Master of Fist

Chapter 756: Advantages and disadvantages

"Dare to hit my sister!"

Patriarch Lie Yan had a great time playing this meeting, and didn't care about the primary and secondary etiquette. He roared like a female bandit, and saw her take out a small red armor from the storage ring.

The armor was suspended in her palm like a small work of art, and as she squeezed her palm hard, the scarlet armor burst instantly, turning into a mass of flaming matter that quickly enveloped her delicate body.

With this layer of crimson flames glowing with lavender light, the flames on the surface of Lie Yan Patriarch's body instantly became orderly as if under some command.

It's like changing from the previous mob to an elite army.

As the flames solidified rapidly, a women's skirt armor made of translucent pure ultra-high temperature flames covered the whole body of Lie Yan Patriarch.

"Yang Yan's divine body emerges!"

Before it was over, Patriarch Lieyan let out another coquettish shout. At this moment, his body made of pure flames swelled rapidly, turning into a **** of flames in armor, and stabbed Jiang Heng fiercely with a fiery red spear in his hand.

As soon as the gun was pierced, the temperature around the gun body dropped extremely, and the biting chill swept everything around, only the temperature emanating from the flaming gun was soaring.

The spear was dazzling red at this moment, and the terrifying high temperature made Jiang Heng's skin burn and sting.

At the same time, the snake-haired poisonous jade's method has also taken shape. When she sits down, the rock giant is the largest individual here, and its body surface gradually becomes extremely black, like a kind of extremely hard obsidian.

It is also because of the rock giant's thick body that an invisible gravity field is continuously superimposed as the rock giant punches.

The earth line is thick and thick, and when the thick earth hits, it is like a whole small world is oppressing.

"Little sister Poison Jade, your strength is really good, and it's faster than the domain master level mid-stage martial artist. But it's a pity that the power is too scattered and the speed is too slow. Let alone the mid-stage, you can't find it even in the early stage. north!"

Jiang Heng counteracted Xiao Yu's punch with a punch, and added a comment at the same time.

At the same time, he looked directly at the fiery red spear of Lie Yan Patriarch.

"The lethality and speed are fast, but still not fast enough!" Jiang Heng chuckled, his figure flashed, and the figure disappeared instantly.

Reappeared already directly above the flame giant.

Patriarch Lieyan seemed to feel something when he looked up and was startled, and was about to fight back, when Jiang Heng burst out with golden light above his head, and the next moment he turned into a giant ape with red hair all over his body and appeared above her head.

A fiery red sun was floating on the back of the giant ape's head. At this moment, the physique of the giant ape was comparable to that of the fiery red giant, and he slapped his head with an expressionless palm.

Seeing this, Lie Yan Patriarch was terrified and hurriedly blocked with a gun.


When the giant palm collided with the gun barrel, Lieyan Patriarch felt the power of the flames all over his body collapse, and before she could breathe a sigh of relief, another palm fell on the top of his head.

There were many cracks in the flame armor on the body surface of Lieyan Patriarch, who was hit with a heavy palm.

And the completion of this palm is like a signal, and the next moment is dense palm wind like a storm.

Patriarch Lie Yan, who hit like a wave, hadn't breathed out a breath, and then quickly dispersed.

"I'll have to go to the core star field later, and today I'll let you see what physical martial arts masters are good at!" The giant ape spoke out, with a cruel grin on the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Heng had to let the people under his command see the horror of physical warriors, so as to ensure that they could survive the next and more terrifying starry sky giants.

With the last palm falling, the flame armor all over Patriarch Lie Yan's body exploded completely, and was condensed into a small and delicate crimson armor again, which she put into the storage ring.

But the battle was not over yet, and when Lieyan Patriarch looked up again, Jiang Heng was no longer in sight.

But then the sharp pain in the abdomen told her Jiang Heng's position, and Jiang Heng shrunk back to its original shape again. Compared with the flame giant's size at the moment, Lieyan Patriarch was as small as a bullet.

The bullet scurrying around crazily pierced through the Valkyrie made of huge flames, and the black-haired girl made of metal at the side wanted to rush forward to help.


But before she got close, she felt a blur in front of her eyes, and she was directly punched by the explosive hammer, which sent her flying backwards.

The black-haired girl's entire beautiful metal face was directly dented with a fist mark.

Fortunately, the body structure of the black-haired girl at this time is like real metal, and the metal on the face turns into liquid to quickly reshape the facial features, but this punch also made her very angry.

But before she got angry, a figure flashed over, it was Jiang Heng with a faint smile on his face.

