Master of Fist

Chapter 134: oriole?

"I'll be guarding here. You go to the city to find Dalang and bring some trustworthy brothers over here quickly. Remember to try to hide as much as possible."

Hearing that Su Yu nodded and was about to leave, but at this moment Jiang Heng called to stop him.


Su Yu froze for a moment, looked at Jiang Heng, but saw Jiang Heng's eyes staring directly at the distant night. Su Yu followed Jiang Heng's gaze, and it was pitch black there, so he couldn't see anything unusual, but he knew that his lord must have sensed something.

"My lord..." Su Yu asked in a low voice.

"Wait a minute, hehe.....this group of people came so fast! When did this group of people become so efficient?"

Looking at the official road in the distance, a faint smile appeared on Jiang Heng's face, which made Su Yu even more puzzled, this group of people? Who are you referring to? Could it be that this group of evil spirits have accomplices?

Su Yu's mind was spinning quickly, she looked at Jiang Hengchi and said, "My lord, are you saying that the person here is... from the government office..."

"Our lord is quite decisive in doing things!" Jiang Heng nodded, looking at the corner of his mouth in the distance with a sneer: "It seems that the grooms and yamen servants who are in charge of escorting tonight will undoubtedly die no matter what. This lord There will be no future troubles."

"My lord, do you mean to say that your lord is coming to silence you?" Su Yu felt his hair stand on end, which could be seen from the ruthless face of the sinister and high-ranking official in the officialdom.

"Not necessarily, but it is definitely to rectify my name and give an explanation to the people of the whole city. After all, so many children have disappeared recently. If the lord of the house does not give a satisfactory answer, I am afraid that the seat of the house will burn his ass. "

Jiang Heng shook his head slightly, he had already guessed about this in his heart, but he didn't expect the other party's acting style to be so decisive.

"My lord, in this way, wouldn't it be hopeless for us to expose this person?" Su Yu said with some concern, colluding with Yin Sha, which made Su Yu hate this dignified mansion lord very much, and even hurt him. The death of so many young children is even more infuriated.

"On the bright side, we don't have many chances to bring down this lord of the government. Do you really think that others will leave some excuses? Believe it or not, even if you really find witnesses who can prove that it was the lord of the government, he will immediately Find a willing scapegoat to take the blame for him.

What's more, this kind of people are well-rounded in the officialdom, and they have a good relationship with our Commander Lu, and they probably have a lot of background in the court. Moreover, this person was born in a serious imperial examination, and it is estimated that he has supported many colleagues and some classmates over the years. Behind this, there is no guarantee that no one is an official in the court. It will not be a problem to save his life then. "


Su Yu's face was a little red, and he didn't know whether it was anger or shame. Anger meant that there was nothing he could do about this person, but shame was also the shame of being a scholar.

"But although he can't be killed for the time being, it's still possible to add trouble to him!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand, and his smile gradually faded. Now that the lord Fuzun wants to kill him directly, Jiang Heng is confident that he can easily kill the lord Fuzun in advance before alarming the Zhenfusi. Even if there are four or five rank guards around this mansion lord!

But it is easy to kill like this, but it is equivalent to stabbing a big basket. The death of a master of the government is enough to alarm the capital. If a new master of the government is temporarily sent to sit in charge, the situation will become even more uncontrollable.

Of course, there is one more point, Jiang Heng can't guarantee that Master Liu outside the city will make a move. If that Master Liu takes this opportunity to temporarily take the position of the governor, I'm afraid not only he will feel uneasy, but the entire Zhenfu Department will be worried of.

Jiang Heng didn't think that Mr. Liu looked gentle and elegant that day, so this person is really gentle and elegant.

For this, Jiang Heng naturally had a measure in his heart, and he would never be that early bird, and the attention Mr. Wang paid to him that day always made Jiang Heng feel a thorn in his heart.

It seems that these two adults from Zhenyousi are particularly interested in him, but this kind of interest is not the attention of the superior to the subordinate, but more like the attention of the hunter to the prey. The salivating feeling makes Jiang Heng feel this kind of interest. The two have always maintained a high level of vigilance.

In addition, what he saw that day in Hengjiang City when he was unconscious made Jiang Heng feel like a sword was hanging in his heart. Now he can't even tell whether what he saw that day was a hallucination he saw when his consciousness was confused or just It's true, but it can't be confirmed.

But there is one thing, that is, the strength of these two people is unfathomable, even if there is only one Master Liu, Jiang Heng does not think that this person is easy to deal with.

Soon a bunch of dense light spots began to appear in the distance, and those light spots were rapidly approaching here, as if very purposeful.

Seeing this, Su Yu once again admired Jiang Heng very much, but seeing Jiang Heng quietly waiting in the middle of the road, he had no intention of hiding at all. Su Yu didn't say much, just stood behind Jiang Heng and waited quietly.


A team of nearly fifty riders is speeding forward on the official road, one rider and one rider holding torches in each hand, without slowing down at all and maintaining a relative is speeding smoothly Follow the official road and move forward into the distance. The sound of Tata's hooves can be heard endlessly.

There are two people in the lead, one is wearing a literati long gown, a little thin, the long gown looks very loose, with a mustache on his face, he looks a bit like an old Confucian scholar.

The other one was just the opposite. He was tall and strong, wearing a short armor, and his exposed arms were thicker than the old Confucian scholar's thighs. It is very free and easy to just tie the cloth on the head casually. His face is very rough and savage, he has a full beard, and he has a strong sense of recklessness in the world, and he is carrying a very thick big ax on his back, which looks like a weight of one or two hundred catties, so that he is full of anger when he sits down on a horse and runs. Panting, afraid that he would fall to his knees in the next second.

In addition, there is a middle-aged man wearing a white official uniform half a horse behind the two of them. He is obviously dressed as the silver guard of the Zhenfu Division, but he seems the most silent, just following silently without saying a word .

On the contrary, the leading old Confucian scholar and the man with a reckless face chatted from time to time.

The voices of the two were particularly obvious in this night when there was only the sound of horseshoes on the road.

"Master Li, if today's matter is accomplished, it will be a great achievement in front of the Lord Fu!" The reckless man laughed loudly.

"I still need to trouble Zhang Dianli and the governor, Master Hong, to do more. Li just found out the whereabouts of these gangsters who abducted and sold children. The real mastery still depends on Master Zhang and Master Hong." !"

Li Zhubo, who looked like an old scholar, spoke very slickly. When he said this, Mr. Zhang laughed again, nodded repeatedly, and looked at Li Zhubo with satisfaction. On the other hand, Lord Hong, the silver-clothed guard who followed behind him, looked like he lacked interest, and remained silent.

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