Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 793: 8th soul change

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"Space! It turned out to be space!"

The demigod Xingyun paced back and forth in the hall, and the next moment his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

When it reappeared, it had already appeared near a star gate, and then got in before the gatekeeper noticed.

The gatekeeper Nebula Sect Master looked around, and vaguely felt that something moved just now, but he felt it carefully and didn't notice any abnormalities, so he shook his head and yelled and ignored it.

"Xing Yun why did you call us here at this time?"

In the residence of the Xingyun Sect of the second galaxy in the eastern district, only five demigods of the eastern district gathered here, and it was only about five minutes since the time when Nebula was in contact with Jiutian.

The demigod powerhouse coupled with the teleportation of the star gate, the speed has long been unimaginable by the domain master powerhouse. For the demigod, even without the star gate, it only takes a moment to travel a galaxy by himself.

"There is something I want to ask you all to do once!"

Hearing that all the demigods present were a little surprised, and seeing Xing Yun's serious and solemn face, he thought that this could not be a big deal.

"Brother Xingyun, what's going on, you still asked me to wait to fight together?" The twin ancestors were surprised.

"You're not going to the central area now, are you?" the demigod Siji beside him joked.

However, Xing Yun nodded, "That's right, I'm going to the Central District right now!"

As soon as this remark came out, several demigods looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Xingyun, are you serious? Or are you crazy? Those guys in the hegemony really don't know how to make a move?" the Twin Ancestor said in horror.

"I think Brother Xingyun should first talk about why. After all, this must be a big deal, otherwise Brother Xingyun wouldn't be so motivating." Ancestor Tianshuang squinted at Xingyun, as if thinking about what Xingyun did. What is the purpose.

"Yes! Xingyun, just tell me what you want to do?" Siji demigod also looked at Xingyun, his private ally.

Sensing everyone's stares, Xingyun frowned slightly, and muttered slightly: "I'm just bringing one person back, and soon we may be able to come back without Tyrant's response!"

"Bring someone?" Patriarch Tianshuang murmured softly, "Brother Xingyun said too lightly. Who can make you so reckless?"

"There's no need for me to say more, I won't let you do it in vain if I ask you to do it." Xing Yun didn't want to tell the truth, and his tone was a bit cold.

"It depends on what brother Xingyun can come up with. It's not a small matter. Those guys in Bayu are worrying that they won't have a chance to challenge us. If we find out that we've disregarded our agreement and end early, I'm afraid there will be a fight to the death!" Patriarch Tianshuang closed his eyes slightly and said softly.

Xingyun didn't know what Tianshuang meant, but he just wanted to beat him hard.

"Don't worry, I won't let you suffer. Now I can give a few rewards, one Blood God Pill for each! There will be other rewards after the work is done!" Xing Yun gritted his teeth.

Hearing this, all the demigods couldn't help but be moved.

"Brother Xingyun still has such a good thing in his hand, tut tut one grain can reshape a demigod-level body." The twin ancestors couldn't help but tut tut in amazement.

Listening to the words of the twins, the corner of Xingyun's mouth twitched.

Although the Blood God Pill has little effect on demigods with a physical body like him, it is equivalent to an extra life for demigods of the temple system.

After all, after reaching the level of a demigod, once the body of the demigod is damaged, it cannot be recovered simply by self-healing. At this time, the role of a blood **** pill is manifested.

The Blood God Pill contains the majestic power of the law of the flesh and a trace of the power of the avenue of life. Even if it is placed in Wanbaozhai, it can only be seen in some demigod-level auctions.

These few are only a few of which Xingyun earned under the hands of the prince in the early years.

"Let's stop talking nonsense, you guys take the things!" As he spoke, Xingyun waved a few small boxes and flew towards the eyes of several demigods.

Several people felt it with their divine sense, and after confirming that the thing was true, they all showed satisfied smiles.

"Brother Xingyun is refreshing, then let's go along with him. Even if there are some things that need to be agreed in advance!"

"Speak up if you have something to say!" Xing Yun said impatiently seeing that the old fox Tianshuang still had questions.

"If someone from Hegemony comes, we can help you to entangle one or two, but you must be fast, we can't stay in the central area for too long. And afterward, the Hegemony side will use this as an excuse, you have to find a way to stop it their mouths!"

Several people present at the request of Tianshuang Patriarch nodded, and they didn't want to have a decisive battle with Tyrant right now.

