Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1004: destruction

"It looks very difficult to deal with. Why do they have so much distortion power? Are they in a semi-distortion state?" the mother goddess asked suspiciously, as if she didn't understand this state.

After all, if the distortion force exceeds a certain threshold in the body, it will trigger a serious distortion reaction.

"That's what they are, and I suspect they've formed a pretty perfect symbiosis with the aberration."

The Lord of Time and Space shook his head and didn't know much about it.

While the two were talking, Jiang Heng found that a round thing was slowly sailing towards this side on the other side in the distance.

It seems to be a huge moving celestial body, a super-giant planet, its surface can be seen to be brown and red like rust, and there are no other characteristics except for the spherical protrusions like hills.

However, when the other party moved, it exuded an overwhelming aura, like rolling thunder. When it was approaching, a huge eyeball suddenly opened on the surface of the planet.

It was a bloodshot scarlet eyeball, because the star body as a whole is extremely huge, and the protruding eyeball is also very huge. At this moment, it is approaching to open the only eye suddenly, and some people who have a fear of giants will be shocked instantly. collapse.

Staring at him like the eyes of a huge celestial body, even if no power or breath escapes, it is enough to make ordinary practitioners collapse and go crazy.

Seeing this guy approaching suddenly, the Lord of Time and Space and the Mother God became alert.

"I'm Gehros, one of the commanders sent by my lord to rule you. I know very well that you should be one of the top leaders in this world. I think we can talk first."


Hearing the sudden opening of this weird cyclops, the Lord of Time and Space and the Mother Goddess were stunned for a moment, and immediately said with serious expressions: "I wonder what we can talk about with this Gherlos. Are you willing to retreat after talking about it?" ?”

"Haha, of course not. But I'll give you two choices."

"Which two choices?"

"The first choice is to become our food, so that I will make you honored to be part of our body. The second choice is to be enslaved by us, not only enslaving your soul and body, but even your entire cultivation system, after all If you are robbed of the source of the world, your realm will be lowered, and it is the wisest choice for you to switch to our cultivation system."

Gehros' voice was very weird, and there was a different kind of piercing feeling in the ears.

When Jiang Heng heard this sound with the help of the master of time and space, he felt that his soul was about to be deformed.

After so many years, just relying on the memories of the Time and Space Lord back then has such a distorted reaction.

Jiang Heng couldn't believe it, how weird and powerful are these foreign gods?

"Then we can only meet on the battlefield!" Hearing what Gheros said, the Time and Space Lord's face was extremely ugly.

"Haha, ants in the small world, do you know? For a giant, an ant will not care about right or wrong and the ant's reaction. You are as fragile as ants in our eyes.

You think that the barriers of the world can give you confidence and security, then we will use our powerful strength to destroy your confidence and security, and make you collapse and go crazy. "

As soon as the words fell, I saw a strange light burst out from the one eye of this Gherlos, and the light shone incomparably on the Lord of Time and Space and the Mother Goddess in an instant.

It was so abrupt that neither the Lord of Time and Space nor the Mother God could react.

Both of them were irradiated by this weird light, and soon their expressions changed drastically. The Lord of Time and Space quickly cast the law and distorted the figure of the mother goddess and disappeared in place.

At this moment when the light shines, Jiang Heng also feels a sense of fragmentation from the Lord of Time and Space, as if densely packed cracks are emerging on the Dao of the Law of the Soul.

But at this moment, the Lord of Time and Space reappeared and returned to the ninth dimension, staggering and falling to the ground, both he and the Mother Goddess turned pale.

There were signs of cracks like spider webs on both of their faces.

"What kind of weird ability is this? It can make me lose my mind at a glance, cause damage to the law, and even cause a little shock in the interior scene?"

"I don't know either. I haven't seen this Geheros before, and his ability is also unknown. I didn't expect that the commander of the outer gods would have such a weird ability."

The Lord of Time and Space also sighed with lingering fear.

Both of them were silent, and began to quietly adjust their breaths with their legs crossed.

Both of them are strong Nei Jingtian, with their own universe, and the recovery speed of Dao injuries and soul injuries is far faster than that of ordinary true gods. As long as Nei Jingtian does not collapse, the physical body, soul and Dao can slowly recover as before.

