Master of Fist

Chapter 276: Prepare

"Above level?!"

Liu Shizong felt that he was completely out of rhythm with Jiang Henglu Yixin and others. While he was still thinking about how to deal with ?

Of course he is not bad, after all, many people don't even have the courage to fight with ?? level monsters.

"Learn everything in this booklet!"

Fortunately, Jiang Heng can also understand, and now he has not considered how much role Liu Shizong can play. During the period, participating in the battle will only harass him once or twice.

Hearing this, Liu Shizong nodded silently, and exerted a little force on the hand holding the sword hilt in his arms.

After Liu Shizong left, Jiang Heng called Yang Dalang in again.


Yang Dalang looked a little vicissitudes at this time, and the whole person looked a little haggard.

"It's been a tough few days!" Jiang Heng poured tea for Yang Dalang, this guy didn't care about it anymore, like a cow drinking, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Guangzhu, we have taken over all the forces under Badaomen, except those who are well-behaved and sensible, those who are disobedient and those who are usually arrogant, I have already dealt with it."

Yang Dalang is now also at the pulse refining level. These days, he has been busy helping Jiang Heng gather and occupy the entire area and forces under the jurisdiction of Badaomen. Among them, Liu Shizong and Hengjiang's brothers have contributed a lot.

"Okay! I don't worry about your work. By the way, I will also keep an eye on Fucheng. If anyone in those two portraits leaves Fucheng, they must report to me as soon as possible!"

Jiang Heng had already hired an artist a few days ago, and asked the artist to draw the faces of the two people he saw in the market town that day based on his impressions. Although some are still not sure that it is the special envoy of the palace.

Moreover, with the means of demons, the person in charge of the stalking might have already left the city without anyone noticing before seeing the other party clearly.

But now is a sensitive period, and Jiang Heng doesn't want to let go of any opportunity to give the enemy an edge.

Jiang Heng remembered that Lu Yixin said that if his sword is not used once, it will consume one point of power. If this is the case, try to reduce the number of times Lu Yixin uses the sword as much as possible.

If I can help him intercept and kill, I will help him intercept and kill, and if I can't, I can only do nothing for the time being.

"By the way, leader, I have moved all of them over from the treasure house of Badaomen, except for those gold and silver items that are still being counted. I have already sent people to the house for those medicinal herbs and elixirs!"

Those first batch of old people who followed Jiang Heng naturally knew what their boss wanted.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng's eyes lit up, a power in the rivers and lakes with a master in charge. Even if it's just a pseudo-grandmaster, but with the stature of Badaomen and Cao Shouxin's attitude of clinging to the palace, the treasures he collected must be countless.

And Cao Shouxin only needs to turn in the population on time and according to the amount.

"Good! Good! It really is a timely rain!"

Jiang Heng slapped his thigh, very excited. The savings of a down-and-out Canglang Gang without a grandmaster can be called terrifying. And there is no need to think about Ba Dao Sect with a master sitting in it.

Thinking about Ba Dao Sect's behavior before, there must be many ways to make money.

Thinking of this, he didn't have the mood to continue listening. After asking Yang Dalang to take care of the newly acquired property and integrate forces as soon as possible, Jiang Heng went directly to the treasure house in the palace.

As soon as I arrived at the treasure house, I was immediately shocked by the mountain of medicinal herbs and pills in front of me.

Because the treasure house built by Jiangfu is not very big, many medicinal materials are simply piled up randomly. Piles of medicinal materials like small mountain bags appeared in front of my eyes. In addition, there are boxes of bottles and cans.

"How come there are so many?"

Jiang Heng frowned a little puzzled, there were too many, almost several times what he saw in the treasure house of the Canglang Gang.

Yang Dalang was standing aside before he left, and explained with a smile: "There were more of them, but after Badaomen died cleanly, some daring people from the rivers and lakes at the foot of the mountain went up and robbed them." .Fortunately, most of them only focus on gold and silver and martial arts, and the elixirs are generally preserved."

"As for why there are so many, I heard that Cao Shouxin, the master of Badaomen, liked to eat pills, and even found some ancient prescriptions of pills in the treasure house of Badaomen. Moreover, it is said that the reason why his strength improved rapidly and finally even stepped on Entering the realm of a master also relies on pills. For this reason, he spent a lot of time not only collecting local medicinal materials in Bazhou, but also sending people to other state capitals to find some rare medicinal materials."

Only then did Jiang Heng understand, it seemed that his original judgment was correct, this Cao Shouxin is just a medicine jar.

But soon Jiang Heng woke up suddenly, and his heart burst into ecstasy.

"Since Cao Shouxin stepped into the Grandmaster's Realm by relying on pills, does that mean that the medicinal materials here are likely to be of extremely high quality?!"

Jiang Heng cares about the amount of medicinal materials, but Jiang Heng cares more about the quality of medicinal materials. Because the energy contained in one hundred-year-old wild ginseng may be equivalent to nearly a hundred wild ginseng whose medicinal effect is less than a hundred years old.

"This is really rewarding! Dalang, you have made great achievements!"

Jiang Heng couldn't help laughing out loud, and slapped Yang Dalang on the shoulder, the pain made him almost burst into tears.

Jiang Heng really wanted to make a promise, but after thinking about it, he decided to give it up for now. Naturally, there are rewards, but for the time being, we must overcome the difficulties in front of us. Jiang Heng has always given rewards to ministers who have made meritorious deeds.

"By the way, half of the captured gold and silver items will be used by the gang, and the half will be distributed by you and your brothers according to how much you contribute. As for martial arts, weapons and other things, everything will be put into the gang's treasury~www】Send you a cash red envelope! Follow the vx public [Book Fan Base] to receive it!

However, Jiang Heng still decided that some things still need to be prepared in The development of the gang cannot be without a charter. If it is still as it was in Cangzhou before, many things will be difficult to handle.

"Martial arts and weapons and armor, etc., you should first find Su Yu according to the contribution of the Zhenfu Division. Specifically, you and Su Yu will discuss a regulation first, and I will explain it in detail!"

Yang Dalang nodded, clasped his hands and said with a smile: "If you don't mention this matter, leader, I plan to mention it. Brothers are living a better life now, with no worries about food and clothing, except for women. They are more concerned about those high-quality martial arts."

"Well, okay, you go do it!"

After giving instructions, Yang Dalang also retreated with a smile on his face.

Looking back at the mountains of medicinal materials and elixir again, Jiang Heng took a deep breath, as if intoxicated by the fragrance of the medicine that filled the entire treasure house.

"Okay! Start!"

After a while, Jiang Heng closed the door of the treasure house, put both hands on the mountain of medicinal materials, and then with a thought, the black ball turned with all its strength, and the majestic suction force roared out.

The medicinal materials turned into billowing energy and began to rush into the black ball like a flood that broke a bank, and the veins on the body surface suddenly bulged to an extremely exaggerated level, like thick pipes swallowing the medicinal materials one after another. With the energy in it, his hands were bloodshot and red.


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