Master of Fist

Chapter 559: The Incarnation of Wisdom Arrives (Part 2)

The core of the collision between the two sides seems small, but after the two sides collided, they immediately stirred up the surrounding force field and cosmic space, and the layers of space collapsed, forming a huge turbulent vortex of space debris under the agitation of the invisible force field.

The turbulent vortex was rapidly expanding, quickly enveloping the two people at the core of the battlefield. At this moment, a moment of stalemate occurred between the two forces.

The pitch-black giant's complexion changed slightly, the body trembled, and a wave of strength was rapidly accumulating. It seems that a more terrifying force is brewing to crush everything.

But as soon as he moved, the tremors on the body surface suddenly stagnated, as if the energy was not enough to accumulate and could not go up.

The six-armed and three-eyed demon grinned grimly, and the thirty-level nine poles erupted in an instant, and the ball in his body gushed out majestic energy at the same time, and he raised his strength again.


With a loud shout that pierced through the space, a cyclone visible to the naked eye emerged from the six arms and wrapped around the body, suddenly engulfing the turbulent current formed by the confrontation between the two sides, and suddenly pressed towards the black giant.

I felt an invisible force pouring in, crushing the pitch-black giant to a halt, and after the surrounding void was slightly distorted, rumbles erupted, as if an even more terrifying explosion was brewing. Turn over this space.

The pitch-black giant's expression fluctuated violently. It was a burst of aggrieved and sullen, and its huge body was constantly trembling under the terrifying force formed by the terrible space turbulence. Dense breathing pulsations began to appear on the surface of the body, as if trying to capture the huge force pouring into the body as much as possible.

Squeezed to the extreme that the body could bear, the pitch-black giant finally began to be furious, a dazzling energy light lit up on his chest, and the light quickly spread across the body surface to form thunder pulses.

The pulse swelled rapidly and shattered the majestic force that was constantly blessing the body surface.

The pitch-black giant shook his hand, and spread his five fingers. Starships in the distance began to burst out dazzling energy beams and rushed towards the pitch-black giant.

This is drawing energy!

But the six-armed and three-eyed demon would not give him a chance, and if the warrior seized the opportunity, he would instantly kill the opponent's existence.

Almost at the moment when the pitch-black giant recharged its energy, all six arms turned into fist marks all over the sky, and each punch burst out with the power to stir up the surrounding space.

The densely packed fists are howling and roaring like an impenetrable cosmic storm.

Cracks also appeared in the space when the fist edge passed by, and the power that the martial artist erupted exceeded one hundred thousand energy levels, which was enough to completely stir up the space.

The six-armed and three-eyed demon has a generous golden flame on its body, galloping along the opponent's arm at high speed while quickly dancing its six arms to hit the void.

Every hit can transmit power to the pitch-black giant's body through the void, and large pieces of the body cracked, but he didn't give up and galloped all the way to the head for another series of blows.

Every punch is powerful and heavy, although the strength is far less than before as the effect of the turning plate dissipates, but it is still powerful and heavy, and the huge head is constantly tilted.

It's just that the opponent's process of absorbing energy has not weakened. Seeing this, the six-armed three-eyed demon showed a rage on his face, and the huge surprise in his size made it difficult for him to interrupt the opponent's movements.

With a roar, twinkling stars appeared all over his body, and the blood vessels began to burst into dazzling golden light. His whole body was like a fighting machine with countless golden lights bursting from the cracks in the blood vessels.

The power of Feitian Lei Peng's blood was stimulated, and the power of Qingtian Yuan and Chongshui Xuangui also exploded.

The speed of the golden figure skyrocketed again, and it struck rapidly along the giant's body surface. From a distance, it could only be seen that the giant's body surface seemed to be falling off countless mechanical parts by itself.

It's like disintegrating on its own.

"Mortals dare to fight gods!"

The pitch-black giant finally absorbed enough energy, and the body surface once again stirred up majestic energy pulses, and those broken mechanical parts were quickly gathered towards the giant under the traction of the lightning electromagnetic field, and they were actually repairing themselves.

As soon as the words were finished, the giant rolled his hands and slapped the golden figure on his chest.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's speed was extremely fast, and the speed of movement exceeding fifteen times the speed of light made it difficult for the dark giant to catch the opponent.

"God? Are you worthy of being called a god? If you are a god, then I will kill a **** today!"

