Master of Fist

Chapter 314: Weird Qinglanxing (Happy New Years everyone!)

Another day passed, and Jiang Heng quickly and flexibly punched and retracted at a depth of 7,000 meters, and his speed was able to maintain at the speed of a normal person.

"Okay! Now that I have initially adapted to this pressure, maybe I can..."

Jiang Heng breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, this is indeed the best place to exercise his body. It's just that time is running out, Jiang Heng doesn't want to just rely on water to grind his time a little bit.

He wanted to go more aggressively, so he unconsciously put his eyes on the dark place below him.

"Maybe I can try stronger pressure!"

Although the effect of stress training is excellent, the second attempt is not as good as the first attempt, and as the number of times increases, the effect will become smaller and smaller.

Unless the pressure is increased crazily.

"It doesn't matter, go down another five hundred meters and try one or two!"

As soon as he thought about it, he started to do it, Jiang Heng retracted his fists, and at the same time began to dive deeper below. Just because the pressure is increasing, the speed of diving is also greatly affected. This time it took a whole stick of incense to get close to the critical point of 8,000 meters.

Nosebleeds and other seven orifices are overflowing with blood, and the pressure is too great, causing the heart to start beating out, the speed is extremely alarming.

"Here it is!"

Jiang Heng didn't want to continue diving anymore, he still knew the reason to eat as much as he wanted.


At this moment, Jiang Heng was stunned, looking down with a trace of confusion and confusion in his eyes, as if he was worrying about something.

"Why does the black ball change?"

Jiang Heng was puzzled and decided to dive a little further. As soon as he dived ten meters, the abnormal movement became more obvious. The black ball in his body began to vibrate by itself, as if something was attracting it.

But I still wanted to dive down, but another big stream of blood spurted out.

"Damn! Can't continue!"

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng decided to adapt here for a while. Fortunately, there are still a lot of energy reserves in the black ball, which can speed up the recovery speed, so that the adaptation will be much faster.

Time passed little by little, and Chen Wuji returned from the inland again.

He can no longer continue to repair the flying shuttle, and he has already repaired everything that can be repaired. As for the complex communication equipment and some damaged precision instruments, he has nothing to do.

A gloomy look flashed across his face when he returned to the island.

Coming to the cave alone, Lu Yixin and Chen Xu were sent back to land by him a few days ago. Temporarily resettled with Jiang's family in that mountain village.

"This kid won't be able to break through 2,000 in a month, right?" Chen Wuji sat by the door of the shuttle, thinking a little bored.

It is said that the one-month period is just for him to supervise Jiang Heng. It is impossible to step from the realm of the great master to the realm of the blood sea in one month.

Even if it is placed in an extraterrestrial starry sky, this is extremely rare.

"Even if it is placed in the headquarters of the Warrior Alliance, it is impossible to step into the 2,000-level in such a short period of time!"

Chen Wuji was originally a warrior of the Warrior Alliance. The Warrior Alliance is not an organization in the strict sense, but a relatively loose alliance led by a powerful warrior to unify all warriors in this galaxy.

Anyone who has civilization to become a warrior will go to the Warrior Alliance to register. If he is not a heinous person, he can register in the Warrior Alliance to obtain the title of Warrior.

Of course, you can also choose to join the Warrior Alliance, so you will get more training resources, but you will also need to allow a certain degree of deployment by the Warrior Alliance.

Chen Wuji is not a member of the Warrior Alliance, he is a warrior from the Purple Star Federation. When he first became a martial artist, he was highly valued by the Federation.

Don't look at the low-level warriors who are just big cannons in the interstellar battlefield, but for a small constellation civilization like the Purple Star Federation with only a dozen living planets. Inferior warriors are also extremely rare talents.

Chen Wuji can even imagine that once he returns to the Purple Star Federation as a middle-level fighter, he will definitely be appointed as a high-ranking general by the Federation, or even treated as a strong pillar of the Federation, and will definitely step into the level of a high-level guest of the Federation.

After all, high-level warriors are extremely rare overlords in the entire Milky Way. Even if the middle-level warriors are slightly inferior, they are like treasures to the Purple Star Federation.

If the energy level breaks through 3,000 and reaches the middle warrior level, it can easily destroy interstellar warships. The interstellar battlefield is already a super individual combat unit. Very annoying existence.

