Master of Fist

Chapter 525: The Galaxy Crashes (Part 1)

"Space distortion, what is going on?"


The private room was knocked open from the inside to the outside, and Ying Dingtian's figure was suspended in the air, looking at the distorted scene gradually taking shape above with suspicious eyes.

"The space is distorted, someone wants to open the space channel!" Patriarch Ji also floated up and stood side by side with Ying Dingtian to watch this terrifying scene.

"No! Ordinary means can't distort the space in the central star field at all. Even the powerful in the Dao realm can't avoid this rule, especially in the central star!"

Win Dingtian quickly rejected this possibility.

But as soon as the words fell, there was another muffled sound from above, and then a huge pitch-black hole appeared. Through the hole, countless figures could be vaguely seen shining, as if there was an unimaginable number of lights on the other end. The army is gaining momentum.

"High-dimensional teleportation of the Seiya Federation!"

Seeing this scene, Patriarch Ji murmured and finally expressed his guess at the moment.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Almost instantly, Patriarch Ji pumped up all his energy and blood to spread his voice throughout the entire central star.

"Welcome to the great Supreme Wisdom Supreme!"

At the same time, there were tens of hundreds of figures who had gathered under the black hole at some point, all wearing hooded robes. When one of them saw that the passage had been completely opened, he didn't even try to hide it, and lifted his hood on his own.

A middle-aged man with a Chinese character face and a resolute face was revealed.

"Patriarch Chen! It's you!!"

Ying Dingtian stared fixedly at Patriarch Chen. If eyes could kill, Patriarch Chen would have died no less than ten thousand times.

"Win the sky, the alliance is now a broken body full of holes. These all originated from your ancient families. In the alliance, what you say is the law and the iron law. Instead of being frightened under your big families, It is better to welcome the great supreme existence than to live."

As soon as the words fell, I saw a huge palm protruding from the passage. The whole body was obviously made of metal, but what was more strange was that this palm gave people the feeling of being like a living thing.

The texture of the metal carved hands and the blood vessels hidden in the metal seem to be clearly visible. Different from the mechanical armor of ordinary mechanics, this palm seems to be a product of a higher level of technology, like a real mechanical life.

One palm, and then two palms protruded at the same time. The two palms were lying on the edge of the passage, and they seemed to be trying to expand it with force.

"Stop him!"

Following Ying Dingtian's loud roar, dozens of figures of winners and dead fighters flew out of the crowd, all of them were high-level warriors without exception. The Ji family also reacted. This is the central star of the alliance. It is not good for any member of the alliance to be destroyed by the enemy.

This is especially true for the top dignitaries like them. The two of them have long regarded the alliance as their own property, so how can they just watch foreign enemies invade at this time.

"Oh, stupid!"

Patriarch Chen stood upright on the spot, watching with indifferent eyes nearly a hundred dead warriors from Yingji's family rushing forward, without any fear.

"Traitor! Destroy the Chen family first!"

Someone yelled.


But the next moment there was a muffled sound, Patriarch Chen's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and he reappeared in mid-air, only to see that he was holding a man's neck firmly in his hands, and it was impressive that he was the dead man who said to destroy the entire Chen family.

"Destroy me all over the world? Hehe, it's a pity that you don't have a chance!"

As he spoke, he saw dazzling red lines emerging from Patriarch Chen's robe. The red lines became brighter and brighter, and the clothes on his body burned by themselves under the high temperature. It reveals its horrifying body.

This is still a body of flesh and blood, with a mechanical human body structure, a highly technological carbon fiber muscle texture, and even the breathing ups and downs of the chest cavity. From the looks of it now, the inside of the robe is completely a dark anthropomorphic mechanical body , a pair of electronic eyes exuded a strange red light and slowly swept across the owner of Yingding Tianji and others.

"It turns out that you have betrayed the alliance a long time ago. Why did you do this? Didn't my winner give you benefits? Isn't your status in the alliance high?"

Ying Dingtian looked at the familiar and unfamiliar person in front of him with some horror, and he was obviously the one who single-handedly picked him up. He even remembered how grateful he was when the Chen family officially became a vassal of the winner thousands of years ago.

