Master of Fist

Chapter 717: The Secret Inside the Ball

"Your Highness! Could it be that you can't even trust people from your mother's clan?" Elder Su suddenly thought of something and was a little puzzled.

"Can't you believe it? Of course you can!" Le smiled.


"You think I trust people from my mother's clan, so do you think my father thinks so?"

Hearing these words, Elder Su broke out in a cold sweat again.

"My father's infiltration is pervasive. I can't see through him, but I know that the more I trust something, the less I can entrust him with important tasks. As for you..."

Speaking of this, Le stared directly at Elder Su, and cold sweat broke out on the back of Elder Su, even though His Highness in front of him was only at the peak of the Lord of the Galaxy.

"You are different, you are too obvious."


The fluffy words let Elder Su know a lot. This is because his identity is on the bright side. The shrewd Emperor Tianshuang thought that His Highness would hide it from him, and even gave some wrong information. So just don't contact me?

I don't know why, at this moment, Elder Su felt that compared to Emperor Tianshuang, His Highness in front of him was more terrifying, not because of strength, but because of scheming and resourcefulness.

"Of course, Mr. Su, maybe my father will contact you at some point, isn't it?" Le patted Mr. Su on the shoulder with a very casual tone.

This made Elder Su break out in a cold sweat again.

"His Highness, this old slave is absolutely impossible to be loyal..."

"Hey! Why do you say these things, can my Highness still not trust you?"

Can you trust it?

Elder Su didn't know, but at this moment, he had already planted a seed of fear in his heart towards His Highness in front of him. This seed might not affect his loyalty to His Highness, and he would even dare not betray him even more because of this fear.

Because he himself didn't know whether His Highness had placed by his side right now, and he even doubted if he betrayed, would he have the chance to betray.

"Okay, don't make Senior Jiang wait!"

Le waved his hand, and immediately began to write a declaration on his own, preparing to send a message to everyone in this star field.

Meanwhile on the other side—

"My lord, are they really trustworthy?" Qingyue, who had been silent for a long time, still didn't hold back her question.

"Trust? Who said I trusted them?"

Jiang Heng sneered, looked at the Changsheng Patriarch beside him, and found that this old guy also had a smirk on his face.

"Senior Longevity, why don't you tell me?"

Being named, Changsheng Patriarch couldn't help rolling his eyes.

However, the Longevity Patriarch still chuckled and said, "It's just trust, it's better to say it's just a stopgap measure, right?"

"Just using them temporarily?" Qingyue hesitated.

"Not bad!" Jiang Heng also answered.

"There is no other way now, isn't it? Compared to us doing nothing until we are finally discovered, it is more helpless right now.

Of course, you can also regard this as a test before cooperation. If the sixth highness cooperates, there is still a possibility to continue. If he chooses another path, it will only end. "

Listening to this, Qingyue nodded, "So it's a gamble now? But wouldn't it be better if we didn't show the other party space means at the beginning?"

"Oh! How long do you think you can hide it from him? Or do you think they didn't know before?"

Jiang Heng looked back at the starship where Le was located, which was only a small size.

"The spatial fluctuations we caused just now haven't dissipated yet. It's hard to feel it below the domain master. The domain master can't hide it. You can see the clue with a little perception."

That's right, space fluctuations still exist, especially the perception that Qingyue itself is the domain master of space achievement is even more obvious.

"Since this is the case, there is no way. But don't we need to make second-hand preparations?"

"No need!" Jiang Heng waved his hand decisively.

"Recover from the injury as soon as possible. Once such a situation happens, in fact, no matter how much we prepare, it will be useless. Maybe then we will have to look at Senior Longevity..." He said, looking at the Longevity Patriarch beside him, with a serious look on his face. Meaningful smile.

Hearing these words, Qingyue frowned a little. She didn't know about Jiang Heng's private contact with the Longevity Patriarch before, and she really had a strong dislike for her own ancestor.

"Heh, little friend Jiang, what are you talking about!"

The Longevity Patriarch smiled and didn't say much, the two of them were playing charades.

"By the way! Later, Senior Longevity, please try to eliminate the space traces as much as possible." Jiang Heng thought for a while and reminded.

Ancestor Changsheng has no objection to this, this matter must be done, and only he is the most familiar with space means, even if his realm has fallen now, it is still possible to smooth out space fluctuations.

"I'll leave first if I'm still injured, and just contact my avatar directly!"