At this moment, Jiang Heng's appearance is a bit weird, with four extra arms growing from his back, and an extra eye growing on his forehead.

Bang bang bang!

As the snake-haired girl Poison Jade and Lie Yan Patriarch were blown up one after another, it was naturally the turn of the black-haired girl.

Dense fist marks like a rain of bullets are constantly imprinted on the body surface made of black-haired metal. At this moment, the originally incomparably strong metal body is like a planet that is constantly being hit by meteorites. The beautiful figure is covered with dense fist marks in an instant .

Jiang Hengyue's fight became more and more enjoyable. Among the three sisters, whoever is the most resistant to beatings is undoubtedly the black-haired girl Xiaoya in front of her.

Xiaoya has always appeared in the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce with a black and straight face, and she is also the most unknown existence of the three women, but her talent is indeed very common in Jiang Heng's view, but with this performance of resisting beating, if she also Cultivating the body is definitely another leader in the same class.

Xiaoya at this moment is like the T800 shot by the Gatling machine gun in the Terminator movie in Jiang Heng's previous life memory.

His body was riddled with holes, but he still seemed to be able to do a job with ease.

But a movie is a movie after all, under the bombardment of Jiang Heng's tens of thousands of fists, Xiaoya directly begged for mercy.

Her power of law is on the verge of exhaustion, and if she continues to persist, her life may be in danger.

"It's not bad, it can withstand my strength at an early stage." Jiang Heng is very satisfied with Xiaoya's performance.

In contrast, the performance of poisonous jade is the most unsatisfactory.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Heng called the three sisters and Chen who was watching from a distance to summarize the battle just now.

The battle just now was a battle between the three sisters of Jiang Heng Dudou. The reason why it was not a four-on-one fight was mainly because the three women proposed this fight. They decided to resist Jiang Heng's inhumane beating of them this year.

It's just that the result still hasn't changed, and it's even worse. Without Chen's remote output to deter Jiang Heng from time to time, they have no power to resist.

"Lie Yan! Your problem is also very big. It seems that you have made a good journey in the middle of the domain master level, and you have polished your own abilities very well. But your martial arts are too old-fashioned. You can still be rigid in the face of ordinary temple warriors. You can deal with it calmly, but if you face a martial artist in the flesh, your moves will be full of loopholes!"

Jiang Heng took the lead in looking at Patriarch Lie Yan, but the other party's background was sufficient.

Although it is the system of the Temple of the Gods, if you polish your martial arts a lot, it is not impossible for Lie Yan Patriarch to surpass the unlucky Xu Yang in the future.

Although Xu Yang stepped into the late stage with the power of pseudo-stars, his foundation was also improved because of the melting of stars. But I have to say that this guy still has a way of dealing with physical warriors. At least the fierce flame field and powerful melee combat ability are indeed remarkable in the later stage.

Patriarch Lie Yan listened silently, looking thoughtful.

Jiang Heng didn't care whether she had heard it or not, and then looked at the black-haired girl Xiaoya, "Xiaoya, you also have problems, although you have a unique ability to resist blows by borrowing the power of laws.

But when dealing with a law of flame like your elder sister, you are greatly affected by restraint, and the power of some high and low temperature types of laws have natural restraint on you! "

Jiang Heng's point of defect is unavoidable for metal masters with melting points. Xiaoya also nodded knowingly, but there seems to be no way to solve this?

"I suggest that you also cultivate the Dao of the physical body. Your ability to resist attacks is sufficient now, but your own strength is insufficient. Among the same level, your strength can only be regarded as a relatively common type of warriors in the temples. Taking the Dao of the physical body also not only makes up for your strength Flaws can also make up for your own metal law flaws."

Jiang Heng's words can be said to be a dream come true, and Xiao Ya's face suddenly realized that she had been concentrating on metal work before, and had never been interested in the physical body.

It is mainly influenced by subjective thinking, thinking that cultivating two ways at the same time is not doing a proper job, which is putting the cart before the horse and will slow down the progress of cultivation.

After all, if one cultivates one way, one with good talent may be able to enter the late stage after three or four thousand years, and even some mediocre talents can enter the mid-term stage as long as the resources are sufficient.

But if you also practice the Tao of the physical body, you may spend most of your life spinning in the early stages.

"My lord, I'm afraid to cultivate two great ways at the same time..." Xiaoya also said a little distressed at the thought of this difficulty.

"Are you afraid that you won't be able to improve if you practice the two avenues at the same time? Then let me ask you, when will the metal one break through the mid-term realm?" Jiang Heng asked almost without thinking.

