Master of Fist

Chapter 778: Exchange of Interests and Arguments

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"If that's the case, then that's a good thing. If it's the case, it means that you have no objection to this battle, and you will be selected for the first echelon over there!"

Tian Xingcong's words are plain, but everyone can't help but feel that Tian Xingcong is so cruel.

The Quadruple Empire had suffered heavy losses before, and there were many masters among the first batch of advance troops of the Quadruple Empire. The number of them in the late and mid-term was not inferior to the disciples of the Nebula Sect, and now the second batch is also second only to the Nebula Sect in number, not to mention His father just died in battle and now he is dispatched by Tian Xing in such a way, this is going to be a pit of death.

This decision made many domain owners present frown, especially many domain owners of the Siji Empire glared.

However, Tian Xing continued to say: "This time, the first echelon team will be dominated by Tianshuang and the twins, supplemented by the Four Pole Empire."

As he said that, he looked around and became serious, and said in a cold voice: "I also know what you think, but most of them just saw that the first batch of battles were unfavorable, so the strong people who came here are uneven. Be the forerunner with your twins!"

This remark made many of the Four Pole Empire domain masters look slightly calmer, but Tianshuang and the Twin Empires showed bitterness.

As for the weakest side of the Sikh Empire, it is ignored by the other four parties. Everyone knows that even if the Sikh side is all elite, it will be on the same level as the masters dispatched by the Nebula Sect this time. All the background can be exhausted in one go.

Therefore, everyone consciously ignores the Sikh Empire. In fact, the overall strength of this side is at most comparable to the number of dispatches by the four forces present. I can understand.

Therefore, Shuangsheng and Tianshuang are also very clear, not to mention the side of the Sikh Empire, the domain masters from both sides are not elite, but they are not very happy in their hearts. Pushing it here is equivalent to sending it to death.

I thought I would come when I came, be more careful, and avoid it if things happen, and I thought I could save my life, but now that I was dispatched by Xing Yunzong, the possibility of implementing the idea in my mind suddenly disappeared.

Everyone has listened to the first batch of advance army battle reports reported by the Great Prince Tian before, and they also know that the barbarians of the Hegemony and Star Alliance are really hard to mess with. Now that they are the first to be the vanguard, the probability of surviving is less than one in ten. .

Jiang Heng was also cursing secretly at this moment.

He wasn't timid to fight, he was really at the forefront, and when the time came, he would face the most violent impact of the Hegemony Star Alliance. He could withstand it, but what about his subordinates?

"Tianxing Cong Commander, is there something wrong with you doing this? We should be ranked first, but why don't you Nebula Sect send elites? You keep saying that I wait to shirk and cowardly fight, so what about your Nebula Sect? "

At this moment, a mid-stage domain master of the Twin Empires was a little dissatisfied and said, similarly, he also subconsciously put aside the Sikh Empire. If he talked about the Sikh Empire, everyone would disagree with this point.

This remark made many twins present here and the master of Tianshuang nod secretly.

"Oh, of course it's not the case. No matter what happens, my disciples of the Nebula Sect will be there to support you. You might as well make a promise to everyone! Whenever the enemy army shows a figure of a peak powerhouse, it will be borne by my disciples of the Nebula Sect!" Words firmly shouted.

These words made the previous person a little speechless.

He pondered for a while and asked back: "Then what if your Nebula Sect didn't stop the opponent's peak powerhouse? What if your Nebula Sect made a mistake and failed to stop the opponent, causing heavy losses to our fellow domain masters?"

Hearing this, Tian Xing replied directly with a calm face and calm tone: "My Nebula Sect will bear all the losses."

As he said that, he saw him take out something from the storage space. It was a weird little ball of meat. It was fluffy and looked like a small ball.

"Each of these small beasts can store the number of laws comparable to the total amount of the initial domain master level, but every time we suffer losses due to our Nebula Sect, our Nebula Sect will compensate those of the same rank for every loss. The power of law. Are you satisfied with this kind of compensation?"

Seeing Xing Yunzong's great generosity, everyone present was completely silent.

Jiang Heng watched silently from the sidelines. It was obvious that the five chief and deputy commanders had already negotiated this time, and the compensation must be real. But everyone is dead, and many people know who will get the compensation when the time comes.

But it can also be seen that the Nebula Sect will definitely leave no room when dealing with the enemy's high-level combat power, otherwise the losses would not be small.