Said Jiang Heng did not stop, directly opened the space channel and quickly went to the secret place of the cave.

When he reappeared in the cave, Jiang Heng directly gave a series of instructions to the avatar, then resumed closing his eyes and began to look inside.

"The scar of the ball is really not so easy to repair!"

Looking at the devastated ball in his body, Jiang Heng only felt his heart beating.

After sacrificing the stars, he has been trying to infuse energy to repair the ball, because the ball can slowly heal itself by absorbing energy before.

But that's not the case now. Not only is there no sign of repairing, but it continues to crumble.

"What will happen if it breaks? You won't give me an explosion on the spot, will you?"

Jiang Heng was confused, he thought about the origin of the ball.

That has always existed after rebirth, Jiang Heng knows who the hell!

Jiang Heng was a little helpless. He had thought of many guesses, such as the blood crystal of a powerful orc before, but it was later confirmed that it was not the case at all.

I also guessed whether it was something of an ancient god, and this guess is now Jiang Heng's guess.

Because there is a little sign to prove that the ball has changed from black to white under the touch of the memory fragments of the ancient gods in Qinglan Realm.

"So what the **** is this thing?"

However, at this moment, the collapse of the ball seemed to have reached a certain critical point, and the speed of fragmentation began to intensify, faster and faster, and countless fragments collapsed in the dantian, but these fragments did not fall out, but directly It was absorbed by the light cluster inside with the feeling of internal collapse.

This kind of feeling gave Jiang Heng a very bad feeling, as if the last energy stored after the planet collapsed, and then there might be a more terrifying eruption.

Time passed little by little, and as the ball gradually turned into a ball of white light, Jiang Heng's heart also reached its peak.

Jiang Heng didn't dare to think about what would happen and couldn't figure it out.

But then it was guessed that the possible explosion did not happen, but the light cluster gradually faded, and finally turned into a disc-like thing.

"what is this?"

Jiang Heng looked at the disc. The disc was somewhat similar to a compass, and there seemed to be some complicated inscriptions on it that could not be seen through. The reason why he could not see through it was because there was a kind of soul dizziness and a sign of soul collapse when he saw it. This forced Jiang Heng to move to another place immediately.

"This thing is really not easy!"

Although he didn't see the truth of this thing, Jiang Heng was shocked by this change, at least he could define that this thing was definitely not what he could imagine right now.

Maybe it really belonged to the ancient gods.

"It can't be a certain artifact in the hands of the ancient gods, right? It's just that the artifacts of the ancient gods appear in the body of my rebirth, so what's going on?"

Jiang Heng frowned, it seemed to be a long-term habit, which made him always like to associate problems with the worst situation.

"This thing was in the shape of a ball before. Could it be some kind of sleeping mechanism, like the purple **** bead of the old boy of the ancestor of longevity? The shattering of the ball's shell is like unlocking the sleeping of a certain ancient boss. Let him regain consciousness and return to this world?"


Jiang Heng was silent for a moment, opened his eyes and frowned to look around, then closed his eyes and felt carefully.

"I didn't feel any peeping in the dark, and I didn't have any bad premonition, so what is this?"

Jiang Heng thought about it carefully, but there are too few clues, it seems that thinking like this is just wishful thinking.

"This idea can be kept. After all, if it is really the prying of some ancient god, it would be extremely easy to make me feel unaware. But if this thing stays in the dantian now, it will have no effect on me, right?"

The focus came to the disc again, this time I didn't look at it, but drove the energy in my body to flow into it, um... there seemed to be no response.

However, as the power of divinity that drove a part of the physical avenue poured into it, this thing actually trembled.

"it works?!"

Jiang Heng is a little excited, he is like a curious baby who keeps trying, "Try the power of the law of space again!"

The power of space that was only at the level of the Lord of the Galaxy poured into it, and then the disk trembled again, but this time the amplitude was smaller.

So small that it cannot be traced.

"Try both together again!"

This time the two forces work together, which is comparable to the power of the physical law in the late domain master level and the power of the space law of the master of the galaxy. One strong and one weak work together from two directions.

This time the ball trembled more violently, and then...


Jiang Heng looked at the ball and only trembled a little more intensely, and there was no other vision.

The situation of heavy thunder and little rain made Jiang Heng a little disappointed, no! In fact, even the thunder was not loud, because whether it was before or just now, it was only trembling.

"Could it be because the current level is not enough to show even a ten-thousandth of the magic of this thing? Will it be possible for me to step into a demigod or a high-level demigod?"

