Master of Fist

Chapter 636: It's him?

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More and more pictures are seen in my mind, and more and more voices are heard.

However, after such a rough sweep, Jiang Heng's eyelids twitched suddenly.

"The orc heritage is so profound!"

Jiang Heng was a little surprised. He thought that the total population of the Orcs was so small. Although there were tens of billions, compared to the empire, even the alliance could not even match a fraction of them.

However, there are quite a few strong warriors in the orc clan. In perception, the aura of high-ranking fighters alone can be hundreds!

You must know that the number of high-level people in the empire's current statistics is only five or six hundred, and this is due to the temporary recruitment of a lot of civilians due to wartime reasons. Before the war with the Federation, the number of high-ranking ones recorded by the Empire would only be around 200.

Comparing the total population of the empire and the orcs, the superior number of the orcs is a bit inconceivable.

"It's really hidden!"

Jiang Heng sighed secretly, if such a torrent attacked the empire at this moment, it would definitely make the empire suffer from enemies. You must know that the empire is still fighting with the federal army on the border of the alliance.

Most of the troops hit here.

Jiang Heng felt it carefully again, this time he abandoned other auras and looked for those with strong or strange auras.

This time, Jiang Heng was slightly surprised again. This time, at the half-step dao level, he could perceive a full twenty people, and among them, he found two strong men at the level of the master of the galaxy.

These two statues are gathered in the temple respectively!

The holy hall, Jiang Heng, heard from the Third Highness that it was the residence of his father, the Lord.

"Will there be a Holy Master among these two? Who is the other one?"

Jiang Heng really didn't dare to underestimate the orc clan now. He thought that the orc clan didn't have a strong person at the level of the Lord of the Galaxy, but it turned out to be a good thing.

It seems that the situation is similar to that of the Imperial Alliance, and they usually cover up the information of those powerful people at that level very well. Only at the critical moment will it be revealed.

Just like when Jiang Heng was relatively weak back then, he had heard more than once that the Dao Realm powerhouses were just legends, and it turned out that so many Dao Realm freaks were still alive.


Suddenly, Jiang Heng couldn't help but let out a small sigh, "Who is this?"

For a moment, Jiang Heng locked on one of the breaths, which didn't seem to be strong, but only seemed to have the strength of an ordinary person's breath.

But for some reason, Jiang Heng always felt that he felt an inexplicable crisis in this person, as if the other party would launch a fatal murderous attempt on him in the next moment!

"No, no!"

Just as Jiang Heng was perceiving his mind, he suddenly felt a sharp force in his mind, and the next moment he frantically shrank his mind, when all the mind was withdrawn from his body.

I reached out to wipe it, but found that a thin layer of sweat had already seeped from my back.

"How is this going?"

Jiang Heng took a few breaths violently, and at that moment he really felt the taste of death from the depths of his soul.

It seemed that if he stayed there for a while, he would die completely!

Not the death of the physical body, but the death of all the physical body and soul in the true sense!

This kind of change was beyond Jiang Heng's expectation, and his face was gloomy and terrifying for a while. Since his spiritual body stepped into the domain master level, he has not had such a sense of fatal crisis for a long time.

Meanwhile, Nanyuan—

"Mr. Jin, what happened to you just now?"

Still in that splendid and luxurious hall, the middle-aged man in brocade clothes and elegant temperament looked at the person beside him.

"No problem, His Highness Shenzi just met an interesting kid and said hello to him!"

The man called Mr. Jin smiled indifferently.

"Little friend?" His Royal Highness Shenzi was surprised, but he still smiled and did not continue to ask.

After that, Jiang Heng stayed in the mansion that His Highness the Third Highness arranged for him for several days. There were not many other things in the mansion where he was, except that there were many beauties.

Looking around, even the ones cleaning the toilets are all graceful and enchanting women, Jiang Heng has been dazzled recently.

Of course, these people are good-looking, but they are still far behind the incomparably noble temperament of their own wives.

I don't know how my mother-in-law's temperament is cultivated, and she is not a royal nobleman, her temperament is simply like a queen.

Of course it's like this in front of others, but at night in front of him, hey.....

But in order to cover up, Jiang Heng still indulged a bit, thanks to the fact that this is only Langmu's body, if it was his own body, each of these women would be able to take his trick.

"How is the arrangement of that handsome senior recently? Did he satisfy him?"

His Highness the Third Highness sat in the study and looked at the big butler Mo Lao who was waiting by his side and said with a smile.