Don't underestimate the power of this law. Generally speaking, even if domain lord level powerhouses fall, even if they try their best to collect them, with certain special methods and channels, they can collect about one-third of them. Most of them still have to be influenced by the will of the universe and return to the long river.

This also prevents some big forces from monopolizing the number of strong people.

"The first echelon has a total of forty domain masters. The specific personnel need to be negotiated between Twins and Tianshuang. I will report to me after three days. As for the second echelon, the Siji Empire and my nebula sect will be in charge. There are around 60 people, the same reason will be reported after three days, as for the third echelon, the Tianshuang Twins will be in charge together. Same reason!

In addition, during the foreign war, the Xik Empire is responsible for the defense of the fortress, and at the same time, we and the rest of the Quartet will also assist! "

After finishing speaking, Tian Xingcong looked around and said, "Do you have any questions?"

Everyone looked at each other when they heard the words, especially Shuangsheng and Tianshuang were quite dissatisfied, and this dispatch was obviously targeting them both. As for the Xike Empire, the old gods are there, and they are just like soy sauce, they have long known this.

Shuangsheng and Tianshuang are the bosses who are unwilling, and they both take care of the front and back, and these two sides happen to be the most dangerous.

"Commander Tian Xing, I'm dissatisfied with waiting!" After a moment of hesitation, a domain master of the Tianshuang Empire dissatisfied.

This person is none other than Lei Yuan projected beside the elder, he looked directly at Tian Xing and said in a deep voice: "This time, I, Tian Shuang and Shuang Sheng, of course the strong ones who came here are more than junior and middle-aged, and the contribution is indeed too small, but Does such a decision treat the two of us as an exchange? The loss must be huge if you consider the front and back, and won’t we lose a lot when the time comes? How is this different from sending you to death?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present had different complexions, while Jiang Heng and the elder shook their heads secretly.

The two of them could see clearly that it was enough for this meeting to be honest and listened to. Presumably, the five leaders had negotiated in private long ago. Didn't you see that the leaders of Shuangsheng and Tianshuang didn't open their mouths to argue?

"It's good that you have objections, but it's a bit sensational. What you said about Duizi is really a joke. Once a war starts, both of you will take care of the most dangerous place, but how can you sit on the second step of the center and stand by?" ?And you have seen the combat methods of the Overlord Star Alliance before. Even in the early stage of the domain master level and even the master of the galaxy, the Overlord Star Alliance is not afraid of death. Does your words mean that you are greedy for life and afraid of death? The forces behind it?"

Tian Xing spoke calmly, but these words were aggressive, as if Lei Yuan was being baked on a volcano.

"Don't misinterpret my meaning!" Lei Yuan shouted angrily.

"Do not misinterpret, you know clearly in your heart, let me say it clearly, this is a military order! If you have any objections, I will listen to it, but don't expect to change my decision, and I will keep an eye on you in the future. If you are timid in the battle If you don't move forward, don't blame me for the military law!"

Tian Xing's tone was serious, and he simply didn't bother to continue to argue with Lei Yuan and concluded.

Hearing that Shuangsheng and Tianshuang felt extremely aggrieved, they had nothing to say.

Everyone also knows that Tianshuang and Shuangsheng have the least high-level combat power when they come here this time. Naturally, don't even think about how much power they have. Power is determined by the strong, and it is obvious that the strong do not have enough power.

The rest of the meeting was quite boring. It was nothing more than formulating some fortress defense tasks. It was a combat task before, but now it is defense.

Although Tian Xingcong is an arrogant person, his ability to do things is still remarkable. He distributes most of the twin empire domain masters who are proficient in formations to various key points in the fortress, and is responsible for serving as the key points of the central fortress. Frost defends from the side. At the same time, his Nebula Sect had to assume the position of the core formation.

It can be said that each party has been arranged in an orderly manner, and even the technical work types under everyone's command have been roughly adjusted. He suggested that the technicians under everyone's command should be gathered together in advance, and then the division of labor and collectivization will be carried out to speed up the reconstruction of the entire fortress.

You must know that the fortress in the central area that has been struggling for a long time has been severely damaged in several battles against the Hegemony Star Alliance. It needs not only repairs but also continuous reinforcement. This is also a huge project.

At the same time, because the master-level powerhouses of the Sikh Empire contribute the least every time, the skilled workers and ordinary low-level laborers dispatched by the Sikh Empire are also the most. Therefore, the logistics and daily fortress maintenance work is handed over to the Sikh Empire. Because the Sikh Empire is familiar with the terrain within the entire territory of the Sikh Empire, the Sikh Empire will also send some personnel to serve as army guides.