After thinking about it, Jiang Heng found that this explanation seemed to be the only way to make sense, and it was useless to use thoughts to drive its behavior like manipulating a ball.

Because Jiang Heng kept pouring his mind, but he didn't respond at all like a mud cow entering the sea. Even if Jiang Heng's soul power comparable to the middle stage of the domain master level was close to exhaustion, it didn't make this thing respond.

"I can only try again later, now this thing is hopeless."

Jiang Heng sighed lightly, the ball disappeared, and a useless disc appeared, which made him feel empty.

It seems that he suddenly lost his confidence.

"Is it because I used to rely too much on the ball? It feels weird to lose this thing now."

Thinking about it carefully, Jiang Heng found that he had indeed relied on this thing a lot during his journey.

From the very beginning, relying on this thing to rapidly improve the realm far faster than the peers and even the older generation, directly ignoring the transformation of the medicinal power of the elixir in the body, which greatly saves the time for strength improvement.

After leaving the Qinglan Realm, more of the **** were used to continuously convert pure energy, saving the accumulation of energy at that time.

As for stepping into the domain master, it is also relying on this thing to bear the power of distortion, even if it is to kill a strong enemy before, it is relying on the ball to restrict the suppression of the opponent's Dao domain.

"Thinking about it, it's really quite a lot, so after that, do you have to rely on yourself?"

After being lost, Jiang Heng smiled again when he saw the pea-sized star quietly floating near the disc in his body.

"There is no need for a sphere. The power of the stars is enough to bear the power of distortion before I step into the demigod."

Of course, more importantly, the increase in strength of this thing is also huge.

Jiang Heng can feel that after merging into the stars, he can use more physical power, and he can unscrupulously sway the laws of the physical body in his body, that is, the power of divinity.

Even when the sphere was still there before, Jiang Heng generally held back his strength, and did not dare to use all his strength to urge the secret techniques such as Xingyun Explosive Art and Xingyun Palm to fully stimulate the power of the body.

For example, the Xingyun Palm, like the previous Jiuji, multiplies the strength by several times. It is just the physical strength of the Xingyun Palm's increase, but it is the power of divinity and even the power of the way.

This kind of power is one of the burdens on the physical body, and the burden on the power of distortion is equally terrifying.

Before this, he was worried that the ball would not be able to bear it, and there was no sacrifice planet in his body at that time. Once the power of distortion appeared, it would be completely unable to stop the crazy explosion in the body, and thus become a deformed creature.

As for now, it is different. The star's ability to withstand the distortion force seems to be ridiculously strong, as if the distortion force produced by the daily cultivation of deified organs has completely failed to cause any burden on the star, and is even directly burned by it. .

"Maybe I can try to explode twenty times the strength of my physical body!"

Jiang Heng murmured, twenty times that is twenty times the generation of distortion force, this is really blown up directly on the ball.

"Then try!"

Jiang Heng grinned, this kind of mentality of trying became extremely strong at the moment, when he fought with that Xuyang before, at the craziest time, he only exploded with five times the strength.

At that time, it was only five times, and the ball immediately had some big There were many cracks.

Afterwards, when taking on the power of the opponent's flames, he dared not use any physical power, and only fought with his own physical realm.

As for the complete explosion now!

With a flick of Jiang Heng's big hand, the power of space in his body was immediately activated, and he began to continuously strengthen his secret cave.

Don't dare to explode in the vacuum environment of the universe, or you are afraid that the explosion will be too powerful. At this time, the benefits of having the secret realm of the cave will appear.

"Five times first!"

With this thought in his heart, Jiang Heng has already started to increase the output of physical power in his body according to the operating route of Xingyun Palm.


At this moment, a strong force erupted from the body first, and the surging golden brilliance rushed out of the heart after it was completely deified, and after the extremely violent ups and downs, the tsunami-like tide surged to the deified heart. The meridian flowed to the limbs as a route, and finally flowed to the palm according to the running route of Xingyun Palm.

At this moment, the power of the physical body appears in the palm of the palm in the form of a bright galaxy, which is as dazzling as the galaxy in the palm.

A terrifying aura emerged in the palm of his hand, and Jiang Heng's aura soared straight at this moment, directly reaching the late stage of the domain master level!


The floating island under his feet began to tremble violently, as if he couldn't bear Jiang Heng and the weight of the galaxy in his palm.

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