionally going out to purchase ingredients, some formation materials, and things needed by the guests.

Although this is a hostel, if guests need drinks or purchase materials, they only need to pay some tips and old Jocelyn will help purchase them. After all, many guests are too lazy to go out because of cultivation.

At present, little Jocelyn is mainly trying to improve her cultivation as much as possible, and at the same time helping her family manage the hotel. She has always wanted to become a sailor like her father, so she is as diligent in polishing the realm of martial arts as her brother.

Although sailors are helpers of the starship, they are more of a guard.

As for Little Tom, who is now a domain master-level powerhouse, he has become a caravan service behind a member of the Liberty Star Alliance as an apprentice sailor.

Today, after cleaning the other rooms, little Jocelyn was visibly careful when she came to this room marked with the word "retreat", for fear of disturbing the people inside.

"I don't know when Brother Shen will leave the customs. Although Dad said that he may be just a low-key casual cultivator, Dad also said that Brother Shen may be unusual."

Little Jocelyn was thinking, in fact, she was very smart. After her father reminded her, she also carefully thought about the dress and demeanor of this big brother Shen. For some reason, she always felt that this big brother Shen might be some The mysterious and powerful people hidden in the market will only appear in the storybook novels.

With this in mind, every time she cleaned in front of this room, she would slow down as much as possible.

crunch! ~

Just as little Jocelyn was half kneeling on the ground and wiping the floor, the door opened, revealing a familiar face.

"Brother Shen, have you left the customs?!"

Seeing the person across from her, little Jocelyn had a distinct smile on her face.

Jiang Heng smiled and looked at the girl in front of him who was both familiar and somewhat different from his memory.

For the Lord of the Galaxy, nearly a thousand years have transformed her from a young girl into a slightly mature woman.

"How long have I been in retreat?"

"If it takes another three months, it will be exactly eight hundred years!" Little Jocelyn replied hastily.

Hearing that Jiang Heng frowned slightly, his heart skipped a beat.

I didn't feel it when I was in retreat, I thought it was only a hundred or so years, but I never thought it would be eight hundred years.

Jiang Heng rubbed his eyebrows, thought for a while and asked, "Has there been any major events in the Freedom Star Alliance recently?"

Little Jocelyn didn't understand that Brother Shen asked such a question, and he only thought that the other party wanted to understand the situation outside.

She pondered for a while and said with embarrassment: "Brother Shen, I don't know what the big thing you want to know is, that...that I am only in the realm of the master of the galaxy, maybe the big thing I think is not worth it to you carry."

"Are there any rumors about Chongbao's birth or relics?" Jiang Heng understood the other party's considerations, and immediately asked in more detail.

"Oh, I see, Brother Shen must want to know about the relic of the Goddess of Life that has been making a lot of noise recently!"

"Mother Goddess of Life?"

Seeing Jiang Heng's surprised face, little Jocelyn quickly explained with a smile: "Brother Shen, it's normal that you don't know, the relic of the Goddess of Life was only confirmed recently. In fact, it is the relic that was discovered a long time ago. For eight hundred years, the Adventurer's Union has continuously sent teams to explore.

Although it has not completely entered the core area, but with the gradual progress, the identity of the owner of the relic was finally confirmed two hundred years ago. He is the first and last true **** of the law of life in ancient times, the mother **** of life—Wa! Also known as the Goddess of Beginning, the Mother of Life!

It is said that this is the first group of ancient gods born in the world after the strongest man who created the universe. According to some of the few ancient books that have been excavated so far, this mother goddess is suspected to be the ancestor of many ethnic groups.

Now these things are rumored throughout the Liberty Star Alliance, and it has begun to spread to the whole universe. I heard that recently, representatives of major forces have arrived in the Liberty Star Alliance and want to discuss with the Yin and Yang elders to explore the ruins together! "

Hearing what little Jocelyn said, Jiang Heng felt a little heavy breathing.

If the information he got eight hundred years ago just made him want to try it, then he has a reason to have to go this time.

Mother Goddess of Life, it does not matter whether the specific information is true or false. But in the end, there must be something related to it. Maybe this is just one of the caves of the Mother Goddess of Life, but anyway, there is a high probability that there is a treasure of the law of life in it.

Then the probability of healing Dao injuries will increase greatly.

After chatting with little Jocelyn for a while, Jiang Heng's understanding of the ruins became clearer.

Generally speaking, the current exploration of the ruins is still not optimistic. It is said that there are suspected high-level puppets in the ruins, so a group of adventurer teams who have entered it have almost been wiped out.

And this is just the gateway area of ​​the core area, and if you really enter the core area, the danger level will rise sharply.

But because of this, more and more people believe that it is the remains of the mother of life in ancient times, and it is even possible that the remains of the mother of life are also here.

This kind of rumor intensified, almost to the point where everyone in the Liberty Star League knew about it.

"Little Jocelyn, who did you learn this martial art from?" Jiang Heng said with a smile as he looked at little Jocelyn beside him after talking about the business.

For a demigod like Jiang Heng, a martial artist like Little Jocelyn who is not even a domain lord can't hide her inner thoughts from him at all.

This little girl wants to worship herself as a teacher, but she doesn't have this idea, so it's not difficult to say a few words.

"It was my father who taught me, and my elder brother. My elder brother learned it in a martial arts gym opened by a fourth-order demigod. He is very powerful."

"I don't know if I can say a few words? Of course, if you think what I said is wrong, you don't have to listen."

Jiang Heng said with a smile, while little Jocelyn rolled her eyes and nodded quickly.