The six-armed, three-eyed demon showed a smirk, as if he was looking down on the stalwart giant above him.

"Hmph! Strength is the truth, so what about speed?"

With a cold snort, a dazzling thunder force field suddenly erupted from the surface of the pitch-black giant, and terrifying power suddenly spread from the surface of the pitch-black giant.

The speed of the six-armed three-eyed demon moving at high speed suddenly stopped.


The big hand fell down suddenly, and the six-armed, three-eyed demon was swat in mid-air like a fly and spun several times.

Before the other party could stand still, the pitch-black giant jumped up and clasped his hands together to take a picture.

For a moment, the space in the opponent's palm roared loudly, and all the sights were space fragments that were pressed and pushed towards this side.

The face of the six-armed and three-eyed demon sank, but there was no panic on his face. Instead, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. When he turned his hands, nothing appeared in his hands, but his five fingers clenched as if he was holding a certain weapon.

The pitch-black giant didn't take it seriously and still blasted towards the golden figure.

"I guess you will be cut into pieces by me, do you believe it?"

The six-armed, three-eyed demon gave a strange laugh, and swung his other hand violently. A long black stick appeared in his hand, and ten stars shone brightly on the stick at this moment.

It is the Hunyuan stick that fully stimulates the star core force field.

"Let me go!"

I saw the golden figure weighed his hands, twisted his waist, twisted all his strength into one strand, and immediately threw it with all his might,

The incomparably heavy Hunyuan stick was excited with all its strength, and under Jiang Qiu's vigorous momentum, it was like dozens of planets colliding away at the same time.

Feeling the overwhelmed sound of the space as the Hunyuan stick moved, the pitch-black giant's complexion changed slightly, and he had no choice but to give up the urge to shoot the golden figure to death with both hands and slapped the pitch-black stick vigorously.

With both palms out, it collided with the Hunyuan stick and then slapped it flying and spinning, and it flew to nowhere.


But at this moment, the golden figure had already jumped to the side, holding an invisible weapon in his closed hand, he was struggling to slash at the pitch-black giant.


The pitch-black giant was confused, but subconsciously blocked it with his left arm.


With a roar and tearing sound, the entire left arm of the pitch-black giant broke off at the root, and the huge arm seemed to be detached from the machine body by itself. The incision is as smooth as a mirror and extremely neat.


The supremely intelligent brain controlling this body is rapidly searching the database to determine what kind of weapon the opponent used to chop off his arm.

But Jiang Heng, who was already close to him, was unambiguous in his movements, even though his speed dropped sharply under the opponent's force field. However, the opponent has lost the opportunity.

From the several fights with the opponent, it can be concluded that the opponent's attack is still based on power and energy. There is an energy storage action for each shot.

Although the opponent stored energy fast, Jiang Heng shot faster, even if the speed was reduced by two-thirds due to the force field limit.

A stream of saber light slashed out from the invisible blade in his hand, no matter what the saber light went, it seemed that there would be no obstacles.

The thick metal armor of the pitch-black giant disintegrated like tofu in an instant.

"It's the Time Knife!! This is the Time Knife that humans had appeared tens of thousands of years ago!"

The dark giant finally found out what it was from the database, the Time Knife, the Time Knife that claims to be able to cut everything and time!

What the other party cut was not only his body, but also this space and his body.

This is a knife with the power of space and the power of time.

"It is indeed a Time Knife, but it is only a broken version. It can only cut space but not time! But it is enough to deal with you!"

Jiang Heng grinned grimly, he borrowed this knife from Li Miaozhen. At the same time, there is also the Xuanxu Pan, the real Taoist device that can control the solidity of space.

What do you really think is the golden halo behind him? It's just some cover-up with Qi and blood.

In order to prevent accidents during the trip to Qinglanjie, he was well prepared. It's just that I didn't expect it to be used in the Qinglan world for the time being, but it will be used here first.

The Xuanxu plate is used to limit the opponent's ability to move and weaken the opponent's strength so that every attack can be offset by the solid space.

Otherwise, Jiang Heng estimated that he would be able to compete with the opponent with the help of the turning plate for the first punch, and the energy level of each of his remaining punches would drop to less than 100,000.

The same is true for projecting the Hunyuan stick, weakening the blockage of the space when projecting the Hunyuan stick to accelerate its projection speed. It also increases the kinetic energy when projecting, and the power can directly reach the hundred thousand energy level.

