Master of Fist

Chapter 522: Martial Arts Altar Conference (Middle)

"Good guy, who said that the Li family has a false name? Is this also called a false name?"

The crowd talked a lot, they were all shocked by what the Li family did just now. It's unbelievable to instantly kill a strong player who has stepped into the late stage with half a foot in the middle stage.

At this time, the participants in the backstage were also silent for a while. From the moment they chose to challenge the Li family in a single language, they had been watching the battle with full attention, wanting to see how the Li family's strength is. If it really doesn't help, then they will attack the Li family together.

This is not intentionally aimed at the Li family, it is actually the Li family that is the softest persimmon among the five ancient families, so why not give up this opportunity to become famous if you don't challenge it.

"Hey, I'd better challenge the top ten honestly. The top ten is too dangerous." Looking at the whole process, a challenger who was in the later stage was a little frustrated.

"Beyond the top ten? Are you too lacking in ambition? At least try to be outside the top five or within the top ten?" Someone suggested.

"I don't want to compete for the top ten either."

Some fighters who were still determined to challenge the top ten seemed to be frightened by Jiang Heng's previous performance. They didn't even want to fight for the top ten places, but they aimed at the top ten places one by one.

"Oh, it's just a trick!"

At this time, in the winner's private room, Ying Dingtian, who watched the whole process, sneered. Although Jiang Heng's blow just now was extremely fast, in his opinion, it was pitifully slow, and his strength was only moderate, barely reaching the peak level of the advanced late stage.

He glanced at his son behind him, with an unconcealable look of disappointment in his eyes.

Seeing that Ying Fu was hesitant to speak, he finally said nothing, just looked at his father quietly, and at the same time glanced at the elder brother who had been meditating with his eyes closed in the private room, and sneered secretly in his heart.

There are seven people in the line of the winner's direct line, three men and four women, and the eldest and second are the most outstanding in strength. The eldest is the eldest brother of Yingfu, and the second is the second sister. She is slightly inferior in strength to the elder brother, but she has also reached the pinnacle of the upper class. Because it is the daughter's family, she did not participate in the war.

Of course, there is no shortage of strong winners, so it doesn't matter.

"Tsk tsk, are you clumsy?" Compared to the winner's side, Ji's side is in a different situation.

Looking at Jiang Heng who had disappeared into the ring, a smile appeared on the corner of Ji Wu's mouth. When the Li family and the Zhu family clashed that day, although he was not nearby at the first moment, he also felt a little bit of Jiang Heng's aura at the last moment, which was far from comparable to what he saw before.

"Master, the Patriarch has already brought people over."

Just then someone knocked on the door.

"come in!"

Immediately afterwards, a group of people walked into the private room led by a middle-aged man with a handsome face like a woman.

The aura of this group of people is very well restrained, but from the slightest escaping aura, you can feel their respective realms at close range. Ji Wu's pupils shrank slightly, and then he smiled all over his face.


Ignoring the group of people behind him, Ji Wu took the lead and nodded with a smile at the handsome middle-aged man headed by him.

"How about it, Wu'er, are there any good seedlings on the court?"

The middle-aged man looked at Ji Wu with a smile and asked softly.

"Well, there was one just now, but it's a pity that the Li family took the lead."

Ji Wu nodded, and immediately looked at the few people behind his father, there were two in total, he swept them one by one, and finally fell on the last sloppy old man.

The original frivolous expression suddenly became serious.

"Father! This is not..." As he spoke, Ji Wu pointed his eyes in the direction of the sloppy old man.

Before the handsome middle-aged man could speak, a hoarse and vicissitudes of voice slowly spoke, "Little guy, you want to say, isn't this the one who was locked in your Ji's prison?"

"Uh..." Ji Wu smiled awkwardly, unconsciously becoming vigilant.

"Wu'er is so unreasonable! Call Senior Li!"

Seeing this, Patriarch Ji quickly scolded.

"I've met Senior Li!" Seeing his father scolding him rarely, Ji Wu was puzzled but did not dare to neglect.

"Forget it! After so many years, I didn't expect that the first battle when I came out was to play a monkey show in this ring for your Ji family. It's ridiculous, miss me Tangtang..."

The slovenly old man didn't finish speaking, his voice stopped abruptly, and he became very silent for a while, as if he was very depressed and had a feeling of lamenting the impermanence of the world.

Seeing this, Ji Wu was even more surprised, but it was not easy to ask at this time.

"Wu'er, I know what you're thinking, but now this person is my Ji family's knife and the last insurance for today. As a father, I have a vague premonition that something big will happen today."

