Master of Fist

Chapter 693: blow up

The latest website: "No! No! It's not him! I know his breath even after I've turned it into ashes!" The blue-clothed old man Bo Lao had gloomy eyes and a shrill voice, which made people feel a little uncomfortable.

"That's weird. Could it be that the Lord of the Galaxy Region invited him to help? Just how did he get away?" The old man with a pockmarked face stroked his beard suspiciously.

"Hey, it may be that you and my old brothers arrived. The domain lord who was finally recruited by the galaxy domain lord saw that the situation was not good and didn't run away. Heh, it's a good idea, otherwise you and I will join hands to win the first domain of the domain lord!" And a false domain master is naturally flipping hands!"

At this time, another old man whose body was like spar and whose eyes were shining like jewels sneered.

This person doesn't look very big just by looking at his appearance, but his voice is indeed very vicissitudes of life, and he is obviously a veteran domain master.

"Hey, I think that's exactly the case, and that person is considered interesting, otherwise he would have to suffer a bit if the two seniors took action!" Bai Lao nodded repeatedly.

"Since this person's helper has been scared away, how about the two seniors take down the Galaxy Lord?" Elder Bai hurriedly got up and said excitedly.

Even though these two were accompanied by Lan Yi and the eldest son of the emperor, they paid a considerable price. This time, he wanted to **** it all from the **** Lord of the Milky Way with all the benefits.

"Well, it's not difficult for this person to be just a fake domain master. Since the two of us are invited here, we should settle it as soon as possible so that brother Bai can feel at ease!"

The pockmarked old man also nodded with a smile, but exchanged glances with the old man covered in spar, his eyes full of contempt for the old man in blue.

It seems that this guy is very timid to deal with a region of fake domain owners so aggressively.

A few people also unambiguously flashed their figures and flew towards the main star of the special administrative region star field, and they arrived at the speed of a few breaths.

"Can the Lord of the Galaxy domain come out and see you!"

Bo Lao's voice was so loud that it enveloped the entire main administrative planet. The three of them were suspended above the city like gods looking down on all living beings below.

For a while, many people were a little confused and puzzled, wondering why these three big men were so rampant? Aren't you afraid that Madman Lu will go crazy?

Since the Milky Way communicated with the outside world and the communication channel was opened here, many people have been defeated by Crazy Lu, and some crazy people were even beheaded on the spot.

"Don't make loud noises here! Court death!"

Sure enough, with a burst of shouting from below, a sky-reaching sword energy flew out, like an incomparably sharp galaxy that could cut everything.

"Hmph! This junior is too arrogant!"

A cold snort came out of the nose of the old man in sackcloth, and then he waved his big hand, an invisible big hand condensed into a slap that directly slapped Lu Yixin's sword energy, and the splash of sword energy quickly dissipated in the air. invisible.

"However, the methods that are barely comparable to the fake domain master dare to be so arrogant. Could it be that the subordinates of the Galaxy domain master are such arrogant people?"

The old man with a pockmarked face was a little sullen. He had heard what Elder Bo said before that the Lord of the Galaxy and his subordinates were extremely arrogant and despised the Tianshuang imperial power.

At first, he didn't take it seriously, thinking it was just his sullen and provocative words, but now it seems to be true, and it's too arrogant.

"Where is the Lord of the Galaxy Region? Come out quickly or I will kill your arrogant subordinate first!" Seeing that there was no movement below, the pockmarked old man became a little impatient.

"Why bother?"

A soft sigh sounded from below, and then a handsome man with an unsightly complexion slowly lifted into the air.

Looking at the person in front of him, uh... seems a little too young?

"So young?" The old man with a pockmarked face transmitted his voice to Old Bo in surprise.

"It's this person who is so young, impolite and extremely arrogant, this person is really hateful!" Lan Yibai gritted his teeth.

The last humiliation was something he would never forget.

"Feeling his breath and his appearance, I think this person will never be more than five hundred years old. Such a young man is a pseudo-domain master. He doesn't have any background, right?"

The pock-marked old man was a little hesitant. After all, such a young domain master, even if it was just a fake domain master, it would be hard not to wonder if there would be a force behind him.

Although they are enshrined by the royal family, they are only in the early stage of the domain master level. If a big force wants to move them secretly, even the royal family will not intervene.