At this time, the Lord of Time and Space sighed in Jiang Heng's mind and explained: "The ability of this Geheros is indeed very strange. Each of them, the outer gods, has a very special ability, and it is difficult to have effective defense against this ability. means. And their cultivation system is also different from ours.

Their avenues are extremely chaotic and unnecessary to us. What Gherlos said before let us switch to their avenues, the best result is to become the same monsters as them, and most cases will become distortions Mindless monster.

Of course, in their eyes, our avenue may also be weird and unnecessary. But in any case, the world that can give birth to the existence of the Old Ones cannot be underestimated. The extent of their development of the Dao is already beyond our comprehension.

Perhaps it is this incomprehension that makes our sense of them monstrous and chaotic. "

Jiang Heng listened silently, and when the screen turned again, he saw that the screen had turned into a catastrophe at this moment.

It was astonishingly the scene that Jiang Heng had seen from Chen Yiming's eyes when the Tianzong Mountain Gate of the Wuji Dao was breached, and a giant hideous eye appeared in the sky.

"This is Yog-Sothoth! This Outer God is their ruler of time and space in the Outer God world, an omniscient and omnipotent god!

Its status is second only to the existence of the old ruler. He first destroyed the court of God, and then invaded the kingdom of the mother god. Now the kingdom of the mother **** has collapsed, and the mother **** has also fallen.

Even if he didn't fall, he was completely crazy and turned into a deformed monster. So I remind you now, if you want to enter the core of the Mother Goddess Ruins to explore in the future, be careful with Nasu.

There you may see the remains of the Mother Goddess after her fall, but it is also possible to see a Mother Goddess completely deformed and insane. "

Listening to the description of the Lord of Time and Space, Jiang Heng felt his eyebrows twitching.

If it was the latter, he felt that everyone who explored the ruins of the mother goddess this time would suffer.

Jiang Heng couldn't imagine how terrifying a Neijingtian strong man who fell into crazy distortion was.

"You don't need to worry, the deformed **** is unconscious, it may kill and affect all living things in sight, but its scope is generally limited to the entire ruins of the Kingdom of God.

The remains of the Mother Goddess are between reality and illusion, unless she regains her consciousness, she cannot leave the remains of the Kingdom of God,"

Seemingly guessing Jiang Heng's worries at the moment, the Lord of Time and Space said in relief.

"Master, how did you survive in the hands of this person?"

Jiang Heng suddenly thought of something, inexplicably felt a chill down his spine, and asked in a trembling voice.

"Haha! Do you think that being a teacher has already fallen into distortion and madness? You don't have to worry about this. If it was true, I wouldn't tell you so much."

The Lord of Time and Space laughed loudly, and immediately praised: "However, it is good for you to be vigilant, because although many deformed gods have no consciousness in life, they will produce the wisdom of other unknown creatures. Most of them are chaotic and disorderly, but some are cunning and treacherous. The consciousness produced after encountering this kind of distortion can only consider itself unlucky.

At least I don't feel that I have been deformed now, and as a teacher, even my soul is incomplete. I can only talk to you in my own internal scene, and my soul will collapse instantly when I leave the internal scene. "

While the Lord of Time and Space was speaking, the situation on the screen changed again.

A figure soared into the sky from the main hall that Jiang Heng entered before Tianzong of Wuji Dao, and he was the master of time and space at that time.

The Lord of Time and Space is still dressed in Taoist robes, holding a whisk in his hand, and his face is stern and even ugly.


There was a roar from the sky, and the owner of that eye completely crushed the void and came in from the outside world.

At this time, Jiang Heng also really saw the complete body of this outer god.

His image is like a complex of billions of light spheres, each light sphere has an eye on the surface, and the direct gaze of each eye can drive a true **** into a state of madness.

But the moment the opponent appeared, Jiang Heng saw dense blood vessels rapidly appearing near the eyes of the Lord of Time and Space, and these blood vessels began to squirm crazily like spirit snakes under the surface of the skin, as if they were about to break out of the body.

This is a sign of an impending aberration!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng was breathless. He was afraid of seeing the distorted picture of the Lord of Time and Space. If it really appeared, it would also mean that the person he had been talking to was an ancient **** who had fallen into madness long ago.

But soon, the master of time and space clasped his fingers firmly on the edge of the eyeball, and then pulled it out with a blank expression.

The two eyeballs were gouged out by the time and space lord in this way, and then crushed directly.