Everything was arranged properly and the meeting ended in a hurry.

Turning off the projection, Jiang Heng couldn't help but sigh. He brought out a lot of people this time, and now that he has been given such a heavy responsibility, it's really hard to say how many people will survive.

On the second day, the six princes held a joint meeting between Tianshuang and the Twin Empires. The participants were all domain masters of the two empires, and it was also a remote meeting.

"Your Highness Sixth Prince, as the crown prince, you are able to serve as the leader of the second batch of advance troops, which is beyond my expectation. Since this is the case, you must have a lot of means to save your life. Why don't you serve as the main force of the first echelon? My twins split a team How about assisting you while we also take care of all the responsibilities of the third echelon?"

Hearing the words, the sixth prince sneered, "Why didn't your Twin Empires rush to take such a good thing? Or else, I, Tianshuang, would be responsible for assisting you in defending the first echelon, while taking care of all the responsibilities of the third echelon?"

Both parties went straight to the subject from the very beginning, and neither wanted to damage the interests of the other party. Although both the first and third echelons are extremely dangerous, compared to the pioneer's first echelon, the third echelon is obviously much safer. And after all, the number of enemy troops attacking the rear of one's own side will never be too many. If you think about it, you will probably focus on frontal combat.

This will not be the five-party talks as before, but a private exchange of interests between the two parties, so the conversation is full of anger.

"Hehe, since we're talking about this, I don't think it's an option to continue. Why don't you and I take a step back?" Xiangyu, a mid-term master-level powerhouse in charge of Twin Empires, said with a smile.

This is an old man who looks like a twin clansman. He has a gentle face, but he always smiles, giving off an old and cunning feeling.

"How can this work? Isn't this a disadvantage for you, Brother Xiangyu? How about I, Tianshuang, have a little more effort, and the number of people is one-third more, and we will jointly defend the first and third steps, and the rest It's only fair to guard the fortress!" The sixth prince Le nodded and smiled.

"Your Highness was joking. Although you have a large number of people in the Tianshuang Empire this time, the number of your strong men is lacklustre. They are all dominated by early-stage domain masters, and only one person in the later stage. Even mid-term domain masters are very rare. The strength is the same as that of my Twin Empire and the number of guards, is this a bit too bullying of my Twin Empire?"

"At that time, your Tianshuang Empire will lose a lot, but my Twin Empires will lose all the elite!"

Xiang Yu looked at Le with a stiff smile on his face.

He is very clear that there are quite a few mid-stage powerhouses on his side, and nearly twice his number on the other side, but most of them are in the early stage, so it is still a loss for them to bear the responsibilities separately. After all, a mid-stage player can compare to four or five early-stage players.

"Then it's going to be difficult. You say yours is an elite, but mine is also an elite. Don't underestimate the initial domain masters of my Tianshuang Empire. These are all step-up powerhouses that my empire spent a lot of energy on cultivating." , The foundation of talent is extremely strong, not losing one is a great loss. In this way, the loss on my Tianshuang side is even greater."

Both of them are running the train with their mouths full of words. In fact, they are both in the same place. This time, the two sides have not exerted much effort. Overall, the Twin Empires has slightly more high-level combat power, but the sixth prince naturally wants to take more of it. some benefits.

Jiang Heng watched the excitement from the sidelines. Now it is a contest between the leaders of the two sides. These domain owners are here to support the purpose is to cheer for each side.

The two sides fought for a while, and the first day was spent completely arguing with each other, and no one wanted to back down.

Until the third day approached, the Twin Empires side seemed to feel that it was not an option to continue like this and sighed: "Your Highness Sixth, I will not continue to argue with you. How about this, you and I each have half the number of people, not only the realm The number of people must be equal, and at the same time, it must be ensured that there must be one in the later stage, five in the middle stage, and the remaining number in the early stage should be equal. Besides, what if the rest have the rest and sit in the fortress?"

This decision sounds fair, but it is extremely detrimental to the Tianshuang Empire.

Hearing this, the sixth prince snorted and scolded coldly: "If you continue like this, there is nothing to talk about. This time, there are only twenty-five domain masters in your Twin Empire here. You keep saying that you are half as many as me, but your Twin Empire Can one party take out half of the manpower?"

Hearing that Xiangyu smiled awkwardly, he didn't take it seriously, so let's continue to argue.


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