Master of Fist

Chapter 684: calculate

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The scene in front of him made Jiang Heng very interested.

"It turned out to be a small pseudo-domain! Is it based on extreme power?"

Jiang Heng can feel that in this area full of sword qi, there are extremely sharp and sharp intentions everywhere. Some galaxy masters with poor physical bodies will be cut into pieces by the sword qi filled with all the time as soon as they enter. The tiniest particle molecule.

At this moment, planet A1 is like a galaxy rushing out.

Sword Qi Galaxy!


When the sword energy Galaxy emerged, the blue-clothed old man couldn't help panicking.

"This old man has lost!" As the old man's expression changed into Jiang Heng's eyes, Jiang Heng already knew that the victory and defeat had been decided.

Martial arts are most jealous and hesitant in life and death fights. Compared with the hesitation of the old man in blue, Lu Yixin's energy and energy are concentrated at one point, like an extremely sharp sword that is about to break through the sky.

Jiang Heng felt that if he switched with the blue-clothed old man, with the vigor of the blue-clothed old man's puppet domain main body, in fact, he only needed to stabilize his mind and strike Lu Yixin with all his strength.

It's a pity that although the old man in blue has secret techniques in his hands, he doesn't seem to have much combat experience, and he has already started thinking about how to protect himself before the official fight.

This is not taking one step and counting as three steps, but taking three steps to seek death!

Sure enough, with the sound of a sword that pierced the sky, Tianji's giant palm collided with the tip of the sword in an instant. The sword flew into space and pierced through the giant figure, and finally the sword pressure billowed like the might of the sky towards the pale blue-clothed old man,

The next moment, he will cut off his head with a sword!


A faint voice sounded, and the sword energy quickly flowed into Lu Yixin's body and disappeared invisible.

At this moment, the old man in blue felt chilly all over his body, as if he had walked through the gate of hell.

Panting heavily, he looked at Lu Yixin, who was also pale in the distance, and when Lu Yixin's gaze that seemed to have a sword glow came to scan him, he hurriedly avoided it, like a mouse seeing a cat.

"Special envoy! District Chief Lu is a little reckless, and I, the domain lord, apologize on his behalf!" Jiang Henggong clasped his hands and spoke politely, but his expression was a little relaxed.

At this moment, the old man in blue couldn't care less about Jiang Heng's attitude, so he forced a smile and remained silent.

"Special envoy! This place is not suitable for talking, why don't we go to the main administrative star here and we can continue talking?" Jiang Heng smiled.

"Yeah." The old man in blue nodded, he was being honest.

When the group left planet A1 and headed for the main administrative star, the circle of countless affiliated civilization envoys outside had exploded.

Numerous speculations emerged, and many people talked about it, discussing what happened.

"This person from the Milky Way dares to attack the imperial envoy. It's really brave!"

"That's not right! And it looks like it's that Crazy Lu who made the move!"

"Tsk tsk, the key is that he still won. The guy almost killed a blue-clothed man with a sword!"

As soon as the blue clothes were mentioned, many people lost their worries and gloated instead.

"This group of eunuchs listening to the supervision is indeed very arrogant in normal times, but this time they have met some ruthless people."

"Keep your voice down, the people who listen to the supervisor are not easy to mess with."

"What are you afraid of? We are all our own people here. Could it be that there are spies among you who are listening to the prison?"

As soon as this remark came out, the scene was silent, and no one dared to talk about the matter of listening to the supervisor after that.

"Grandfather, are you okay?"

Inside the starship, a Tsing Yi said cautiously.


Hearing this, the blue-clothed old man became angry instantly, and kicked the Tsing Yi in front of him, his face full of anger. His old face was almost distorted by that anger.

"How dare they do this! How dare they do this!"

The old man in blue was pacing back and forth, and the anger boiling in his mouth was hard to calm down.

This is simply a shame and humiliation for the auditor. You must know that wherever the inspectors go, they are not domineering with their nostrils turned upside down.

But now it's not just a loss, but a big embarrassment in front of countless affiliated civilization envoys. It won't take long for this matter to spread throughout the Tianshuang Empire.

But for a while, he couldn't find his way back.

"The old ancestor must avenge such a great hatred!" The Tsing Yi guy from before hurriedly licked his face and said.

"Get lost! Doesn't this old man know? It's like a dog!" The old man in blue kicked him angrily.

Being kicked twice in succession, Tsing Yi was not annoyed, but just smiled and said: "Old Ancestor, it might as well be like this, isn't it that His Royal Highness is recruiting people recently. It is said that it is for that matter, and the name is recruiting. Let people go to die.