"It's ridiculous! That's just a charity. In order to do some dirty work for you, my uncle died. The Chen family members have died more than ten times over the years. In the end, I was also seriously injured. Otherwise, what do you think? Can you still stand here?"

Patriarch Chen looked at Ying Dingtian with a sneer on his face.

"It's useless to talk! Let this rotten and ugly thing be turned into ashes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw dense metal humanoid creations pouring out of the black passage. The structure of these guys is similar to the shape of Patriarch Chen at this time, and there are as many as thousands of humanoid mechanical creations in the first wave. The back is still pouring in like a tide.

"Haha! These are the star-body army that you've heard so much about. Every one is at the early stage. How many of them have you brought here?"

"Asshole! Asshole!"

Ying Dingtian cursed angrily, but this did not stop the continuous army of stars from pouring in.

"Fu'er, you two run away! Return to the ancestral star to wake up the ancestor! Only the ancestor can turn the tide!"

Ying Dingtian looked directly at the star army that was overwhelming like locusts above his head, and said to Yingfu and the two brothers without looking back.

"Everyone follow me to kill the enemy!"

"Hmph! If you win the sky, you can let Ji look at you at this time. Since you, an old man, are not afraid, then Ji will not back down!"

The head of the Ji family gave a few instructions to Ji Wu behind him, and then led a group of Ji family dead men to charge upwards.

At this time, both of them showed the responsibility they should have as the leaders of the alliance, but there was nothing they could do about it, because they knew very well that the other party would definitely focus on the two of them. Rather than fleeing in a hurry, it is better to fight hard, so that it can be blocked by one or two.

"What's going on here? How did the Seiya Federation invade the Central Star?"

Looking at Li Miaozhen and Ye Lao who came to him quickly, Jiang Heng's expression was very ugly.

Didn't it mean that space teleportation and other means are forbidden in the central star field? Slapped in the face in a blink of an eye?

"It's the high-dimensional teleportation of the Seiya Federation. They used the dark matter plane as a bridge to open a gap in the central star and directly bypassed the formation!" Li Miaozhen said succinctly at this time that the situation was urgent.

"It's not suitable to stay here for long, let's go!"

Jiang Heng looked at the situation above which had completely become a mess, and said without the slightest hesitation.

"Well, let's go back to the transit port outside!"

Li Miaozhen agreed again and again, staying here at this time is simply looking for death, and the dense star army above feels scalp numb just by looking at it.

At this time, the venue of the Martial God Altar was completely chaotic, and countless spectators rushed towards the passage. Because of the special situation here, the foundation and the nearby brick walls are made of special materials that even ordinary high-level warriors cannot break through, so the only passage that comes naturally becomes a life-saving straw.

Shouts and screams continued, and many star bodies had already rushed into the crowd, and it was extremely chaotic for a while.

As for the hundreds of ordinary high-class warriors participating in this competition, they have become the key targets of the star body. Now some of them are facing two or three, and the strong ones are facing the siege of more than a dozen star bodies.


A punch directly smashed a star body approaching into pieces, and Jiang Heng looked up at the wall above his head.

"get ready!"


Just when Li Miaozhen and Ye Lao were a little confused, the next moment Jiang Heng was standing on the ground suddenly sank tens of meters, and a golden light shot straight up.


The impenetrable wall was directly breached layer by layer, and a huge light-transmitting hole instantly appeared in the field of vision of the two of them.

Impressively, it was Jiang Heng who directly and violently broke through the foundation and penetrated to the surface above the altar of the **** of war.

Seeing this, Li Miaozhen and Ye Lao flew upwind without any hesitation. During the period, dozens of star bodies noticed this place, but because both of them accelerated their brains and sprinted, they rushed out of the encirclement just before being surrounded.

"There's a hole there, run away!"

Someone yelled at the situation here.

Ji Wu Yingfu and the others also noticed that several dead soldiers with guards fled towards that side while fighting.

Ji Wu turned his head and glanced at his father surrounded by thousands of star bodies and a group of dead soldiers from the clan, gritted his teeth and rushed towards the cave.

At this time, the place below has become a purgatory on earth, with one-sided massacres everywhere, and there is no way to resist it, because if you stop in place for a while, you will be greeted by enemies that are several times your own, and all of them are at the highest initial level.

To say that the most peaceful place here is the private room of Ji's family, and the slovenly old man is watching the scene in front of him with relish.

