Master of Fist

Chapter 768: Big week dilemma

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"Forget it, now that the space itself has greatly improved its self-protection power, if I really want to escape, even the domain master-level peak powerhouses will not want to take my life!"

Jiang Heng has absolute confidence in his own spatial ability, the peak powerhouse is no longer a threat, but the peak powerhouse has to guard against his intentional and unintentional surprise attacks.

Time passed quickly, and when Jiang Heng was immersed in rapidly improving his spatial cultivation this year, the situation of the entire Sikh Empire also quietly changed.

Among the major empires in the eastern region, demigod-level powerhouses led their direct descendants to the first galaxy in the eastern region for talks.

East End!

The core place controlled by the Nebula Sect is also where the power of the main peak of the Nebula Sect is located, and the demigod Nebula sits in it.

At this time, the five demigod-level powerhouses from the Eastern District all gathered here. On a heavy metal planet whose gravitational field is a hundred times that of ordinary planets, there are large floating clouds behind several roads in the main hall of Xingyun Sect Master Peak. The figures of big and small nebula stand upright in the main hall and sit opposite each other.

Each figure exudes the radiance of a god, and ordinary master-level powerhouses cannot stare at it for a long time, otherwise there will be a risk of distortion, unless the demigod personally dissipates its own law force field.

There are only these five figures in the palace, and the five descendants brought here this time are waiting outside. This is a meeting that only their level is eligible to participate in.

"It's been a long time, everyone. Several of you were absent from the last meeting of the hundred nations. It's not easy to be here this time!" The first person to speak was the demigod Xingyun. The raised upper body reveals the strong physique.

But there is also a layer of starlight gathered in the dense star flares all over his body. At a glance, one can find that the stars all over the body seem to echo with the physical acupoints. It can be absolutely terrifying.

This is the horror of the demigods of the flesh body.

It can be said that the number of people who practice the law of the flesh body is the largest in the entire universe, but if you calculate carefully, you can find that the higher the level, the proportion of martial arts in the body body will drop rapidly.

Such as Xingyun Demigod, who can become a demigod, is even rarer, which also shows the truth that physical martial arts will only become stronger as they go on.

"Brother Xingyun is still as heroic as ever, and it is lucky that brother Xingyun survived that catastrophe this time, but I guess I will have to rely on Brother Xingyun a lot in the future." This is another white-haired old man The demigod opened his mouth and coughed a few times while talking, and there was something wriggling on his face, which seemed to be deformed at any time.

However, seeing the other party's appearance, Xingyun demigod sneered, "Twin ancestors, you always like to pretend to be weak, and now we are allies, and at such a time of crisis, you twin ancestors It really chills me to pretend like this.”

The twin patriarch was also the demigod of the Twin Empires. Hearing this, his white beard trembled slightly and he smiled dryly and didn't say much.

In fact, not only him, but also Xingyun demigod who was present at the scene looked as energetic as a rainbow, while the rest of the people looked vulnerable, or they looked like they were just recovering from a serious illness.

Especially the Tianshuang Patriarch of the Tianshuang Empire has half of his face distorted. There are many deformed substances struggling to compete with most of the Tianshuang Patriarch's body for the territory, as if he is about to let go.

Looking at these people, the corner of Xingyun's demigod's mouth twitched.

"Is that true, everyone? If this is the case, I don't think there is any need for this meeting to continue. I don't think you will perish before those **** from Tyrant come here."

Xingyun's demigod eyes narrowed slightly and shot out a chill. He is 400,000 years old and can only be regarded as the most junior person here. However, at this level of cultivation, strength is what matters. He wants to teach these allies a lesson now.

"Okay, everyone, don't hide it. Brother Xingyun is right. Since we are an alliance, we still need some necessary trust." It was the twin ancestor who spoke just now, and he kept talking , the skin on his body also quickly became smooth and tender, and the white hair quickly returned to be replaced by black hair and a tender and young body.

Looking again, the twin ancestors had turned into a boy with black hair and smooth skin.

The demigod Xingyun glanced at it, which is not so strange. This is the characteristic of twins. Once this family becomes an adult, it can choose a twin of the same race for twin fusion. After the fusion, the strength and age of both parties will merge with each other. The body is the main body, and the other body is hidden in the body.

