Master of Fist

Vol 2 Chapter 844: Aquila's Fall

Remember [New] in a second! "How can brother Xingyun cultivate such a genius? I think this son is no less talented than some princes and grandchildren of the Great Zhou Empire in terms of talent and various resources and opportunities! Otherwise, how many people in this world can match at the domain master level?" A demigod, even making such a strong man who is considered to be able to rival the middle demigod?" Tianshuang patriarch shook his head uncontrollably.

He held a different view on the twin ancestors. After all, the scene in front of him was too shocking. Not to mention hearing that even some brilliant geniuses in history existed at this level were rare.

Maybe the Martial God counts as one, or the contemporary Great Zhou Emperor counts as one or there are more, but the number of people will never be large, and it is even more impossible to be trained by the Nebula demigod. How can a mere middle-level demigod with a flesh body have such a blessing? At least the ancestor Tianshuang didn't believe it.

At the same time, the barbarian king's complexion is also not very good, it can even be described as sinking like water, which is really unexpected. I didn't expect that this kid really didn't speak wild words, he just has the ability.

The demigod Xingyun let out a sigh of relief. Although he knew that his apprentice had a certain chance of dealing with the demigod Tianying, he was a strong demigod after all, so he was somewhat worried. It seemed that the stone in his heart had fallen to the ground. up.

At this time, the battle was still going on, and now both sides had watched it for a while and did not intervene in the battle. Instead, Jiang Heng took advantage of the victory to chase and beat Tianying demigod crazily.

The continuous attack did not give Tianying demigod the slightest possibility of respite.

Under normal circumstances, with the escape speed of a demigod powerhouse, it would be impossible for an ordinary domain master powerhouse to catch up to him, but who is Jiang Heng? Under the move, as long as the breath is locked, it is almost impossible to escape his lock.

Therefore, no matter how the Tianying demigod turns into a thunderbolt to escape from Jiang Heng, he can always catch up in time, which is another set of combos. The Tianying demigod not only kept coughing up blood, but also vomited blood in his heart.


It's too aggrieved, not only aggrieved but also a great shame.

"Boy, don't go too far... ah!~"

Before the threatening words could be spoken, Jiang Heng's palm directly hit his throat, and he swallowed the words so directly, and when he opened his mouth again, another mouthful of blood spewed out.

"Don't push... ah!~"


The Tianying demigod who slammed his palm straight at his face froze for a moment before holding back his words. Everyone around shook their heads when they saw this scene, it was too miserable.

Not only the demigods, but even the juniors at the domain master level have been dumbfounded for a long time, but they reacted with a rush of emotion. Whether it is the master of the eastern region or the domain master of the hegemony, they can't help but feel extremely excited when they see this scene .

After all, this is a domain lord beating a demigod violently. This kind of pioneering work is rare in the world, but it can be a role model for every domain lord.

Tian Xingcong and the elders of the Xingyun sect secretly applauded secretly, and couldn't help but raise their necks proudly. After all, this is their grand uncle of the Xingyun sect, and his family must be proud of it.

And some old men under Jiang Heng's command were even more excited, especially the three sisters of Sanhua, Chen and the old man Lu Yixin, who secretly applauded. I didn't expect Jiang Heng to be so against the sky. Before, beating the same level was a violent beating, but now Even demigods can beat violently, such abilities are simply inhuman.

It's just that in the master-level areas of the Tianshuang Empire, the sixth prince Le couldn't help but frown slightly. He was a little bit amused by this scene.

How long ago did the person in front of him have reached such a height that even he could only look up to him, and even looking up was a little out of reach.

"Even if I step into a demigod, can I really have the ability to compete with this person? Is it right or wrong to treat him as an opponent?" Le whispered to himself, with a lingering haze between his brows.

"The decision to take the strong as the goal is right. The stronger the opponent, the more motivated you will be. The heart of martial arts must be honed in this way. Otherwise, it would be boring to choose a mediocre person as the goal to easily surpass, and the final achievement will be too much." That's all." At this moment, Mr. Jin's voice sounded in Le's mind.

"Father, what should I do? I want to become a demigod now. I don't want to be a spectator in obscurity. I also want to be a member of the crowd like Jiang Heng!" Le couldn't help pleading to that voice in his heart. .