"Your Highness, don't worry, I have asked the old chief of the Fox clan to select the most outstanding woman in the clan and send them to Senior Lang's mansion as ordered. I heard from my servants that it has been going on for a whole night every day.

Hehe, this is also a fox woman, if this is a human woman, she really can't stand this person's rush. "The butler had a smile that only a man could understand.


His Highness the Third Highness nodded in admiration, "As expected of a classy senior, he is really amazing!"

"That's right! Third Highness, you saw the right person!" The head butler also nodded with a smile.

According to the Beast Race's point of view, strength and external performance are the main thing, and secondly, some clues can be seen from that aspect.

This is also the reason why the life of the orcs is too dissolute, and they have even summed up a rule.

The strong will become stronger and stronger even if they sing and sing every day, even if they fight in groups every night.

His Highness the Third Highness was satisfied, and naturally his confidence was even stronger. When the Son of God's birthday was only three days away, he knocked on the gate of Jiang Heng's mansion.

"Third Highness!"

Jiang Heng smiled and cupped his hands with a look of smugness, and also showed gratitude to His Highness the Third Highness for that matter.

"Senior Lang, your complexion is getting better and better! It seems that you are still used to living in my mansion!" Seeing Jiang Heng's extremely satisfied appearance with his own eyes, the Third Highness also heaved a sigh of relief.

"Get used to it! Get used to it! You can't get used to it, just..."

"But what are you dissatisfied with?" Hearing this, the Third Highness suddenly became a little nervous.

Seeing what the Third Highness said, Jiang Heng made a face of embarrassment, lowered his voice and said: "Third Highness, some people in my house say that they can't bear it. I wonder if the Third Highness can send more servants over , I am a difficult person to serve..."

Hearing this, His Highness the Third Highness was a little embarrassed, and wanted to laugh, but he felt that something was wrong, so he restrained himself.

"Hey! From now on, Senior, you can just talk directly to Elder Mo about this kind of thing. You can have as many people as you want, as long as Senior is satisfied!"

Saying this, His Highness the Third Highness secretly scolded the beast in his heart.

'Who is the orc?

Doesn't it mean that the human race is far inferior to their orc race? Why is this guy like a beast, a boar? '

Depend on! How dare you scold me?

Jiang Heng glanced at the Third Highness strangely, and made another note of this guy in his heart.

"By the way, is there anything else for Senior tonight? If there is nothing else, can I accompany His Highness to a banquet?" The Third Highness was quite inquiring, as if he was afraid that Jiang Heng would not like it, he practiced and added: "This time I The elder brother and younger brother will also go, hosted by my elder brother, usually most of the banquets hosted by him will have a lot of money.

Thinking about such a big movement this time, the prize will not be small. "

His Highness the Third Highness focused on this color and added a little more tone.

Jiang Heng was thinking about other things.

"The crisis we encountered last time must be a certain master in the city of beasts. I don't know if we can get in touch with this person this time."

Jiang Heng pondered, he felt that it was necessary for him to get in touch with this person.

As for the safety issue, perhaps it was because Ling Yuesuo gave him great confidence. As long as he uses Ling Yuesuo to create an instant kung fu, then he can take out his physical body in an instant, and his soul will return to the original body. At that time, he will still have the confidence to protect himself.

"If the mysterious man is a member of the beast clan, could it be that he is the Holy Master?"

Jiang Heng's heart was full of doubts, and he agreed to the request of the Third Highness after pondering.

On the one hand, it is for the purpose of making troubles in the orc clan in the future, and on the other hand, it also wants to take a look at the current situation of the orc clan, so as to analyze whether it can disturb this muddy water.

Soon night fell, and a blazing sun hung high above the secret cave, the ancestral land of the orcs. It can be seen that this secret cave is far larger than Jiang Heng's small world of emerald jade.

The venue for the dinner was at the residence of Nanyuan Shenzi. As the orc Shenzi, Nanyuan was even more magnificent. If the residence of His Highness the Third Highness is a small city-state, it is not an exaggeration to say that the residence of the Son of God is an international metropolis.

All kinds of living facilities and supplies are self-contained. In this huge mansion, you can even see the downtown area and all kinds of people living in the mansion.

These people are actually the servants of the Son of God. According to His Highness, there are tens of millions of servants in the mansion of the Son of God. This is a real city, and the Son of God is the uncrowned king of this city.

From entering the gate of Shenzi's mansion to arriving at the area of ​​Shenzi's residence, it took Jiang Heng and others nearly a cup of tea even to ride a strange animal carriage.

