Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 1127: Depressed God of Tingshan


After receiving the spear, Jiang Heng felt like a living thing when he started it. This thing seemed to directly start to establish a tentative connection with him.

Regarding this situation, Jiang Heng didn't dare to accept it at the first time, but continued to use his spiritual sense to detect and detect, and this treasure seemed to be indifferent, but became more eager.

"It's the first time I've seen such an active treasure!"

Jiang Heng was stunned, very surprised.

As if guessing what he was thinking, Taoist Wuwei said with a smile, "This is the treasure choosing its owner, and it has taken a fancy to you!"


Jiang Heng always felt that these words were ambiguous.

"You are the master of the eight realms of achievement, and you will be liked by many treasures. What's more, your eight laws are not simple. If one of the laws you master happens to fit this treasure, then this situation is not easy. It will be strange!"

Wen Yan Jiang Heng also felt it carefully, but as soon as he felt it, he understood that this thing turned out to be a half-step interior treasure of the space dao.

At least in its true sense, the avenue of law mastered by its former master is space, and secondly, its forging material is some space material that Jiang Heng has never seen before.

But this is also understandable, this is a treasure won from the alien race of Shengyuan, and it is normal that the materials used in this treasure have not been seen before.

"As the saying goes, treasures also choose their masters, and this treasure is produced outside the territory, and it may contain laws and avenues from other worlds. If the internal laws can match one of your laws, it will help you to understand the inner scene and improve the level of the law in the future. It is of great benefit!" Taoist Wuwei explained.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng couldn't help but beam with joy. The spatial rules contained in it were indeed something he had never seen before. He had a hunch that if he could understand the spatial rules, he might be able to analyze the space from another angle. The Tao of indeterminate space really has a lot of progress.

At the same time, the battle has already begun, and this Li Shen will be worthy of being a powerhouse at the inner scene level, and seeing him step lightly, it seems that he has crossed countless time and space.

Because Hogos discarded this half-step interior-level treasure, he automatically escaped from the state of jumping out, and returned to the main universe at once, and escaped quickly without any explanation.

And the direction of his escape was not aimless, he flew away directly feeling the breath of the Lord God.

I want to seek the blessing of the Lord God with this!

"Damn it! The majestic god-level powerhouse will target me! Hateful, hateful!" Hogos was shocked and angry, and more panic and frightened.

The interior level is the master god. In the Shengyuan world, the insurmountable height of the master god, as well as their own hierarchical system, made him feel innately afraid of masters at the master **** level.

But the next moment he felt a little desperate, because the surrounding world turned upside down, all the starlight dissipated invisible, and his vision turned into a dark golden color.

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Here he sees an architectural structure all around.

"I seem to be trapped in a certain treasure, but how can this treasure isolate the universe. Could it be that the master **** master used the inner-level treasure?"

Hogos was a little surprised, but he didn't know that he had been trapped in the pagoda in the hands of General Li Shen.

Li Shenjiang frowned when he saw that the opponent was suppressed by his own pagoda in just an instant.

"Huh? Is it so weak? I thought I could struggle for a while, but since it's in, it's impossible to get out, just wait for my inner universe to refine it!"

Li Shenjiang was a little dazed. He felt that this peak ruler seemed to be very weak, far less ruthless than some peak rulers he had seen back then.

Now that the other party is trapped in his own pagoda, the final result is to turn into pure energy and be absorbed by the pagoda.

His pagoda is not an ordinary inner-level treasure. The inner universe that has been integrated into him carries terrifying power, and it even magnifies the treasure's own characteristics of suppressing, obliterating and digesting.

"Okay, this guy has been taken into the tower by me, and it will only take a few years for him to disappear completely!" Li Shen put his hand on the pagoda as if asking for credit

When he came to Jiang Heng, he said with a smile.

"Senior is really amazing! But senior still hasn't fulfilled the promise.


Certainly! So forgive me for not being able to join Shenting yet. "Jiang Heng said with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Shenjiang's somewhat crazy face immediately collapsed, and he said in a cold tone, "Boy, are you going to break the contract? This **** general has indeed killed this beast! The agreement was clearly fulfilled, how could it not be fulfilled?"

"Senior's words are wrong. It's not that this junior didn't abide by the agreement. In fact, the senior didn't abide by the agreement. Senior, please remember that what you and I said was that you behead that person, and the condition is about beheading. But now he is only trapped in it, but he is not dead! So the agreement between you and me has not been fulfilled!" Jiang Heng said with a smile.

