Master of Fist

Chapter 113: kill

Luo Yongnian was a little dazed, because he didn't see much ups and downs in the other party from the beginning to the end. Even the astonishing punch from before was nothing more than ordinary to the opponent.

"Why do you want to do this?"

"Kill me just for this?"

"Someone is the master of Arhat Sect!! Why did you kill me?!"

Borrowing strength from the eaves of the lower floors, Luo Yongnian landed sensitively.

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief.

Boom! ~

When the heavy object fell to the ground, the bluestone floor was cracked inch by inch, and the dust was raised. It was only after the dust landed on the ground that the sight became clear.

In the strong wind, a figure silently walked towards Luo Yongnian.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock...

Beads of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, Luo Yongnian covered his chest with his left hand, and held a stick in his right, his face was grim.

"Why do you want to hang on with someone? You won't get any benefits if you kill me. The Zhen Fusi will never sit idly by!!"

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, with a calm expression.

"Don't worry, no one will come tonight. For you, I paid a fourth-grade martial arts book. You have enough for today!"

Looking at the burly figure like a mountain, Luo Yongnian widened his eyes and suddenly thought of something.

"It's you! You're crazy! Crazy!"

Luo Yongnian couldn't understand, was it because of that incident that he was about to destroy his Arhat sect?

"Do you know that if you kill me, the whole Cangzhou will be in turmoil!"

At this moment, the air seemed to condense, and the house was eerily quiet for a moment. Jiang Heng just looked at him silently, as if he was looking at a dead body!

"Okay! Okay! If you want Luo's life, then I'll have to break a tooth of yours!" Luo Yongnian yelled violently, and his internal energy exploded in multiples.

"It's really as if Luo is made of mud!"

Cracks began to reappear in the dantian, and the internal energy erupted as if it didn't need money, and the shot was a blow with all its strength, and a stick was slashed at Jiang Heng's face, already using all the internal energy, touching the internal energy could penetrate the internal organs.


Luo Yongnian was confident that even someone who had stepped into the fourth-rank realm for several years would not be able to take this blow easily.

But with a muffled sound in the air, Luo Yongnian froze in place.

Got it?

Looking at the burly young man in front of him, he firmly held his rod with one hand, and his arm didn't even move at all.

Jiang Heng felt the turmoil in his body, which was really troublesome. The strong internal energy penetrated the skin and muscles like a madman, and instantly poured into the limbs and bones, as if a group of bandits began to wreak havoc in Jiang Heng's body.

But soon the ball seemed to be stimulated and began to **** crazily.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng was slightly relieved.


"What are you doing!" Luo Yongnian was taken aback, greatly surprised.

How could it be possible for a mere third rank to hold his inner energy with his physical body?

As the shadow loomed, Jiang Heng's fist fell suddenly, Luo Yongnian raised his arm to block, his arm bone hurt, and he sank, his legs sank into the bluestone floor until his knees were nailed into the ground like piles.

His pupils reflected a figure full of vitality and blood, as if a huge shadow covered all his sight!

"This...why..." Luo Yongnian gritted his teeth, his heart was full of doubts. "How can the lower third rank block my inner energy?!"

"There's so much nonsense!" Jiang Heng said coldly, his tone still as flat as before, and he smashed down his head and face with his huge fist.

Luo Yongnian's shoulder was crushed by a punch, his head was smashed into his chest cavity, and his whole body sank into the mud like a deformity, spurting out **** water like a fountain.


After leaving Luofu, Jiang Heng looked at the sea of ​​flames burning in the distance across a street, his expression did not change at all.

Jiang Heng sighed a little now, it was really different.

Only now did Jiang Heng feel that the fourth-rank realm seemed to be no longer an insurmountable barrier! Even Luo Yongnian now seems to be really not enough for him to punch a few times.

Jiang Heng sighed a little, thinking that he still regretted not being able to cultivate his inner qi some time ago.

Unexpectedly, within a few days, the situation has turned upside down.

However, if it is an ordinary lower third rank, facing this level of internal energy, it will still retreat steadily. If there was no absorption feedback from the black ball in his body, Jiang Heng's internal organs would have become a pile of carrion just like the other lower three ranks.

"It is estimated that I will be able to compete with the fifth-grade realm after I can use the second layer of dragon strength!" Jiang Heng touched his chin and pondered.

However, the strength of the physical body still needs to be improved as soon as possible. Although there are medicinal materials and black **** to assist, the body surface must also be boiled at the same time. Then go to Zhenfusi's treasury to exchange for some lower third-rank horizontal martial arts. Now that he knows that he can't step into the pulse refining state, there is no need to continue to save contribution points to exchange for the inner qi method.

Moreover, Jiang Heng felt that after the black ball swallowed up all the internal energy in the body, the energy fed back would temper the internal organs in the body to a new height.

After all, this is equivalent to the sum of internal qi in the opponent's whole body, and Jiang Heng found that most of the absorbed internal qi will be fed back to the meridians and viscera.

Unlike swallowing medicinal materials, which improves physical fitness in all aspects, this is relatively more clear.

Generally speaking, for the fifth-rank realm, on the one hand, it needs enough internal energy for thirty years, and on the other hand, it needs at least two internal organs to be completely For sixth-rank, it needs forty years of internal energy, and the five internal organs and six internal organs need to be refined for at least two It is necessary to refine two more places on the basis of the fifth grade.

As for stepping into the realm of the seventh rank of the upper third rank, it takes sixty years of internal energy, and the core heart of the internal organs needs to be tempered.

The heart is the core of the body, and the stronger the heart, the stronger the overall state will usher in a qualitative leap. At the same time, the internal qi has been released within sixty years, and it can be used to control things for a short period of time.

That's right!

The Grandmaster Realm can actually release the internal energy to the outside, but it is generally not done that way, because it will greatly disperse the internal energy, and the power of the moves will naturally be greatly reduced.

Jiang Heng didn't care about this so-called master who took the path of inner training.

Now he wants to learn more from the path of internal training and clarify his own path.

Although Jiang Heng didn't know how powerful the inner qi of the fifth-rank and above pulse-refining masters were, he also knew that he was still inferior.

The reason why he wanted to directly kill Luo Yongnian this time was because of personal grievances, and the second was to test his current strength.

Here comes a conclusion.

The third rank is invincible, and the winning rate against the fourth rank is 30-70. It should still be far inferior to the fifth rank.

If it hadn't been for killing the deputy head of the Iron Sword Sect at the new Pulse Refining Realm with a single punch, Jiang Heng would not have dared to make the trip today.

"However, today's incident caused a lot of trouble. It will take a while to lie dormant. As expected, the Zhenfu Division will soon set its sights on the forces in Jianghu.

Recently, I have to go to the Zhen Fu Division to show my face! "

Jiang Heng pondered, but he didn't worry too much, and things were handled very properly.

If Luo Yongnian wants to make his Jiang family uneasy, then he must not stay! It's useless for such a villain to reason with him.

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