Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 824: counterattack

Remember [New] in a second! At first, Jiang Heng didn't know that at this time, after Tian Xingcong personally came to invite him, Jiang Heng participated in the battle meeting with an avatar in a daze.

In the battle meeting room of the Xingyun Sect, Jiang Heng sat on the main seat in a daze.

Well, that's right! It's on the main seat!

Looking at the three elders sitting on their side seats, seeing Jiang Heng's gaze, the three elders also nodded with a smile.

"Ahem! Elder Tian Xingzi, is it appropriate for me to sit here?" Jiang Heng whispered to Tian Xingzi with some embarrassment.

Hearing this, Tian Xingzi smiled, "Master and Uncle, please don't refuse. Our Xingyun Sect pays attention to the order of respect and inferiority. Right now, Master and Uncle, you have the highest seniority. And the suzerain will not participate in our kind of battle meeting, so Of course, I should follow the lead of my master and uncle!"

Tian Xingzi's attitude is humble, obviously after the previous discussion, he has already convinced Jiang Heng, the master uncle.

Hearing this, the corners of Jiang Heng's mouth twitched.

"Okay, but I don't understand a lot of things when I'm new here, so this time I'm just here to listen, just remind me when you need me!" Seeing this group of people so rigid, Jiang Heng had no choice but to respond. .

Hearing this, Tian Xingzi was also relieved, he was afraid that this Grand Master Jiang would not know how to command blindly, after all, the other party didn't know the situation of Xingyunzong and the major forces in the eastern district when it came to this kind of decision-making. This has nothing to do with martial arts realm and talent.

"That's good! Then, Master Uncle, please take care of me!"

Wei Wei nodded to Jiang Heng, and Tian Xingzi coughed lightly when he saw that the person was almost there.

Hearing this, everyone present fell silent. Although the Nebula Sect is a sect force, it is not as strict as the empire, but the rules between the elders and younger generations of the sect are stricter.

In Xingyun Sect, the order of the suzerain is more important than anything else, the rest is the seniority of the master and uncle, and the rest are the three elders.

In addition, on weekdays, the three elders govern the entire sect, so the majesty of the three elders has long been deeply ingrained in the hearts of all disciples.

"Master, can you open the first topic?" Seeing the silence present, Tian Xing looked at his master Tian Xingzi from here.

"let's start!"

Nodding slightly, Tian Xing looked at the crowd from now on and said in a deep voice: "Brothers, I have called you here this time to discuss the general offensive in the central area."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present couldn't help whispering to each other through sound transmission.

"This operation is an independent operation of our coalition forces in the eastern region, without the cooperation of the western region. Therefore, the five major forces in our eastern region will join forces. Even in our sect, the domain master-level powerhouse will be the main force, and the galaxy master will be the assistant. The rest don't bring any subordinates, everything is fast and light, so as to catch the opponent by surprise!"

As Tian Xingcong continued to speak, everyone's expressions changed slightly again, as if they didn't expect the Eastern District to have such great determination.

"Brother Tianxing, is it a little abrupt to fight like this? After all, the hegemonic side must have a star gate transmission. Once we can't cut off the opponent's star gate transmission channel in the first place, we can be sure that the opponent's strong will definitely come. It's a hard fight, and it's even a trade-off for me to wait for Billy!"

A late-stage domain master who looked quite old frowned and said in a low voice.

This is also the opinion of everyone, and they all nodded slightly when they heard the words.

Thinking about it carefully, I feel that this matter is too difficult. One can imagine how difficult it is for the Eastern Region to conquer the entire Central Region hegemony without relying on the Allies in the Southern Region.

Tian Xing only looked at his master's affirmative eyes before continuing: "This is the result of the joint discussion of my five demigod ancestors in the Eastern District, so do you have any opinions now?"


This is another fart opinion, this is simply tantamount to giving an order directly, and it is still the kind of iron law that cannot be discounted in the slightest.

"Then I don't know how many ancestors will participate in this operation together?" asked another true disciple of the domain master.

"No! These ancestors will not get involved in order to avoid the opponent's demigod end. Therefore, our task is extremely heavy. Especially my Nebula Sect has to be responsible for destroying the star gate and holding back at least half of the opponent. The important task of the domain master's high-level combat power!" Tian Xing said bluntly, shaking his head.

Hearing these words, all the domain masters present frowned.

