Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 820: Beauty knife

Remember [New] in a second! Tian Xingcong had no choice but to lead Jiang Heng back to the second floor with an aggrieved face.

The specifications of the second floor of the treasure house are almost the same as those of the first floor, but the corridors on the second floor are much shorter. Similarly, the treasures here are all at the domain master level, and the minimum of each item is the high-quality goods at the domain master level.

It is true that there are no defective products here. According to Tian Xingcong, this is the inner treasure house of the sect, and the outer treasure house is kept in the hands of the Great Elder.

Generally, what treasures are needed can only be called from the outer treasury. As for the inner treasury, only some outstanding disciples can be bestowed or some disciples who have made great achievements can be bestowed.

But Jiang Heng is not included in this list at all, he can directly enter and call at will as his master uncle.

"I don't know if Uncle Master should choose physical weapons or space or other law-based weapons? Of course, the treasures here are not limited to weapons, but also medicine pills and some law reserves, etc."

"Let's choose weapons first!" Jiang Heng pondered slightly.

"The weapons are here!" Tian Xing led Jiang Heng to the left compartment as he said.

Crossing the first nine compartments, Tianxing led Jiang Heng all the way into the tenth innermost compartment.

Entering it, there are not many objects placed here, only ten.

"Uncle Master, the last ones placed here are all at the peak domain master level. Among them, the first three were once semi-artifacts, but because their original owners were severely injured during the transition, even after repairing, their quality was still affected."

"Demi-artifact?!" Jiang Heng frowned slightly, he had never touched such a thing as a demi-artifact.

"I wonder if I can try this semi-artifact?" Jiang Heng asked tentatively

"Master and uncle do as they please, but I would like to advise you, even if these weapons have fallen to the peak, they are very self-conscious! They may carry some offensive intentions, so we must be cautious!" Tian Xing said solemnly.

"I don't know what's the difference between this demigod weapon and the domain master's weapon. Could it be that the demigod weapon can also transform into a spirit?" Jiang Heng asked suspiciously.

"You can do it yourself!"

Ben was just asking casually, but Tian Xingcong directly gave an affirmative answer.


"Return to Master Uncle! Demi-artifacts and spirits can be transformed, but the power of most demi-artifacts after transforming is not as good as fighting directly with the main body, so their masters often fight with their own demi-artifact prototypes."

As he spoke, he saw Jiang Heng showing a look of inquiry, and Tian Xingcong straightened out his thoughts and continued: "

Generally speaking, demigod weapons are extremely rare, even for ordinary low-level demigods, it is difficult to have one, and most low-level demigods use peak weapons. However, the real demigods generally have the financial resources and background to be possessed by the middle-ranked demigods.

Of course, our suzerain Xu has a lot of background in his early years, so he has accumulated such a huge foundation. It is said that the semi-sacred weapon of the suzerain is a pair of fist gloves, which can be transformed into a black tiger. After transformation, he has the peak domain master level strength. "

"And if the black tiger glove is worn by the suzerain himself, the increase in its strength is far from comparable to that of an extra peak domain master. Therefore, this is also the reason why most demigods don't want to use weapons to transform into combat. It is better than nothing!"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, which is not surprising, so it seems that this semi-artifact is mysterious, but the threat of losing the master's control itself has been greatly reduced.

"It's okay over there!" Jiang Heng waved his hand, scanning the three weapons on the innermost shelf.

"This is the Zhanyan Saber! In the early years, it should have been owned by a demigod of the law of fire, and the weapon itself has extremely strong power of the law of fire!"

Seeing Jiang Heng's gaze fell on the innermost blade, Tian Xingcong quickly introduced.

Hearing that Jiang Heng didn't continue to pay attention to the blade over there, the law of fire movement didn't help him in any way, and he couldn't even complement each other, which was naturally out of his consideration.

The three weapons are in the shape of blades and double axes, and two of them are in the shape of blades.

Jiang Heng naturally landed on another blade, perhaps because he had used the Time Knife before, Jiang Heng had a preference for bladed weapons.

"This is the Huagang Knife, which is owned by a demigod of the physical body. It is inspired by the laws of the physical body. However, this weapon itself has suffered the most serious damage, so it retains the least power of the demigod. Strictly speaking It is the lowest among the three weapons!" Tian Xingcong introduced again.

However, it seemed that Tianxing was attracted by these words, and the blade began to make a sound of saber sound, as if a little unconvinced.