It's not that there are no stars coming here, but they all turned into pieces of iron all over the place.

After paying hundreds of star body remains, the other star bodies seemed to know that this person was not easy to mess with, so they didn't come here at all. Instead, this place became the calmest place on the battlefield.

"Senior, if you don't act anymore, once Ji dies, you don't even want to live!"

At this moment, Patriarch Ji, who was surrounded by countless star bodies, roared loudly.

Hearing this, the slovenly old man who had been watching the battle with great interest frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

"Ji family brat, do you really think that I am afraid that your Ji family will fail? But the old man's hands are itchy now. I haven't done anything for a long time. I just don't know if there will be any powerful opponents this time!"

The slovenly old man loosened his muscles and bones, and his bones made a thunderous crisp sound. The next moment, his fists were slowly clenched, and then he punched out, and the surrounding space was stopped in an instant.

The underground space began to tremble continuously, but it was seen that around the sloppy old man's fist as the center, the nearby space was shattered layer by layer, turning into countless space fragments, and the fragments seemed to be swept away in all directions by some kind of hurricane.

Countless space fragments, under the influence of an invisible and terrifying force, formed a space storm invisible to the naked eye and ravaged the entire underground space.

The stars turned their heads to the sloppy old man one by one, the red lights in their eyes prospered, as if they had received some kind of order and went crazy at the same time, they abandoned their opponents and rushed towards the sloppy old man.

But the strange thing is that the star body rushing to the front suddenly paused, and then the body was quickly cut into countless pieces.

Like the spread of the plague, centered on the sloppy old man, it spread out in a semi-arc shape, and countless star bodies dismembered and turned into countless fragments where they passed, and joined the hurricane to wreak havoc.

When the one-punch turmoil gradually subsided, the star army decreased by nearly thousands.

Looking at the shards of mechanical parts that jingled and fell to the ground like rain, the slovenly old man nodded in satisfaction.

"The power of the old man's Broken Star is still the same as before!"

At this time, Patriarch Ji, Ying Dingtian and the others felt the pressure drop suddenly.

"Brother Ji, this person is the one. I didn't expect to be hidden by your Ji family. This hand is very good!" Ying Dingtian took a deep look at the slovenly old man, and then stared at the owner of Ji family. There was a strange sound and a strange air.

"Win the sky, let's talk about some things after we get out of here alive! He came out!"

Patriarch Ji stared at the scene above through Ying Dingtian's shoulders in horror. A huge face poked down. Not only the face but also the upper body had come out of the passage.

It was a strange giant mechanical creation. If it wasn't for the metal color of its skin, they even thought it was a living giant.

The next moment, the body surface of the giant mechanical creation began to surge like a tide, and the color of the body surface began to change rapidly.

"This time... He really became a living thing!"

Patriarch Ji muttered to himself, and saw that the giant mechanical creation in front of him surged like countless fine particles of metal, and the metallic texture on the outside disappeared, turning into skin almost exactly like the human body.

What has become of the Seiya Federation over the years?

Should the body of that being recorded in ancient books be similar to the general star body? It may be because of their different body shapes, but the appearance of this half body in front of them gave them a strong sense of oppression, as if they were facing the ancestors of the like a god.

"Hey! Isn't this the Martial God from back then?"

The giant mechanical creation opened its mouth. Of course it is more appropriate to call him Supreme Wisdom. Supreme Wisdom paid no attention to the two patriarchs of Yingji who were closer. A pair of huge anthropomorphic eyes stared in the direction of the slovenly old man. I am trying to support the whole body to descend to this central star.

" are called Supreme Wisdom, right? I didn't expect the old man to know even a little of his name back then."

"Of course, I know everything! Li Changsheng, the first leader of the Martial Artists Alliance, is also the only human genius ever to break through the shackles and break through to the Dao realm since the world changed!"

"But I'm curious. According to my database analysis, weren't you killed by Ying Ji and those two little guys back then? What happened in the middle?"

There was a very strong sense of human confusion on the face of Supreme Wisdom.

"Hehe, don't you claim to be omniscient and omnipotent? You also have to ask me?" Li Changsheng grinned, and brushed his messy hair with his hands, revealing a middle-aged face that is not too old......

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