"If this kid can break through two thousand in one month, then I will definitely trick him to the Federation! Such a person would guess that the group of old men in the Federation Parliament will not confess him?"

Chen Wuji was thinking secretly in his heart, in fact, he didn't blame him for thinking like this.

He has already learned that it only took a few years for Jiang Heng to step into the Grand Master level, so don't doubt the intelligence capabilities of the Yiqi League in the entire Dayan Jianghu. It can be said that he has thoroughly grasped Jiang Heng in the past few days.

"This kid is definitely a talent!"

Chen Wuji's face was full of smiles, and all the facts of the investigation told him that it was a certainty for Jiang Heng to become a middle-level warrior in the future. It is the seedling of a superior warrior!

What is that high-ranking warrior?

That is a super strong man who can destroy an asteroid with all his strength. Although he can only destroy some relatively small stars, as far as ordinary life stars are concerned, he can also wipe out most of the life existence of stars with all his strength.

As for putting it on the interstellar battlefield, let alone a battle between conventional constellation-level civilizations, a high-level warrior can directly turn the tide of the battle.

Moreover, high-class fighters already have the ability to fight outside the domain, and the speed of flying outside the domain is even more flexible. Simply colliding with a starship directly with the body can directly smash into it.

This kind of mighty power can also be restricted by some galaxy-level civilizations with unconventional weapons, otherwise they are in a state of helplessness.

"However, I'm really lucky. I trained so many warriors on this planet when I was young, and it turned out to be a surprise for me when my life was about to come to an end!"

"It's just that this planet named Qinglan is really weird. It seems that the potential of the race is not high, and the life span belongs to the lowest race level. But this martial arts qualification is very tight."

Chen Wuji was slightly pensive, these were the only things he couldn't figure out.

"Generally speaking, although lifespan is not necessarily linked to aptitude, it is also related to a certain extent. Some powerful races are themselves very strong, and their lifespan can support them to go further. But here... I can't figure it out .”

Indeed, Chen Wuji remembered that in the Purple Star Federation, the average life expectancy was quite high, but the number of warriors was pitifully small, almost a ratio of one hundred thousand to one. Moreover, most of the warriors are low-level existences among the inferior warriors, and some of them hover around a hundred energy levels for a lifetime.

It is equivalent to the level of pulse refining and bone training in Qinglan world.

It's not that the Purple Star Federation itself doesn't have awareness of cultivating its citizens. In fact, the Purple Star Federation attaches great importance to the cultivation of warriors, almost starting from a young age, and using big data to screen them. It will be assessed every five age groups, and once a qualified seed civilization is found, it will be cultivated at its own expense.

For this, the Purple Star Federation is very generous, and every time a warrior advances, he will receive double training.

But even so, the number of warriors in the Purple Star Federation is very small, and every warrior is raised like a baby bump.

Looking back at the Qinglan world, what the **** kind of environment is this?

Most people are even malnourished since they were young, and they only started to pay attention to their bodies after they started practicing martial arts.

But even so, the number of warriors in Qinglan Realm surged out as if they couldn't be stopped. Just grabbing any prefecture will be a lot of warriors.

Of course, this is not a pseudo-martial artist defined in the Martial Artists Alliance, which is not considered a third rank.

But even so, Chen Wuji was a little puzzled that so many warriors could still be produced in such a difficult environment.

During these years in the Qinglan world, he even began to feel that warriors are not rare.

As everyone knows, warriors are synonymous with super warriors in ordinary constellation-level or even lower-level star-level civilizations. Some star-level civilizations don't even have a warrior.

But this can’t be helped, after all, the star-level civilization itself is the smallest civilization, referring to the kind of civilization that develops around a star. Some of them may have the ability to explore outwards, but their parent star has only one .

"If there are more resources in Qinglanxing, I am afraid that it is not impossible to reproduce the grand occasion of the Chen Dynasty warriors like a forest! It is not surprising that even a few medium warriors will appear!"

Chen Wuji still remembers that when he first entered Qinglan Star, his energy level was only about 2500, and he collected most of Qinglan Star's resources to break through the energy level of 3,000, stepping into the ranks of intermediate warriors.

The resources were not very rich, and Chen Wuji was puzzled by the fact that so many warriors at the Blood Sea Realm with an energy level of more than 2,000 could be produced during the peak period of the Chen Dynasty.