" seems like this?" Li Shenjiang scratched his head, a little confused, but he felt that what the kid in front of him said seemed to be all right.

It seems that I really didn't fulfill the agreement.

"Hmph! What's so difficult about this, I'll wipe him out quickly!" Said General Li Shen, who was about to mobilize the killing array inside the pagoda.

"Senior, wait a minute. The previous behavior of the senior really made the junior doubt the credibility of the senior. So how about changing the conditions?"

As soon as the sudden words were transferred, Li Shenjiang, who was already not very bright, was stunned.

Jiang Heng stared at Li Shenjiang unblinkingly, and raised his heart.

Fudge! You have to try your best to fool you!

"That's fine, don't worry, I'll keep the agreement this time, and you can't break the agreement when the time comes, or I will turn my back on you!" Li Shenjiang said very seriously.

"Of course!" Jiang Heng felt relieved when he saw that the other party did not let the alien race of Sheng Yuan go because of the change of conditions.

"Then you make a condition! This God will do it for you!"

Li Shenjiang slapped his chest loudly, Jiang Heng couldn't bear the straightforward appearance.

But in order to win this battle, he thinks it's better to fool around!

It is a crime not to use this kind of combat power well.

"Senior has also seen this battle, I wonder if the senior can repel one of the inner-level powerhouses?"

"Inner-level strong man? Which one are you talking about? There seem to be three inner-level strong men around now, oh no, one injured inner scene, one half-step inner scene, and one hidden inner scene." Li Shen's eyes burst into golden light It seems to be looking at something.

"Three?" Jiang Heng was also a little surprised.

In his perception, he could hardly detect the movement of the inner scene level powerhouse, except for the initial scene where he saw the battle between the Valkyrie and the Shengyuan clan, he didn't see the rest of the interior scene.

The hidden interior scene... Could it be the secret hand of the alien race of Shengyuan?

Jiang Heng didn't think there was any hidden scene on their side, if they hid at such a time, even if they were not enemies, they would still be evildoers.

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng said conveniently, "Senior, please shoot...kill that hidden inner scene-level powerhouse!"

Said that half of the original knockback became a kill.

Li Shenjiang, who was in a state of madness, didn't notice the change. He nodded, "No problem, but this guy is probably difficult to deal with, and it may take some time. Just wait and see!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw his eyes bursting with divine light, and at the same time, he threw the pagoda high into the sky.

Hesitating, the two of them are in the state of jumping out at this moment. Once the pagoda is thrown out, it will rotate above for a while, and a golden illusory formation disk is suspended from the base. You can see the cumbersome and dense formation inscriptions in the formation disk that make your scalp numb. .

A series of inscriptions began to flow erratically on the surface of the pagoda, like countless tiny wriggling worms, which also made Jiang Heng feel sick for a while.

This is the card of the treasure at the interior scene level.

In front of this kind of treasure, Jiang Heng felt that it would take a lot of courage to face it, not to mention running away.

I saw that the pagoda began to patrol the flattened universe like a starship. From its base a beam of golden light shoots out.

After about a few minutes, he saw that the golden light beam seemed to be shining on something, Li Shen's face froze, and he laughed out loud.

"Found it! Give it to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, the pagoda quickly fell towards the designated area like a meteorite



He heard a miserable howl, but saw a figure holding a strange long-pole weapon blocking the terrifying pagoda, and there seemed to be blood stains on his forehead.

Obviously, he who had been hiding to watch the changes in the battle just now suffered a lot of injuries, but the key point was that he was frightened.

It's too sudden, this is the sixth child quietly, but it turns out to be so sudden.

"Who! Who is it! How dare you sneak attack on me?!"

The man roared angrily, and with a terrifying internal force, he swung the pole weapon in his hand, and finally flew Li Shen out of the pagoda.

But the pagoda swirled in mid-air, and then smashed towards him again.


There was another curse, but luckily I was prepared to block it again this time.

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw a big hand quickly cover his head.


"Ah!~ What kind of method is this?!"

The method this time was obviously not inferior to the suppressing power of the pagoda. With one palm, the man was trembling all over, and the Lord God of Tingshan, who was exuding a thick red and yellow aura around him, was horrified.

At this moment, his body of Saint Yuan, Earth Spirit, and God was actually cracked a lot.