"Don't worry, the old ancestor Tianshuang's injury is still unhealed. Only when he recovers from his injury can he use the reverse method to strip all his life's cultivation into your body. In this way, you will inherit the lifelong cultivation of Tianshuang's old thief. Wouldn't stepping into the sixth-order demigod realm surpass Jiang Heng in an instant?" Mr. Jin's words were extremely tempting.

"The law of reversal can really be so against the heavens? Doesn't it mean that the road to becoming a **** has no tricks at all?" Mr. Jin's words have been listened to countless times, so he really has great feelings for these words at this time Suspect.

"Don't worry, this must be true, because this method is a magical method found in the remains of the ancient undead true god. Otherwise, why do you think I have made you switch with the blood in that kid's body all these years?

All these years, I have been letting you replace that kid as the sixth prince of the Tianshuang royal family just for this moment. After the bloodline conversion, you and the old thief Tianshuang can be regarded as having a blood relationship. This is the key to reincarnation reversal magic power. "Mr. Jin's laughing voice sounded in Le's mind.

"Father, the true **** of the undead really has such supernatural powers? He can seize the lifespan and cultivation base of his closest relatives, so why does such an existence still disappear in the long river of history? Shouldn't he be immortal?" Le is still very puzzled and puzzled.

"Hmph! No one in this world can be immortal! Even the most powerful creator of the world, many people speculate that he has already fallen. Otherwise, how can we allow us maggots to wantonly steal his body?" Jin The gentleman hummed softly and continued solemnly: "

Child, let me tell you that eternal life in this world is absolutely illusory, and only unparalleled strength is the foundation for how long you can live. As long as your strength is incomparable and surpasses everyone, it will be considered as your death, and you can drag everyone to be buried with you before you die.

Conversely, even if your lifespan is immortal, as long as your strength is weaker than others, you will still be beheaded by others! How long you can survive depends on your opponents and enemies! "

Listening to the words in his mind, Le opened his mouth wide and said nothing for a while, before nodding slightly for a while.

"I know my father, I want to become a strong man, the real strongest man!"

At this time, the battle was still going on, and the aura of the Skyhawk demigod had declined to the extreme, like an old man in his dying years, even the thunder on his body was uncertain as if it would be extinguished in the next moment.

"Boy, you... you are courting death!"

Tianying stared at Jiang Heng half-heartedly with red eyes.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng raised his brows slightly. It seems that the demigod's vitality is really strong. He can be said to have shot with all his strength. He was panting after beating him for such a long time. The world is faintly reaching its limit, and if it continues to be used, it may endanger the foundation.

However, the opponent is only a demigod of the temple system. I really don't know if it is a demigod of the same level of physical body and Taoism, it will be more difficult to kill.

"If you want to kill me, then think about the possibility of being buried with me!"

Tianying demigod let out a low growl and exploded the thunder again, but this time his flesh and blood also exploded when the thunder exploded, and after the flesh and blood flew out, he also began to draw more violent thunder power.

The thunder erupted too suddenly, and the sudden outburst of surging thrust immediately bounced Jiang Heng, who was tightly attached to the opponent's output, staggering his body quickly, and the Thunder Snake was running around, scorching Jiang Heng's body black.

grain sheaf

"not good!"

Jiang Heng was startled and tried to get closer to prevent the opponent from exploding the attack, but he saw that Tianying Demigod had turned into a thunder spear at this moment. This time the thunder spear was obviously more terrifying than before, and its brewing speed was faster and faster. Sharp and terrifying.

This is a life-threatening blow at the cost of a demigod's body, and it even contains a lot of the power of the law of thunder.

The law is locked, and Jiang Heng feels the magnetic force of the surrounding space surge rapidly at this moment when he is in close range, which is hundreds of times more exaggerated than the previous Thunder field.

The terrifying magnetic force was like big hands holding Jiang Heng firmly in place, unable to move.

Jiang Heng didn't dare to move the space carelessly and quickly, but the space also seemed to be glued with a layer of sticky glue, making it extremely sticky. The mud is difficult to move forward.

At this time, bursts of terrifying thunderstorms erupted, and the thrusting soaring spear made a shrill hiss in the void of space and shot towards Jiang Heng.

"The Law of Thunder, the Spear of Thunder God! Kill me, kid!"

The soul was hidden in the spear, and the tyrannical voice of the demigod Aquila resounded with murderous intent. Even if he lost his physical body, he was a demigod. But after all, the soul is the soul that loses its body, which means that it will be extremely uncomfortable for him to face the same level in the future, maybe the other party will use some means to deal with the soul, and he will have to wait for death.