Since the master of the galaxy domain is not strict in discipline, isn't the master of the galaxy domain the best candidate? "

Hearing that the old man in blue was about to kick again, he pondered for a while and couldn't help showing a look of joy on his face.

"Not bad, not bad! You're so clever!" The blue-clothed old man nodded repeatedly, "The War of the Ten Kingdoms is already a large-scale interstellar war. I heard that the demigods will end the game in person, and he is just a fake domain master. I'm afraid that mixing it in will be cannon fodder, how can this person come back alive?

And it's not just the lord of the Milky Way, but also the lunatic Lu, they all go with me.

Don't these savages like to be brave and ruthless? Then find a good place for them to play! "

The more the old man in blue talked, the more he felt that this plan was very good, it was perfect.

Talking here, and in another starship, the same is true.

"How did you stop me? This person will repay you. In my opinion, it's better to kill him with a sword!" Lu Yixin frowned and complained, still minding the previous matter.

Jiang Heng was on the sidelines calmly: "What about after the slaughter? Will the Tianshuang Empire also be destroyed?"

Lu Yixin was dumbfounded.

"Now that our galaxy needs to hide its strength and bide its time, what's the point of keeping a mere eunuch, so what if he has a trick?

He thought that our strength was what he saw today, so next time his means of revenge would definitely not be much higher than today.

And when he thinks he will figure out our cards next time, we still have cards. "

Jiang Heng said softly.

"The reason why the hole card is called the hole card is not how deep we hide, but how fast our strength is updated and iterated!"

Hearing this, Lu Yixin nodded.

"I am confident that after a hundred years, I will completely unite the three elements of spirit, energy and spirit and truly step into the realm of the six qi and sea! Then I can easily kill the false domain master!"

Lu Yixin said solemnly.

Jiang Heng is not worried about this, as it is rare for Lu Yixin's talent not to be achieved after a hundred years.

As for yourself, you don't have to worry about it.

It is also incarnated as deduction and comprehension, Jiang Qiu does not need to worry about comprehending martial arts and deducing the sea of ​​six qi.

Moreover, the nature of Zhanshen Gourd is similar to Lu Yixin's sword cultivation technique, and the power becomes more terrifying as time goes on.

After all, the god-slaying gourd is a top-level auxiliary weapon for demigods, and now it only needs to cultivate the time knife with all its strength, and the speed of natural accumulation is extremely terrifying.

Even faster than Lu Yixin Liuqi Haiyun raising his natal sword.

"I can't take this knife easily, even if I do, the target must be much stronger than my body!"

As his biggest hole card, Jiang Heng has high hopes for Zhanshen Gourd. It can be said that he has never stopped the energy supply of Zhanshen Gourd and even has a tendency to increase investment since he started cultivating the Time Knife.

Now, the quality of the time sword alone has passed the threshold of domain master-level weapons and reached the mid-term level of domain master-level, and it is moving towards the late domain-lord level.

When they arrived at the main administrative star, the atmosphere suddenly became weird after some discussions between the two sides.

"Special envoy, did you hear me correctly? You said that the eldest prince intends to recruit me?"

Jiang Heng said with a strange expression.

I thought that the old man in blue would not be able to swallow that breath and attack him, but it turned out to be so.

"That's right! The First Prince has already ordered that all talents within the empire must be recruited, such as the Lord of the Galaxy and this Lu... the same is true for Lu District Chief!"

The old man in blue said with a smile, as if the humiliation just happened never happened, but when he talked about Lu Yixin, he still couldn't help gritting his teeth.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng and Lu Yixin couldn't help but looked at each other, for a moment they couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in the eunuch's gourd in front of them.

"The special envoy is too polite. Jiang thought about it and felt that since I was conferred the title of Galaxy Lord, it might be quite inconvenient to accept the invitation of the First Prince."

Although he didn't quite understand, Jiang Heng still declined.

Seeing that Jiang Heng didn't take the bait, the old man in blue frowned.

"Lord Domain Master, this is what the First Prince personally ordered..." He spoke again.

However, Jiang Heng on the opposite side smiled like an old fox and said nothing.

Seeing the old man in blue cursing secretly in his heart, he thought for a while and couldn't help laughing: "Actually, the Master of the Territory doesn't need to refuse in a hurry. Even His Majesty will agree to it in the future, and it won't even take long for the compulsory recruitment!"

Forced recruitment?

Jiang Heng pondered this sentence carefully, narrowing his eyes slightly.

I had discussed with the Sixth Prince about the possibility of centralized and compulsory recruitment, and neither of them seemed to be a trivial matter.

