Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1124: advantages are disadvantages

"wake up!"

A burst of shouting exploded in Jiang Heng's heart like thunder, and instantly made Jiang Heng wake up and looked at the huge and powerful phantom in the distance in horror.

"What the **** is this? Could it be the Calamity of the Heart Demon and not the Calamity of the Five Elements?" Jiang Heng was startled, it could actually affect and suppress his self-awareness and make him give up all resistance, which really made him break out in a cold sweat.

"This is not a heart demon tribulation. If it is a heart demon tribulation, I can't wake you up. You can only carry it by yourself! This phantom should be that guy of Tathagata Buddha! I didn't expect this guy to die after so many years. , Dao can still use his phantom to act as a demon!"

Taoist Wuwei's tone was dignified, he sighed, "Be careful, since this phantom has appeared, it must be the Five Elements True God Tribulation next, and it is very likely that you will see the real Five Elements Palm back then!"


Jiang Heng was a little ashamed, what does it mean to see the real five-element palm supernatural power? Do I want to face the creator of this palm technique in ancient times?

"Master...Master! Could it be this Five Elements Palm..."

"That's right! Use whatever methods you have, and let's see if you can resist!"

At this time, Jiang Heng could already clearly see the five-color rays of light conceived in the palm of the raised palm of the phantom in the void above, and the five-color rays of light gradually converged into five mountains, each shaped by five fingers.

The five fingers represent the five elements of wood, fire, earth, gold, and water, and these five mountains are closely linked together and merged with the palm of the hand to become one with each other as horns.

At this moment, in Jiang Heng's field of vision, the world seems to be covered by the big hand formed by these five fingers. Everything has turned into this palm, and there seems to be nowhere to escape.

"Hey, this is also the first time for me to see Tathagata using the five elements. Back then, he seldom participated in the fights between me and other powerhouses of the same level. The only time I heard that he used this trick to suppress a peak in my divine court. The demonic ape who dominates the realm. He suppressed it with just one palm, and that demonic ape has a half-step interior-level treasure in its hand, and it has tempered some half-step characteristics, which belong to the body half-footed half-step INT. So still being suppressed by a palm.

Back then, my teacher thought that this palm was exaggerated, but now it seems that the rumors are true. It is true that the demon ape back then could not escape Wuzhishan from Tathagata no matter what means he used! "

"Master, don't make sarcastic remarks, think of a way to break the Five Elements Mountain?" Jiang Heng said helplessly.

My master seems to like cold and sad autumn too much, doesn't he know that his apprentice is about to receive this slap?

"How? No!"

Taoist Wuwei is very straightforward, "The reason why the Five Elements Palm is a top-ranked supernatural power is because of its own characteristics of the five elements restraining each other and integrating into a whole. There are almost no shortcomings. No matter which area you attack, it will be a whole. In the face of the five elements as a whole."


After listening to Taoist Wuwei's description, Jiang Heng understood, and to put it bluntly, he had no choice but to resist.

Sighing lightly, Jiang Heng's eyes became sharper, the laws behind him began to shrink slowly, and various laws began to flow in his body like a mighty river.

The physical body was the first to bear the brunt, and Jiang Heng instantly unfolded the Brahma Martial Saint Body, and the golden light on the body surface suddenly appeared, turning into a body with three eyes and six arms, and the golden light flowing all over his body was like an ancient **** and Buddha.

Time and space are transformed into two long rivers into a halberd and a long spear respectively, the Dao of Destruction is transformed into a sword, the Dao of Reincarnation is transformed into a wheel weapon, and the Dao of Qi is transformed into a sharp spear. The six arms are in charge, while the power is integrated into the body, and the order is turned into a suspended magic ring behind Jiang Heng's head, making him look like a judge in charge of the order of heaven and earth.

Xing Tian's divine power flowed in his body and turned into two battle axes that also fell into his hands. With a low shout, Jiang Heng stepped on his big foot, jumped up, flew out of the sky, and rushed towards the big palm that was falling slowly.

The giant palm fell, and the various attribute attacks of the five elements, such as meteorites, continued to fall and hit Jiang Heng. Jiang Heng continued to block and dodge. The speed keeps increasing and accelerating!


In the end, Jiang Heng collided with the giant palm, and all the avenues under Jiang Heng's control also rushed out with six arms, and the earth-shattering collision made a loud noise like a stone breaking the sky.

For a moment, even if it was only the edge of the battlefield, it attracted a lot of attention. The Great Zhou Emperor and the others had once again settled down to fight, but at this time they couldn't help being attracted again.

"This breath is a bit familiar, seems to be that kid Wuweihou!" Bei Wang murmured.

