Master of Fist

Chapter 731: God (above)

"You should be able to understand what I'm saying, right? If you understand, just move for me!" Jiang Heng smiled and sent a ray of consciousness towards the golden jewelry.

Sure enough, the golden jewelry froze but reluctantly moved.

There is a show!

Seeing this, Jiang Heng immediately felt relieved.

Although there is a high probability that this thing is conscious, it is afraid that this thing is only afraid of the compass based on physical instinct, so it will not be able to communicate.

As for now, everything is in order.

"Well, let's make a deal!"

Jiang Heng continued to emit a ray of consciousness, but the golden jewelry did not respond and seemed to be listening.

Jiang Heng didn't care about this and continued: "You work for me, then I won't let you get close to this guy. How about it? Agree to move once, disagree to move twice!"

As he spoke, Jiang Heng also watched the other party's reaction quietly. The compass is the uncle, and he can't drive it. But this golden jewelry can still threaten.

It's just that as this ray of consciousness spread to the golden jewelry, the jewelry hesitated and moved twice, and then moved after a while.

What does it mean?

Jiang Heng frowned, disagreed, agreed? OK?

After thinking about it for a while, Jiang Heng felt that he had to confirm it carefully, and pondered for a while: "Is there some reason why you can't serve me? If there are other reasons or you can't recognize the master with me, you can move!"

This time the golden jewelry moved honestly.

"You can't recognize the Lord with me?"

The golden ornament moved again.

"Because I'm not strong enough?"

The golden jewelry moved a little faster this time, as if to say that you finally understand what I mean.

Um... alright!

I don't know why Jiang Heng felt a little suffocated, he was disgusted.

But after thinking about it carefully, I think it's quite normal. After all, the old man was once a low-level demigod and couldn't establish contact with this guy. Obviously, this thing is not low-level.

He did not continue to try, and Jiang Heng operated this thing to leave his dantian. He was really afraid that if he continued to let this thing test the bottom line of the compass, it would cause some unpredictable consequences in his body.

Spitting out the golden ornaments, this time Jiang Heng was delighted that, under the perception of his mind, this thing could finally be perceived.

A phantom with blood-colored pupils looked at Jiang Heng from inside. Those eyes were a little hard to look at. Jiang Heng quickly avoided them after a little perception. Even if there were stars suppressed in his body, there were still signs of almost distortion, which made him a little startled. .

"Since you can communicate with me, can you give me a little permission, uh... I mean, can you let me use your power a little bit?"

Jiang Heng tried to communicate with this pupil, but he was still a little unwilling.

Although this gadget is not as high as the compass, its advantage is that it can communicate, not the nobleness of the compass!

Just as Jiang Heng waited quietly for the jewelry to vibrate and respond, a message actually appeared in his mind this time.

This message is not a paragraph, but more like a very obscure consciousness, and I can only vaguely feel what the other party is saying.

"Blood! Blood!"

Yes, that's what it means, a very simple message, it seems that it can only convey such a simple meaning.

Jiang Heng recalled the message that this guy just conveyed, feeling very obscure, as if it was a higher-dimensional way of expression, at least not something he could understand now.

"It seems to be a more advanced and ancient language. It may really express more meanings, but he can barely make me feel a small part?"

Jiang Heng muttered, this was detected through the emotion conveyed by the jewelry.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Heng held the jewelry in one hand and forced out a drop of blood from his fingertips with the other.

He had tried this blood-dropping attempt before, but it was a pity that there was no reaction when the blood dripped on it, and the blood was not absorbed by the other party at all, just like blood dripping directly on a smooth mirror.

But this time, with the blood dripping on it, the golden jewelry was trembling, er... as if, f*cking, it was enduring nausea and disgust, and was absorbing it very reluctantly.

wipe! Disliked again.

Jiang Heng is so angry, thinking that his blood essence is so bad? At any rate, it is comparable to the essence of blood in the middle stage of the domain master level, a drop of blood can kill the existence of the master of the galaxy!

After careful observation, one-fifth of the blood was barely absorbed, and the rest of the jewelry seemed to be really disgusting, and the blood was shaken off by shaking the body continuously.

Shit, this dislike is too much, what the **** am I...