It is possible for the two bodies to transform into each other.

"Twin ancestors, your new body seems to be a little different from before?" Xingyun demigod couldn't help asking curiously.

He remembered that this man had two bodies one hundred thousand years ago, one was a low-level demigod and the other was a peak domain master. Now the main body is still a low-level demigod, but the fusion body is a boy's body. As for the strength, it is only a domain master. early stage.

This inevitably surprised the demigod Xingyun. You must know that the strength of the twins can become stronger according to the strength of the fusion body, so often the powerful twins will choose the same powerful siblings for fusion in order to be stronger.

Now is an even more critical time, and the twin ancestors in front of him are actually fused with such an unbearable body.

"Hehe, it's different. My fusion body is relatively young and talented, and it's also extremely evil. Don't worry, it won't be a hindrance when the time comes, and maybe there will be a little surprise." The twin ancestors didn't care, of course he couldn't possibly Expose your cards.

"It seems that you are quite confident, brother twin?" The other demigod said with a chuckle, and then he looked at Xingyun demigod and said solemnly.

"Brother Xingyun, I think it's better to talk about what happened to you in the previous meeting. What happened at that time? Why were you suddenly attacked by the group of Tyrants?"

This person has three faces on one head, and each side has a different fixed expression. When speaking, his head is flying around and changing those fixed expressions, which looks quite strange.

"Is there any need to ask about Xike? There must be a traitor!" A slightly rough voice spoke, and the old man who had been sitting at the side with sleepy eyes and little energy suddenly sat up straight , his beard and hair suddenly sprang up, and his originally sluggish aura suddenly stabilized and became extremely fierce.

"Siji, you should restrain the power of your laws, and don't be affected by your own laws." Patriarch Tianshuang also spoke at the right time. The few people present here are all old acquaintances, and they all know the basics. Not very familiar.

"Since you want to know, then I'll tell you." Xingyun demigod waved his hand, his expression became serious and he began to tell all the tragedies that happened that day, including the sudden mysterious The law of time.

"A demigod who masters the laws of time, it seems that this time hegemony is hooking up with the temples of the gods." The twin ancestors sighed.

The gap between the realms of demigods is one of them, and the gap in the level of law is as difficult to bridge as a gap, not to mention the law of time, which is known as one of the strongest avenues in the universe.

"Yeah, I didn't expect the temples to be so despicable. It can control the passage of time in the area where dozens of demigods are located, and there are many middle-level demigods among them. To achieve this step, you need an extremely powerful power of law That's fine, it looks like the person behind the other party is not low." The demigod Xi Ke also shook his head.

For a moment, the palace fell into silence, and everyone could hardly hide their sorrow.

"Have you ever contacted the Great Zhou Empire? As the suzerain state, are they just watching us like this?" The four poles and demigods said slightly sullenly.

"Of course I've contacted you a long time ago, but there's been no news, so I don't have time to look after you. I've heard that Da Zhou has frequent exchanges with the temples recently. Before, I thought it was just a lie. Now it seems that many small and medium-sized forces suddenly broke out in conflict and wanted to come. It’s also about that.”

The demigod Xingyun sighed. Although he devoted himself to cultivation, he was still very well informed. He knew that in the past tens of thousands of years, Dazhou and the temples had frequently moved, which seemed to be a small friction and encounter before the war.

"Yes, as early as a million years ago, the conflict between the Great Zhou and the Temple of the Gods continued to escalate. In the last battle, the true gods of the Temple of the Gods were disgraced under the hands of the God of War. This matter will be recovered sooner or later, not because of the rumors. Did another true **** of space be born in the halls of gods years ago? A true god, one of the strongest avenues, reappeared after ancient times.

From this point of view, when another war breaks out, the strength of the temples is no less than that of Da Zhou. "The person who spoke was the twin ancestor.

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of the people present changed drastically.

"Brother Twins, where did you get the news? The birth of a true space god, one of the strongest avenues... Is this really true?" Xing Yun said with a half-hearted expression.

This matter is too big, and the appearance of a true **** powerhouse on such a road means that the situation will inevitably undergo great changes.

