Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1121: end

Lord Luo Yu was indeed very uncomfortable at the moment. He roared, "Damn it, how dare you only half-step inside the scene! How dare you! How dare you use a complete avenue just to destroy my inner universe!"

Lord Luo Yu was shocked and angry. Of course he would not be afraid if it was an ordinary method, but the other party did not hesitate to use a complete way of death just to destroy and weaken his inner universe.

This price is not insignificant, the complete avenue is still the avenue of death, let alone this avenue, even if it is placed in the Shengyuan world, it can be regarded as a very important avenue.

Similar to the Avenue of Life, the Avenue of Death is an extremely important part of the universe. After losing the Avenue of Death, it will be difficult for many creatures in this universe to die of old age.

This is not a good thing. Once time passes, the balance of the universe will be broken. At that time, the universe will be full of living people, and one universe will lose its vitality. The breeding of natural genius would come to a standstill.

Similarly, the survival of countless people will cause the universe to fall into a resource war, and various conflicts will continue.

"This seat can't control so much, now you should think about what to do first!" Wushen sneered.

As soon as the voice fell, he slapped the main **** Luo Yu with his palm, and the two were entangled immediately. In an instant, the inner universe of the two disappeared and shrank back, and everyone returned to the main universe plane. Looking around, they were gone. The figures of the two inner-level powerhouses seem to be fighting in a higher dimension.

The two sides fought together again, but even if the Valkyrie restrained the inner scene-level powerhouse of the Shengyuan alien race, the situation was still not optimistic.

The number of masters and even true god-level powerhouses on both sides is completely out of proportion. In this battle, nearly thousands of true **** masters will fight. Under the suppression of such a terrifying number, it is only a matter of time before the Great Zhou Empire will lose.

Ling Hai was fighting hard, and as time passed, his heart became more and more heavy. This is a war with almost no suspense.

If the Great Zhou Empire had no new turnaround point, all of them would have to die here today.

"The commander of the attached army, the brothers are almost unable to hold on!" An adjutant shouted anxiously.

At this time, there were not many soldiers gathered around Ling Hai, only tens of thousands. Compared with the size of more than 500,000 at the peak of Wuwei Army, this is already a defeated army. And this is the result of Ling Hai's efforts to gather the defeated army.

"Kill, kill, kill! The worst thing is to die! Lao Tzu's cultivation is all bestowed by the head of the army and the deputy head of the army. It is worth it for me to step into a high position in my lifetime!"

Some soldiers of the legion yelled, and most of them had the mentality of fighting to the death. In the current situation, they had no choice but to fight to the death.

The effect of the death battle is obvious. These Saint Yuan fighters can no longer be crushed in a state of destruction, and the two sides began to fight back and forth.

It's just that from time to time, there are true god-level powerhouses patronizing, and the people who beat them keep losing their size.

Looking at this scene, Ling Hai felt desolate in his heart. At this time, he was fighting against the three true god-level powerhouses alone, but it was still not enough.

There are too many, and the true god-level dominator level keeps biting at them frantically.

Now they are the fattest meat in the eyes of this group of Saint Yuan aliens, and everyone wants to rush over to take a bite. If a shark smells blood, this group of people will only gather more and more.

"not good!"

At this moment, almost at the same time, the three rulers Qiqi noticed this place, and launched a siege towards Ling Hai's troops.

This is entirely because the Wuwei Army is the only legion that is still standing on the tenth broken line of defense. Their existence is too eye-catching.


There was a roar, and a powerful master of the **** realm hit Ling Hai who was already in a hard fight with a palm, and his soul was shaken for a long time. When the state gradually returned, he and the others were surrounded by three masters.

"The ants of the human race are still insisting. Sometimes I don't know what you are insisting on. Isn't the current situation obvious?" A master-level powerhouse smiled, but there was a flash of respect in his eyes when he looked at Ling Hai .

Although the Shengyuan alien race is an invader, they still give some respect in their hearts to such existences who know that they must die and dare to fight to the death.

Of course it is limited to this, people still have to be killed, but it will be a pleasure!

"Stop talking nonsense, kill if you want! I am the deputy commander of the legion, and I am responsible for guarding the soil. Don't think about bypassing me and going to the rear!" Ling Hai said in a firm and very calm tone.

"It's a good one to shoulder the duty of guarding the soil. Go up, third child, and get rid of this guy as soon as possible. There is still a lot of credit waiting for us!" The leader, the peak master, gestured to the side master.

The man nodded and grinned, he leaped suddenly, and a thick and heavy ax appeared in his hand, and the ax smashed down towards Ling Hai angrily.

The moment the ax was thrown out, Ling Hai felt that the surrounding space was compressed and solidified, and a fierce aura had already locked his soul.

hide? There is no hiding!

escape? There is no escape!

This is a deadly axe!

Feeling the terrifying murderous intent coming from the top of his head, one or two, a total of two complete laws have locked him, the terrifying suppressing force of the laws almost trapped him to death, and forcibly suppressed the laws in his body to the minimum, wanting to resist Can't do it!


There was a soft sound, and the picture of his head being numb and being divided into two did not appear. Ling Hai raised his head in a daze, and then he was stunned for a moment, and then his face was ecstatic.

"Army... Legion Commander?!"

"What Legion Commander?" Hearing this, the three masters looked at the strange black-haired man who suddenly appeared in front of them in astonishment.

The other party calmly stretched out his hand and pinched one side of the axe. At this time, no matter how hard the ruler exerted himself, the axe remained motionless.

"Damn it, this kid is a bit weird, die to me!" The master cursed and then roared, the laws of his body surged out and poured into the axe.

In an instant, the ax suddenly sank for a few minutes, but soon it seemed to be stuck again, and then a layer of fine cracks quickly appeared on the surface of the ax under the astonished eyes of everyone.

Katsa, Peng!

With a crisp sound, the thick ax was completely destroyed and cracked.

"how come?"

The master stared blankly at the area that had completely collapsed and only the ax shaft itself remained.

"Your Excellency has great strength, but you just don't know how to take my palm?" As soon as the words fell, the leader of the pinnacle ruler flew out, and slapped Jiang Heng heavily with his palm.

Jiang Heng did not retreat but advanced, and also blasted out with one palm, and when two palms collided, there was a muffled sound, and some Wuwei soldiers who were a little closer were sent flying backwards by a strong wave of air.

Seeing that the two of them broke apart at the first touch, it was hard to see who was stronger and who was weaker, but the peak master shook his palm imperceptibly after closing his palm.

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