Seeing Jiang Heng pondering, the blue-clothed old man thought that Jiang Heng was hesitating and hurriedly hit the railway: "If the Lord of the Region accepts the recruitment of the First Prince now, there are actually many benefits. Why not take the opportunity to gain more benefits than being forced to recruit at the end Woolen cloth?"

After speaking, the blue-clothed old man carefully observed Jiang Heng's expression, even if he was cheating this time, he would trick Jiang Heng into the eldest prince's command.

In fact, since the Tianshuang Empire was forced to get involved in this kind of war involving two cosmic-level forces, it was inevitable that the Tianshuang Emperor would conduct a nationwide forced recruitment.

Just being recruited by the emperor, how can he forcibly arrange this hateful galactic domain master and madman Lu to the most dangerous front line?

The old man in blue thought very clearly, as long as you are under the command of the eldest prince, no matter how arrogant you are, you will be able to coil yourself or hide in a tiger's nest.

Although Jiang Heng didn't know the plan of the old man in blue, he also knew that there was a pitfall in it.

"Benefits? I don't know what the benefits are?"

Jiang Heng smiled and looked at the old man in blue. It looks like it doesn't see a rabbit and doesn't scatter an eagle.


The old man in blue was dumbfounded, he really didn't think about it, he just wanted to cheat first.

"Alright, since you are greedy, then this is your weakness."

Thinking in his heart, the blue-clothed old man soon had an idea, he smiled and said: "Of course there are many advantages, but as a special envoy, I won't carry treasures with me. Why don't you see the eldest prince with me, Lord Master?" The eldest prince appreciates the strength of the domain master and will naturally bestow a generous gift!"

It's just that after saying this, Jiang Heng on the opposite side just smiled and said nothing.

Seeing the old man in blue cursing inwardly, he took a deep breath and then smiled, hesitatingly took out something from the storage ring.

"Uh... These are some of my treasures. If the domain owner doesn't mind, you can take it as an advance payment. If the domain owner meets the eldest prince, there will be another treasure!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand lightly, and the things in his hand flew out and floated in mid-air.

"This is a sect of secret arts, one pill of the mean, and three pills of the five gods!

Among them, Zhongyong Pill is the most suitable medicine for false domain masters like you to find suitable planets for sacrifice and fusion. It is used to neutralize and smelt planets, which can increase the success rate of sacrifice by 10%. As for the Five God Pill, it accelerates the speed of divinizing the five internal organs for the powerful domain masters. "

Saying this, the old man in blue felt his heart was bleeding.

That's all for the Five Gods Pill, although it can speed up the process of deification, but the effect is the same if you take it in a small amount. But Zhongyong Dan, he managed to exchange thousands of years of salary for the royal family from the royal treasury.

It was originally intended to be used for him to smelt planets. Although it only increased the chance by 10%, this 10% chance would allow him to find better planets.

Planets that are not enough to step into the smelting of domain masters are still extremely inferior.

You must know that this kind of elixir is almost suitable for smelting stars, even if you can only take one in a lifetime, but he is confident that with his other preparations, it is enough to smelt a giant planet.

The strength of stepping into a domain master in this way is also better than that of a mediocre domain master.

As for the secret technique, it is naturally the Tianxin Palm he has now, but in his opinion, the secret technique is worthless, and it is all obtained from the royal family for free, so he doesn't feel bad about spending it.

However, this made Jiang Heng's breathing a little heavy, but he quickly recovered.

"Special envoy! I have accepted these treasures, but I like to collect all the treasures at once. Why don't the special envoy go back and discuss with the First Prince to send them here?"

When he said this, Jiang Heng had already quickly collected those treasures.

The old man in blue was a little taken aback watching this scene, he forced a smile.

"Lord Master, you are just This... It's better for you to go there yourself, if the eldest prince is not happy, you will be in trouble."

"Hey, I admire the great prince's eagerness for talent, but in the backcountry of our Milky Way galaxy, I am the only fake domain lord sitting in town. If I don't plan to leave rashly, I can't let it go!" Jiang Jiang With a look of worry on his face, at this moment, he seemed to have transformed into a benevolent monarch who couldn't bear to see the people under his rule suffer.

Although I vaguely feel that something is wrong, my treasures have been taken away by others. If you don't come back, you will feel bad if you give up.

It's like the kind of gamblers who lose most of their net worth. It's impossible for them to stop early.

"Forget it, this kid is so greedy, so it doesn't matter if I sprinkle more feed. Soon, you will spit it out to me as much as you eat and take!"

Feeling ruthless in his heart, the old man in blue once again had a bright smile on his face.

"Since that's the case, then I will prepare to return as soon as possible, and when I come back again, I will bring a heavy worship service!"

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