"Don't underestimate me as a teacher. Although there may be a huge gap between my teacher and this person's strength, I will never allow myself to die of distortion! This is a shame for my teacher!"

The Lord of Time and Space said calmly.

The battle on the screen has already started, and it actually started the moment the opponent arrived.

Time suddenly stagnated, and soon time began to flow backwards rapidly. This is because the Lord of Time and Space used his ability to reverse the flow of time.

At the same time, while going against the current, the Lord of Time and Space suddenly stepped out of a figure, which was his future body.

But Nayog Sothoth was not affected by the reverse flow of time, and his figure appeared in front of the Lord of Time and Space in an instant, and was about to be swallowed and wrapped by countless **** of light.

The Lord of Time and Space dodged quickly, and now the two bodies of the future were chanting, and suddenly a bright and dazzling thunder was pulled out from the void, and the thick and majestic thunder covered Yog-Sothoth's whole body in an instant like the mighty might of heaven.

The terrifying thunder turned into a pool of thunder, as if trying to bind the opponent tightly.

But after the thunder, the figure of Yog Sothoth came out from the other side, and the moment he walked out, dense space fragments appeared around him.

Like shattered glass, a fragmented scene appears.

Thousands of laws and light wheels behind the Lord of Time and Space are spinning rapidly in unison, squeezing their own abilities crazily.

All kinds of law powers and means emerge in endlessly, and from time to time are accompanied by the power of incantations and supernatural powers.

It was the first time for Jiang Heng to witness a fight at the interior level, and he couldn't keep up with the speed of the two with his own eyesight alone. Fortunately, he could barely see clearly with the help of the master of time and space from the first perspective.

It's just that in this level of fighting, every breath is hundreds of millions of fighting processes, and each time is countless psychological games. Jiang Heng found that his own thinking ability could not keep up with this processing speed at all, and his brain felt a dull pain.

In just a few breaths of time, the two Neijingtian masters fought from the Wuji Dao Tianzong sect to the main universe, and then to various planes, dark matter planes, high-dimensional planes and so on.

For the two Nei Jingtians who both master time and space, this is a very normal process of fighting.

The power of the two is very delicately controlled, and there is no trace of leakage, even if it is so, but everything touched by them will be wiped out instantly, whether it is the present or the future, it will cease to exist.

This is the horror of time and space reaching the level of a true **** or above.

The harm they do is not limited to the present, but the past, present and future.

"I am not as good at using time and space as Yog-Sothoth. He is more like a part of time and space. All my methods are at a loss when facing him, and he always seems to be able to guess my thoughts. But He and even all the Outer Gods also have flaws. That is, they do not have supernatural powers, secret arts, martial arts, or even incantations, etc., nor do they have formations, inscriptions, alchemy, and many other means.

It seems that each of them is like a natural god, and the use of laws has reached the peak and is almost turned into a part of the And they also have some special racial talents, I think Yog Soto It was one of his gifts to be able to guess my thoughts ahead of time. "

The Lord of Time and Space explained to Jiang Heng.

Sure enough, not long after he finished speaking, the situation changed suddenly, and the two people in the picture were quickly going backwards in the long river of time and space. They were no longer satisfied with fighting in reality, and began to fight in the long river of time to fight in the past and the future.

In the end, Jiang Heng saw that the past body of the Lord of Time and Space was beheaded by Yog Sothoth in a certain period of time.

In the past, the body was very important to the time Taoist, especially in the fight against the time Taoist of the same rank. Whoever can behead the opponent's body first will almost secure the victory.

Sure enough, the Lord of Time and Space who lost his past body can no longer differentiate and appear in his present body and future body at will.

At this time, he only has two lives, that is, the only present body and the future body.

In the previous fights, Yog-Sothoth relied on his powerful and treacherous time and space abilities to behead the present and future of the Lord of Time and Space dozens of times, but each time the Lord of Time and Space was able to quickly rely on his interior level cultivation. Once again differentiated into a brand new present body and future body.

In an attempt to drag the powerful outer **** Yog Sothoth by his side for a longer time.

However, with the disappearance of the past body, the present body and the future body are like grasshoppers without roots, and there is no chance of re-differentiation.

The master of time and space became more cautious in his response, which also caused the situation between the two to begin to change rapidly.

The situation of the Lord of Time and Space began to deteriorate rapidly.

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