"Hmm! Five years at the earliest, ten years at the shortest!" Xiaoya frowned and thoughtfully replied.

This is also the reason why she has benefited a lot from the constant fighting in the past year, otherwise she really can't guarantee that she can enter the mid-term state in such a short period of time.

"Then when will we be able to break through to the late stage after breaking through?" Jiang Heng continued to ask.


Xiaoya can't answer this time, it's difficult to answer, normal practice may take ten thousand years or even if some talents are not enough, it may stop in the mid-term for a lifetime.

"If it's far away from entering the late stage, why not also cultivate the physical body. Since you have come here, don't be lucky, and don't give up any chance to quickly improve your strength. In the next hundred years, you should survive first before thinking about it. Others!"

Jiang Heng said in a deep voice.

This is the cruel fact. Hearing this, the girls and Chen were a little silent.

Indeed, in this situation, even if there is any chance of becoming stronger, don't give up, only the strong can survive this fight that is comparable to raising Gu.

"As for your poisonous jade! You have a big problem!" Jiang Heng looked at Poisonous jade immediately, and he needed to remind this one.

Being reminded emphatically, Du Yuqiao blushed slightly.

She has also improved a lot this year, but it is a pity that the gap between the first two has widened.

"Although you have mastered the Earth Xing Yiyi, it is not as good as Xiaoya's metal one in terms of fighting against you, and not as good as Lie Yan's flame one in terms of killing you, but you have a unique advantage. That is the mean.

Don't underestimate the golden mean, the soil line focuses on the sense of thickness, once the law is out of the superposition of gravity, your strength is not weak. But what kind of martial arts are you practicing, it is awe-inspiring to double your body size. But the power is scattered and the action is slow, and he is nothing but a target to be beaten! "

Jiang Heng is merciless towards these shortcomings.

"After the first battle with the starry sky behemoth, you will switch to other martial arts that focus on solidification, and practice concentration and concentration. At the same time, you will practice body protection martial arts with earth attributes. The ability of earth to walk together is strong, and at the same time, it has the ability to resist blows. Not inferior to other metals, and to a certain extent, you are not afraid of high temperature and low cold, your advantage is greater than your two sisters. Don't bury this opportunity!"

Jiang Heng can be said to be earnest. What is said is also the key point, any one cannot be judged simply, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Just like Tu Xing, it seems to be sparse and ordinary, but if you cultivate in the right direction, it is extremely powerful.

Moreover, the plasticity of the soil is extremely strong, hard can attack and defend, soft can be trapped or bound.

Of course, there are also shortcomings, and it is easy to be restrained by Shuixing.

"Of course, you three sisters joined forces to build a small three-element formation in front of you. By the way, why did you stop looking for two sisters and gather the five elements to directly form a five-element large formation!" Jiang Heng was a little emotional.

Five elements and five paths, any one of them can only be regarded as mediocre when pulled out, but if the five avenues join forces to form a five-element formation, it will definitely form a world of its own, and the five people will turn the world upside down.

Under the intertwining of the five forces, they acted both hard and soft, even a martial artist with a physical body would only feel extremely disgusted.

And once the five-element formation is formed, the protection ability of the five people will be improved several levels in an instant, and any corner will be shared, and it often takes several times the force to break the formation.

Listening to Jiang Heng's ridicule, the three girls were also speechless, as if the Five Elements were so easy to get together.

But they also listened to what Jiang Heng said, they were no strangers to the small three formations, and they would practice occasionally, and the power of the three could be arbitrarily assigned to one of the three.

Now the three of them have set up a small three-row formation, and the combination of power can reach the late That is to say, the formation is formed, and the three can choose one person at will to directly have the late stage combat power.

It's just that in this way, the combat power of the other two will drop to the level of the master of the galaxy.

It belongs to the formation of power sharing.

In fact, this is similar to many joint attack tactics, but the small three-row formation is more perfect. This kind of sharing is a perfect sharing, and the power is not lost at all and is very stable.

And this kind of combined attack method with power sharing generally needs to meet many conditions, some require the people who set up the formation to have the same mind, and some require the same blood.

And it is very easy to be interrupted.

And if any side of the small three line formation is attacked, the damage will be quickly shared equally, and the most of the split will be distributed to the person with the highest cultivation base.

As for the Five Elements Formation, it is even more powerful, not only the cultivation base can be shared, but also the rules can be shared! How terrifying it would be for one person to possess the power of the five laws.

The Five Elements Law is self-contained and perfect.

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