Master of Fist

Chapter 765: Which family is this?

"It should be hundreds of years ago. Why do you ask this?" Jiang Heng said casually.

"I'm sorry, Senior Jiang!" Heart came back to her senses and quickly bowed and apologized. At the same time, she was extremely shocked. She can now be 10,000% sure that the young domain master in front of her is definitely a descendant of a high-ranking demigod or even a true god. .

Even if they are descendants of true gods with such talents, there will be nothing wrong with hearts.

"Oh, by the way, Senior Jiang, you are now in the late domain master level realm. According to our Wanbaozhai's assessment of your soul age and your realm, your credibility level may be further improved!"

"Promotion?" Jiang Heng heard that this was a good thing.

"Yes! But please wait, Senior Jiang, I may need to report this matter to the head of the branch."

Heart bowed again and again, then trotted out quickly, as if there was something urgent to report to the superior, Jiang Heng frowned slightly.

"Could it be my realm..." Jiang Heng could also see that his soul age and realm seemed to scare the other party.

However, Jiang Heng thinks that this should be the case. It is estimated that he should upgrade his credit card level, and then increase some loan lines and some discounts?

However, Jiang Heng still seriously misjudged his talent. At this moment, Heart almost showed the fastest speed in his life, and galloped all the way to the person in charge.

The person in charge of these reception staff is an elder of the Spirit Race at the peak domain master level. He is sitting in his independent office drinking spirit tea and looking at the personnel attendance records for this month.

It's just that he was frightened by Hongtao's sudden intrusion, which made him a little annoyed and couldn't help scolding: "Heart! You are so brave, have you forgotten the rules of our Wanbaozhai?"

"Department...Minister! I...I have an urgent matter to report to you!" Heart Tao didn't care about the old minister's anger at this meeting. She would definitely not dare to do this on weekdays, otherwise she would definitely deduct half of the hundred years Spiritual salary.

"Tell me what's the matter?" Seeing that Hongtao's anxious face did not seem to be lying, the old minister also suppressed the anger in his heart and said in a deep voice.

Hongtao also quickly explained what she had just discovered, including comparing Jiang Heng's soul age and realm when she first met Jiang Heng, and the current situation.

"You mean that this distinguished guest jumped from the early stage to the late stage in a mere few hundred years?" The old minister's voice was trembling at the moment. What kind of talent is this?

This is definitely a direct descendant of a great power!

The old minister couldn't sit still.

"Come upstairs with me to meet the pavilion master!" Without delaying a word, the old minister was already flying to the upper floor with vigorous strides.

The owner of the pavilion is naturally located in the two offices on the top floor and the innermost side of Wanbaozhai. The reason why they are divided into two is because besides the owner of the pavilion, there is also a deputy owner of the pavilion.

According to the rules of Wanbaozhai, any branch must ensure that the chief and deputy cabinet masters have a branch.

At this time, the Deputy Pavilion Master Xu Ming was floating cross-legged in his office. This is said to be his office, but it actually occupies a large area, divided into a reception room and a training room.

He doesn't need to worry about ordinary things at the level of deputy cabinet master. All he needs to do is practice and meet some distinguished guests.

After all, according to the rules, he, the deputy cabinet master, had to meet some mid-level or even high-level demigods. If some distinguished guests with high status came, he, the deputy pavilion master, would have to meet him in person.

In comparison, the status of the main pavilion master is higher, and some middle-level demigods can be seen if they have no prominent background. They are often pushed to him, the deputy cabinet master, for an interview.

Xu Ming knows very well that Wanbaozhai is a service industry, and he is not bad as the deputy cabinet master. After all, there are enough branches in the spiritual world and the main universe Wanbaozhai, and not many demigods often come to them.

Like some ordinary low-ranking demigods with no background, some of the subordinate ministers also interviewed them on their behalf. Generally speaking, Xu Ming is quite relaxed, and he is busy practicing most of the time.

Suddenly, he slightly opened his closed eyes and looked in the direction of the door.

"Why did Minister Yan bring a little guy up here?" Xu Ming was a little suspicious, he could clearly feel the two people approaching from outside.

"Come in directly!" Xu Ming slowly landed on the chair and stopped practicing.

Minister Yan who was about to knock on the door outside hurriedly pushed the door open and entered.

"I've met Pavilion Master Xuming!"

" Pavilion Master Xuming!"

Minister Yan and Hongtao hurried forward to salute.