"Then when you practice moving Qi and blood in the future, it is best to bypass the middle dantian and walk down the dantian, and then use the subtle Qi and blood to slowly circulate through the lifeline, and then go through the twelve orifices and nine orifices."

"Uh, but my father said that the lifeline was extremely fragile before the domain master, wouldn't taking the lifeline damage the foundation?" Little Jocelyn scratched her head a little confused.

"It depends on whether you believe me or not. Remember that it's best to carefully control the intensity when taking the lifeblood. If you can't control it, then ask your father to help you guide it. Believe me, you will see obvious results in just a few years. "

Said Jiang Heng did not stop and went straight out.

Little Jocelyn scratched her head and thought about it. She thought maybe she could try it.

"Brother Shen seems to have a point. Although the lifeline has always been relatively fragile, it is extremely important. I heard from my father that if the domain master can activate the lifeline in advance, it will indeed have a multiplier effect on cultivation.

It's just that if you bypass the middle dantian and walk down the dantian, the qi and blood transported in this way will indeed be weakened a lot, but it will not affect the overall progress of the cultivation. It may really be feasible for these much smaller qi and blood to flow through to the life vein. But first, ask your father. "

Little Jocelyn has always preferred to specialize in research, but her talent is the same as his father's. It can only be said that she may become a demigod in the future with perseverance and chance, but in fact, her aptitude is only at the domain master level, and then go up Stepping into the demigod requires a lot of external force.

And even if you step into the realm of demigods, the future will stop at one level.

Such qualifications can be regarded as geniuses in some galaxies on the outskirts of the universe, but the Liberty Alliance in the core area can only be regarded as a little better than ordinary people.

After saying hello to Old Tom's family and paying the eight hundred years' rent, Jiang Heng didn't go to the tavern this time, but took the shuttle to the Adventurer's Guild.

The Adventurer's Guild of the Free Star Alliance has many branches in almost every galaxy under its rule, and the headquarters of the Adventurer's Guild is in the port of Athos.

It is easier to identify, you only need to look at the tallest building in the port, the second tallest building is the Adventurer's Guild, and the first is naturally the Free Star Alliance Council Office.

The Adventurer's Union is a semi-suspended circular building suspended above a towering building. This building is the basic office area and reception area of ​​the Adventurer's Union, while the topmost circular area is the middle-level building. And the exclusive area of ​​the senior adventurer team.

The staff there are responsible for receiving and delivering missions for mid-level and above teams, and also provide many rest areas.

Jiang Heng is not even an adventurer now, so he is not qualified to go up to join in the fun, and went directly to the first floor of the ground floor building.

He needs to apply for his own adventurer identity authentication.

The process is also relatively simple, and Jiang Heng has already known about it.

To put it simply, you only need to provide your name, the tendency of the law you belong to, and you don't even need a specific introduction. The second is strength.

You only need to complete three certifications, then you are a qualified adventurer.

Of course, it is still difficult to join the adventurer team just like this, because the leader of the adventurer team often chooses people by looking at the adventurer's past mission completion status and failure rate.

Therefore, verifying the identity of an adventurer is only the first step. If you want to be selected by a powerful adventurer team, you need to complete a lot of tasks and achieve a very high task completion rate.

Jiang Heng listened to the lady in charge of receiving him at his window in the hall in front of him explaining the authentication process in detail.

"That is to say, I don't need to provide the realm in the third step, I just need to test my strength in the test area?"

"Mr. Shen, it would be better if you provide the specific realm. After all, the more detailed it is, the higher the chance of being selected and recognized by other adventurer teams in the future."

The reception lady responded very politely and formulaically.

"Let's go through the previous certification first." Jiang Heng waved his hands and was too lazy to talk nonsense.

The receptionist nodded, and immediately asked while making a record: "So, Mr. Shen, what is your law preference? If it is the physical body, you can tell it directly. If it is other laws, you can provide specific ones according to your needs. Or Compare the general tendency of of the physical body! and the laws of escape and speed!" Jiang Heng thought for a while and said.

"Oh, it turns out that Mr. Shen is a fellow practitioner of the Dual Principles. People like you are relatively rare. Maybe I can congratulate Mr. Shen in advance for becoming a powerful adventurer in the future."

The receptionist was obviously a little surprised, and her tone of voice towards Jiang Heng's words was obviously a lot more respectful.

"In terms of strength, Mr. Shen, do you need to go to the test area for a rough test? We have professional evaluators here. If you don't want to expose your realm, this is also a good way."

"Then go to the test area!" Jiang Heng nodded, he liked the streamlined and capable style of the Adventurer's Union.

Don't waste an iota of time.

This is the certification fee is really expensive!

Jiang Heng slandered inwardly because he paid half a million imperial coins for certification.

The imperial currency is also a common hard currency here, but a low-ranking demigod who is generally poorer can't afford 500,000 for a while, so Jiang Heng is now rich and powerful.

Among the few storage rings Bai Lao gave him before, there was a huge amount of imperial coins in one of them. The exact number was too many for Jiang Heng to count, let alone hundreds of millions.

This should be the savings of Bai Lao, the master craftsman. Bai Lao really regards himself as his apprentice, no, it is impossible to be so kind to his apprentice.

In addition, there are many kinds of semi-artifacts, as well as many refining materials and formation materials. And a lot of pills.

Jiang Heng felt that Bai Lao gave him a seventh-rank high-ranking demigod's life savings, which was too much, and he even felt that ordinary high-ranking demigods were not as rich as Bai Lao.

It seems reasonable that the refining master is so rich.

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