"No! If it is supported by a big force, there must be a guardian, but the last time I saw it, I didn't see any guardians appearing!" Bai Lao hurriedly said. In fact, he was hesitant at the moment, but things were not At this point, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing to be cowarded?

Hearing that the two elders thought for a while and no longer hesitated, since the eldest prince's personal entourage is so determined, then there is nothing to worry about. After all, they are now working for the First Prince, not to mention the First Prince's influence.

"Master of the Galaxy! Do you still remember what happened last time?" Seeing that the helper he had found had no hesitation, Elder Bai also sneered confidently.

"Remember, so you are here to give me a baby?"

Jiang Heng curled his lips, a little displeased in his heart, he was just counting the treasures sent by Jiang Wu, and some of them hadn't finished counting, so he was feeling a little unhappy at the moment, and his tone naturally became a little rushed.

Hearing Jiang Heng's tone that if you don't give me the baby, I'll beat you to death, the old man in blue turned red with anger.

"Well, you Galaxy Lord, I wanted to give you a chance. In that case, the two seniors will let him learn a lesson!"

Bo Lao couldn't bear it any longer.

Hearing this, the two of them didn't hesitate, they came here to solve the trouble, and they also took action without hesitation at this moment.

The old man with the pockmarked face shouted loudly, turned his wrist, and a small golden ball appeared in the palm of his hand. With the flick of the old man with the pockmarked face, the golden ball shot out of his hand instantly and turned into a beam of light, which shot towards Jiang Heng at a very fast speed. go.

The moment the golden ball flew out, it changed rapidly, wriggling and turning into a small golden sword. The sharpness of the metal on the blade was extremely terrifying, far better than Lu Yixin's sharp sword energy before, with a faint thorn Destroy all illusions.

At the same time, the old man covered in crystal stones also opened his hand, and in an instant, dense cone-shaped crystals appeared in the surrounding space, and they also flew towards Jiang Heng.

The two of them were just making ordinary moves, not considered a full-strength attack, and in their view, they didn't need to go to great lengths to deal with the fake domain masters.

Feeling the attack flying forward, the corners of Jiang Heng's mouth slightly raised. At this moment, he vaguely had a different feeling.

At the same time, phantoms of human figures seemed to pour into this avatar from all directions.

"this is?!"

Seeing this scene, the three of them were startled, a little stunned and a little confused.

The method of incarnation outside the body is generally difficult to get in touch with many domain master-level powerhouses if they don't have the opportunity, or if they are not from a powerful force. Even if they can get in touch, they have never seen someone who is so skilled in controlling incarnations.

These phantoms are like **** of pure energy at this moment, and every time they pour into one, the aura of Jiang Heng's avatar will become stronger at this moment.

Five ways!

A total of five phantoms poured in, and Jiang Heng stretched his muscles a little.

"Not bad, the five incarnations can barely show the initial strength of the domain master level, and it is enough to deal with the three of you!"

Jiang Heng smiled lightly, and the next moment the golden light on his body rose sharply, and a giant ape covered with brown hair appeared out of thin air.


With a roar, the rolling sound wave turned into a real shock wave, and the little golden sword disintegrated inch by inch, and the cone-shaped crystals also burst directly.

"Is this the Dao?"

At this moment, Jiang Heng vaguely felt that one of the means used by the two men had the meaning of metal sharpness, and the other had the meaning of combination of spar's firmness and seal.

If the two feelings were in the past, Jiang Heng must not have felt so obvious, but after a discussion with Chen, he could feel a little bit of the Dao that the other party belonged to.

"However, the pockmarked old man's little golden sword is much thinner, and the feeling on the spar is clearer."

Jiang Heng muttered to himself, not that one of the two had less understanding of the Dao than the other.

Instead, one is passively controlled, and the other is inherited by one's own blood.

"The golden way of this pockmarked old man should be caused by smelting a metal planet. Chen said that even if it is only a strong person who cultivates the way of the body, melting a specific planet can barely possess the power of the way of other attributes. It's just this kind of It’s not considered the Dao of Comprehension, or even a bowl of water that nourishes this Dao.

It can only be said that it has a little bit of the aura of this avenue, and it is mainly to amplify the aura of this avenue with its own strength. "

In contrast, the spar old man already has the blood related to the spar, that is to say, he has the token of this avenue, and only when he steps into the demigod and ignites the divine fire, can he realize that this avenue merges into this avenue .

