Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 805: 4 Mysteries of Wang Wuxue

"I heard that Master Jiang's uncle killed a demigod before. Is this true or not?"

Hearing that at this time, an insider said: "This is a bit exaggerated, but the Jiang master uncle did have a contest with the demigod at the time, but in the end the demigod was forced to abandon his body and flee. And go!"

When this person said this, everyone present couldn't help but gasped. Although they didn't really kill the demigod, it made no difference to everyone.

After all, everyone knows that the physical body is very precious to demigod powerhouses. This means that once the physical body that has been cultivated for hundreds of thousands of years is destroyed, it is extremely difficult to reshape, and the cost of heavy treasures and materials is countless. Counting, some families who are not rich enough can only settle for the next best thing and choose the body of the domain master level and then slowly figure it out.

"Of course, everyone should not think too much about the strength of Master Jiang's uncle. In my opinion, I have seen the strength of Master Jiang's uncle before. At that time, he was only in the mid-term stage, and his full strength was comparable to that of the general physical body in the later stage. The strong can be regarded as extremely remarkable.

As for breaking through and stepping into the late stage, I'm afraid that the strength will increase even more, but I don't think it will be able to compete with the third elder in a single jump! "

The person who spoke was still the same person from before, and this person was one of the few people who had witnessed the whole process of Jiang Heng's breakthrough with Tian Xingcong before.

As for Jiang Heng's strength, although he also admires it, but because he has seen Jiang Heng's strength before with his own eyes, he is relatively rational.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately someone laughed and said, "That's true. After all, the third elder has been at the peak for thousands of years, and now he has cultivated to the peak. Such a strength is only a fake. God is nothing more than that!"

"That's right! This Grand Master Jiang is still too young after all, and he is extremely talented, but I think it's hard enough to beat the third elder."

At this time, everyone turned the limelight one after another, and after being awakened by the previous person, everyone will also react now.

"Yeah, the peak and late stages seem to be only a small level, but as we all know, the span is more exaggerated than the middle to late stage. What's more, the third elder is still at the peak, which is even more impossible!"

Hearing this, everyone nodded their heads one after another. One can imagine the difficulty. If you think about it for a while, you will know that this is almost a concept that is no less than a fantasy.

"They started!"

At this moment, the two people on the field had already started fighting at the same time.

Both of them are seasoned fighters, especially Xuan Xingzi was famous for fighting madmen in his early years. Over the years, the number of shots has decreased as he has been in a high position, but he has also pulled the other two elders to fight.

"Brother, what do you think of this battle?"

At the same time, Di Xingzi, who was floating on the other side, glanced at his senior brother Tian Xingzi and said solemnly.

"I didn't expect the third child to be so reckless that he would still compete with the uncle. What if it hurts the uncle?" Tian Xingzi shook his head and sighed softly. The meaning of his words was obvious, and he was not optimistic about Jiang Heng, a young man.

Hearing this, Di Xingzi also nodded inconspicuously, "The third child has already cultivated the main level of the Nebula Art Field to the limit, and also cultivated the body-hardening mastery of the sect to the eighth-level star body. This physique is already comparable to A family of starry sky behemoths worthy of reaching the pinnacle!"

"That's right! The third child has never stopped working hard all these years, and his astral body is the best among the three of us. This kind of physique is destined to make him invincible!"

Tian Xingzi also echoed and responded that the astral body is one of the unique skills of the Nebula Sect, even surpassing the Nebula Palm and the Nebula Kungfu to a certain extent, and it belongs to the true core martial arts of the Nebula Sect.

But because of the high difficulty of learning this unique technique, even many disciples of our sect have never understood it, and the ordinary true disciples of our sect practice only the inferior nebular body.

While the two were talking, the two in the center of the field had already exchanged tens of thousands of punches one after another, and each punch was so fast that it was difficult for warriors below the normal late stage to even perceive it.

This made many Nebula Sect disciples look lonely, only seeing the constant shock waves of duels on the field, but they couldn't see the opponents.

There are only a few late true disciples who are observing carefully with their eyes tightly locked like torches. Even so, they are under great pressure to observe.

Bang bang bang!

At the same time, the battle between Jiang Heng and the third elder, Xuan Xingzi, had already reached a fever pitch. The muscles on both sides bulged, and those who didn't know thought it was two humanoid beasts.

I saw that Xuan Xingzi's stature brought out streaks of starlight while galloping, like a short-distance jet, making every time he dashed as fast as a gust of wind.