Vice Minister Xu Ming is not a member of the Spirit Race, but a mid-level demigod with a strong soul body whose body is dead and soul has completely merged with this world. Sitting there even if he does nothing, the soul coercion emanating from his body It also made the souls of the two tremble.

"Tell me, what happened to come here in such a hurry?" Xu Ming asked with a frown.

Seeing Pavilion Master Xuming speak, the two heaved a sigh of relief at the same time, the coercion given to them by the silent Deputy Pavilion Master just now was too great.

"It's such a pavilion master..." Minister Yan hastily repeated what Heart and him said just now. After speaking, he pointed to the hearts beside him.

"Oh! Stepping from the early stage to the late stage in just a few hundred years?" Wen Yanrao, the deputy pavilion master Xu Ming who had lived for nearly tens of millions of years after his death, was also slightly surprised.

He has seen some of this kind of talent, and there is no doubt that everyone with this kind of talent is a direct descendant of a major force in the universe.

It's just that the descendants of high-ranking demigods travel without a guardian?

Thinking of Minister Yan's description of Jiang Heng just now, Xu Ming couldn't figure it out.

You must know that the direct descendants of these high-ranking demigods are generally protected like baby bumps, even in the spiritual world.

After all, the spiritual world cannot be said to be safe. If hostile forces want to slaughter their direct descendants, it is not uncommon to ambush in the spiritual world.

As far as Xu Ming knew, some domain masters and even demigods in the wild would fight each other to **** spiritual energy, spiritual quality, **** crystal and other things in each other's hands.

Even a million years ago, there was a battle between demigod-level powerhouses in the city. At that time, even the city lord of one side was affected and killed.

In fact, the rule of not fighting in the city is not very effective for some powerful demigods.

How could such a young man appear here alone?

Xu Ming can't figure out the reason, but he can be sure that the other party's identity is definitely not low, and the probability of being a direct descendant of a high-ranking demigod is extremely high.

After thinking about it, Xu Ming reconfirmed and said to Heart: "Are you sure that the other party has only used it for hundreds of years to be so proficient?"

"Yes! I can swear, and I can also find out the time and state of the other party's soul age test in the records of our Wanbaozhai branch." Hongtao was extremely confident.

Hearing this, Xuming took a deep look at Hongtao, and he knew it was true when the other party said that.

"Pavilion master! How should we deal with this matter? This distinguished guest has a distinguished status, do you think..." Minister Yan said cautiously, and he also knew that such a distinguished guest must try his best to make friends.

The number of high-ranking demigods in the vast universe is so small, any one of them will cause a huge shock, and their strength and influence cannot be underestimated.

Xu Ming is naturally aware of this, as he himself is only in the fourth rank. The main pavilion master is only in the sixth rank, and the main pavilion master has suffered in this world for nearly tens of millions of years, but he is still stuck in the middle position and cannot be promoted.

Not to mention that even if he is the official pavilion master here, he still has to curry favor with this young master.

After thinking for a while, Xu Ming said solemnly: "Minister Yan, please personally invite that respected guest to my place. I want to talk to him in person."

For such a distinguished guest with such a terrifying background, in Xu Ming's view, the realm is no longer important, and such an identity is worth his face to make friends with.

After receiving the order, Minister Yan nodded quickly without daring to be negligent, and then he quickly took the hearts and went directly to the reception room where Jiang Heng was.

Jiang Heng felt a little unbelievable when he heard that the chief of the pavilion saw him.

What is the level of the pavilion master? He also learned some things from Hongtaokou, such as the four levels of Tiandi Xuanhuang, of which only the Tianbu is qualified to be called the pavilion master.

As for the others, they can only call themselves ministers, and the chief and deputy cabinet masters of the day-level branch have the lowest median demigod level. This standard alone widens the gap. Even some of the more important heaven-level branches are in charge of high-ranking demigods.

Although the minimum requirement for the prefecture level is also the demigod level, most of them are at the low-level demigod level, and only some of the more important branches have the middle-level demigods to sit in charge, and there are no high-level demigods, unless there are special circumstances, such as a certain demigod. A prefecture-level branch happens to have a big battle, and at this time, the headquarters may send a high-ranking demigod envoy to sit in temporarily.

But no matter what, Jiang Heng never thought that he was only in the middle stage of the master level, and his soul level was only in the late stage, so he was qualified to meet a master who was at least at the middle demigod level.

Along the way, Minister Yan and Hongtao came to the top floor of Wanbaozhai where the Deputy Pavilion Master was.