Jiang Heng was speechless, if this drop of his own blood was obtained by the Lord of Galaxy, it would be a great tonic. However, he was disgusted by the other party like disgusting waste water.

But soon Jiang Heng calmed down, because he felt that his consciousness and this thing finally had a preliminary connection.

"This connection is too frankly unstable." Jiang Heng could clearly feel that this connection was extremely weak, as if it might break at any time.

This is completely incomparable with the father-son relationship between himself and Guangyin Dao.

The key is that as the connection is established, Jiang Heng can barely perceive the emotions of the other party, um, it feels like a **** has entered the house.

Tolerate! I will endure!

Jiang Heng has never been humiliated like this in his life, well, I will bear it so much in order to become stronger, and I will settle it properly in the future.

Next, Jiang Heng sank into it even more, and began to perceive it carefully.

Parting most of his mind and escaping into the ornament, he could feel that the whole ornament seemed to be the body of this thing, and the other party seemed to be constantly sending messages to Jiang Heng. It's a pity that Jiang Heng didn't understand what it meant.

It was a very strange way of expression, it was clearly conveyed in paragraphs of language, but it contained extremely complicated and incomprehensible messages.

It seems that Jiang Heng needs millions of years to understand what the other party said casually.

"Is this the so-called huge gap in computing power between gods and ordinary people?"

Jiang Heng thought of the analogy that the old man used earlier, it was like demigods and gods, and his brain could calculate trillions of calculations every moment, even reaching an unimaginable level.

And the brain computing power of the domain master level can't even compare with the opponent's fraction.

"It is estimated that after reaching a demigod, the way of communicating with people will also undergo substantial changes. After all, they can explain clearly in an instant what takes us several hours to express clearly.

Perhaps after reaching a demigod, if you want to communicate with ordinary people normally, you need them to slow down their language? "

Jiang Heng figured it out a little bit, since he didn't understand it, forget it, and guessed there was nothing good to say about this guy.

Naturally, Jiang Heng can only explore on his own. It has to be said that this connection is really weak. Jiang Heng feels that he can only move in a small area in the jewelry space.

"You can only use a small part of your ability." Jiang Heng frowned, but shook his head quickly, maybe he should be content.

The rank of accessories is too high, if he can really use them all, he may not be able to use them.

This is like a giant space rocket engine, it is impossible to drive it with ordinary car fuel. Not to mention that there is not such a large quantity, even if the quantity is sufficient, the quality is not enough.

The fuel for space rockets is all specially made aerospace grade.

"Perhaps you can try it first?"

Jiang Heng wanted to ask the other party if he could bear it with his current strength, but the other party spoke a completely different language from his own, and it gave him a headache after listening too much.

After hesitating for a moment, Jiang Heng still didn't want to let go of this opportunity.

If this thing can really use terror, maybe he has a hole card that can deal with demigod-level powerhouses.

In this way, the current predicament will be easily solved.

Jiang Heng didn't fool around, and started to prepare, and all the avatars also moved quickly.

About an hour later, some high-level supplements accumulated by Yinliu's profits were piled aside.

The selected medicinal materials and elixirs are all supplementary to the domain master level. As for some middle and low-level goods, they did not move.

Jiang Heng was still not at ease after finishing all these, and began to arrange the formation.

"Fortunately, the avatar was assigned to specialize in formations, otherwise I would have to call Brother Changchun." Jiang Heng was a little thankful.

With the practice of purifying and transforming the three qi, his knowledge reserve has increased by almost dozens of times that of ordinary domain masters.

Not long ago, he completed the accumulation of formation comprehension from the ordinary formation to the Galaxy Master level formation. As for the domain master level formation, he still needs to find more formation secrets at this level.

The array is also very extensive, and it is already very good to be able to reach the level of the master of the galaxy through the joint deduction of several incarnations in just a few hundred years.

It is enough to arrange some energy-gathering formations that are barely suitable for the domain master level. As for the real domain master-level trapping formations and combination formations, more knowledge reserves are required.

This involves more precious formation secret books, which Jiang Heng lacks at the moment, and the secret books of the formation method are not cheap.

After ordering all the avatars to start setting up formations, Jiang Heng sacrificed the Heavenly Regret Banner that had been stored in the Zhanshen Gourd for a long time.