Tian Xing never paid attention to the objection of the blade weapon spirit, but directly introduced another double axe, "Master uncle and disciple still suggest that you consider the double axe, the double ax itself is also a weapon of the physical law of the body, and it contains the most power of a semi-divine weapon. "

Jiang Heng just nodded slightly, then strode towards several weapons, stood in front of the double axes, didn't say much, just grasped the handle of one of the axes with his big hand, and lifted them up directly.

The big ax was extremely heavy, but it was effortless to lift it with Jiang Heng's current physical strength, and he waved it casually before putting it back in place.

His eyes fell on the Huagang knife again, as if affected by Jiang Heng's gaze, the blade began to shake.

Tian Xing, who watched this scene, was slightly taken aback, and said to himself that he had never seen this uncle react when he came here with his master to inspect the treasure.

However, as Jiang Heng held the handle of the knife, the reaction of the Huagang knife became more intense, not that kind of resistance, but that kind of feeling similar to joy.

"Can you speak?"

Jiang Heng looked directly at the blade and spoke softly, some spirits could speak, such as some humanoid spirits, but some animal spirits could not.

"My concubine pays my respects to my master!"

I thought that even if I could speak, it was because of the old man's voice, but a soft female voice came out from the blade.

"Possible transformation?" Jiang Heng asked again, frowning slightly.

"Yes! It's just that the concubine's body is seriously injured and can only maintain the transformation state for a short time!" After saying that, he saw the blade in Jiang Heng's hand shaking slightly.

Immediately afterwards, a classical woman in palace attire appeared in front of the two of them while the blade was flickering. The appearance of being decent and rich is indescribable.

"Master, my concubine Hongyan has seen the master!"

The woman in palace costume bowed slightly, and whispered Youlan.

"Hongyan? Isn't your name Huagang Dao? Why is it such a name?" Jiang Heng was a little surprised, thinking that the name of the sword was the same as the spirit of the weapon.

When Jiang Heng said this, the woman in the palace costume complained a little bit: "Return to the master, to be honest, the master on the concubine is a reckless man. He felt that the name of the sword is not aggressive enough, so he changed his name. The original name of the concubine is Hongyan. .”

"Although Hongyan is a bit more feminine, she is indeed better than Huagang. Why not call her Hongyan, isn't Hongyan better than Huagang?" Jiang Heng said with a smile.

"It's all up to the master!" The woman in palace costume bowed again, and the smile on her face showed that she was quite satisfied with the name.

"Ahem, master uncle, this..."

"Do you have any opinions?" Seeing Tianxing's hesitant expression, Jiang Heng couldn't help asking suspiciously.

"Ugh! It's this kind of master uncle. Martial arts focus on practicality. Of course, I am not arranging Miss Hongyan. It is just a weapon that is not helpful to the master. This..."

Tian Xingcong still wanted to persuade himself, his master uncle, that Hongyan really looked good, but no matter how he looked at it, it didn't look like he had much lethality.

"Young master, the body of a concubine is of great benefit to the master. Although it is not beneficial for ordinary people to hold a body of a concubine, and because the body of a concubine has not healed, it is even worse than ordinary peak weapons. But I I feel that I and the master are very compatible, as if there is something about the master that is attracting me...I..."

Hongyan's words are very confusing, she seems to have noticed it, so there is a blush on her pretty face behind her words.

Jiang Heng didn't object to Hongyan's words, but nodded with deep satisfaction and said, "That's right! There is indeed a kind of attraction. I don't know Hongyan, but you think this thing is attracting you!"

As he said that, Jiang Heng flicked his fingers, and a wisp of air blade emerged from his fingertips. The air was white, but it seemed to have a sense of sharpness.

This is exactly the law of the airway!

With the emergence of the airway law, Tianxing never reacted much, but Hongyan's beautiful eyes were obviously a little brighter, and even her body couldn't help but get a little closer.

She lowered her head slightly, unknowingly using her delicate little Qiong nose to continuously sniff the wisp of white gaseous flames, and indeed a lot of white gaseous flames were inhaled by Hongyan into her nasal cavity.

What made both Jiang Heng and Tian Xingcong a little embarrassed was that every time Hongyan took a sip, her pretty face flushed, and there was a look of joy on her face, as if... as if a woman was having fun in the boudoir.


"Ah!" Hearing Jiang Heng's light cough, Hongyan, the woman in palace costume, immediately realized and took a small step back, her pretty face was filled with embarrassment.