When he arrived in front of a magnificent palace complex, Jiang Heng looked a little dumbfounded at the densely packed convoys parked on both sides of the gate.

It's not that they are shocked by their luxurious style, but that these people have a variety of cars.

According to Jiang Heng, this frankly looks like a grand ceremony for cultivating immortals. Is this a bunch of spirit beast mounts?

In fact, these are some small war beasts of different varieties, some of which are only three to four meters six or seven hundred pounds in stature, while others are hovering in mid-air like hills.

In comparison, the car of His Highness the Third Highness looked much more delicate, but when the strange beasts pulled by the third Highness stopped in the group of beasts, the group of beasts backed away unconsciously, as if seeing something terrible fear.

"Senior, let's go!"

His Highness the Third Highness led Jiang Heng to enter the gate, and the maidservants on both sides bowed and bowed with smiles like flowers. They were all well-trained and graceful, not much worse than the fox girls that the Third Highness gave to Jiang Heng recently.

As he went all the way in, Jiang Heng was once again shocked by the grandeur of the Shenzi Mansion, and was silently speechless.

First of all, the first and most shocking thing is a huge 20-meter-long bow placed in the middle of the front yard. This bow exudes an energy force field from top to bottom, and many cumbersome inscriptions are engraved on the whole body. This thing is an extremely well-preserved weapon!


This is not a Dao realm real weapon, but a weapon!

"This is the Heaven Breaking Bow, which is used by my elder brother when he usually goes hunting. It can only be used if one's physique has stepped into the holy realm. It can be said that there are no more than three people in the entire City of Beasts who can fully draw this bow! "The Third Highness looked at the big bow with some emotion, and there was some disbelief and helplessness in his words.

At this time, where does Jiang Heng need his introduction, he had already checked the bow's situation roughly with his mind detection.

"It turned out to be a top-quality weapon at the level of the Lord of the Galaxy!"

Jiang Heng felt it from the bottom of his heart. He felt it for a while, and found that the material of this bow is almost made of many star cores, and it is even refined with the bones of some giant starry sky beasts.

This also causes the bow to satisfy its weight and its toughness.

Such a bow, Jiang Heng estimated that its weight was no less than the weight of a hundred planets, and wanted to draw the bow to its full capacity. Jiang Heng reckoned that with his current physical body, he must not even think about it.

It is not difficult to fill the body!

At the same time, I saw many energy concentration inscriptions on the bow, which can be condensed into extremely sharp energy arrows through its own input of energy, and the power of one arrow is unimaginable.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng was a little moved, and at the same time, his definition of Shenzi couldn't help but rise several levels.

"Shenzi really lives up to his reputation, he can pull this bow. His strength has probably reached the level of the Lord of the Galaxy in the late stage!"

Jiang Heng murmured, he is only at the peak level of the Lord of the Galaxy right now, and has not stepped into the level of the domain master.

At present, Shenzi's strength is conservatively estimated to be in the late stage of Lord of the Galaxy, and Jiang Heng is a little surprised by this.

"I have to find a way to get this thing in my hand!"

Jiang Heng muttered, and then reluctantly looked away from the bow.

The shelf where the bow is placed is not an ordinary thing, and there is an incomparably strong ground pillar underneath, which is used to support the huge weight of this treasure.

"Senior, brother attaches great importance to this item. If it is another item, I can get it for you." Seeing Jiang Heng's eagerness, the Third Highness said apologetically.

"It's okay, let's go in first!" Jiang Heng waved his hand, he was not in a hurry, anyway, he was going to make a big fuss here, and he might not be as strong as the Heaven-breaking Bow by then?

The two of them quickly went to the central hall without much delay.

As soon as he stepped on the steps of the main hall, the waiters on both sides sang the name of His Highness the Third Highness over and over again.

Soon, before His Highness and others finished walking up the steps, a handsome middle-aged man came out from the gate of the main hall.

This person was dressed in a luxurious robe and a colored glaze hair bundle, and when he saw the Third Highness, his face immediately showed joy.

Jiang Heng noticed that this person was somewhat similar in appearance to His Highness the Third Highness.

"Brother, why did you come out in person?"

Seeing the person coming, the Third Highness's complexion froze slightly, and he immediately squeezed out a smile on his face, and walked over.

This is the Son of God?

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and sized this person up carefully.

Seeing this person for some reason, Jiang Heng had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, as if he had seen this person before!

Soon Jiang Heng's mind was shaken, and a turbulent wave suddenly set off in his heart.

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