He is the inner scene of the achievements of the earth, although the inner scenes of the achievements of the earth are not very strong, but after the rank is up, the power of the earth is also not to be underestimated, especially this defense, even if his attack and killing methods are a little hip, But being invincible in defense can also be invincible.

In the past, when he encountered some difficult conquests, he relied on this body of Saint Yuan, Earth and God to get through.

Why did he almost fail to fight against this strange Lord God this time?

"Huh? Even the Big Brahma palm can't break the defense?" God General Li didn't feel complacent about the power of his palm, but rather depressed.

"Wait a minute, Your Excellency. Although you and I have different positions, there is no need to fight to the death. You and I will wait and see what happens. How about letting the people below kill you? Just look at the side below to win. If one of you wins, you don't have to." Your Excellency will automatically exit the battlefield when you make a move, and vice versa!"

Lord Tingshan quickly said, this is also one of his methods of senior bastards.

Wouldn't it be nice for us high-level people to drink tea and chat here? In this way, just wait and see how the situation below changes.

In this way, even if he faces other main gods afterwards, he can claim to hold back the local main god.

Lord Luo Yu sent voice transmissions to help him more than a few times before, but due to his cautious character, he still didn't make a move, and the results proved that being cautious was correct.

"Sure enough, these local aborigines are still lurking behind. This person is very powerful. I can't get him to fight rashly. I'd better hold him back!"

However, just as he had this thought, that familiar big slap came down again.

This palm was more powerful than before, he almost vomited blood from the direct hit, and there were more cracks all over the surface of the god's body.

"Wait a minute! Why do you have to..."


Before the words were spoken, the palm hit again.



General Li Shen didn't have a good brain at all, so he didn't care so much, now he was focused on fulfilling the agreement.

Thinking that he was one of the four great generals of Shenting, how could he do something that would damage the majesty of Shenting and violate the agreement?

So Li Shen will attack even more ruthlessly.


Jiang Heng was startled when he saw it, he finally found out, this Li Shenjiang is a kind person, if he said he would kill you, he would definitely kill you.

The indiscriminate clapping continued, and blood flowed from the seven orifices of Tingshan Lord God.

The thick rocky skin on the surface does not

Broken, broken stones fell.

Now Tingshan Lord God is so depressed that he is about to vomit blood, and his inner universe has already started to oscillate.

The physical injury is nothing, as long as the interior scene is not broken, it can be recovered. The key is that the opponent has a pagoda and a set of palms. He really can't bear it.

The key point is that this guy really hurts when he hits someone, and the heavy and powerful palm technique is nothing more than that. Why does this pagoda still contain the power of the realm?


The blow is like the opponent's inner universe violently hitting his own inner universe.

"Your Excellency! Your Excellency! Wait a moment! Your palm technique and this pagoda seem to have incorporated a lot of interior scenes. Aren't you afraid of injuring the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred by shooting at me like this?"

His response was another powerful blow.

The terrifying power really made him almost collapse.

At this time, Li Shenjiang looked fine on the surface, but in fact the inside of the pagoda was also trembling.

However, General Li Shen didn't care so much, and Lord Tingshan couldn't imagine that this guy in front of him was powerful, but he was a lunatic.

How can you reason with a lunatic?

"Okay, if you don't want all your former subordinates to die, don't watch the show The fight at the interior level will not end so soon.,

Although the internal background of the Shengyuan clan seems to be quite weak, but he is practicing Tuxingyiyi, and it is impossible for Li Shenjiang to take down the opponent in a short time. "

Taoist Wuwei's reminder awakened Jiang Heng, and he quickly put his eyes on the painting, and his face immediately sank.

Not daring to continue to stay here, the power of the space converges, and the figure quickly returns from the jumping out state, becoming the person in the painting.

Looking around, the battlefield has gradually calmed down, and counterattacks in many places have gradually become weak.

His eyes first fell on the place where the Great Zhou Emperor and other true god-level powerhouses were fighting in the distance.

At this time, the situation of the Great Zhou Huangnan Wang and others was not optimistic.

"Brother Huang, I... I can't hold it anymore. You are the ruler of a country, and you have been scheming since you were a child. If you have any backhands, don't hide your clumsiness anymore!" The most miserable Xiwang endured The strong man Shengyuan wailed and wailed while being severely beaten. Recently, the transcoding has been serious, which makes us more motivated and updates faster. Please move your little hands to exit the reading mode. thanks

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