Before the Wuwei army stationed here, they had a lot of dealings with the Northern King. After all, this place was strictly under the Northern King's rule.

"It's indeed Jiang Heng!" Nan Wang also nodded, with a smile on his face.

"Why did he cross the tribulation without saying a word? And he crossed the tribulation? If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought that this kid would have sneaked into the true **** realm!" Da Zhouhuang couldn't help complaining.

It was really because my son-in-law had acted too monstrously before. He dared to go on a rampage on the battlefield with only a mere ninth-level realm, and made a breakthrough in killing more than ten real god-level powerhouses in the first battle.

Although the other party explained the reason afterwards, the Great Zhou Emperor still felt that it was ridiculous, and subconsciously thought that this kid must have secretly stepped into the Realm of God, but his usual aura showed that he was clumsy.

I really didn't say that today, it was indeed a true **** robbery.

"There's something wrong with Marquis Wuwei's True God Tribulation!" Xi Wang frowned.

"There is indeed something wrong. Isn't this the Tribulation of the Five Elements True God? By the way, we didn't have such a thing when we crossed the tribulation. It's just a few thunder tribulations and it's over." Dong Wang also frowned in confusion.

Perhaps because of the invasion of the alien race of the Holy Yuan, the Dao of this world has also begun to release water to the strong in this world, and the catastrophe has begun to not pay attention to it.

Of course, it may also be that their basic talents are very mediocre, and it is not worth the effort of others to use the Great Tribulation to greet them.

"Your Majesty, do you want to wait for Wuwei?" Xin Zhao hurriedly said while fighting.

"Help? How can you help?" Da Zhou Huang couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words.

Nan Wang also nodded at this time and said, "I can't help, not to mention that we can't get out, even if we force someone to go to help, it won't help. In the face of the Five Elements True God Tribulation, unless the Martial God Mian helps, our help in the past will be of no use." It may not be as long as Wuwei Hou can resist."

Nan Wang's words are quite pertinent. If you want to help others overcome the catastrophe, you have to be several times or dozens of times stronger than the other party, because the power of the catastrophe you need to face to help others overcome the catastrophe will also be doubled.

"Forget it, look at this kid's good luck!" Da Zhouhuang sighed softly, and now he also feels powerless.

Although I was worried, I was powerless to change it.

"It can only be like this, the Five Elements True God Tribulation, I really don't know what kind of terrifying foundation Wuwei Hou has built!" Nan Wang sighed.

Thinking back to the first time I met Jiang Heng, the Tianjiao, it was still in his palace, and then I just thought about following the general Tianjiao's training process to sharpen the opponent's heart and send him to the Tianyu Eye organization, which is difficult to show off.

It turned out to be a good thing, this kid was stunned in the Eye of Tianyu and suddenly disappeared. Later, he found out that this guy suddenly appeared in the central area of ​​the universe, the area where the Free Star Alliance is located, and also made friends with the princess in the ruins of the Mother Goddess Your Highness.

Then the development of Nanwang was a bit incomprehensible. Why did he suddenly become a son-in-law and then quickly become a powerful prince, with hundreds of thousands of soldiers sitting in the frontier, which is equivalent to a frontier official.

And not long ago, I heard that this kid killed more than ten true god-level foreign powerhouses in one breath, which made Nan Wang even more puzzled. Could it be that the Jiang Heng he knew and this Jiang Heng were not the same person?

Leaving aside Nanwang's doubts, Jiang Heng has reached the most critical moment in the face of the Five Elements Tribulation.

The Five Elements Palm is worthy of being a great supernatural power. It is more powerful when performed by this ancient powerful phantom, which is far from comparable to the crude version performed by the king of the Three Gods Mountain.

The principle of mutual generation and restraint of the five elements explodes in Jiang Heng's body almost all the time, making him extremely uncomfortable. The blood mist explodes on the surface of the body, and the power of the five elements keeps moving, which makes him unable to grasp it. Attack, what you are facing is the whole five elements.

This is not a supernatural power at all, but a formation technique integrated into the palm technique!

Jiang Heng understood the essence of it, but so what, formations sometimes don't talk about martial arts than supernatural powers, because at such a critical moment, you can't temporarily break this complicated formation.

The final result will be very obvious, either be suppressed, or be beaten to death with a single palm.

At present, Jiang Heng has the powerful physical quality brought by the Tao of flesh body, coupled with the terrible foundation forged before, which makes him not inferior to the general true **** level powerhouse in physical strength, and at the same time has the Tao of reincarnation to constantly defuse attacks, so that he can sustain himself hard .

"I can't go on like this. If I don't want to find a way, I'm afraid I will be suppressed by this catastrophe!"