Father's voice rang in his ears through sound transmission.

Ji Wu nodded slightly, but only looked in the direction of the slovenly old man, with undiminished fear.

I remember that when he was very young, he knew that there was a huge prison under the ancestral land of the Ji family. In each floor of the prison, many warriors who opposed the Ji family were imprisoned. Among them were heinous people, and some other families sneaked into the Ji family undercover. There is also a field worker of the winner who was secretly captured by the Ji family.

It is not uncommon for their ancient families to slander each other. As long as no one is watching, it is common to secretly lay hands on each other from time to time. There are also many people who have disappeared for no reason in their Ji family for so many years.

You don't need to think about it to know that 80% of the money will fall into the hands of the winners. After all, there are not so many accidents.

And in this underground prison, there is also a special criminal, who has only been seen once since he was a child, and he is still under the protection of many clan elders while isolating dozens of formations and the protection of the prison wall. .

I remember that time when I saw this sloppy old man, he was wearing a special shackle that penetrated more than a hundred acupuncture points and joints all over his body, and even dozens of formations were engraved on the shackle for reinforcement. At the same time, the shackles made of high-quality materials were baked on both hands and feet, and each end of the shackles was connected to a giant hammer mainly refined from star cores.

Not only that, but besides taking out the lowest prison, there are four upper-level clan elders guarding it all year round.

How terrifying are criminals under such heavy captivity to make such an ancient family giant such as the Ji family so fearful? Just thinking of this, Ji Wu knew that the sloppy old man in front of him was far from simple.

"Father! Who is this person?"

After thinking about it, Ji Wu still asked in confusion.

"Thousands of years ago, some people called him Martial God, and others respected him as the leader..."

The conversation stopped short, and Patriarch Ji didn't elaborate, but these words made Ji Wu's mind suddenly stunned.

His mouth was trembling and he was a little speechless in horror.

"Father, could this person be the same..."

"It's good that you know it yourself, so you don't need to say anything. This time, inviting this person out is just a feeling that something is wrong for the father. The strength has reached the level of being a father, and anything at the level of premonition cannot be ignored."

"But Dad, it's too risky to invite this person out, just in case..."

Ji Wu looked anxious, he knew some secrets back then, and he had been imprisoned for so many years, what if he went crazy...

"Well, my father naturally knows that I have awakened the ancestor, and he is still recovering. It will take some time to fully recover. I was also afraid that it would be too late to invite this person.

Don't worry, this person won't be able to make waves. Before leaving, I have asked the ancestor to cast a heart-addiction curse on him! He dare not and will not do anything irrational! "

Hearing this, Ji Wu let out a long sigh of relief. But the eyes of the sloppy old man were still full of fear and vigilance, for fear that the old man would suddenly explode into trouble.

The big competition was still going on, and several challengers were selected after that, but without exception, they all chose six people outside the top ten to challenge.

Most of them lost, and only one person successfully challenged. But it was only at the end of the sixteenth place, and his name replaced the unlucky guy at the end and successfully entered the rankings!

As long as he is on the ranking list, even if it represents not only fame, but also official career, it can be seen that as long as this person continues to stabilize this position, after this competition, he and the forces behind him will benefit a lot. I'm afraid it will go up a few levels in a row!

"This competition is really boring. The alliance's political situation has undergone a drastic change this time, and the qualifications of uninitiated people have been cancelled. The intensity is far less intense than before."

Li Miaozhen looked at the leaderboard and whispered to herself.

"In the past, loose people could also participate?" Jiang Heng asked.

"Of course you can, otherwise why do you think the old man joined the Li family and got involved?" Elder Ye on the side said angrily.

On the one hand, he was naturally for the strength of the Li family, and of course he also thought about whether he could use the name of the Li family to get into the alliance's physique. The main reason is that the alliance's recent attitude towards unattended people makes him very uneasy. At this time, the sooner you join the alliance, the safer you will be.

Of course, he can also choose to join the alliance, but the warriors who join in that way have almost no autonomy, they are completely tool people, and at most have a higher status than ordinary alliance soldiers.

He also thought about taking refuge in other big families, but those ancient families are all high-minded and low-handed. His strength is indeed not weak, but in the eyes of those people, it is not worth mentioning.

As for almost not being able to get in touch with martial arts at the Dao Realm level like Huntian Jin, it is impossible to go further. He is an ambitious man, of course he is not willing to do so.

In the end, he chose the Li family. Even though the current situation of the Li family was very dangerous, he had thought through it thoroughly and would run away early if the situation did not change.