This thing was useless to Jiang Heng a long time ago, and now it has been barely cultivated in the gourd to the level of the Lord of Galaxy weapons, but it is actually a drop in the bucket for Jiang Heng right now. But the more the better, who knows how much energy will be extracted by running the accessories next?

After doing everything well, Jiang Heng looked at the golden jewelry solemnly.


With a low shout, Jiang Heng held the jewelry tightly with both hands, and majestic energy poured into his body crazily.

As the first wave of energy poured into it, it seemed to stimulate some of the functional mechanism of the jewelry, and some functions of the jewelry showed signs of recovery, but the jewelry felt that the energy seemed far from enough, and it actually began to actively absorb energy.


Jiang Heng scolded his mother almost instantly, and felt that the energy in his body was emptied almost instantly, and then began to crazily absorb the surrounding energy based on his physical body.

Fortunately, for the sake of safety, Jiang Heng was not in the secret realm of the cave at this time, otherwise the energy of the entire secret realm would have to be evacuated in a short time.

If so, a huge vortex visible to the naked eye began to appear on the surface of this barren planet that existed at the edge of the Milky Way.

The large-scale energy-gathering array began to operate at full power, and all kinds of medicinal materials and elixirs around it shattered into strands of pure energy along Jiang Heng's body and poured into the accessories.

Jiang Heng's eyes were wide open, and he felt like his whole body was like a sieve.


As the entire energy-gathering array collapsed, the giant energy vortex gradually dissipated, and the accessories finally stopped.

It's not that the accessories are full, but that Jiang Heng is afraid, he keeps sending awareness to the accessories to make them stop immediately.

After all, his purpose is not to feed this thing thoroughly, but to barely drive a little power.

As if he was afraid of the compass in Jiang Heng's body, this guy was obedient and soon stopped.

As everything subsided, Jiang Heng took a heavy breath.

"Fortunately, the lack of power in the physical body hasn't hurt the root." Feeling the empty physical body, Jiang Heng wanted to cry without tears.

But when Jiang Heng looked at the jewelry again, he was stunned.

At this moment, the golden eyeball in front of him is no longer an ornament, but more like a vision, an extremely terrifying vision.

At this moment, Jiang Heng only felt that through the golden eyes, he saw the other end of the universe from one end of the universe.

This kind of spiritual stimulation and shock is unimaginable.

Across countless galaxies, and across countless forces to reach the end of the universe.

But soon this feeling disappeared, and then the vision quickly retracted, as if that glance consumed a lot of energy from the jewelry.

The field of vision shrinks rapidly, and finally freezes in a certain area, no! It should be said that it is inside a certain metal cabin.


Cooke Millsy Galaxy —

Alto rubbed his red and swollen eyes sleepily, and he could see the metal-filled planet outside the porthole through the cabin.

That was his former homeland, a lush and beautiful planet, but now it is a cold metal ball full of death.

But these Neanderthals did this by themselves, forcing the Neanderthal planet, their former homeland, into a cold arsenal little by little.

‘Olto, employee EUT2353545, today is a new day. On behalf of the 78th Heavy Industry Group, I will release today’s tasks for you.

Task 1: Complete the No. 104 Stargate technical inspection and conduct a five-hour maintenance inspection.

Task 2: Complete the replacement of the main control part of the No. 104 star gate.

Task 3: Work report and data summary with E-type manager...'

Listening to the daily tasks issued by the mastermind in the cabin, Alto performed daily washing and cleaning with a numb face.

The cold water washed over his face and soaked his golden hair a made his young and immature face a little more energetic.

Alto, the former prince of the Neanderthals, is now a C-level employee of the 78 Heavy Industry Group. He belongs to the upper middle class among ordinary employees, but in the eyes of any lowest-level F-level management machine life, they They are all inferior tools, yes, they are tools.

"Who will save me? Save my people?"

Alto murmured in a small voice that only he could hear, and he didn't dare to speak loudly, because it was likely to be detected by the employee loyalty detection system in the cabin.

At that time, he may be arrested and sent to the psychological department for a one-year psychological reconstruction.

He knew that it was not as simple as it said on the surface, but to change a person from the inside!

Mind tampering!

Rubbing between his brows, he glanced at a certain corner of the cabin, which was his usual habit, because there was a treasure given to him by his father before his death...

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