As for now, neither of them is considered a Daoist.

In short, of these two people, one is from the Valkyrie system and the other is from the Pantheon system.

"This person is in the early stage of the domain master level, let's suppress this person first!" The pockmarked old man also came back to his senses at this moment, a round of golden mottled planets appeared on the back of his head.

He belongs to the ranks between ordinary planets and special planets. His talent is not bad.

He saw his right foot stepping into the void, and then a layer of golden substance quickly began to spread in all directions, and golden particles began to float in the surrounding void. At the same time, his whole body quickly turned into a bronze color, and then turned into a golden color, like a golden man with an indestructible feeling.


With a low shout, he leapt forward to kill the brown giant ape that was flying towards him.

Seeing this scene, the spar old man didn't hesitate, only to see that the ordinary planet behind him was trembling slightly. At this moment, the crystallized body quickly had densely packed tiny crystallizations spreading in all directions.

Like a large spherical net, the sky above the entire city was covered by a spar ball in just one breath.

And inside this crystal ball, there are still densely packed crystals growing rapidly, one layer after another, as if to turn this place into an indestructible prison and trap the creatures inside to death.

The two are also decisive, and the first shot is to open the field with full firepower.

At this moment, the blue-clothed old man backed away quickly, and even exited the spar ball prison together with the spar old man.

At this moment, both of them stared solemnly at the trembling spar ball in front of them, and inside, Jiang Heng and the pockmarked old man who turned into a golden giant were fighting frantically.

"Senior Yu, will it be okay for Senior Jin to fight this son alone?" Looking at the trembling prison, Elder Bai asked in surprise.

"It doesn't matter! With my spar domain, there will be no problem." Yu Lao, the spar old man, waved his hand with a smile.

Now that the domain is opened, there is no need to worry about it. He can weaken others in his domain, and of course he can control who is designated to weaken. In addition, Elder Jin also opened the domain of gold in advance. I can't think of the possibility that Jin Lao will lose.

At the same time, in the spar prison, Jin Lao, who had high hopes, was a little horrified.

"No! No! Impossible!"

He kept mumbling, his face full of disbelief. At this moment, he originally looked like a golden man, but now he looked extremely mottled, and his golden appearance was faintly faded. Blood spurted out from many parts of the body.

A golden giant and a brown giant ape were fighting at the speed of tens of thousands of punches per breath.

Both of them attacked like a storm.

At first, Jin Lao thought that after he blessed the Golden Domain, his physical defense would reach a terrifying level, and his endurance was also extremely terrifying. Those golden particles in the field can provide energy for his battery life all the time.

In addition, these golden particles will continue to stick to the enemy, which will continue to increase the opponent's sense of heaviness, and the speed will inevitably be slow.

It can be seen that the other party didn't feel any restriction at all, on the contrary, he couldn't hold it for a while, and the other party looked more and more energetic.

"Impossible!! How can it be the same level!"

Jin Lao roared like crazy, and his fists increased their strength and speed again, trying to break the situation back in one go.

But the other party was like a wall and a world, forcibly pushing back his strong offensive.

"Hmph! Nothing is impossible!" The giant ape spoke with disdain.

"If you think that you have smelted a semi-special planet, you rely too much on the power of the planet. With the golden planet as the core, what's the use of forcing out such a weak domain!"

The giant ape sneered, and the force on the fist was increased again. The golden color on the old Jin's fist quickly faded away.

"What do you know? The field of gold makes my strength even among the same level, it is above the middle class!" Jin Lao's face was full of! "The giant ape sneered, "You care too much about the quality of planetary smelting, and you rely too much on it!"

Although the strength of the planets does have the ability to enhance the designated avenue, but you don't know that the best thing is only the one that suits you!

You don't have a special golden blood in your body and you don't understand the golden way, but you rely too much on the golden planet in your body to pour power into the planet, and the opened golden field can only be extremely weak. "

The giant ape laughed wildly. After this discussion, he gained much more than Qi Chen, no! It should be said that Jiang Heng's understanding of Dao and martial arts is far more than that of Chen.

Chen is indeed a genius, Jiang Heng is even more talented, and he is young, full of curiosity and desire to explore new things.

Following the discussion with Chen, he is deducing with the help of many incarnations every moment, so as to truly draw inferences from one instance.

Naturally, the situation of the person in front of him could not be more clear at this time.

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