It is naturally the best to solve this matter with the least cost.

"Don't worry, there is a high probability that this trip will take you out for a walk. We will withdraw before the hegemonic party arrives. At that time, they will only talk about it."

Xing Yun waved his hand, he is very anxious now, but he can't show it on his face.

After a few people discussed, they moved quickly, and soon headed towards the star gate.

At the same time, Jiang Heng was panting lightly, and was a little tired watching the eighth wave of thunder calamity brewing.

Relying on the law of space to go through the first few waves all the way is considered safe and secure, and I also found out that as long as I don't fight the blood dragon head-on, killing with one blow can minimize the risk.

But the speed of the blood dragon became faster as it went further, and naturally it needed to use the law of space without stopping at all. The consumption of this made Jiang Heng a little overwhelmed.

"Persevere, survive the last two waves!"

Jiang Heng's heart was naturally fierce, and he looked around without blinking. His perception was reduced to the smallest range in order to focus on capturing the moment when the other party appeared.

Because the timing of the opponent's appearance will be more abrupt as the time goes on, and then they will attack directly with lightning speed.

If there is no law of space, Jiang Heng can be sure that he will not be able to hold on long before the fifth wave.

It's just that time passed by a little bit, but there was no movement around.

But at the next moment, Jiang Heng's face changed abruptly, and Jiang Heng let out a muffled snort, and instantly flew backwards, bleeding from his seven orifices.

"Is it a soul shock?!"

Feeling the tearing pain of his soul, Jiang Heng's eyes were about to burst. Just now, his soul was like being hit by a wild bull, and his soul was almost knocked out of his body.

"It's soul robbery!" Jiu Tian, ​​who also noticed this scene at this time, was secretly shocked.

It's just that he watched this scene but couldn't do anything. He wanted to help before, but Jiang Heng was able to deal with it flexibly by himself by relying on the law of space.

But the soul robbery can only be dealt with alone.

This can't help but make Jiutian feel very bitter, his master wants him to protect Jiang Heng, but right now he really can't help.

Moreover, even if the master comes personally, there is no way to deal with the soul robbery, because this is something that only the victim himself can experience.

Jiang Heng's heart trembled violently, just when he was trying to do something while enduring the severe pain in his soul.

The next moment, a ray of invisible will suddenly penetrated into his own sea of ​​consciousness, and then Jiang Heng saw a ferocious blood dragon with extremely clear scales emerging in his mind, and he rushed towards him without any explanation.


In his sea of ​​consciousness, the blood dragon behaved equally swiftly, biting Jiang Heng's soul body almost instantly.

Severe pain swept through the soul, causing Jiang Heng's soul to howl terribly. This is the feeling of tearing the soul.

"I don't want to die! This is my home field! Kill Ling Yue!"

Jiang Heng, who was in the state of soul, also turned grim. At this moment, he began to do everything possible to drive Ling Yuesuo, who lived in the sea of ​​consciousness, to stab towards the blood dragon soul on his shoulder.

However, at this moment, another blood dragon hidden in the dark emerged silently, and the next moment it went directly into Jiang Heng's soul.

Jiang Heng's movements stopped for a moment, and Jiang Heng found himself surrounded by beautiful women.

All of them perfectly conformed to Jiang Heng's aesthetics in terms of figure and appearance.

And Jiang Heng is now surrounded by them among this group of warblers and swallows, but they look at him with a smile, as if they are waiting for Jiang Heng to pick.

Seeing all this, Jiang Heng's ferocious face gradually softened until he showed admiration and even lust.

A group of beautiful women also approached the river with smiles on their faces.

Just when the leading woman with the most outstanding looks reached out and was about to touch Jiang Heng, Jiang Heng's expression suddenly changed, ferocious and arrogant, and crazy!

All kinds of crazy consciousness swept this illusory world.

"What does this mean to me? Die to me!"

Jiang Heng grabbed the woman's slender hand with a big hand, and immediately pulled it violently.

The woman exclaimed, but soon the exclamation turned into a mournful dragon chant, the illusory world was distorted, a pink dragon soul was pulled out of her soul body by Jiang Heng, twisted and turned into specks of light and merged into Jiang Heng's soul body again .

But this time it was no longer an illusion, Jiang Heng only felt that the pain from being bitten by the other blood dragon soul had eased a lot.

He regained the control of Ling Yuesuo again, but before Jiang Heng could move, another blood dragon soul appeared, just like before, it also stabbed into Jiang Heng's soul body.