The star seal between the eyebrows is even more dazzling.

"Uncle master, be careful. The star seal of my nebula sect is not brought by blood, but by a unique art of astral body cultivation. The deeper the cultivation, the stronger the magic that the star seal can bring, especially for the physical body. fear!"

After saying that, Xuan Xingzi stretched out his figure, and the next moment his figure turned into a beam of starlight and slammed directly towards Jiang Heng.

The speed made Jiang Heng's face change drastically, but he also reacted extremely quickly, a golden light flashed all over his body, and a golden-winged roc quickly emerged and flapped his wings to avoid the impact dangerously.

Jiang Heng was a little panicked by Xuan Xingzi's intrusion method, just now he was immersed in the joy that his strength had soared so much in the later stage of the breakthrough. As a result, Xuan Xingzi poured cold water on his face.

"My speed is not inferior to the general peak domain master if I play it to the limit, but it is still too difficult for the third elder, and the opponent still has spare strength!"

Jiang Heng was startled. After the short confrontation before, he reckoned that his current strength should be as tough as the ordinary peak physical powerhouse.

But Xuan Xingzi's strength made Jiang Heng a little weak.

"I lost because of my martial arts skills!" Jiang Heng quickly realized the reality. The opponent's astral body, Nebula Kungfu and Nebula Palm are all in his Overlord Body, Brahma Martial Saint Body, Simplified Nebula Palm and Nebula Palm. Above Nebula Kung Fu.

Not only is the rank of martial arts higher than it, but the progress of the other party's martial arts training has obviously reached an extremely high level.

"Master Uncle can't be distracted right now!"

With a hearty laugh, Jiang Heng felt a pain in his wings, and the next moment his figure was dragged by a huge force.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng didn't dare to be negligent, the golden light on his body surface bloomed again, and the figure of the golden-winged roc changed again. The next moment, a brown giant ape roared and appeared, and turned back to hit Xuan Xingzi with a fifty-layer nebula palm. go.

"Well done!"

Seeing this Xuan Xingzi did not retreat but advanced, he also attacked with a thirty-level True Nebula Palm.


The two sides were in a stalemate for a while, and Xuan Xingzi trembled for a while, but in the end it was because of his small size, and he retreated a few steps in a flash under the same strength.

Looking at the other party's unchanging expression, Jiang Heng scolded his mother in his heart.

What kind of physique is this opponent?

Feeling the power of the other party blasting into his body still flowing in his body, I couldn't help coughing up blood, but the other party was fine, which made Jiang Heng, who had been oppressing people with physical strength and strength before, very aggrieved.

"Uncle Master! This is the mystery of the astral body. This disciple's physical body is now as strong as a clan of starry sky behemoths of the same rank!"

Xuan Xingzi was so determined that actual combat was his home field, and he didn't intend to bully anyone, so he just said what he had in his cards.

Hearing that Jiang Heng frowned, the opponent's physical body was indeed terrifyingly strong, but to say that it was comparable to the peak starry sky behemoths was a bit exaggerated.

But this is also normal. After all, the biggest advantage of the giant beast family is the terrifying body shape besides the strong physique.

The power that can be exploded under the blessing of a huge body and a terrifying physique is of course not comparable to Xuan Xingzi's current star body. But that's not even comparable.

"It's hard to break through his defense!"

Jiang Heng's mind was running fast, and his hole cards were almost completely suppressed by the opponent, which was incomparable to the strength of the physical body, and the same was true for the speed without using the law of space. The only thing that barely beats the opponent is strength, but this small gap is not enough to turn the tide of the battle.

"Master Uncle, I will use the exploration in the star seal next, and the attack later may be more painful!"

After saying that, Xuan Xingzi didn't say much and rushed towards Jiang Heng in a flash.

Facing the other party's shining eyes almost instantly, Jiang Heng felt a slight numbness in his back. It was a feeling that his whole body was being explored, and a sense of crisis struck.

In an instant, the golden light flashed all over Jiang Heng's body again, and the giant ape shrank rapidly, and when it reappeared, it was in the posture of a three-headed, three-eyed and six-armed Sanctuary.

"Interesting!" Xuan Xingzi was taken aback for a moment, but he was quite disdainful in his heart. It was all tricks, and the actual increase in the seemingly various ways was just that.

The fact is also as he said, as the two confronted again, Jiang Heng felt faint signs of collapse of the Fanwu Holy Physique after almost dozens of punches.