He thought about whether the aborigines of Qinglan star had high aptitude. If the resources were abundant at that time, did they consume less blood stone than himself to break through the 3,000 energy level?

But thinking of this possibility, Chen Wuji was in a bad mood.

Looking back now, this possibility is very high. The martial arts he taught are all castrated versions of the nine-star transfer method. If the full version of the Nine-Star Transfer Method is taught...

But this can only be imagined, the full version of the nine-star transfer method needs to be practiced outside the territory, which depends on whether it is on a star or on a spaceship outside the territory.

It is a kind of martial art that absorbs cosmic radiation autonomously, and it needs to be practiced in outer space in a spaceship. The amount of cosmic radiation that can fall on living stars is very limited, and most of them are isolated.

"I hope this kid can surprise me!"


At the same time, Jiang Heng, who took a day to finally adapt to the depth of 8,000 meters, has decided to dive down again.

"My current physical strength has initially reached the superpower threshold. As long as I go up and absorb a huge amount of energy, I believe I will be able to step into the three thousand energy level that Senior Chen said!"

But now Jiang Heng is eager to know why the black ball has such a change, so he dives again.

Eight thousand five hundred meters!

Nine kilometers!

The area Jiang Heng dived into was the only strait in this sea area. At this time, the two sides of the strait seemed to be getting narrower and narrower.

"Is this going to end?"

Jiang Heng felt that this might be approaching the seabed of this sea area.

Just when Jiang Heng wanted to continue diving, he felt a pain in his palm.


Jiang Heng swelled his blood, making the blood lines on his body brighter. He looked at it, but saw a very obvious blood mark in the middle of his palm, as if it had been cut by some kind of sharp substance.

Jiang Heng hurriedly looked around, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

"There are no sharp objects around!"

As far as the field of vision can see, there is still a gloomy seabed, and there is no substance at all beside it.

"What exactly is going on?"

Suspicious in my heart, I looked at the area where the palm was swiped just now, and it was still empty there.

Jiang Heng tried to get a little closer.

At this time, the black ball trembled even more violently.

"Is this the right owner?"

Jiang Heng's heart skipped a beat, but he looked ahead carefully, but found nothing.

"Isn't this ball stupid?"

Looking carefully again, the blood pattern on the body became brighter, and the surrounding area of ​​several meters was bright.

Time passed bit by bit, Jiang Heng tried his best to endure the pressure of the seabed, and at the same time looked at the area ahead without blinking.

"this is...."

Finally, after dozens of breaths, Jiang Heng's pupils shrank suddenly.

He noticed something strange, there seemed to be a thin line within one meter in front of him.

"This is the trace left by blood!"

Jiang Heng was overjoyed, his hand seemed to be cut open by this ghost just now.

"It's just that it seems to be...transparent?"

No! It's not just as simple as being transparent!

Jiang Heng immediately vetoed this idea. If it is transparent, then the light of his blood streaks will spread for several meters. If the things in front are made of transparent materials, there will be refraction after all, right?

But there is nothing strange at all, as if there is really nothing in front of it.

"What exactly is this?"

Jiang Heng's heart was full of various doubts, mainly because of the abnormal movement of the black ball.

The origin of the black ball is mysterious, and what can cause it to behave so abnormally... Jiang Heng has to be cautious.

He hesitated on the spot for a Finally, Jiang Heng decided to try it out.

There is no solution after all in a stalemate!

Holding the blood soldier in his arms, Jiang Heng poked forward.

"Go through it?"

The area where the blood soldiers poked seemed to be empty, no different from poking the air.

He took a closer look at the blood soldier, but he didn't see anything unusual.

Slightly frowning and hesitating again and again, Jiang Heng moved closer, instead of touching the blood line, he stretched out his hand to touch the blood line.

"Hey, this is..."

Stretching out his palm, he could clearly feel an invisible barrier, like a transparent fragment.

Just as the palm touched, the trembling of the black ball became more obvious.

Jiang Heng had never felt such a drastic change in the black ball, spinning crazily, and a suction force hundreds of times stronger than before.

At the same time, a transparent area with a diameter of about three meters in front of him began to ripple continuously, as if a disturbed water surface appeared in front of him.

The next moment, Jiang Heng's eyes widened, and the transparent debris in front of his eyes began to pour into his body like flowing water along his touching fingers...


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