Finally, taking advantage of the gap in the opponent's attack, use the Xuanxu disk to weaken the opponent's force field to slow down his speed and quickly approach to achieve beheading!

"Cut me!"

The last knife swept across, and the huge head was dismembered from the body in an instant. Immediately afterwards, dozens of impenetrable knives fell one after another, and a series of knives appeared on the surface of the pitch-black giant's body.

After the many sword lights dissipated, the pitch-black giant instantly turned into hundreds of thousands of pieces of wreckage, and the energy core in the chest began to collapse rapidly, producing a huge suction force to gather countless pieces together.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying light comparable to a supernova explosion emerged, but at this time Jiang Heng had already escaped. Relying on regaining the original speed, he escaped tens of millions of miles away.

Even though such a terrifying explosion shock wave still spread far away, it just did not cause the slightest damage to Jiang Heng's body.

"This this......"

At this time, everyone in the Imperial Army and even the Federal Army was shocked. For the two people in this fight, time passed very slowly. rest time.

In the eyes of ordinary soldiers, there was only a shock wave of a collision, and finally a dazzling explosion of fireworks appeared directly, as if the two were fighting in another time dimension.

Only some high-level warriors can see a little bit clearly, but it is also very blurry. This level of master fight is actually countless confrontations in the blink of an eye.

"Who won?"

"Who won too fast, I didn't have time to see anything!"

Countless people in the channel are scrambling to ask, and many ordinary soldiers know that this may be a battle that will determine the trend of this war, so they are extremely eager.

Vice Governor Zhao Kai was also a little shocked, he rubbed his eyes. It was so fast that he didn't even understand it. I just saw dozens of sword lights blooming from the last giant.

Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw a golden figure in the distance.

"Sir, who won?" The lieutenant general beside him also looked anxious.

"We won! That man beheaded the opponent..."

Zhao Kai's voice spread through the public channel to the ears of everyone in the army. There was a moment of silence in the channel, followed by thunderous cheers.

Countless people were jumping and shouting loudly. This war was fought too hard. After nearly a month of fighting, this place has become the biggest meat grinder on the Southern Stars and Luoxia Starfield battlefield.

The daily loss rate of hundreds of millions of soldiers made countless people see no hope until the golden figure in the distance stepped in.

"Haha! How far has this kid grown!"

At this time, the old man with white beard and white hair was also holding the knife and looked at the golden dot in the distance with a smile and emotion, tears were already streaming from his eyes.

Yakto on the side didn't care about the bragging of the old man next to him, and was also excited about the victory of his own strongman.

In this war, even the commander had no hope, so he planned to ask for help from the strong men who could come nearby to evacuate by docking their tails. It turned out that everything came too fast, and they just won.

Compared to the thunderous cheers from the empire, the federal army ordered the entire army to retreat almost without the slightest hesitation when they saw that their secret weapons were all ruined.

They decided to escape from this star field, and they lost this battle completely.

At the same time, all of them have also received the latest instructions from the Supreme Wisdom, retreat! Completely abandon this star field. If there is danger, even the territory occupied by the adjacent star field will be abandoned, and they will flee to some barren planets and wait for the second batch of federal troops to drop in.

In addition, they also received a piece of piece of information that was first obtained from the central star of the alliance. There is only one alliance warrior in the data, his name is Jiang Heng, and it contains information about the growth trend of the opponent's strength every time the federal army encounters this person, as well as all the methods and weapons used by the opponent.

His degree of danger is comparable to that of the people on the Dao Realm list, even excluding a few special people on the Dao Realm list, the threat level of this person is even higher than the ordinary Dao Realm quota.

Because there is a blood-red mark: The target is suspected to have never stepped into the Taoist realm, but it can be shot unscrupulously, and its physical endurance is extremely terrible.

After reading these materials, many federal citizens were extremely horrified, and they finally understood why the threat level was so high. This is a madman, a madman without flaws.

Unlike human beings who are strong individuals with great strength and Dao realm, he can shoot unscrupulously without caring about the consumption of vital functions. This is the nightmare of the Federation.

In fact, they are not afraid of Dao Jing, the opponent is indeed very strong. But these people are like the wax heads of silver guns, they have to be extremely cautious every time they make a move, and they must be placed at an extremely critical moment. On the other hand, although this person can't match the Dao Realm in terms of overall combat power, he has no shortcomings.

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