"Brother Twins, are you right? It has been so many years since the ancient gods fell, and there hasn't been a true **** realm on this level." The demigod Xi Ke also had doubts, and the news really made him unbelievable.

It is rare to say that the strongest Taoist practitioners are rare, but there are quite a few of them, but most of them are domain masters or even insignificant unknown soldiers. It is really rare to be able to become a demigod. A few of them have never been able to become a true **** before.

It was only in the ancient times when the gods were glorious that there were such superpowers, and each of them was a powerful existence that dominated one side and had dozens or hundreds of subordinate true gods.

It is unbelievable that such an existence suddenly appeared in this era from ancient history.

"It's hard for me to judge whether it's true or not. I also learned from an old friend of mine who has been loyal to the Temple of the Gods. However, seeing how the Temple of the Gods is so active now, even if the news is not true, it also means that the Temple of the Gods has recently There are indeed some incredible existences.”

The twin patriarch shook his head, he was just hearing it.

"Huh! It shouldn't be true. If there is such a thing, the Temple of the Gods should publicize it. After all, the Temple of the Gods has been suppressed by the Great Zhou Empire for too long."

Demigod Xingyun's words were echoed by the other demigods.

We all exist at this level, and we also know that as early as the Great Zhou period unified the entire universe, the universe was divided into three parts.

Among them, the New Great Zhou Empire and the Temple of the Gods have always been at loggerheads, while the Ultra-Dimensional Empire has always been on the sidelines, occasionally competing in the end, and most of the time they still focus on selling technology products.

The reason why the temples of the gods and the Great Zhou Empire dislike each other is actually because of blood.

The Temple of the Gods represents the conservative elements of the old school, claiming to be the descendants of the ancient gods. In their cognition, the founding king of the Great Zhou Empire is the descendant of their ancient gods.

Even if the Great Zhou Empire is split now, the territory that belongs to the Great Zhou Empire will still be theirs, and they even think that the rulers of the Great Zhou Empire should bow their heads and obey their ears. They are the orthodox royal family of the Great Zhou Empire.

He even regards Valkyrie as a heresy.

The Great Zhou Empire believed that the Temple of the Gods was the remnant of the ancient gods, and regarded the period of the ancient gods as a barbaric era, and conservative elements like the Temple of the Gods should be swept into the dust of the historical garbage dump early.

This kind of ideological debate has a long history. Since the Great Zhou was divided into three, this situation has always Especially today’s Great Zhou is indeed built on the corpses of the old Great Zhou nobles. The temples of the gods are more like a group of dogs who have been swept out of the house, but the centipedes are dead but not stiff. With their previous background, not only did they not gradually decline, but they became stronger and stronger.

The few people present were aware of certain factors, and they were both disgusted and somewhat envious of some behavioral styles of the temples by the affiliated forces of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Because those powerhouses in the temples would not lack the power of law as long as they comprehended enough, after all, they would always get the power of law they needed after crazily taking the blood sacrifices of entire galaxies. They just need to keep buying the exact location of the law bloodline they need from people at high prices.

The cost should not be too low.

In contrast, on the side of the Great Zhou, hesitating in the early days of the establishment of the New Great Zhou Empire, the situation created by the God of War overthrew the old Great Zhou in one fell swoop.

Therefore, if the royal family of the Great Zhou had the ancestral precepts, they could only follow the physical way, and even the elite legions of the early Great Zhou Empire only recruited physical warriors.

One can imagine the situation this led to. It was alright at the beginning. After a long time, Da Zhou found that physical warriors can easily gradually prepare a standing army, but it is impossible to form a large-scale elite army.

It is too difficult to cultivate the physical body. Under the ebb and flow, the development of the temples of the gods is rapid.

Later, the Great Zhou Empire also found that this way was not feasible, so it ordered that, except for the royal family, there would be no legal restrictions on the recruitment of the Great Zhou army, so that the Great Zhou gradually became stronger.

It's just that the two sides have different philosophies, and the unscrupulous blood sacrifices of the temples have made the powerhouses of the temples continue to expand.

Everyone is also very clear, if there is no Martial God in the high-end combat power to suppress the gods of the pantheon by himself, I am afraid that the situation will have become extremely corrupt.

But if there really is a true God of space avenue in the temple of the gods, then the situation can be imagined.

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