"Jiang Xiaoyou Pavilion Master Xu is waiting for you inside, and I don't want to accompany you." Minister Yan made a gesture of invitation, as for him, he would never dare to go in at this time.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng took a deep breath, nodded slightly and pushed the door open.

What caught my eye was an image of an elegant man who seemed to be approaching middle age. Like the Spirit Race people like Hongtao, this deputy cabinet master was also in human form. The difference was that his skin was as white as jade, and he wore light Covered in a purple robe, she has a warm face and a beard, but it is not a beard, but a kind of tiny inspiration tentacles. The tentacles emit a faint light all over the body, like a special perception method that is always perceiving the surrounding laws.

Different from the master-level powerhouse, there is a star river floating behind the head of the demigod powerhouse in front of him. It should be said to be similar to the galaxy, surrounded by purple clouds and mist, and the stars are dotted in it, which looks like a sky full of stars. With a sense of mystery.

"But little friend Jiang Hengjiang?" The moment he saw Jiang Heng coming in, Xu Ming was already carefully sizing up the young man in front of him. In fact, he had already launched his sensory search since he just learned the news.

"Jiang Heng, my junior, has met the Pavilion Master!" Jiang Heng didn't dare to neglect and hurriedly saluted after hearing the words, his heart was full of strong curiosity.

Even if he didn't release his senses to check carefully, Jiang Heng could still feel the faint law rhythm emanating from the other party, like an instinct. The other party has already regarded the power of law as a means of breathing, and every breath and breath contains a faint law of rhythm. The power made Jiang Heng feel miraculous.

"Not bad! Not bad! The young people nowadays are incredible!" Xu Ming smiled and nodded, "I think it took nearly 20,000 years for me to step into the late stage when I was a domain master, and it took mere hundreds of years to achieve Such an achievement, little friend, is not easy!"

Xu Ming was full of emotions, but Jiang Heng became more and more startled the more he listened. Is it because his cultivation is too attention-grabbing?

This reminded Jiang Heng that in the future, it seems that he will have to find a method of reclusive aura.

"Senior, it's wonderful, but this junior just has a lot of opportunities to make things happen." He still didn't quite understand what the other party meant, so Jiang Heng didn't dare to say too much and had to fool around.

"Hehe, not bad. It's rare for a young man with good talent and high cultivation to be so humble and polite!"

Xu Ming felt that the young man in front of him should be the direct heir of a great power.

He can also be considered to have seen many direct heirs from great powers, and they are generally polite and resourceful without showing emotions. The one in front of him perfectly matched his impression.

As for the fact that the world thinks that children from powerful backgrounds are mostly playboys, it is purely ridiculous.

There are indeed a lot of playboys, but those are all offshoots or direct lineages, but they are definitely not direct lineages.

Those who can be valued by the middle or even high-ranking demigods are definitely those who are carefully selected from countless is one of the criteria for consideration, but there are not many demigods whose strength reaches that level. heir?

That being the case, it is natural to choose the best, talent, resourcefulness, character, and character all need to be considered.

Needless to say talent, resourcefulness is a must. Even if you become a strong person without a brain, you will only be schemed to death by some old monsters in the end, and in the end it will bring disaster to the forces.

Xinxing is an indispensable thing for practicing martial arts.

As for character, it is equally important. If the character is not good, it will easily offend others, and making too many enemies is also the source of disaster.

Therefore, the true biography of the direct descendant of a big force will never make a choice easily, let alone some dude.

At this moment, Xu Ming looked at Jiang Heng more kindly, after all, there was probably a mid-rank or even a high-rank demigod standing behind him. Even if it is not a high position, it is a good relationship to befriend him at the same level as the middle position.

Their Wanbaozhai was originally for business, and making friends with people was something they, pavilion masters, had to keep in mind.

"Little friend, I heard that this is your second visit to our branch?"

"Yes, the last time should have been hundreds of years ago." Jiang Heng responded truthfully. He still didn't understand the other party's attitude, but he was relieved to see the other party's more genial expression.

"Hey, last time the old man was away, I didn't meet my little friend. Today I met with my little friend... Let's do it. This little thing, my old man's decision, is considered a meeting gift for my little friend."

As Xu Ming said, he tapped the void casually, and a small square box floated out of thin air and suspended in mid-air.

The outer shell of the box is exquisite and has extremely complicated golden streamer carvings. The box itself exudes a strong power of the golden law. This is a treasure that is completely condensed with the power of the law.

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