Jiang Heng also felt that this operation was a bit reckless, and it could even be said that he took a great risk, but judging by the number of domain masters present, he had to believe how much the Xingyun Sect Master attached importance to this operation.

Because Jiang Heng counted them carefully, there were about 120 domain masters present here.

This is obviously far more than the number of Domain Masters disclosed by the Nebula Sect before, especially after the advance army has lost many people in succession, the number should be even smaller. As a result, the number of Domain Masters present has increased a lot, or even doubled directly .

But seeing that many of the domain masters were middle-aged or even gray-haired, with half a foot in the coffin, Jiang Heng could figure it out.

Thinking about it, this should be some background accumulated by Xing Yunzong over the years.

There are quite a few of these domain masters who practice some kind of feigned death temporarily in the major forces, and they are stored in the sect's secret place like corpses on weekdays, and they are awakened one by one when the sect needs them.

"The difficulty of this matter is probably not small. Senior brother and several elders, according to the latest information, the number of domain masters currently deployed in the central region of Hegemony has been continuously increasing. Now there are as many as more than 800.

And most of these people are desperate lunatics, using that kind of desperate secret method will greatly increase their strength, and it is too difficult to eat them in one bite. The key is that once the star gate is not destroyed immediately, the opponent will continue to send reinforcements. This is the biggest trouble! "

A late-stage domain master solemnly bowed his hands to the three elders and Tianxing Cong, his face full of confusion and embarrassment.

Seeing this, the three elders sighed lightly.

"The old man naturally knows the difficulty, but since this is an order issued by the suzerain, we will naturally strictly implement it, and the suzerain will not let us die for nothing.

What's more, the three old guys like me will also take action in this battle, and our center of gravity is still the base deployed in the central area in the northern area.

As long as we take the lead in destroying the strongholds and star gates of the northern region in the central region, and cut off an arm of the hegemony, it will be difficult for the northern region to reinforce the western region in a short time. At that time, we will move to the West District again, so the winning rate is still very high! "Tian Xingzi murmured.

Hearing this, everyone was relieved, as long as they didn't attack the hegemonic forces in the northern and western regions at the same time, the difficulty would drop by half.

"Of course, don't think that we can relax our vigilance by taking our stronghold in the North District. Since the two demigods fell one after another in the North District, the North District has strictly fortified its defenses for a long time.

Now we need to prevent the star gate connecting the western stronghold in the northern stronghold. So we still have to have the mental preparation of one against two. "Elder Tian Xingzi pointed with a solemn expression.

This is the biggest trouble right now.

"Tian Xingzi, don't talk about these things, just say what do you want us old men to do? A group of hegemonic brats and the older generation are not dead yet. When will it be their turn to operate on our territory?" Domineering!"

An old man was holding a special metal cane, and he didn't speak well. His domineering appearance was obviously a senior with a very high seniority.

Hearing that Tian Xingzi was a little embarrassed, he coughed lightly and hurriedly said: "Brother Huang Xingzi, you always save me face, you are no longer an elder!"

"Hmph! What? If the old man resigns, will he not be your elder?" Hearing this, Huang Xingzi was obviously a little bit unconvinced.

"No, no! You have always been the elder of the younger generation, and you are a highly respected existence in our hearts!" Tian Xingzi was very helpless, how could these little old men be so messed up at this time.

"Okay, I'm not talking about you, let's talk about what to do quickly. Although the old man is old, he still has the ability. It's not a problem to kill a few domain masters!" Huang Xingzi waved his hand, but he became a little impatient.

Seeing that Tian Xingzi and Earth Xingzi Xuan Xingzi looked at each other, they felt a little helpless.

I thought that if I knew it earlier, it would be easier to let Jiang Heng, the uncle, support the overall situation. At least the uncle of the teacher is always the highest in the scene.

"That's good! Let me tell you, this time, all the strongmen of my Xingyun sect's late stage and above will participate in the star gate raid. In addition, there will be auxiliary personnel sent by other allies in the Eastern District. They will help us Conceal the breath and detect the enemy's situation."

Tian Xingzi's instructions were carefully considered. After all, most of the Xingyun Sect are physical warriors who are good at fighting head-on. In comparison, some auxiliary abilities are much worse. And a large-scale battle like this definitely needs the assistance of many auxiliary talents.

"Besides, Master Uncle, you still have important responsibilities!" Tian Xingzi said respectfully, looking at Jiang Heng who was sitting on the first seat.

"Just speak up!" Jiang Heng nodded.