"Jiang Heng, why are you in a daze?" A familiar call sounded in my ears.

Jiang Heng rubbed his sleepy eyes and raised his head in confusion.

"Why are you so sleepy that you don't even know your old mother? Hurry up and pack up, don't forget that today is your high school champion day, and now the whole city is making a splash about you."

Mother Dou Shi was talking happily, with a hint of expectation and pride for her son on her face.

"Mom, have I won the number one prize?" Jiang Heng rubbed his head and said in confusion. He felt like he couldn't remember many things.

"Of course, you also asked you not to drink so much wine last night, and now you don't even know that you are the champion." Dou shook her head helplessly, and then she saw her pat her hands, and soon there was a crowd outside the door. A row of servants came in, some were carrying a washbasin, some were holding a stack of brand new champion clothes, and some were holding boots, all of them were smiling and proud of the young master Jiang Heng.

"Okay, pack up and come out quickly, the horse is ready, don't delay entering the palace tonight to attend the emperor's family banquet. It is a great honor for our Jiang family to be appointed by the emperor to attend the royal family banquet."

After saying this, Dou went out happily.

Looking at the back of his mother leaving, Jiang Heng became even more confused.

He remembered that he had a very long dream. In the dream, there were monsters rampant in Hengjiang City, and Dayan was full of monsters. And I am a genius in martial arts, the heads of monsters killed in Dayan are all over the place, and I went to the sky again...err...yes! heaven...

In the sky.... I seem to be more powerful, and I have killed many monsters, and then become stronger and stronger.

"But this dream is obviously so absurd, but why does it feel so real to me?" Jiang Heng scratched his head and became more confused.

After thinking about it but not coming up with a result, he shook his head and called the maidservant to serve him.

Watching the maids put on clothes and boots for themselves without complaint, wrung out the towels to wipe their faces, and then handed them mouthwash as long as they stretched out their hands.

Feeling this meticulous service, Jiang Heng frowned slightly.

"Master, is it because we didn't serve you well?" A maid asked a little uneasy when she saw Jiang Heng's eyebrows furrowed slightly.

Jiang Heng shook his head, thought for a while and smiled wryly: "No, I'm just not used to being served by others, and I feel very uncomfortable."

"Really? But we have always served the young master." The maid tilted her head suspiciously.

After washing and dressing, Jiang Heng got up and went out.

The yard was already full of people, including mother Dou, father Jiang Erhai, uncle and uncle's family, and even my grandfather's family. Seeing Jiang Heng come out made me even happier.

"This time, a unicorn was born in my family. This is my blessing and the blessing of our old Jiang's family." Jiang Erhai looked at his son, the more he looked at it, the happier he was.

"Hey, why is Xiao Heng unhappy? Today is a day of great joy." The uncle looked at Jiang Heng and frowned and couldn't help asking.

"Oh, I'm a little sleepy and confused!" Jiang Heng waved his hands quickly, but looked at the familiar relatives in the room very strangely.

Especially when he saw the kind and gentle face of his uncle, for some reason, Jiang Heng thought of the picture of his uncle being bitten to death by a white gun in his dream.

He looked at his cousin standing next to his uncle, who was also smiling very happily, but what appeared in Jiang Heng's mind was a scrawny appearance lying on the bed like a mummified corpse after being exhausted.

His eyes swept over the relatives in the house one by one, there are many people here that made Jiang Heng think of some bad dreams.

"Okay, okay! It's getting late, and our No. 1 scholar has to go through the capital first. I heard that the entire capital is full of people, just to see our No. 1 student!" Mrs. Dou was very happy and proud Seeing the proud and happy expression on his mother's face because of him, Jiang Heng also stopped laughing.

A dream is still a dream after all, I still want to live in the present!

Jiang Heng nodded, and then with the help of his servants, he rode on a tall horse that had been prepared earlier.

Walking out of Jiang's house in the capital, there was indeed a sea of ​​people outside, and everyone cheered when they saw Jiang Heng come out.

Looking at these Jiang Heng was also full of excitement, waving at the crowd as he walked.

"This kind of feeling is really good, but how did I get into the number one spot? Why don't I have any impression?"

Jiang Heng thought about it secretly, but was quickly attracted by the cheers of the crowd.

Without thinking too much, he went straight to the imperial city all the way through the streets and alleys under the cheers and attention of countless people.

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