"Master! It's my concubine's disrespect. In fact, this thing seems to be beneficial to me. I...I couldn't hold back for a while..."

As she said that, Hongyan seemed to notice the weird gaze from Tianxing, and she lowered her head in shame to reveal the snow-white back of her neck.

"You said that this thing is of great benefit to you, can it restore your injuries?"

Jiang Heng casually played with the Qi Dao Law in his hand and asked softly.

Just now, he also felt that the other party seemed to be compatible with his own Qi Dao law, so he was particularly fond of Hongyan.

"It's... not very clear, but if you can give me a little more... I will know!" Hong Yan whispered in that almost mosquito-like voice.

Jiang Heng was also unambiguous when he heard the words, and directly pressed one hand on Hongyan's shoulder, and one-tenth of the few airway principles in his body immediately poured out into the opponent's body.

With the injection of the law of the airway, the palace costume on Hongyan seemed to be a bit brighter. There seemed to be many damages to the palace costume on her body, but with the injection of the law of the airway, many of these damages were healed In this state, even the other party's black hair began to become more shiny.

This change made the woman Hongyan look more glamorous and attractive.

Feeling the improvement of her own condition, Hongyan saluted again and again: "Thank you, Master for the gift..."

It was only halfway through the speech, Hong Yan seemed to be touched by something sensitive, she moaned softly, and said unconsciously: "Master...I...I want to... .give me some more!"


This time, Tian Xingcong's expression became even weirder. He looked at his uncle and then at the weird weapon spirit. He always felt that his uncle was doing something dirty, but he had no proof.

But at this moment, Hongyan was having a good time, and didn't even notice the gazes of others, she just kept pleading, that appearance made Jiang Heng, a martial arts practitioner who thought he was about to be ascetic, a little bit unbearable. .

Fortunately, Jiang Heng wasn't used to this girl, and after a while, Jiang Heng quickly withdrew the airway infusion, which made Hong Yan, who was very dissatisfied with desire, feel unsatisfied. He could only look at Jiang Heng unblinkingly with those big beautiful eyes, which were full of spring water.

Those who don't know are really easy to misunderstand, Jiang Heng always feels that this girl must not be transformed into a form when he returns home, otherwise something will happen.

"Master, can I follow you around in the future?"

Seeing that Jiang Heng didn't react much, Hongyan thought that she was rejected by her master because of her reckless behavior, and she looked at Jiang Heng aggrievedly.

"Of course you can, but you'd better turn it into the main body first!"

Jiang Heng looked at this charming woman in palace costume with a dark face, he was really afraid that this woman would do something irrational again.

Hearing this, Hongyan's complexion was overjoyed, her figure turned around, her whole body turned into light spots and then turned into a slender blade and landed in Jiang Heng's palm.

This beauty knife is relatively long and slender as a whole, and belongs to the type of Tang knife in Jiang Heng's memory.

It feels good to hold, and the only thing Jiang Heng doesn't like is probably the weight.

But when you think about it, it seems normal. Girls definitely don't want to be too heavy.

Gently swiping and pulling, Jiang Heng felt a little astonished.

"It's pretty sharp!"

Just like Jiang Heng felt a sense of sharpness sweeping over him.

Seeing this situation, Tian Xingcong finally found a chance to intervene and said hastily: "Master Uncle, this transformation... Hongyan Knife itself is very light and easy to break, but it is better at being fast and sharp. Maybe it was the way it was forged back then. The extreme route, so many inscriptions that bless sharpness and lightness are engraved on the blade.

If it is combined with some sword techniques that are known for their speed, I believe this knife will definitely be of great help. Moreover, if the master and uncle can repair this knife and make this knife truly show the power of a demigod, the knife will not only have the power of law but also the power of distortion, so the scars cut by the blade will be extremely difficult to heal even if it is a demigod. ! "

"Oh! Could it be that half-divine weapons have the power of distortion?" Jiang Heng keenly grasped the key point.

"That's right! Demi-artifacts can be used as carriers of their own distortion power. When demi-artifacts first appeared in the early years, they were called distortion weapons at that time. But as countless people continued to dig and use them, they discovered that the power of divine law and distortion The power that erupts from the combination of power is the most perfect. This has gradually evolved into the current style."

"In this way, wouldn't a demigod weapon be able to kill a demigod?" Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and a different kind of excitement was contained in his pupils.

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