The third eye tried to catch the opponent's punching movements so as to evade or even counterattack in advance, but the opponent's speed was faster, and every time it hit Jiang Heng's weakest defense point, Jiang Heng grinned in pain.

"That's true, but it's amazing that our master uncle can hold on to the third child for so long." Di Xingzi, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help but sigh.

The three elders had a lot of contests on weekdays. If you want to say who is the strongest in actual combat, besides the boss Tian Xingzi, it is the youngest Sanxuan Xingzi. And the gap between the two is not that big, Xuan Xingzi even achieved a stalemate with Tian Xingzi by virtue of his cultivation of a higher level of astral body.

"That's true!" Tian Xingzi also nodded slightly, "But I see that our master uncle has practiced a lot of Ye Luzi's body, martial arts, and it's too complicated to be able to do this. If he changes later This is a unique skill in this sect, it will be difficult for the third child to beat him like this."

"It's really rare!" Di Xingzi also nodded with emotion, it was the first time he saw what a genius is.

At the same time, a pair of eyes are peeking at this place from afar—

"Little Xuanzi and my disciple actually started fighting? A competition?"

Xingyun demigod's eyes burst out with star brilliance, and the star seal on his forehead shone with brilliance, allowing him to clearly see all the movements not far away through the cave.

"After all, he is still good at cultivation and has a humble background. It is really rare to be able to achieve this step, but it is difficult for this little guy."

The demigod made such a judgment with just one glance at Xingyun, and he saw it more clearly than others with his sharp eyesight.

"If you can hold on for a while longer by using space means, you will definitely lose right now. But it's good to let this kid suffer some setbacks."

Thinking of this, the demigod Xingyun paused when he wanted to make a move, and the onlookers looked like they were watching a good show.

Although his injuries are not fully recovered at the moment, it is natural that he is much more relaxed as he bears the backlash against him all day long.

At the same time, Jiutian, who was in the main hall of the main peak, was also observing the battle situation. He also saw the gap and couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

"Little Xuanzi still likes to bully people, next time I have to play with him!"

The Nine Heavens Demon Lion hummed softly, he knew the three elders very well, and he knew Xuan Xingzi's restless temper even more.

"It's just that this kid's astral body cultivation is quite advanced now, and he still has to wait for his injury to heal before crushing this kid. Otherwise, if he gets beaten up by this kid, he will be ashamed and humiliated."

"However, the little master's fighting instinct really misses the master's. It's really embarrassing him to be able to persist until now with this tattered martial arts."

For a while, many people had already made a judgment, but Jiang Heng in the field didn't have any distracting thoughts, and some only fought with all his He has been crushing the enemy with his advantages for a long time. The feeling of pressing and beating not only did not discourage Jiang Heng, but instead made him feel more courageous as he became frustrated.


Jiang Heng murmured in his heart that Dou Su, the Great Zhou Tianxing Divine Art of Beihe, had been activated with all his strength.

The mystery of this martial art has rarely been developed by Jiang Heng in actual combat before, and most of them are just used for cultivation. Now it feels as smooth as silk when using it.

The brain suddenly became ethereal and sharp, and the mastery of the soul over the body seemed to have been greatly increased in a very short period of time.

right! It is control!

Normally, a person can only exert 20% or even 30% of the body's strength when punching, and some well-trained boxers can exert more, reaching 60, 70, or even 80%.

And the real fighters are even more terrifying, they have already begun to dig deeper into the power of the physical body.

But this depends to a certain extent on the level of mastery of martial arts.

For example, Jiang Heng's false nebula palm is a big grade lower than Xuan Xingzi's nebula palm, and naturally the deeper power of the body excavated is also a lot less.

However, at this moment, this kind of control has been improved, and Jiang Heng has a feeling that every next attack will burst out with far more power than before.

"Oh! Finally discovered the mysteries of the Northern King's martial arts!" Distant Xingyun narrowed his half-godly eyes, and couldn't help showing a touch of approval on his face.

"It is said that practicing the Four Kings' martial art is just the beginning, and the one who can truly discover the true secrets of the Four Kings' martial arts can only rely on fate and understanding." The demigod Xingyun sighed with emotion.

"Your new apprentice seems to me to be much stronger than you. He realized the secret of Dou Su with the most killing power when he was around a thousand years old. It's not bad!" Tong Tianhou interjected suddenly.

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