Jiang Heng couldn't imagine what it would be like to be suppressed by Heavenly Tribulation, but he would definitely feel aggrieved. Thinking about being suppressed by Heavenly Tribulation would make him feel ashamed.

Under the cover of the big palm, almost all Jiang Heng's escape possibilities were covered.

This is a dead end.


Mengdi Jiang Heng seemed to have a flash of light in his mind, and he almost missed the moment when the light appeared, but Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"By the way, the Five Elements Palm emphasizes rigor and meticulousness. Its operating system is extremely tight and integrated with each other. Before, I was thinking too much. I only thought about how to resist and stop this catastrophe.

Both Android and Apple are available. 】

It's not wrong, but it's wrong! It is about to be a supernatural power evolved from the formation, so you only need to treat it as a formation. Breaking the formation is nothing more than two methods, one is to analyze one by one, so as to find the loopholes in the formation with ingenuity and crack it.

Second, the most straightforward way is to break it directly with brute force!

Of course, it is best to break through with brute force with ordinary formations, but this five-element formation is different. Brute force attacks will be continuously resolved by this formation, and even rebound.

But my Dao of Destruction is different. The Dao of Destruction cooperates with the Dao of Reincarnation. If I bounce back, I will bounce back and dissolve your resolution! Hahaha! "

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng couldn't help laughing. This is indeed an excellent solution, and it is also the best solution that Jiang Heng can think of in a short time.

With this in mind, Jiang Heng no longer hesitated, all the power of the law was condensed into a ball to protect himself, and at the same time, the Dao of Destruction and the Dao of Reincarnation quickly opened a vortex-shaped reincarnation printed on Jiang Heng's back, and it symbolized the Dao of Destruction in his hands. The transformed saber has been constantly slashing towards the pressing giant palm!

Scoff! ~

The Destroyer Knife drew a burst of sparks on the surface of the giant palm, but Jiang Heng didn't care and continued to exert great power, and the power of the law surged wildly. There was a scratch on the surface of the palm.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng's face was overjoyed, as long as there was a gap, the Dao of Destruction would use this as the starting point to quickly destroy it.

It's just that the big five-element palms have the power of formations, and many injuries can be spread and rebounded evenly. The moment Jiang Heng broke open, his whole body was shocked, and a hideous gap appeared in his chest at the same time. Make a move to move and rebound.

Then a strange scene appeared, gaps appeared on Jiang Heng's body from time to time, and appeared on the surface of the giant palm from time to time.

The two sides maintained a balance in a short period of time, but this balance will always be broken. It is Jiang Heng who can hold the Dao of Destruction for a longer period of time.

As time went by, the wound caused by Destruction Dao became more and more serious. When the wound was moved to the giant palm, one could see a hideous wound stretching millions of meters in the palm of the giant palm, and it was still expanding.

And when he moved to Jiang Heng, he quickly turned into a blood man with a lake of flesh and blood, every inch of flesh and blood seemed to be cut by a knife blade.

The terrible trauma continued to intensify, Jiang Heng's consciousness was almost a little blurred, and the Samsara Dao ** behind him began to show an uncertain posture, as if it would collapse at any time.

Hold on! Hold on a little longer!

Jiang Heng gritted his teeth, a string in his heart was always tense, he knew that once this string broke, he would be finished.

Fortunately, at this moment, the giant palm began to tremble violently, and the nearly solid five elements began to collapse.

"So that's it! The reason why the Five Elements Palm is so powerful is because of its integrated formation. The five elements and five paths form a balance, but once the balance is broken, the five elements formation will collapse on its own and cannot form a system!"

Jiang Heng has a clear understanding in his If he is facing the powerful deity back then, his small tricks are naturally nothing, and he can adjust the Five Elements Palm to maintain a balance at all times.

But the Five Elements Palm transformed by the Heavenly Tribulation is just a dead thing after all, and the dead things formed according to the unique trajectory are not a concern.

Accompanied by a huge tremor of the giant palm, the giant palm that seemed to have turned into heaven and earth finally couldn't hold on and began to disintegrate, and the five elements scattered and returned to the avenue.

The little spots of light gradually dissipated and returned to the avenue, which also meant that the Tribulation of the Five Elements True God had passed so far!


Seeing this situation, Jiang Heng heaved a sigh of relief, and his physical body returned to its original state. Except for the area that was severely injured by Hogos before, the rest had returned to normal. Move all the damage of the last destruction path to the giant palm.

Otherwise, Jiang Heng estimated that he would be useless if he survived this catastrophe under the pressure of such a terrifying and superimposed Dao of Destruction.

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