"At that time, Master Uncle, please use the method of space teleportation, and move to the designated position according to our position." Tian Xingzi said hastily.

"Short distances are fine, but for long distances, if I don't set up space coordinates in advance, I can't do it even if I have great space skills!" Jiang Heng took the lead in reminding Tian Xingzi.

"There is no need for Master Uncle to worry about this matter. I will make a feint to attract his attention, and then hide my breath, and only wait for a little closer before moving!"

There is nothing wrong with Tian Xingzi's consideration.

Jiang Heng also nodded when he heard the words, as long as the distance is enough, it won't affect him in any way by taking people away, the law of space is so domineering.

Especially now that the Jiangheng space has reached the mid-term level of the domain master, and under the condition of space coordinates, the farthest moving distance can even span an entire supercluster of galaxies. It can even span several, just like the current Sik super galaxy cluster is moved to where the Skyfrost Empire is, and it is barely possible.

It’s just that the situation in the Xik Empire is a bit special now. Jiang Heng always feels that there seems to be a layer of barriers in the outer layer of this super galaxy cluster, which prevents him from sensing with the space coordinates that he stayed in the Tianshuang Empire before.

Tian Xingzi had clearly made a strict strategic plan for this battle, and the next meeting lasted for three full days and three nights. Detailed to each step, and the deployment and tasks of each domain owner.

Such as the sharp knife group that destroys the formation, the attack group that attracts firepower from the front, the core group that sneaks into the star gate, and some rear-break groups that are responsible for preventing accidents from occurring.

"That's how you guys are fighting this time. The general offensive in the central region will be carried out in three days. To prevent news from leaking, a formation has been set up here. You are not allowed to leave this place for three days. Just wait for the allies in the eastern region to arrive and then directly enter the central region Hegemony's northern district resident!"

As the meeting ended, Tian Xingzi shouted loudly.

Hearing this, many people present had their faces darkened, and they were also aware of the seriousness of this battle. Even the brothers and sisters of the sect are guarding against death, obviously they want to be serious,

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was not surprised, and was even faintly excited.

It is good to accumulate background in cultivation in Nebula Sect, but Jiang Heng lacks a lot of passion.

"Maybe my instinctive desire to kill is not necessarily!"

Jiang Heng thought silently, and unconsciously, a touch of excitement and a strong fighting spirit appeared on his face.

Time flies, and three days pass in the blink of an eye. For domain master level powerhouses, three days is equivalent to the blink of an eye.

And some domain masters who already had allies in the eastern region were brought into the meeting room by Tianxing from this direct descendant.

Before these people came, they didn't know what it was that they were suddenly transferred to the Nebula Sect by their ancestors, so they all walked in with a dazed expression.

When they entered the meeting room and saw the domain master-level powerhouses in the room, they were all dumbfounded.

These people are all of the temple system, some are good at the law of detection, some are good at the law of restraint and concealment, and some are good at evasion and so on.

These people are some non-staff personnel secretly trained by several major forces in the Eastern District, and they are all good at small ways, but they are all the laws of auxiliary abilities.

This also led to the fact that these people's cultivation bases are generally not high, and the strongest are only in the middle stage, and most of them are in the early stage.

However, at this moment, seeing the big bosses in the room, especially the fleshy Dao warriors emitting exuberant Qi and blood power like an oven, they couldn't help but feel terrified.

Jiang Heng couldn't help but look at the dozen or so poor people with some pity. This feeling is very visual.

Isn't this what it feels like for an otaku to go through the wrong door and break into the gathering place of the black bosses? If you are not careful, you will be chopped off and stomped Seeing the arrival of allies, Elder Tian Xingzi recounted the operation concisely, focusing on their missions to these people.

Hearing this, this group of people finally understood why they were suddenly dispatched here.

Everything was properly ordered, and following an order, the domain owners in the conference room boarded a starship that looked plain and unpretentious.

This is also to cover up people's eyes and ears, so as not to leak the news if some secret workers in the sect see the mobilization of the large group of domains.

Meanwhile, the Central District—

The location of the Hegemony Northern Region's forces in the Central Region.

This is a planetary belt surrounded by many living planets. Some stars are burning in the middle, but more can be seen densely packed starships shuttle back and forth, as if they are busy with something.

"Hey, what's the point of this kind of life? It was agreed to let us fight, but the result is to come and do coolies!"

Several armored Hegemony Galaxy Masters in a transport ship complained angrily.

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