Li Miaozhen didn't know that Ye Lao had so many thoughts in his mind at this moment.

"I was worried that we would fall into a wheel war, but now it seems that there is no need to worry."

The situation on the field is obvious. Jiang Heng's clean and neat shots in the previous battle left a deep impression on many people, but now no one wants to challenge the Li family.

At the end of the challenge, the top ten positions changed by three, namely 16, 15 and 11.

As for the others, there were a few strong ones, but they all chose to be within the top ten, and they were all defeated without exception. In the end, only these three succeeded in the challenge.

Now that the Challenger League is over, the next step is the re-ranking among the top sixteen.

At this time, there are no other restrictions, and there is a chance to challenge the top ranked ones.

Li Miaozhen stared at the top five rankings, "The Yingji family ranks ahead of us, they have no chance to directly challenge us, but they have their own vassals outside the top five.

According to what may have happened in the past, they may have placed a few extremely powerful people among those forces in advance to deal with us! Be careful! "

The Martial Arts Altar can be an individual or a power group. But no matter what, there is only one chance to challenge and fight, even if more than ten people are prepared, only one person can fight.

This is somewhat different from the previous competitions in the Martial God Altar. In the past, the competition was divided into individual and team competitions. However, this time it seems that because of the change of the alliance's attitude towards the individual, the qualification of the individual was cancelled.

Let the number of Dabi drop sharply, and the schedule is much simpler.

Almost not long after Li Miaozhen said these words, a person walked out of a box.

"It's the Zhu family's private room, but this person's aura..."

Li Miaozhen stared at the person who was slowly walking up to the stage, her face was a bit ugly.

The person on the stage was a middle-aged man, wearing a robe with a hood, and a grimace mask on his face that directly covered his face.

"Is there anything strange about this person?" Jiang Heng asked puzzled.

"This person's aura is clearly the aura of a certain clan elder of the winner, I will not admit it wrong. I didn't expect them to be so blatant!"

Li Miaozhen was a little angry. Although it was common to place people in vassal families, most of them would send some dead men who were trained outside. That way, at least on the surface, I don't know who this is. But right now, he's wearing a mask to replace Zhu's family in the battle, who is he lying to?

Of course, the only ones who can feel this aura and think of the winners in the entire Martial Arts Altar are those high-level fighters, but they consciously don't want to pierce it.

Sure enough, the opponent's target was directly on the Li family!

After hearing the other party mention Li's family loudly at the Martial Arts Altar, the three people in the private room looked at each other.

"Let me do it!"

Jiang Heng got up and was about to go out. This is not a challenge match, so they have the right to choose their opponents here.

"Let me go! Although the opponent's strength is at the top level, he has not yet reached the half-step level. It is not difficult for me to win against him!" After pondering for a moment, Li Miaozhen said hastily.

Without too much hesitation, Li Miaozhen walked out first, and landed on the ring like a fairy, staring at him with a pair of cold eyes.

"Long time no see, Patriarch Li!"

The man smiled sullenly, with his hands behind his back, looking a little calm.

"Are you winning the fish or the knuckle?"

"The old man doesn't know what Patriarch Li is talking about, so let's get rid of you girl as soon as possible, so that you can know that everything is already doomed!"

Without the slightest nonsense, the other party stretched out his body and arrived in front of Li Miaozhen in almost a leap. He stretched out one hand and pointed out, and saw a little bit of starlight.

A golden light quickly enveloped Li Miaozhen's whole body, and the speed of the fingertips in front of him suddenly plummeted.

The man didn't care at The next moment his hand shone with light, and a layer of fine transparent scales quickly grew on the surface, and the scales turned into a glove to wrap around his palm.

Immediately afterwards, his fingertips ignored the surrounding space, crossing the golden light envelope, as if suddenly appearing in front of Li Miaozhen.

What? !

Seeing this, Li Miaozhen was shocked, and subconsciously turned sideways to hide, but the fingertips had penetrated to Li Miaozhen's shoulder without hindrance.


Li Miaozhen let out a muffled snort when a ball of blood suddenly appeared, and her delicate body flew out, enduring the severe pain, changing her figure rapidly in mid-air, and falling dangerously on the edge of the ring while maintaining her figure.

And a transparent piercing hole has appeared on her left shoulder, and she can see the scene on the opposite side through the scorched hole, and the shoulder blade is directly pierced. This attack has been planned for a long time.

"How about Patriarch Li, this pair of gloves is specially prepared for you!"

Looking at the pair of transparent scale gloves on the opponent's hand, his pupils shrank slightly, and he almost gritted his teeth and said, "The winner is within a short distance..."

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