Master of Fist

Chapter 340: turmoil

"this is....."

"Third bone tempering?!"

Jiang Heng's eyes burst into light, this change made Jiang Heng somewhat unexpected.

About the road ahead, Chen Wuji told him some things.

After countless years of development, warriors are gradually divided into two categories, the most important of which are Qi Dao and Ti Dao.

Of course, Qi Dao is not the inner Qi of Qinglan Realm, but the way of extreme Qi and blood. The warriors in this way pay less attention to physical torture, and pay more attention to the utilization and accumulation of Qi and blood.

Using high-concentration and high-explosive Qi and blood as the means of attack, that is, pure energy attack. Just like Jiang Heng's sea-covering, of course they pay more attention to discovering this kind of move, and constantly increase the lethality and explosive power of Qi and blood.

And Tai Dao is all-round development, with the body as the main body and Qi and blood as the supplement. He pays great attention to the torment of the body, and has a strong ability to fight in close quarters.

In fact, a long time ago, gas was not separated, but the Warrior Alliance has developed for a long time, and there will be some differences in philosophy over time.

Secondly, there are some other branch classifications, such as the inner qi lineage of the Qinglan world, which is a rare animal in the Warrior Alliance. The main reason is that the restrictions are too large, and it is not suitable for cosmic and starry space operations.

Like qi and blood, to put it bluntly, it is a kind of energy. But the inner gas is more of a real gas, which seems unable to condense in the vacuum of the universe.

That's why Chen Wuji was not very optimistic about Lu Yixin and the others. Secondly, there is also the issue of life expectancy, but it doesn't matter that all those in the Martial Artists Alliance who follow the line of internal qi have qi and blood.

Jiang Heng didn't bother to care about these airways and body ways. In Jiang Heng's view, these classifications are nothing more than those made by people who are full and have nothing to do.

Both Qi Dao and Tai Dao are inseparable from body polishing. Without a strong physique, how can the Qi Dao accumulate Qi and blood, and how can the body be invincible without a strong physique?

Moreover, dividing martial arts into two categories, Jiang Heng felt that it was too limited. In his opinion, as long as one can become stronger, there is no difference between strength and body.

The third bone quenching is the key for low-level warriors to move towards middle-level warriors, and it is also an opportunity for the total amount of blood to leap again. The corresponding energy level will also be increased.

Waves of majestic and pure energy gushed out from the sphere, and it must be said that a million energy crystals are worth the money. Jiang Heng had never felt such a full ball before. It seems that there is a vast ocean waiting for Jiang Heng to enjoy it wantonly.

With such a majestic energy, Jiang Heng also completely ignored the waste and began to absorb energy continuously. Under the conditions of high load and high gravity, his body is tempered all the time.

This can ensure that while increasing the total amount of qi and blood, he can also continue to exercise his body. Greatly accelerated the tempering of the bones in the body.

The bones are disintegrating, and they are quickly healed by the pure energy. Jiang Heng enjoys this feeling very much.

The bones that were already glowing with silver luster are now completely decomposing into silver. Of course, this does not mean that Jiang Heng's bones have become silver. It's a more complex biological skeleton, but its silvery exterior looks like a very obvious precious metal.

At this moment, Jiang Heng's qi and blood were like a sticky paste, constantly changing under the blessing of gravity and star power, becoming heavier and more solid.

The road to a high energy level is nothing more than a process of continuous transformation and evolution, strengthening one's already strong genes and shedding one's own fragile genes. Even every bone, or every drop of blood will be completely transformed.

Now the blood in Jiang Heng's body is developing in a more solid direction, and it is no longer limited to the single condensed heart and blood in the realm of the great master.

This time, it is a comprehensive coagulation of blood. It is said that every drop of blood essence in the body of a superior warrior is blood essence containing extremely terrifying energy.

Any drop of blood thrown out by them can easily penetrate the alloy and melt through the steel plate.

This is not the case of orc blood toxins, but a manifestation of the extremely large energy contained in real blood.

As for the moment, Jiang Heng only wants to transform as much blood in his body as possible before the third bone quenching is completed. The more transformations, the more terrifying the strength after stepping into a middle-level warrior.

"Fortunately, I don't have to worry about energy now!"

Jiang Heng secretly rejoiced that if it weren't for the ability of the ball, the one million energy crystals would at most allow him to increase his strength by five hundred energy levels.

Because no matter what grade of potion it is, they cannot guarantee that warriors will absorb it 100%. The energy consumed in this is extremely large.

Jiang Heng directly ignored those, and in addition, he directly bought low-level potions with large quantities, so he really didn't have to worry about energy in a short time.

Every drop of blood is full of hunger and thirst under the pressure of the extreme gravitational star force, and at the same time, the energy is unlimited, which makes Jiang Heng feel the feeling of becoming stronger almost all the time.

In the middle of the journey, he had no choice but to continue to increase the gravity, so as to ensure that he was always under an extreme pressure.

Because after getting stronger, the fifty times the gravity gradually felt less pressure, and even later he could move freely under the fifty times the gravity.

sixty times

seventy times

At the same time, the three-star ring port has become a mess, and the guards inside the port are completely ignored, and even let the spaceships in the port let them go out freely.

The three-star civilization thinks very thoroughly, let these scattered spaceships escape if they want to escape, which will instead attract the attention of the star robbers.

In fact, this is also a move that can’t be helped, because the opponent is a star thief with a middle-level warrior, at least the lowest middle-level warrior, otherwise, didn’t you see that the Iron Fist team was kicked out?

At this time, Freed Company's branch in Samsung Civilization was also filled with a sense of awe.

Chen Wuji sat aside a little depressed, and there were many pipes connected to his body.

He found that since he left Qinglan Realm, he had been very depressed. First, under the attack of the orcs, he was depressed to find that he lost the chain at a critical moment. Then came the present, I thought that after stepping into the rank of a middle-level warrior, I would be able to show my might.

As a result, he had to carefully hide and seek asylum like ordinary people.

"Where did Jiang boy go?"

Chen Wuji was very depressed, why don't you take care of the old man? Staying here without Jiang Heng's protection makes him panic.

He knew how strong this kid Jiang Heng really was. Although there is still a big gap compared with the middle-level fighters, it is much safer than the group of Freed Company.

Captain Larose was also frowning. This happened so suddenly that there was no preparation for anything.

The spaceship is still being repaired in the dock, and fleeing now is no different from a target.

"Captain, Samsung Civilization sent a call-up order, wanting to recruit our warriors to fight together!" Ms. Xixi looked at the message on her wrist and said with an ugly face.


Larose slapped the table and stood up straight away.


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