However, once the body at the demigod level is damaged, the price required to condense it is unimaginable. Unless he has an extremely rich foundation or he is a direct member of some powerful forces, he may always be in the state of spirit and soul from now on.

Of course, it is also possible to take away the body of a domain master-level powerhouse, but that will greatly reduce the strength.

Fine goosebumps appeared on Jiang Heng's back instantly, and a terrifying sense of crisis swept over his body, which was an extreme crisis.

"Damn it!"

Jiang Heng secretly became ruthless, he gritted his teeth and directly burned part of the laws of space. Immediately, his grasp of space became much stronger, and his figure began to quickly drill into the cracks in space.

"Where to go!"

The Tianying demigod who was in the state of ecstasy could see clearly, and the next moment his ecstasy suddenly opened his mouth and spit out a wisp of emptiness and transparent thunder, slashing towards Jiang Heng.

This thunderbolt is faster than the thunderbolt in reality, and there is no way to dodge it. Almost instantly, Jiang Heng felt that his soul was shaking and almost collapsed.

Jiang Heng felt that if he were to be replaced by an ordinary master-level peak powerhouse, his soul would be scattered and collapsed immediately after being struck by this divine soul thunder.

Even so, Jiang Heng felt that the sea of ​​consciousness in his soul was vibrating violently, as if he was experiencing a terrible crisis of annihilation, and the sea of ​​consciousness was constantly shaking like a landslide.

Jiang Heng's soul body, who was originally sitting cross-legged in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, threw his head back and fell back, but quickly gritted his teeth to keep himself from falling into the sleepiness of the soul.

At the same time, he struggled to regain control of his physical body and drill towards the space crack.

"not good!"

Seeing this scene at this moment, Xingyun Demigod couldn't sit still. This blow made him feel an extreme sense of crisis, and he was even unavoidable. If he was hit, even his physical body would be hurt. light.

With a big palm, he was about to take Jiang Heng into his hand.

"Hmph! Get out!" At the same time, the barbarian king who was always watching the demigod Xingyun also made a bold move, and slapped the demigod Xingyun with his big hand across the air.


The two sides were evenly divided again, and no one was weaker than the other. At this time, the thunder had already passed away in a flash. The Thor's spear streaked across the void and disappeared hundreds of light years away. After penetrating countless stars along the way, it burst and turned into a road. The law returns to the long road.

The phantom of Tianying's demigod soul hovered in place, looking at the empty area with cloudy eyes, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

He carefully searched for the opponent's aura, if his guess was correct, the opponent must have disappeared under this blow, even the soul would be killed by his divine soul thunder.

At the same time, everyone around was waiting for the result with bated breath, the sudden reversal just now was too horrifying.

Only then did everyone remember that the Skyhawk demigod was a demigod after all, and no matter how bad the demigod was, a desperate blow would be enough to destroy the world and lay down millions of corpses.

Stab it!

Following a crack, a **** figure stumbled out of the crack.

Seeing this figure appear, everyone present was taken aback for a moment, and immediately couldn't help but gasped.

"This... Am I right? Didn't this kill him?"

"Is it possible that this boy, the domain lord, can't be beaten to death? Brother Tianying's blow just now is enough to kill an ordinary fourth-order All the demigods feel like hell.

But a demigod is still a demigod, and soon someone saw the clues.

"It's the law of space! This son masters one of the top laws of space, space and the physical body. This son's talent is terrifying!" A demigod who overlord the domain couldn't help but exclaimed, and looked at Jiang Heng again. At that time, I couldn't help but have a killing intent.

In the consensus of many powerhouses in the universe, if you meet a master of the top laws, you should either establish a good relationship with the other party in advance, but if you unintentionally have a grudge with the other party, you have to wipe the other party in the bud as soon as possible at all costs. Otherwise, once the other party grows up and dies, it will be you.

Not only these demigods, but even the barbarian king's eyes turned to look at Jiang Heng at this moment without hiding his murderous intent.

On the other hand, among the demigods in the Eastern District, although no killing intent was clearly shown, there was a trace of greed hidden deep in some people's eyes.

Even if the amount of top law is very small, as long as you collect a little bit, you can put it in Wanbaozhai in exchange for a huge amount of wealth.

But right now, Jiang Heng is one of his own after all, so it's not good for everyone to show greed blatantly.

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